Indoctrination - Chapter 23
Night Owl
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Chapter 23: One Last Time, My Pet
The bright summer sun bore down on Amber and Heidi as they worked in the yard. The garden they were trying to revive was so badly overgrown, that only with the imagination of an experienced nurseryman, could anyone see any potential beyond the tangle of weeds and grass. Both women had only a sleeveless, pullover tunic of brown rep cloth to cover themselves with, and a single cord kept the fabric secured loosely about the waist.
"Ugh," Heidi grunted as she yanked on a stubborn weed. She was kneeling in the soft warm grass, her arms and legs sweating in the mid-day heat.
"I don't believe it," Amber commented.
"Well it's true," with a final tug, Heidi angrily ripped the weed out of the ground and tossed it into a wheel barrel, then brushed the dirt off her thighs. "They killed him. Serves the son-of-a-bitch right too, for what he did to us."
Amber certainly couldn't argue with that. She remembered the first night Shane came to her cell. She was tied to the bed frame and utterly defenseless, but she had also been through a long teasing session with Raven that left her percolating in her own sweat. She needed an orgasm in the worst way, so not only did she let Shane rape her, but welcomed it. The visits continued after that, and through it all, Amber kept her silence, for fear of what might happen if Raven should find out. It didn't surprise her to hear she wasn't the first. Shane had a nice little racket going with the new arrivals, but now he was dead, at least according to this girl he was.
"So exactly, what happened?" She asked Heidi.
"Well, you saw how Raven had me tied to those posts?"
"I remember," Amber's eyes darted across the yard to the stables. She could see them, standing upright about eight feet apart, the leather bindings still dangling from each post.
Heidi continued, "He wanted me to tell him about Shane and our ‘little arrangement’, as he called it. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he mentioned he had a tape of us doing it in my room. I still didn't say anything. I was being stubborn, I guess. But then he pulled out his riding crop . . . you know . . . the one with the silver handle that always hangs off his belt?"
"He also has one with an ivory handle," Amber broke in. "but go on."
"He probably has a whole collection. Anyway, he started beating me with it. That was enough for me. I mean . . . what else could I do? I was hanging there naked as a jaybird and completely helpless. I knew he'd break me eventually, so I confessed. I told him everything too -- how Shane promised he’d get me out of here, then later how the son-of-a-bitch changed his tune and blackmailed me into doing . . . well . . . you know."
Amber nodded.
"What a damn fool I was to fall for such an act," Heidi dug her fingers into the damp earth and pulled out another weed. "I would have made a deal with the devil to get away from this place, and I practically did. Anyway, you should have seen the look on Raven's face when I told him. He already knew what Shane was doing, but hearing it from me seemed to piss him off even more. I thought he was going to kill me, but instead, he just put a gag in my mouth and went into the house. I must have stayed out here for another hour in the rain before someone finally came out to let me down."
"But what makes you think he killed Shane?"
"You haven't seen the guy around lately, have you?"
"No . . . I haven't,” Amber started pulling on a large clump of wild grass. “Maybe we should ask Monique. If anything happened to him then she would know."
"I already did. All she said was that I should mind my own business. So what do you think?"
Amber’s attention settled on a pill bug crawling through the upturned earth where she had been pulling the grass. With a look of disgust, she took the hand shovel and brushed it away.
“I think we’d better take her advice and not talk about it anymore. I'm sure, sooner or later, we'll find out what happened.”
The two women continued digging, pulling, and throwing for almost an hour. The higher the sun climbed, the more intense the heat was as it burned straight overhead, roasting the earth and everything on it. Bumblebees hummed lazily around them as they moved slowly from row to row. Amber and Heidi passed the time with more small talk, until finally, the bell sounded from the house. The girls stood up, stretched and brushed themselves off. It was time for lunch, cool drinks and shade.
In the following days, Amber saw very little of Master Raven. Weeks before that, he had devoted nearly all of his free time to her training, and most nights she was allowed to sleep with him in his bed. Then all of that changed after he returned from the last auction. He seemed distant, which made Amber wonder if she had done something wrong; even worse, maybe he was finally growing tired of her.
Rumors about Shane continued to circulate, until one day Sonia quietly pulled Monique aside to make the announcement.
