Indoctrination - Chapter 19
Night Owl
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Chapter 19: The Coming Out Party
"Amber . . . Amber, wake up."
Amber heard Monique's voice through the fog of sleep, so sound it was, that she didn't even feel the early morning light streaming through the window on her face.
"Where . . .?"
"You're on the couch . . . the party last night. Don't you remember?"
"Oh . . . yes, the party," she answered groggily.
"Come on now. You have to get up and serve breakfast with the others, then we clean house. Get going." Monique unlocked the chain from Amber's collar, then went over to wake up Shii Ann.
Slowly, she sat up and stretched her arms, allowing the blanket to slide off her naked shoulders. A slight tinge of pain jabbed her lower back. Last night, Amber had hoped she would be sleeping with Raven again, and maybe with the beautiful Daphne sharing his bed with them, but as it turned out, they were together and she was on the couch.
She sighed and looked around her. Some of the guests who couldn't secure a bedroom had found places to sleep around canopied fireplace. One man lay stretched and naked on a full-length velvet couch. A pretty brunette was curled up on the other end like a cat with her head resting between his legs.
Slowly, events from the previous night seeped back into her memory. Amber remembered how dejected she felt after seeing Raven and Daphne together in his room, and the smile on her Master's face when he saw her standing in the doorway. The rest of the evening was a blur after that. She continued to serve drinks to the guests, but her mind wasn't all there. Finally, at about 4:00 am, Monique told her to get some rest, and guided her to the couch. While Amber undressed, her collar was locked to a chain attached to a ring set hidden underneath.
"Good night," Monique whispered, then kissed her on the cheek. She had never kissed Amber like that before, but as strange as it felt, it was comforting.
"Good night," she answered.
Naked, and very much alone under the covers, Amber tested the chain to her collar. Her hands moved around her breasts, then down between her legs, and she found that she was still sexually charged as she fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Now that morning, she would have to face Raven and Daphne again. She put on the camisk Monique had laid out for her, and went to work in the kitchen.
Serving breakfast proved more challenging than usual. Two long tables were set up in the dining room. Amber served the guests as they filed in while Loryanna and Shii Ann prepared their meals. It wasn't until late in the morning when the crowd died down, that Raven made his appearance. Not surprisingly, Daphne was with him. She had on a brown single sleeve mini dress that left virtually no coverage for her slender legs. The one sleeve was long and voluminous while the other side commanded attention as it swooped down from the neck, leaving her shoulder and the other arm completely uncovered. Goodwin Stryker and his friend Ethan Rom followed them in. Each had a girl of his own. Amber did her best to keep her emotions hidden while she served the group, and thankfully, Raven said nothing to the others about what happened the night before. Daphne only glanced at Amber for a moment then her eyes dropped to her plate.
After everyone had finished, they slowly began to file out. That gave the servers a chance to eat in the kitchen.
"I’m exhausted," Shii Ann sat down heavily in her chair with her plate. "What a night."
"Me too," Loryanna agreed, then she leaned in and whispered, "but it’s not over for some of us yet. Amber, I think they have something planned for you and me later. I overheard Master Raven and Sir Goodwin talking about it."
"What exactly did they say?" Amber asked.
"I couldn't hear any details, but I heard our names mentioned, so be ready."
"Don’t worry, Amber," Shii Ann chimed in. "You’re still a white silk, so for you, it shouldn’t be too heavy."
Just as the girls had finished the dishes, Amber and Loryanna were both called before Sonia, and given their maid costumes and work assignments. Amber's outfit was a strapless, ‘peasant girl’ mini with a bodice underneath that nearly crushed her breasts together while leaving her arms and shoulders bare. Her legs were covered in black fishnet and the heels she wore were so high, she could barely walk in them. It was Amber's job to clean and polish the silverware, while Loryanna, who was dressed in a similar outfit had the more difficult job of cleaning the floors.
Both Loryanna and Daphne belonged to Master Goodwin, the two women couldn't have been more different in their demeanor. That 'blank stare' she saw in Daphne's pale green eyes didn't exist with Loryanna. Most of the slaves submitted out of fear initially, then a kind of numbness seemed to take over. Some of them were so far gone they showed little emotion at all, unless sexually aroused or struck with a whip. Loryanna seemed stronger than that, the kind of strength that endured by learning to make the best of her situation without letting it break her spirit.
Since meeting them both at the party last night, Amber often wondered which woman she would become after her training was over and she was sold off to another owner, Daphne or Loryanna, then finally concluded she wasn’t going to wait to find out.
For the first time since her arrival, Amber came to a moment of charity. Her mind was no longer a mesh of unrestrained and confusing emotions brought on by isolation and non-stop torment. For now on, she would continue to do whatever was asked of her. She would be the good and obedient slave, until the right opportunity for escape presented itself. Amber knew it would be a while before that happened, so the only question was, could she last that long, or would she eventually end up like Daphne and the others?
The sharp sound of broken glass broke Amber's thoughts. A crystal bowl she had left on the kitchen countertop was set too close to the edge and had fallen to the floor.
"Dammit!" Amber cursed herself.
The sound brought both Sonia and Monique to the kitchen.
"What happened?" asked Sonia.
"I broke a bowl, Mistress."
"I can see that."
"I’m sorry, Mistress."
