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My BrotherMy older brother I've always thought was a loser, nerd and dull. My younger brother and I use to tease him growing up. But he went on to graduate with honors and got a great paying job. I married instead of going to university and had 2 children, my husband was on good money, and we spent it as it came in. Then my husband had an accident and died, I soon realized I was in trouble and needed help. Our parents were unable to help financially or with housing us. My younger brother was in the air fo...reading time 3 mingenre
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Shocked Sister
I married for moneyShort history my family had money and I got to go the best schools, but my father lost all the money. But he decided to take responsibility and jump of a cliff, I was his only child, and I was at university at the time. My father was a risk taker and took too many risks each time hoping to get back what he had lost and add to it as well. My mother wasn't well after giving birth to me and she passed away when I was 12. Luckily for me my university fees were all paid up before my father died not b...reading time 3 mingenre
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Bought Husband
My niece in Goa and me part 3After a couple of years after my niece at Goa encouraged me to try to fuck her mother ( my sister) I got an opportunity At that time I was 40 and sister 35. She had come for a tendays stay at my house. We were all alone at that time. In early night we decided to have some nonveg snacks and beer. I required two bottles of beer. I thought she will require only one bottle.But to my surprise she told two bottles. She added " Normally I take only one bottle, but today we should have some filthy talk...reading time 4 mingenre
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My niece in Goa and me part 3After a couple of years after my niece at Goa encouraged me to try to fuck her mother ( my sister) I got an opportunity At that time I was 40 and sister 35. She had come for a tendays stay at my house. We were all alone at that time. In early night we decided to have some nonveg snacks and beer. I required two bottles of beer. I thought she will require only one bottle.But to my surprise she told two bottles. She added " Normally I take only one bottle, but today we should have some filthy talk...reading time 3 mingenre
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Wife’s bff blows me and tells me about wife cheatingMy wife had a beautiful friend who, to me looked like a movie star. No exaggeration. When I met her she wore mink, had a huge diamond wedding ring, and drove a new Lincoln town car. She and I, to make it short, we’re soon fucking regularly. One day when my wife was working, this lady came over and soon she was giving me a great blow job. As she sucked she would stop,and talk dirty to me. One day she stopped sucking and as me if I had ever watched another man fuck my wife. I said no, but t...reading time 2 mingenre
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Riding the local GranniesI live on the edge of the best neighborhood in our small city, it's where the social elite live. My home which I inherited is just over the boundary of elite area in a sort of nowhere land. My street is a dead-end street with only my house at the end about 125 yards from the main street in the area a Cul-de-sac is the correct term, I think. With a large each side of the street you would have to look hard to find it, if you didn't know where it was. My uncle left the house as I'm a bit like him a...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Handyman
My NeighborGrowing my neighbor was Lucy same age as me and a bit of a tomboy and as I found out later preferred women to men. But I was only younger same age as her, we both went on to the same university and sort of drifted apart. Still neighbors, just didn't see as much of each as before. Anyway, I married my girlfriend Gwen at university in our final year after getting her pregnant. We lived with my parents, until they moved closer to my older sisters and their families as my father got a promotion and ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Wally (Wallace)
I thought my brother was GayMy brother David has always been kind and thoughtful and never played sports and preferred things like chess. He the smart one of the 2 of us I married at 21 and he done well at university and got a great career as a result. It was last year I was divorced and had 2 children and a loser ex-husband who was always late with the alimony. To save money and give my children good place to live. I moved in with David at my mother's suggestion, David was busy all the time and I assumed he was working an...reading time 3 mingenre
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Katherine the bad judge.
The CleanerI owe a small company that employs 23 staff, all except one workday time shifts Monay to Friday. The exception is the cleaner who 4-hour shifts Monday to Friday 5pm to 9pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm. Total of 26 hours a week for me, she did have other jobs and that's how she got by. I'm (46) widower of 4 years and my 2 children are out on their own. The cleaner is 54 5' slender fairly large breasts lives alone in a one room apartment in a seedy area of the city. She had a couple of jobs besides min...reading time 4 mingenre
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I bought a house/annex and 5 acres sight unseenI wasn't ever good with women and used hookers for sex, it easy to get and no hoops to jump thru to get it as long as you had the cash. My career was the complete opposite to my love life and at 36 I discovered I was in a rut and so I moved to country town. Bought my property and the town wasn't small it wasn't big enough to be called a city. I didn't want a place where everybody knows you, I'm the private person type. After settling in I got the lay of the land as they say and was quite happy t...reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy Lover/father
Shannon, Judith and MarionI was getting close to 40 and still single and had no siblings and so decided I should find a wife and start a family. I'm not what you would call overly handsome, I've a character's face you know like Curley from the three stooges. I was well off financially and was setup with a 4 bedroom and great career. I wasn't looking for a super model a plain Jane type would do. Well, I found my Plain Shannon 36 and single and she lived with her 2 sisters Judith 33 and Marion 38 all still and average look...reading time 3 mingenre
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Herbert family man
Man's needs come firstIn my family tradition a man's needs come first, in the old country it's always been that way and carries over to this day. Even in our new country, because of troubles in old country our family travel to a new life here and after 60 years we still practice the old ways. I was born here and married and by chance at the age of 31 2021 I became the family head as the last adult male. I had 3 children already and Covid had diminished the family somewhat. Which is why was family head in both my fami...reading time 3 mingenre
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Traditional Husband