"Tell the others Shane is gone and that he won't be back."
No further explanation was offered, but everyone got the message.
In spite of these events, life went on as usual. Amber and Heidi had successfully removed all of the weeds from the garden and fresh peat was mixed in with the soil. Seeds were planted next - tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, peas, and other vegetables that would be used in preparing the meals. Then one morning, Raven came out of the house carrying a pair of leather cuffs in one hand. Amber immediately fell to her knees as he approached.
"Do you know how to ride a horse?" He blocked the morning sun from her downcast eyes as he stood over her.
"Yes, Sir."
"Good, then come with me."
He clapped the restraints around Amber's wrists and led her to the stables. The two horses were already saddled and waiting.
“This one is yours,” he pointed to the black steed. “His name is Tango.”
He kept her mount steady by holding the bridle while Amber climbed up. Again, she was wearing only her tunic, and it was strange, among other things, to feel the leather saddle pressing up against her without anything on underneath.
Raven owned about a hundred acres of land around Dark Oak Manor. They rode to the northeast corner, which was mostly dense forest. Slivers of early morning light sliced through the treetops like razors. The insects, which were always plentiful in the early summer, slowly begin to stir to life. Other than this, the stillness was broken only by an occasional snort from one of the horses and the sounds of their hooves plodding through the wet leaves.
By then, Amber was getting quite hot sexually, as the gentle rocking movements began working on her body underneath the tunic. She wanted to cum so badly, and had hoped that Raven might accommodate her at the end of their ride.
They finally stopped at a small clearing and dismounted. There was a fire ring, lined with stones and some wood nearby covered with a sheet of clear plastic. Raven pulled a blanket from his saddlebag.
"Remove your tunic," he ordered.
Amber unclipped her waist cord, then slipped the garment over her head and handed them to him. She felt a little awkward standing naked out in the open. Her nipples jutted shamelessly from her young breasts in the chilled morning air. Raven spread the blanket down on the ground and motioned her to kneel on it.
She waited in silence while he made a small fire. The forest was blanketed with a thin layer of decomposed leaves and all the rotten things that were once a part of its beauty. Surrounding them on all four sides were trees and flowering plants that looked like nettles. Tango, pawed through the wet leaves with one hoof, exposing the black soil underneath. The whole scene made Amber feel gloomy, like something bad was about to happen; yet at the same time, her entire body tingled with anticipation.
After the fire crackled to life, Raven approached her again.
"Did he fuck you?" he spoke to her bluntly.
"Who . . .?"
"You know who I mean."
"Yes, Sir."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Sir. He fucked me."
"And what did he promise you in return?"
Amber paused. Unlike Heidi, she had learned to pick her words carefully.
"He . . . he said he would help me."
"Help you do what?"
She didn't want to answer.
"He said he would help you escape, didn't he?" Raven finished for her.
"Yes, Sir."
"And you believed him?"
Amber nodded, "but only at first," she quickly added.
"So you knew he was lying to you?"
"Yes, Sir."
Raven began circling her.
"I suppose it's natural for a girl at this stage of her training to fall into such an arrangement out of desperation. But why did you continue to let him take advantage of you?"
"I was afraid."
"Afraid of whom? Shane or me?
"Both, Sir."
"I see," he was standing behind her now, and Amber began to shiver, though it really wasn't that cold. For a while he didn't say anything, then finally broke the silence,
"Stand up and come with me."
He led her to a large sugar maple tree at the edge of the clearing and unfastened one of her wrist cuffs. Her arms were brought around the tree trunk, then raised to the first branch and fastened together once more where the branch and trunk interlocked. This kept her arms raised, bringing her almost to her toes with the front of her body pressed against the tree. She felt the bark of the trunk rough against her soft breasts; she felt the dappled sun on her back, but most of all, she felt a knot deep in the pit of her stomach. She had let her Master down. She had not told him about Shane when she should have. Sure Heidi and some of the other girls kept their silence too, but Amber knew she was the favorite. She sensed the disappointment in her Master's voice, there was also anger, and that concerned her more than anything else at the moment.
"You were foolish to fall for such an act," he said calmly. "What he put you through should be punishment enough, but you went along with it even when you knew it was wrong and you were being wronged. You didn't trust me."