"Clean it up. There will be a special punishment for you this evening," said Sonia.
Monique remained behind to help.
"You need to keep your mind on your work, and forget about Daphne," she said.
"What do you mean?" Amber nearly cut herself on a piece of glass.
"It's pretty obvious how you feel about her," Monique said. "You best let the whole thing go. From what I've heard, Sir Goodwin plans to sell her to another owner, and that he lives somewhere in Europe."
"Monique!" Sonia called from the other room, "get back to your work! You know what will happen if you don't!"
"Gotta go . . . she's in a bad mood today," Monique said and quickly left the room.
Amber felt even more dejected and lonely while she cleaned up the mess that she had made. Somehow, she managed to avoid crying, and told herself repeatedly to keep her head straight. She would have to, no matter what, if she was going to find a way out of this place. She thought about Shane and his promises to help her escape in exchange for some “favors”, but she knew those were all lies. She was on her own.
Perched on her high heels, Amber forced herself to concentrate on cleaning up all the traces of glass from the kitchen floor.
Dinner later that evening was strained. Everyone, with the exception of Raven, seemed tired from the party and working all day in getting the house back in order again. Masters ate first, then the slaves. Goodwin Stryker and Ethan Rom were the only guests left from the previous night, and the three men remained in the dining room while the girls ate, smoking their cigars. Sonia was noticeably absent.
When the tables were cleared, Raven rose from his chair and led his guests out to the Grand room.
"I want both of you to go with Monique down to the dungeon," he directed the order to Loryanna and Daphne. "Amber, go up to my office and wait for me there."
After he left, the three women eyed each other silently. What was going to happen tonight? Amber knew for sure she was going to be punished for breaking the glass bowl. After that, she had no clue.
While the other kajira cleaned the kitchen, she climbed the stairs to Raven's den as instructed and stood silently in front of his desk. Ten minutes later, Raven entered.
"I was told you broke a serving bowl today."
"Yes, Sir," Amber answered. "It was an accident, I'm sorry, Sir."
"Perhaps there was something else on your mind other than your work?"
"I don't know Sir. I just put it too close to the edge on the table."
"The reason why I asked, is that you seem distracted lately. Is there anything you would like to discuss?"
"N-no, Sir."
"I see," Raven didn't seem convinced. "Well, like you said, it was an accident."
"Yes, Sir," Amber felt a little relieved. Perhaps she wasn't going to be punished after all.
"By the way," Raven reached into a drawer of his desk and pulled out his riding crop. "Have you ever handled one of these?"
"No, Sir."
"How about a whip or a flogger?"
"No, Sir."
He put the crop in the desk. "Pick it up," he ordered.
"You heard me. Pick up the crop, or do I have to strike your pretty ass with it?"
Hesitantly, Amber reached out and grasped the ivory handle. It felt awkward in her hand. She remembered seeing it sitting on this very desk the night she arrived at Dark Oak Manor and met Raven for the first time. Since then, she had been on the receiving end of it . . . many times.
"You can flex it," Raven grinned. "It won't bite."
Doing as she was told, she ran her fingers over its entire length and bent the tip of it with her left hand.
"How long have you been with us?" he asked.
"I'm not sure, two weeks I guess. Maybe three."
"During that time, have you ever wondered just how it might feel to hold a crop like this and then use it on someone else?"
Amber hesitated.
"You can be honest with me," Raven persisted. "I won't be angry, but I expect an answer."
"Yes, Sir. I've often thought about it," she admitted.
"Would you like to?"
"You heard me. You've felt that crop against your flesh at least a dozen times. Wouldn't you like to use it on another girl?"
Amber was struck speechless. Sure, she had fantasized about it a few times, but she could never go through with inflicting pain like that on someone else; especially on another slave!
"If I don’t hear an answer, then it will be 20 strokes for you." Raven raised his voice slightly.
"I couldn't do it, Sir," Amber replied cautiously. "I’m sorry."
"Would you rather take the punishment yourself, then?"
"What punishment?"
"For the glass bowl, remember?"
"B-but I thought . . ."
"We both agreed it was an accident, but someone has to be punished for it," Raven carefully took the crop from Amber's hand. "Now I'm in a charitable mood, tonight. So it doesn't matter who receives the strokes, just so long as it gets done. Sir Goodwin has been kind enough to offer Loryanna or Daphne to you, just for tonight. You can choose one or the other."
Amber still couldn’t answer and she began to suspect this might be a trick or some sort of test.
"So will you accept this gift? Because if not, then you will now get double the count I mentioned before. That's 40 strokes."
"Decide, pet. Either I punish you severely, or you punish someone else. Make your choice."
The words choked in Amber's mouth.
"It’s a simple answer."
"Master, I . . . I would rather punish someone else," the words finally spilled out.
"Good. Now which girl? Loryanna or Daphne?"
"I . . . I don't know . . ."
"Answer me. Which girl?"
"Daphne," she mumbled.
"Speak louder."
"Sir, I would like to punish Daphne," Amber repeated.
"Good," he smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"Sir?" Amber wasn't sure what was to happen next.
"Come with me," Raven guided her out into the hall. "We'll have to find something more appropriate for you to wear this evening. After all, you're a Mistress now, and you certainly can't whip a slave girl dressed in that outfit."