Boss's Dog I hadn't realised that my boss owned a dog... not until she brought it to work after it's yearly check at the vet. She'd left it out in her SUV (windows down) until work was over for the day. I saw the dog on the way back in from lunch and, being interested in big dogs, I wandered over, as casually as I could, to take a closer look. Oh! He was a big boy! A Saint Bernard that filled up the back of the vehicle, making it move on the springs, as he moved to look at me, when I got too close to h...reading time 11 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
CuriousI don't know why, but for some reason I had been wondering what it would be like to kneel down for Max, our Rottie-X. One day, I led him into our outdoor laundry room and gave him the command to sit. His head was at exactly the right height for me to push my groin into his muzzle. He tried turning his head, but I held him in place and he licked me a couple of times. My heart pounding, I stepped back and unfastened my jeans, sliding them and my underpants to the floor. Max gave a whine and licked...reading time 3 mingenre
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A Farm VisitMy wife and I were spending a few days visiting our friends, Ross and Diane. We had spent a lot of time in their hot tub which led to some interesting adventures. On the third day we were at the farm, Ross took me to meet some of the stock. It consisted of a donkey and some goats including a big ram. When we entered the barn I found it curious that the ram was in a stall by himself. I didn't ask why but I soon found out. In the stall, there was little hay except a small trough under a win...reading time 12 mingenre
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Roon Johnson
The Boss's SonI'm the boss's son and now work for my father's company and I'm not a girl magnet as I wish I was. I'm quite awkward around younger women and get tongue tied, not so much mature women. But I'm lucky as my father's office manager Hazel 55 likes sex and as my father travels a great deal for company business. I was still a virgin at 26 joining the company and Hazel must have realized I was a virgin as she took me under her wing so to speak. Not straight away but she got more and more personal with ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Career and Family My luck was in and at university I met my now wife 26, I 26 was a scholarship, and she came from money as they say. Anyway, straight to family after we married and finished university, I started work for her family company. They had trouble in the past with husbands and wives playing around. It was the only thing that concerned my wife, as I got higher in the company I would have to start travelling. Her being pregnant made her concerned. But thru what I thought was a coincidence I got promoted...reading time 2 mingenre
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Loving Husband/ MIL fucker
My new familyShort history a few years ago I was 42 & divorced and had moved interstate to start over, my ex-wife had our 2 children and was again married. I had my new home a 4bedroom house in a good neighborhood. I had a housekeeper 52 slim and only 5'1" tall a very quiet woman, she worked 7 to 5 Monday to Friday might seem long hours for single guy to have housekeeper working. But she made all my meal breakfast, lunch and dinner and left prepared meals for the weekend and done my shopping, laundry and iro...reading time 5 mingenre
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Threesome Lover
The white witch, the finger and the suanaBack in the 1990s I was friends with a girl who was gay – well she was bi, but mainly by this point was into women. She was also a white witch and a bit of a seer. I met her one night for drinks in a pub in south London as, despite being a witch and a seer, she was perfectly normal and great company. We had some drinkies and a good chat then, as the pubs were closing she asked if I wanted to head back to her's to smoke some weed and carry on chatting. I happily accepted and off we went. Naturall...reading time 6 mingenre
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1990s Libertine
Adventures in a shared house part 4: fully made upFor those that haven't read parts 1, 2 and 3, I will set the scene. In the 1990s, I shared a house in South London with my girlfriend and two other girls. All of us were in our 20s and we liked to get drunk and muck about – which became increasingly sexual and free as the two years we lived together rolled along. One Thursday, I headed out after work with my workmates as the girls in the house were having a make up evening – you know the thing, where someone selling make up and beauty comes ove...reading time 5 mingenre
Group sex
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1990s Libertine
Family TraditionMy family is of a high social standing and I'm their black sheep. They have one control over me that I can't break, need for money which they provide. I Richard like to enjoy myself then actually work and as long as I don't shame the family, I'm left alone and get money off them. I left school after high school and didn't go on to university like other family members had. That was okay by them as long as I didn't shame them, and I could party all the time no problem. But there comes a time when ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Richard Reluctant husband.
SisterTwo years ago, my wife and her parents were hit by a large truck and died as a result. Leaving me with 2 small children 3 and 8 months old and I was leaving interstate from my family and only had my wife's sister 27 to help me. She was 2 years younger than my wife and was working as a part time model and shop assistant. Anyway, she moved in to help with the children and we comforted each other for our lose. One evening after the children were in their beds, our comforting became sexual and conti...reading time 1 mingenre
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Wife's sister lover
The King's ChamberDominant, attractive and white, Leroy - a sexist 34-year-old – thought that females are inferior, the exact reason he'd married the 32-y/o Sylvia, particularly because he rejected the institution as being sacred. She was buxom, had reddish-blonde hair, fine legs and round haunches. However, Sylvia quickly demonstrated her nasty desires and Leroy exploited her at The Scarlet Letter Club on an August, Saturday night when he ordered her to dress in panties, high-heeled shoes and a bra. She did ...reading time 3 mingenre
Group sex
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Needing to MarryI was getting on at 40 still single and not doing any good with my few relationships. I felt useless and wanted a family of my own like my siblings had. I'm the oldest of 4 and still hadn't married, only lost my virginity because I paid a hooker. I'm not what you would call handsome I'm skinny and now balding and wear glasses. But that's not an excuse as other men get wives who aren't better than I am. Feeling a total failure, I read about mail order brides and thought maybe that was my only cha...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Happy with Result
Overseas to workI went overseas to work in 2017 as there wasn't much planned being done here major construction wise. I would get greater experience overseas than at home. I was having a great time and made a lot of money and got married. Marriage wasn't on my agenda when I left, but it became important as I made a big mistake. I'd an assistant 19 who was to help with the language, and she had never drunk alcohol before, and Alcohol was illegal in her country, and I 34 took advantage of her. Not such a big deal...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Accidental Husband
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