She felt her Masters breath on the back of her neck. His hand wandered down over her body, caressing her buttocks.
"I'm sorry, Master," Amber heard herself say. "I let you down. Please forgive me."
"Then you agree you should be punished?"
"Yes, Sir."
He released her, "Fair enough."
Amber heard him rummage through the saddlebag again. When he returned, he was holding two wooden stakes and some rope. He pounded the stakes into the ground to each side of her, and then gently pulled her legs apart. As he did this, Amber also felt a pull on her arms, and the tree bark pressing hard against the front of her body. She gasped, fearing she would stumble against it and scrape her flesh as he tied her ankles to the stakes.
"That's better," he continued as he stood back and admired his submissive.
Her legs were wide apart, opening her sex to him, her back, dappled with sunlight, which managed to break through the canopy of leaves, looked smooth and flawless, almost virginal.
"I have been neglecting you," he said letting his hand wander again over her bare flesh. "Not a mark in sight. I must be getting soft in my middle age."
Amber could hear the low fire crackling behind her, and wondered if Raven was going to brand her. Monique told her once, that in the old Gorean tradition, slaves were often branded like cattle, usually on the buttocks or upper thigh to signify ownership. The practice had long since been dropped, though a particularly rebellious slave might still be 'marked' before going to auction as a warning to buyers.
Raven moved away. She could hear him stoking the fire. She could hear her own breathing, now quickening with anticipation and fear of what might come. What was he doing? She strained her ears, moving her face slightly away from the tree, but letting it fall back against the rough bark.
"So who is the Master, slave?"
"You are, Sir," she answered quickly.
"And who do you answer to?"
"You, Sir."
"Who else?"
"Only YOU, Sir."
"Good," he said. "Perhaps you will remember this the next time someone violates you without my permission."
She held her breath, expecting any second to feel the searing heat of a glowing red iron, but instead, there came a gentle shock across the small of her back. Amber no longer feared the branding, but at that moment, wondered if she would have been better off.
A split second later she felt it again -- the sharp, burning sting of freshly cut nettles. Once she brushed her hand against one, just for a second, and remembered how painful it was and how long the pain lasted. Now she felt them again, being dragged slowly and deliberately against the soft skin on her back. She screamed. Then she begged, her voice rising with pain and realization of what her Master was doing.
"NO SIR. Please, Sir . . ."
Amber's words trailed off into more screams as he brushed them again. Her body squirmed, muscles tensed. Just a lightest touch of the coarsely toothed leaves and stinging hairs was enough to create a sensation of having been stung by hundreds of pin needles.
He moved to her buttocks, stroking each bare cheek with the nettles. Her body jerked and moved from side to side against the tree as she tried to avoid further torture.
"I think you must be enjoying this," again he stroked her twitching buttocks.
"No, Sir."
He let his other hand roam between Amber's opened legs. She wriggled defiantly, trying to pull her wetted love away from her Master's hand.
"But this tells me different," he said as he drove two fingers inward. At the same time, he let the nettles fall across her back again, the little white lumps showing clearly now where the plants had stung. He worked her with the one hand, moved his fingers in and out, stimulating her. He dropped the branch and stroked her back and buttocks with the other hand, which was covered with a black leather glove to protect it from the nettles.
"This DOES turn you on."
"No, Sir . . . stop, Sir . . . it HURTS."
Her words however were not sincere as she was now moving down on her Master's fingers, now three, and they were gliding in and out of her with no effort.
The cool leather on her back stimulated the tiny wounds, turning them from painful stings to sensual tingles. Amber felt her breasts crushed and scraped by the bark of the tree, she felt the wetness from her own arousal running down her open legs, his fingers inside her. She threw her head back,
"I love you," she cried out.
Raven let his teeth play on her neck, ear and shoulders. Her body seemed to melt between her Master and the tree. His hand found her clit. She jerked and groaned as he started to stimulate it.
"This was supposed to be your punishment," he teased.
"Oh Sir, please, you know I'm sorry!" Her words were broken by her passion.
"I'm not sure I am convinced," he removed his hand and stepped away.
Again, it was play. Again he was teasing, and again Amber rose to the bait.
"But I said I love you."
"I heard you."