Amber was ushered to the dressing room where Shii Ann had been waiting, and quickly divested of her heels, collar and her maid's uniform. She was bathed quickly under a hot shower and toweled off. Shii Ann then helped her with her hair while she sat there in a black g-string staring into the mirror.
"This is what Master Raven selected for you tonight." Shii Ann pulled an outfit out of the closet -- a vest, laced up the front, a bra, and mini shirt, all in shiny black leather. After Amber put the dress on, she was then handed a pair of spike-heeled boots,
"Now put these on," Shii Ann softly ordered.
Amber sat on the chair, bent over and slipped the boots over her legs. They were a perfect fit. The tops reached well above the knee and the soft black leather hugged her thighs without chafing the skin. Finally, black 'opera' gloves were slipped on her arms. The new outfit added a forbidden sensuality to Amber's beautiful figure. It made her feel very strange, since she was now wearing the clothing of a Dom instead of a slave.
When they arrived in the dungeon, Amber was not surprised to see just what Raven had ordered. Daphne was chained and naked, except for her slave collar and bracelets on her wrists and ankles. The bracelets were attached to two chains that dropped from the ceiling, and two rings mounted into the floor, to keep her nude body stretched like an X with her feet suspended just inches off the floor. She was also wearing a blindfold.
Raven stood silently next to his handiwork. On a table behind them were an assortment of whips, floggers, and other instruments of torture that Amber recognized all too well.
Goodwin Stryker and Ethan Rom were seated in leather chairs, each with a drink in his hand. The other kajira were kneeling in a line nearby – Monique, Loryanna, Marin, and Livia, who had performed the Gorean slave dance the previous night. Shii Ann quickly took her position next to them. Shane stood behind them with the other two handlers, Tony and Len standing ready nearby if needed. Once again, there was no sign of Mistress Sonia.
"The leather outfit suits her," Stryker commented. "I would very much like to put this girl in one of my films before you sell her off."
"That can be arranged," Raven answered, "for a price, of course."
"Only if we discuss it over a brandy."
"I warn you. I drive a hard bargain drunk or sober," both men grinned.
Raven then turned to Amber, "Come here, pet."
She strode over to Raven, her eyes darting over to Daphne. She was already perspiring. Sweat glistened off her forehead, chest and inside the hollows of her smooth armpits. Her pubic area was freshly shaved, so Amber could see her pink folds were already moist. Her clit shined like a pearl with a small gold ring pierced through it. Amber had never seen a woman’s cliterous pierced like that before.
"You may begin," he told Amber.
"Daphne is your slave for tonight, and a new slave must be inspected carefully and critically. You of all people should know this, having experienced it yourself."
"Yes, Sir."
Hesitantly, Amber moved closer. She saw how Daphne was both confined and stretched in the chains. She saw how Daphne’s breasts stood out from her ribs. Amber began stroking them. Daphne's stomach sank inward as she drew a breath.
Suddenly, Amber's uncertainty melted away. The woman she had been so obsessed with at the party was now hanging before her with every curve, every intimate part of her body exposed and made accessible. She squeezed Daphne's breasts gently and kneaded the soft flesh between her fingers, then pinched her nipples. Daphne bit her lip and stifled a soft cry as Amber’s actions sent a jolt of pleasure through her breasts. Amber knew the feeling well, having been through it many times as Raven said, and that knowledge seemed to bring both women more intimately together.
She ran her hands down Daphne’s sides, past her navel, then inward between her thighs. She felt the warmth and wetness guarding her sex and gently played with the ring in her clit, flicking it lightly. This made Daphne flinch within her chains, then her head dropped backward and she moaned.
For the first time in her life, Amber knew what it was like to be the one in control. Running both hands around to Daphne's buttocks, she pulled the slave against her own body and kissed her on the lips. After the kiss, Amber backed away, and felt her cheeks flush red. For a moment, she had forgotten there were others in the room watching.
"Continue," Raven ordered.
Daphne shifted her body in the chains and moaned again. Seeing how excited she had become, Amber reached down again and cupped her hand over the girl's shaved mound. She slowly pushed one finger forward. This drew a gasp from Daphne, and her body stiffened as the digit invaded her. In a bold move, she reached for Daphne's blindfold and pulled it off so she could see those pale green eyes that had captivated her so much upon first seeing them. Daphne blinked several times as if awakening from a deep sleep, then saw that it was Amber who had been fondling her.
"Sir?" she gave her Master a puzzled look.
"It's alright, pet," Stryker told her. "We've decided that Amber will be your mistress you tonight."
"Yes, Sir."
This emboldened Amber even further. She squeezed the flesh between Daphne’s legs, now dripping with desire and spoke loudly so everyone could hear,
"What is your desire?"
"To please you, Mistress," was Daphne’s immediate answer.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them, their eyes locked, until Raven finally broke in,
"It’s time to administer the punishment," he ordered as he stood next to the table where the leather instruments lay waiting.
Amber broke the gaze and approached the table. Selecting a riding crop with a broad leather tip, she circled Daphne slowly, teasing her first, then administered the first stroke with a gentle slap on Daphne's outer thigh. It produced a barely audible thwack in the silence.
"Harder," Raven ordered. "Show the girl you mean business."
Amber struck her again. This time the blow landed across her left breast, raising a red mark just above the nipple. Daphne jerked and yelped. Her chains rattled. Slowly and with ever increasing force Amber continued to strike the more provocative parts of Daphne's naked body. She struck her breasts again, and her nipples, making Daphne flinch against her chains. She stuck at Daphne's abdomen, leaving a few red marks just below her navel. Then she laid a few between Daphne's thighs, slapping the crop from one side to another.
Satisfied, and confident that the crop would not explode into flames because a slave was handling it, Amber became more adventurous. She walked around and proceeded to strike at Daphne's tush. She left many red marks on both bare cheeks.
Amber grew bolder and more aroused with each stroke. She relished the feel of the leather outfit against her own body. The scent of it, mingled with the rivers of sweat flowing from Daphne's naked flesh, was intoxicating. Just hours before, she was a mere slave. Now she was the Dom, and it felt very different!
With a nod of approval from both Raven and Stryker, she walked over to the table to search for other instruments to use. She saw a coiled whip, clamps, a dildo, and many other things. She grabbed four steel clamps and went back to Daphne.
Without a word of warning, she placed a clamp on Daphne's right nipple. She gradually tightened the screw until it stayed of its own accord. Then she applied a clamp to the other nipple, and two more to Daphne's outer lips guarding her vagina. Daphne squirmed and moaned in response.
"Mistress, please," she begged.
"Do you want more?" asked Amber, suddenly.
"No, Mistress," replied the chained girl.
Amber pulled at the clamps that she had placed on Daphne's nether lips. Each time she did so, the slave flinched in her chains. She tried to twist her body away, but the chains were implacable. What could a naked girl do against steel and leather?
Amber removed all four clips and returned them to the table. She then grabbed the whip. The tightly braided leather was well oiled. Again, the scent struck her nostrils and excited her. Since she was not trained in its use, Raven gave her a quick demonstration, and told her she was allowed 12 strokes -- no more. Amber tested the whip first by striking out into the empty air as Raven showed her.
"Use more of your wrist," he instructed.
SNAP . . . SNAP!
The whip cracked again and again until Amber felt she was ready to try it on live flesh. Then she turned to her slave.
Daphne was trembling, her alluring green eyes now wide as saucers. After all, what could be more terrifying than facing a whip in the hands of someone with no proper skills, but certainly the willingness to use it?
"Are you ready for the whip?" Amber asked her.
"Y-yes, Mistress," Daphne answered, her voice shaking.
"Do you deserve the whip?"
"Yes, Mistress. I deserve the whip."
Amber began again by striking slowly and softly. She didn't want to hurt Daphne, not really, but she did want to show her slave that she was serious about the whip. Each stroke was more intense, until the whip curled around Daphne’s naked body like a snake, pulling her forward. During this part of the session, Raven gave her more advice on her technique so the blows would not leave lasting scars on the girl's flesh.
She struck silently, circling and never targeting the same place twice. Her aim was inexperienced, so her strokes often landed where she did not expect them to. Still, Daphne's cunt and breasts often received a stroke, making her squeal and moan. The sounds of her screams and the whip cracking against her flesh seemed to bounce off the walls and reverberate throughout the whole dungeon.
After the 12th and final count, Daphne was no longer the graceful, alluring beauty that had captured Amber's heart at the party, but a tortured wretch covered in red marks.
Amber coiled the whip and presented it to Daphne, in the same manner Sonia had done with her whenever she was being disciplined.
"Kiss it," Amber ordered, "Kiss it or else they'll be many more."
"Yes, Mistress," and Daphne kissed the whip handle followed by a gentle stroke of her tongue.
Amber wanted to feel those moist, pinks lips against her own, open mouthed, with their tongues dancing inside, but she knew the session was over.
"You're done now pet," Raven told her.
Amber handed him the whip, handle first, eyes cast downward in slave fashion.
"Thank you, Master," she said.
"You show promise, no matter which end of the whip you're on," Raven complemented her.
"I agree," Stryker added. "I'd like to buy her from you, before I leave tomorrow if possible. I'll even throw in Daphne here in the deal."
"Sorry, my friend. If you want her, you'll have to wait for the auction and bid on her like everyone else. She'll bring in hefty price too."
Raven then placed his hand against Amber's cheek, "You may go now, pet." The gesture surprised her because it was so affectionate. He was equally surprised and impressed with how Amber carried herself.
"Why don't we keep her with us for the evening?" Ethan Rom broke in. "I'd hate to see her go after THAT performance."
"No," said Raven. "She's still in training and she's had enough for tonight."
He motioned Shii Ann over and she took Amber back to the dressing room.
Amber felt deep inside her that something had changed. Later that night, she was once again chained in her cell. Her hands had been linked to her collar so that she couldn't touch herself. Her ankles were also fastened to the corners of her cot to keep her from grinding her thighs together. Desperately, she wanted to finish the experience with an orgasm, but she knew that would be denied to her by Raven – perhaps this was her punishment for breaking the dish. She even hoped that Shane might come for one of his ‘visits’ but that never happened. All she could do now was relax and try to get some sleep, though it would be difficult after everything she had seen and experienced those last 24 hours.
Master Goodwin Stryker and his party left early the next morning. A week later, Amber would learn that Daphne had been sold to another owner who lived in Paris, France. Amber realized she would never see her again, and though the news saddened her, deep down, she was also relieved to be released of her spell.