He gently released the ropes around her ankles, then the cuffs around her wrists and carried her over to the blanket. Lying on her side, Amber felt something cool being rubbed on her reddened back and buttocks. It soothed the tiny wounds the nettles had left, and she let out a groan of pleasure.
"These are crushed dock leaves," Raven told her as he gently rubbed and massaged them against her. "Wherever stinging nettles grow, there also grows the remedy."
Amber's body was now completely relaxed. In a matter of minutes, the pain was gone, though her skin still felt warm. She remained quietly on her side with the warm blanket underneath her, while her Master retrieved the stakes with the ropes still attached. He pushed them through the carpet of dead leaves into the soft earth, one about three feet above her head, and the other at her feet. She wondered what he was up to, and wished he would make love to her.
Gently, he took her arms by the wrists, still chained together with the cuffs, and pulled them to the stake near her head. Then he tied her ankles to the other stake. Still lying on her side, her body was now stretched between the two stakes.
Raven laid down close behind her and pressed his body against her body. The blanket was hardly big enough to accommodate the two of them, and he seemed to have more of it than she, but that was of little concern to her at the moment. Feather-light fingers touched her face brushing her cheeks, tracing her jaw-line, as they worked down her neck. Amber didn't move; she didn't open her eyes; she just lay there, savoring his touch. His hand traveled tenderly up and down her open arm, then around her breasts.
"I love you, too," he finally told her, "but you are still a slave. A wretch, destined to go to the auction block to be sold off to another. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir." Amber began rubbing her buttocks against him, hoping he would take her from behind. Her Master was still clothed but she could feel him pressing hard between her cheeks. His hand stroked her nipples then wandered downward across her firm belly.
"One last time, pet."
His touch left her for a moment. She heard him loosen his belt, unbutton his pants, and the zipper go down. She felt his erection again, only this time it was his flesh against hers, pushing past her cheeks, past her thighs, then inside her pussy. She could feel the wetness of her arousal seeping out of her as he began to thrust gently against her from behind. She arched her back to accommodate him while pushing the front of her body toward the edge of the blanket.
His fingers trailed slowly down to the V of her body. He savored the smooth, freshly-shaven mound of flesh, he touched her clit, and Amber groaned then shifted her hips in an effort to hurry him. His thrusts became more intense, inching her forward, arms and legs straining against the ropes until she was completely off the blanket.
The ground underneath that side of her body felt disagreeably moist and there was a stale, gritty stench of rotted leaves. Small insects hovered around her, occasionally biting her, but none of these things mattered. All she cared about was that her Master was inside her, making love to her. With a guttural groan of exquisite pleasure her body exploded into orgasm. Vaguely, was she aware that she had been moaning loudly as waves of ecstasy washed over her.
Each long steady thrust sent her higher; her moans of pleasure fed his excitement. Raven panted and hot puffs of breath assaulted her face; his hips jerked wildly as he too climaxed before falling back exhausted onto the blanket.
And it was over.
Gently he untied her and took off her cuffs. He rose to put more wood on the fire then lay down next to her again. Cradled under his arm, they listened to the breeze rustling through the trees above, then Amber slept awhile, until her Master woke her.
"It's time," he said.
For the ride back, Amber was allowed to wear her tunic again. A towel was also placed underneath her to protect her from the saddle. Her back still showed the marks from the nettle stings and they were beginning to throb a little, but she voiced no complaints.
"In spite of this Shane business, I'm very pleased with how your training has progressed," Raven told her. "I think you're ready for the next level now, which is to teach you certain skills that will draw more bids for you on the auction block. Take the Gorean dance, for instance. A slave with those skills can fetch as much as three times her market value. What do you think?"
"I'd like to learn, Sir," she answered him cautiously. Amber remembered watching Livia dance at the party, how fluid and sensual her movements were, and wondered if she could do the same with so many people watching her.
"Two associates of mine have taken an interest in you and asked me if you knew the dance," Raven told her. "These are good men, and you would be treated very favorably under their ownership. If you were trained, then I’m sure they would bid very high for you. Perhaps we could even arrange a performance in private before the auction."
"Thank you, Sir. I'll try my best."
"I know you will," he said. "I'll have Sonia set up the instruction. I've also decided to turn you back over to her for the rest of your training."