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Chapter 19: The Coming Out Party
"Amber . . . Amber, wake up."
Amber heard Monique's voice through the fog of sleep, so sound it was, that she didn't even feel the early morning light streaming through the window on her face.
"Where . . .?"
"You're on the couch . . . the party last night. Don't you remember?"
"Oh . . . yes, the party," she answered groggily.
"Come on now. You have to get up and serve breakfast with the others, then we clean house. Get going." Monique unlocked the chain from Amber's collar, then went over to wake up Shii Ann.
Slowly, she sat up and stretched her arms, allowing the blanket to slide off her naked shoulders. A slight tinge of pain jabbed her lower back. Last night, Amber had hoped she would be sleeping with Raven again, and maybe with the beautiful Daphne sharing his bed with them, but as it turned out, they were together and she was on the couch.
She sighed and looked around her. Some of the guests who couldn't secure a bedroom had found places to sleep around canopied fireplace. One man lay stretched and naked on a full-length velvet couch. A pretty brunette was curled up on the other end like a cat with her head resting between his legs.
Slowly, events from the previous night seeped back into her memory. Amber remembered how dejected she felt after seeing Raven and Daphne together in his room, and the smile on her Master's face when he saw her standing in the doorway. The rest of the evening was a blur after that. She continued to serve drinks to the guests, but her mind wasn't all there. Finally, at about 4:00 am, Monique told her to get some rest, and guided her to the couch. While Amber undressed, her collar was locked to a chain attached to a ring set hidden underneath.
"Good night," Monique whispered, then kissed her on the cheek. She had never kissed Amber like that before, but as strange as it felt, it was comforting.
"Good night," she answered.
Naked, and very much alone under the covers, Amber tested the chain to her collar. Her hands moved around her breasts, then down between her legs, and she found that she was still sexually charged as she fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Now that morning, she would have to face Raven and Daphne again. She put on the camisk Monique had laid out for her, and went to work in the kitchen.
Serving breakfast proved more challenging than usual. Two long tables were set up in the dining room. Amber served the guests as they filed in while Loryanna and Shii Ann prepared their meals. It wasn't until late in the morning when the crowd died down, that Raven made his appearance. Not surprisingly, Daphne was with him. She had on a brown single sleeve mini dress that left virtually no coverage for her slender legs. The one sleeve was long and voluminous while the other side commanded attention as it swooped down from the neck, leaving her shoulder and the other arm completely uncovered. Goodwin Stryker and his friend Ethan Rom followed them in. Each had a girl of his own. Amber did her best to keep her emotions hidden while she served the group, and thankfully, Raven said nothing to the others about what happened the night before. Daphne only glanced at Amber for a moment then her eyes dropped to her plate.
After everyone had finished, they slowly began to file out. That gave the servers a chance to eat in the kitchen.
"I’m exhausted," Shii Ann sat down heavily in her chair with her plate. "What a night."
"Me too," Loryanna agreed, then she leaned in and whispered, "but it’s not over for some of us yet. Amber, I think they have something planned for you and me later. I overheard Master Raven and Sir Goodwin talking about it."
"What exactly did they say?" Amber asked.
"I couldn't hear any details, but I heard our names mentioned, so be ready."
"Don’t worry, Amber," Shii Ann chimed in. "You’re still a white silk, so for you, it shouldn’t be too heavy."
Just as the girls had finished the dishes, Amber and Loryanna were both called before Sonia, and given their maid costumes and work assignments. Amber's outfit was a strapless, ‘peasant girl’ mini with a bodice underneath that nearly crushed her breasts together while leaving her arms and shoulders bare. Her legs were covered in black fishnet and the heels she wore were so high, she could barely walk in them. It was Amber's job to clean and polish the silverware, while Loryanna, who was dressed in a similar outfit had the more difficult job of cleaning the floors.
Both Loryanna and Daphne belonged to Master Goodwin, the two women couldn't have been more different in their demeanor. That 'blank stare' she saw in Daphne's pale green eyes didn't exist with Loryanna. Most of the slaves submitted out of fear initially, then a kind of numbness seemed to take over. Some of them were so far gone they showed little emotion at all, unless sexually aroused or struck with a whip. Loryanna seemed stronger than that, the kind of strength that endured by learning to make the best of her situation without letting it break her spirit.
Since meeting them both at the party last night, Amber often wondered which woman she would become after her training was over and she was sold off to another owner, Daphne or Loryanna, then finally concluded she wasn’t going to wait to find out.
For the first time since her arrival, Amber came to a moment of charity. Her mind was no longer a mesh of unrestrained and confusing emotions brought on by isolation and non-stop torment. For now on, she would continue to do whatever was asked of her. She would be the good and obedient slave, until the right opportunity for escape presented itself. Amber knew it would be a while before that happened, so the only question was, could she last that long, or would she eventually end up like Daphne and the others?
The sharp sound of broken glass broke Amber's thoughts. A crystal bowl she had left on the kitchen countertop was set too close to the edge and had fallen to the floor.
"Dammit!" Amber cursed herself.
The sound brought both Sonia and Monique to the kitchen.
"What happened?" asked Sonia.
"I broke a bowl, Mistress."
"I can see that."
"I’m sorry, Mistress."
"Clean it up. There will be a special punishment for you this evening," said Sonia.
Monique remained behind to help.
"You need to keep your mind on your work, and forget about Daphne," she said.
"What do you mean?" Amber nearly cut herself on a piece of glass.
"It's pretty obvious how you feel about her," Monique said. "You best let the whole thing go. From what I've heard, Sir Goodwin plans to sell her to another owner, and that he lives somewhere in Europe."
"Monique!" Sonia called from the other room, "get back to your work! You know what will happen if you don't!"
"Gotta go . . . she's in a bad mood today," Monique said and quickly left the room.
Amber felt even more dejected and lonely while she cleaned up the mess that she had made. Somehow, she managed to avoid crying, and told herself repeatedly to keep her head straight. She would have to, no matter what, if she was going to find a way out of this place. She thought about Shane and his promises to help her escape in exchange for some “favors”, but she knew those were all lies. She was on her own.
Perched on her high heels, Amber forced herself to concentrate on cleaning up all the traces of glass from the kitchen floor.
Dinner later that evening was strained. Everyone, with the exception of Raven, seemed tired from the party and working all day in getting the house back in order again. Masters ate first, then the slaves. Goodwin Stryker and Ethan Rom were the only guests left from the previous night, and the three men remained in the dining room while the girls ate, smoking their cigars. Sonia was noticeably absent.
When the tables were cleared, Raven rose from his chair and led his guests out to the Grand room.
"I want both of you to go with Monique down to the dungeon," he directed the order to Loryanna and Daphne. "Amber, go up to my office and wait for me there."
After he left, the three women eyed each other silently. What was going to happen tonight? Amber knew for sure she was going to be punished for breaking the glass bowl. After that, she had no clue.
While the other kajira cleaned the kitchen, she climbed the stairs to Raven's den as instructed and stood silently in front of his desk. Ten minutes later, Raven entered.
"I was told you broke a serving bowl today."
"Yes, Sir," Amber answered. "It was an accident, I'm sorry, Sir."
"Perhaps there was something else on your mind other than your work?"
"I don't know Sir. I just put it too close to the edge on the table."
"The reason why I asked, is that you seem distracted lately. Is there anything you would like to discuss?"
"N-no, Sir."
"I see," Raven didn't seem convinced. "Well, like you said, it was an accident."
"Yes, Sir," Amber felt a little relieved. Perhaps she wasn't going to be punished after all.
"By the way," Raven reached into a drawer of his desk and pulled out his riding crop. "Have you ever handled one of these?"
"No, Sir."
"How about a whip or a flogger?"
"No, Sir."
He put the crop in the desk. "Pick it up," he ordered.
"You heard me. Pick up the crop, or do I have to strike your pretty ass with it?"
Hesitantly, Amber reached out and grasped the ivory handle. It felt awkward in her hand. She remembered seeing it sitting on this very desk the night she arrived at Dark Oak Manor and met Raven for the first time. Since then, she had been on the receiving end of it . . . many times.
"You can flex it," Raven grinned. "It won't bite."
Doing as she was told, she ran her fingers over its entire length and bent the tip of it with her left hand.
"How long have you been with us?" he asked.
"I'm not sure, two weeks I guess. Maybe three."
"During that time, have you ever wondered just how it might feel to hold a crop like this and then use it on someone else?"
Amber hesitated.
"You can be honest with me," Raven persisted. "I won't be angry, but I expect an answer."
"Yes, Sir. I've often thought about it," she admitted.
"Would you like to?"
"You heard me. You've felt that crop against your flesh at least a dozen times. Wouldn't you like to use it on another girl?"
Amber was struck speechless. Sure, she had fantasized about it a few times, but she could never go through with inflicting pain like that on someone else; especially on another slave!
"If I don’t hear an answer, then it will be 20 strokes for you." Raven raised his voice slightly.
"I couldn't do it, Sir," Amber replied cautiously. "I’m sorry."
"Would you rather take the punishment yourself, then?"
"What punishment?"
"For the glass bowl, remember?"
"B-but I thought . . ."
"We both agreed it was an accident, but someone has to be punished for it," Raven carefully took the crop from Amber's hand. "Now I'm in a charitable mood, tonight. So it doesn't matter who receives the strokes, just so long as it gets done. Sir Goodwin has been kind enough to offer Loryanna or Daphne to you, just for tonight. You can choose one or the other."
Amber still couldn’t answer and she began to suspect this might be a trick or some sort of test.
"So will you accept this gift? Because if not, then you will now get double the count I mentioned before. That's 40 strokes."
"Decide, pet. Either I punish you severely, or you punish someone else. Make your choice."
The words choked in Amber's mouth.
"It’s a simple answer."
"Master, I . . . I would rather punish someone else," the words finally spilled out.
"Good. Now which girl? Loryanna or Daphne?"
"I . . . I don't know . . ."
"Answer me. Which girl?"
"Daphne," she mumbled.
"Speak louder."
"Sir, I would like to punish Daphne," Amber repeated.
"Good," he smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"Sir?" Amber wasn't sure what was to happen next.
"Come with me," Raven guided her out into the hall. "We'll have to find something more appropriate for you to wear this evening. After all, you're a Mistress now, and you certainly can't whip a slave girl dressed in that outfit."
Amber was ushered to the dressing room where Shii Ann had been waiting, and quickly divested of her heels, collar and her maid's uniform. She was bathed quickly under a hot shower and toweled off. Shii Ann then helped her with her hair while she sat there in a black g-string staring into the mirror.
"This is what Master Raven selected for you tonight." Shii Ann pulled an outfit out of the closet -- a vest, laced up the front, a bra, and mini shirt, all in shiny black leather. After Amber put the dress on, she was then handed a pair of spike-heeled boots,
"Now put these on," Shii Ann softly ordered.
Amber sat on the chair, bent over and slipped the boots over her legs. They were a perfect fit. The tops reached well above the knee and the soft black leather hugged her thighs without chafing the skin. Finally, black 'opera' gloves were slipped on her arms. The new outfit added a forbidden sensuality to Amber's beautiful figure. It made her feel very strange, since she was now wearing the clothing of a Dom instead of a slave.
When they arrived in the dungeon, Amber was not surprised to see just what Raven had ordered. Daphne was chained and naked, except for her slave collar and bracelets on her wrists and ankles. The bracelets were attached to two chains that dropped from the ceiling, and two rings mounted into the floor, to keep her nude body stretched like an X with her feet suspended just inches off the floor. She was also wearing a blindfold.
Raven stood silently next to his handiwork. On a table behind them were an assortment of whips, floggers, and other instruments of torture that Amber recognized all too well.
Goodwin Stryker and Ethan Rom were seated in leather chairs, each with a drink in his hand. The other kajira were kneeling in a line nearby – Monique, Loryanna, Marin, and Livia, who had performed the Gorean slave dance the previous night. Shii Ann quickly took her position next to them. Shane stood behind them with the other two handlers, Tony and Len standing ready nearby if needed. Once again, there was no sign of Mistress Sonia.
"The leather outfit suits her," Stryker commented. "I would very much like to put this girl in one of my films before you sell her off."
"That can be arranged," Raven answered, "for a price, of course."
"Only if we discuss it over a brandy."
"I warn you. I drive a hard bargain drunk or sober," both men grinned.
Raven then turned to Amber, "Come here, pet."
She strode over to Raven, her eyes darting over to Daphne. She was already perspiring. Sweat glistened off her forehead, chest and inside the hollows of her smooth armpits. Her pubic area was freshly shaved, so Amber could see her pink folds were already moist. Her clit shined like a pearl with a small gold ring pierced through it. Amber had never seen a woman’s cliterous pierced like that before.
"You may begin," he told Amber.
"Daphne is your slave for tonight, and a new slave must be inspected carefully and critically. You of all people should know this, having experienced it yourself."
"Yes, Sir."
Hesitantly, Amber moved closer. She saw how Daphne was both confined and stretched in the chains. She saw how Daphne’s breasts stood out from her ribs. Amber began stroking them. Daphne's stomach sank inward as she drew a breath.
Suddenly, Amber's uncertainty melted away. The woman she had been so obsessed with at the party was now hanging before her with every curve, every intimate part of her body exposed and made accessible. She squeezed Daphne's breasts gently and kneaded the soft flesh between her fingers, then pinched her nipples. Daphne bit her lip and stifled a soft cry as Amber’s actions sent a jolt of pleasure through her breasts. Amber knew the feeling well, having been through it many times as Raven said, and that knowledge seemed to bring both women more intimately together.
She ran her hands down Daphne’s sides, past her navel, then inward between her thighs. She felt the warmth and wetness guarding her sex and gently played with the ring in her clit, flicking it lightly. This made Daphne flinch within her chains, then her head dropped backward and she moaned.
For the first time in her life, Amber knew what it was like to be the one in control. Running both hands around to Daphne's buttocks, she pulled the slave against her own body and kissed her on the lips. After the kiss, Amber backed away, and felt her cheeks flush red. For a moment, she had forgotten there were others in the room watching.
"Continue," Raven ordered.
Daphne shifted her body in the chains and moaned again. Seeing how excited she had become, Amber reached down again and cupped her hand over the girl's shaved mound. She slowly pushed one finger forward. This drew a gasp from Daphne, and her body stiffened as the digit invaded her. In a bold move, she reached for Daphne's blindfold and pulled it off so she could see those pale green eyes that had captivated her so much upon first seeing them. Daphne blinked several times as if awakening from a deep sleep, then saw that it was Amber who had been fondling her.
"Sir?" she gave her Master a puzzled look.
"It's alright, pet," Stryker told her. "We've decided that Amber will be your mistress you tonight."
"Yes, Sir."
This emboldened Amber even further. She squeezed the flesh between Daphne’s legs, now dripping with desire and spoke loudly so everyone could hear,
"What is your desire?"
"To please you, Mistress," was Daphne’s immediate answer.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them, their eyes locked, until Raven finally broke in,
"It’s time to administer the punishment," he ordered as he stood next to the table where the leather instruments lay waiting.
Amber broke the gaze and approached the table. Selecting a riding crop with a broad leather tip, she circled Daphne slowly, teasing her first, then administered the first stroke with a gentle slap on Daphne's outer thigh. It produced a barely audible thwack in the silence.
"Harder," Raven ordered. "Show the girl you mean business."
Amber struck her again. This time the blow landed across her left breast, raising a red mark just above the nipple. Daphne jerked and yelped. Her chains rattled. Slowly and with ever increasing force Amber continued to strike the more provocative parts of Daphne's naked body. She struck her breasts again, and her nipples, making Daphne flinch against her chains. She stuck at Daphne's abdomen, leaving a few red marks just below her navel. Then she laid a few between Daphne's thighs, slapping the crop from one side to another.
Satisfied, and confident that the crop would not explode into flames because a slave was handling it, Amber became more adventurous. She walked around and proceeded to strike at Daphne's tush. She left many red marks on both bare cheeks.
Amber grew bolder and more aroused with each stroke. She relished the feel of the leather outfit against her own body. The scent of it, mingled with the rivers of sweat flowing from Daphne's naked flesh, was intoxicating. Just hours before, she was a mere slave. Now she was the Dom, and it felt very different!
With a nod of approval from both Raven and Stryker, she walked over to the table to search for other instruments to use. She saw a coiled whip, clamps, a dildo, and many other things. She grabbed four steel clamps and went back to Daphne.
Without a word of warning, she placed a clamp on Daphne's right nipple. She gradually tightened the screw until it stayed of its own accord. Then she applied a clamp to the other nipple, and two more to Daphne's outer lips guarding her vagina. Daphne squirmed and moaned in response.
"Mistress, please," she begged.
"Do you want more?" asked Amber, suddenly.
"No, Mistress," replied the chained girl.
Amber pulled at the clamps that she had placed on Daphne's nether lips. Each time she did so, the slave flinched in her chains. She tried to twist her body away, but the chains were implacable. What could a naked girl do against steel and leather?
Amber removed all four clips and returned them to the table. She then grabbed the whip. The tightly braided leather was well oiled. Again, the scent struck her nostrils and excited her. Since she was not trained in its use, Raven gave her a quick demonstration, and told her she was allowed 12 strokes -- no more. Amber tested the whip first by striking out into the empty air as Raven showed her.
"Use more of your wrist," he instructed.
SNAP . . . SNAP!
The whip cracked again and again until Amber felt she was ready to try it on live flesh. Then she turned to her slave.
Daphne was trembling, her alluring green eyes now wide as saucers. After all, what could be more terrifying than facing a whip in the hands of someone with no proper skills, but certainly the willingness to use it?
"Are you ready for the whip?" Amber asked her.
"Y-yes, Mistress," Daphne answered, her voice shaking.
"Do you deserve the whip?"
"Yes, Mistress. I deserve the whip."
Amber began again by striking slowly and softly. She didn't want to hurt Daphne, not really, but she did want to show her slave that she was serious about the whip. Each stroke was more intense, until the whip curled around Daphne’s naked body like a snake, pulling her forward. During this part of the session, Raven gave her more advice on her technique so the blows would not leave lasting scars on the girl's flesh.
She struck silently, circling and never targeting the same place twice. Her aim was inexperienced, so her strokes often landed where she did not expect them to. Still, Daphne's cunt and breasts often received a stroke, making her squeal and moan. The sounds of her screams and the whip cracking against her flesh seemed to bounce off the walls and reverberate throughout the whole dungeon.
After the 12th and final count, Daphne was no longer the graceful, alluring beauty that had captured Amber's heart at the party, but a tortured wretch covered in red marks.
Amber coiled the whip and presented it to Daphne, in the same manner Sonia had done with her whenever she was being disciplined.
"Kiss it," Amber ordered, "Kiss it or else they'll be many more."
"Yes, Mistress," and Daphne kissed the whip handle followed by a gentle stroke of her tongue.
Amber wanted to feel those moist, pinks lips against her own, open mouthed, with their tongues dancing inside, but she knew the session was over.
"You're done now pet," Raven told her.
Amber handed him the whip, handle first, eyes cast downward in slave fashion.
"Thank you, Master," she said.
"You show promise, no matter which end of the whip you're on," Raven complemented her.
"I agree," Stryker added. "I'd like to buy her from you, before I leave tomorrow if possible. I'll even throw in Daphne here in the deal."
"Sorry, my friend. If you want her, you'll have to wait for the auction and bid on her like everyone else. She'll bring in hefty price too."
Raven then placed his hand against Amber's cheek, "You may go now, pet." The gesture surprised her because it was so affectionate. He was equally surprised and impressed with how Amber carried herself.
"Why don't we keep her with us for the evening?" Ethan Rom broke in. "I'd hate to see her go after THAT performance."
"No," said Raven. "She's still in training and she's had enough for tonight."
He motioned Shii Ann over and she took Amber back to the dressing room.
Amber felt deep inside her that something had changed. Later that night, she was once again chained in her cell. Her hands had been linked to her collar so that she couldn't touch herself. Her ankles were also fastened to the corners of her cot to keep her from grinding her thighs together. Desperately, she wanted to finish the experience with an orgasm, but she knew that would be denied to her by Raven – perhaps this was her punishment for breaking the dish. She even hoped that Shane might come for one of his ‘visits’ but that never happened. All she could do now was relax and try to get some sleep, though it would be difficult after everything she had seen and experienced those last 24 hours.
Master Goodwin Stryker and his party left early the next morning. A week later, Amber would learn that Daphne had been sold to another owner who lived in Paris, France. Amber realized she would never see her again, and though the news saddened her, deep down, she was also relieved to be released of her spell.
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