Raven turned in his saddle to look at her, "It's for the best, my pet. I think you and I both know that."
"Yes, Sir."
When they got back to the house, Raven helped Amber off her mount.
"Go back to the house and report to Monique," he ordered. "Have her put something on those stings. She'll know what to do."
Raven then took both horses by the reins and led them back to the stable house, leaving Amber alone in the yard.
A stable boy greeted him inside.
"I'll handle it," he told him. The boy then nodded and returned to his chores.
Raven unsaddled the horses and rubbed them down, his mind still on Amber. Twice, he thought seriously of going back to her and telling her it was all a mistake, that he had changed his mind, but deep down, he knew he had made the right decision in cutting her loose.
Leaving the stable house, Raven half-expected to see Amber still standing there, waiting for him, and when she wasn't, his heart sank a little. Staying away from this girl was going to be more difficult then he thought. When he entered the house, Sonia greeted him in the foyer.
"I want you to take over Amber's training again," he told her. "I have a lot of last-minute business to tend to, and I just won't have the time."
"Yes, sir."
Raven waited for a reaction, a subtle smirk of satisfaction on her face in hearing the news, but her expression didn't change. In fact, she looked very serious, almost grave. Something else was on her mind.
"We'll need another handler," she spoke carefully without mentioning Shane's name.
"Don't worry about it. I've already made the arrangements."
He began to move toward the stairs.
Sonia paused, as if uncertain what to say next.
"What is it?" he grew impatient.
"Jason Clark just called in from the field," she paused again to clear her throat. "We may have a breech in our security."
"What sort of breech?"
"We're missing a man."
"And when did this happen?"
"It’s been almost two weeks since he’s reported in, and he doesn’t answer his phone."
"Clark thinks so."
Raven took two steps up the stairs, paused, then turned to face Sonia again. By now, all thoughts of Amber were gone.
"All right," he said calmly, "come to my office, then we’ll start from the beginning and tell me what the hell happened."
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Chapter 23: One Last Time, My Pet
The bright summer sun bore down on Amber and Heidi as they worked in the yard. The garden they were trying to revive was so badly overgrown, that only with the imagination of an experienced nurseryman, could anyone see any potential beyond the tangle of weeds and grass. Both women had only a sleeveless, pullover tunic of brown rep cloth to cover themselves with, and a single cord kept the fabric secured loosely about the waist.
"Ugh," Heidi grunted as she yanked on a stubborn weed. She was kneeling in the soft warm grass, her arms and legs sweating in the mid-day heat.
"I don't believe it," Amber commented.
"Well it's true," with a final tug, Heidi angrily ripped the weed out of the ground and tossed it into a wheel barrel, then brushed the dirt off her thighs. "They killed him. Serves the son-of-a-bitch right too, for what he did to us."
Amber certainly couldn't argue with that. She remembered the first night Shane came to her cell. She was tied to the bed frame and utterly defenseless, but she had also been through a long teasing session with Raven that left her percolating in her own sweat. She needed an orgasm in the worst way, so not only did she let Shane rape her, but welcomed it. The visits continued after that, and through it all, Amber kept her silence, for fear of what might happen if Raven should find out. It didn't surprise her to hear she wasn't the first. Shane had a nice little racket going with the new arrivals, but now he was dead, at least according to this girl he was.
"So exactly, what happened?" She asked Heidi.
"Well, you saw how Raven had me tied to those posts?"
"I remember," Amber's eyes darted across the yard to the stables. She could see them, standing upright about eight feet apart, the leather bindings still dangling from each post.
Heidi continued, "He wanted me to tell him about Shane and our ‘little arrangement’, as he called it. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he mentioned he had a tape of us doing it in my room. I still didn't say anything. I was being stubborn, I guess. But then he pulled out his riding crop . . . you know . . . the one with the silver handle that always hangs off his belt?"
"He also has one with an ivory handle," Amber broke in. "but go on."
"He probably has a whole collection. Anyway, he started beating me with it. That was enough for me. I mean . . . what else could I do? I was hanging there naked as a jaybird and completely helpless. I knew he'd break me eventually, so I confessed. I told him everything too -- how Shane promised he’d get me out of here, then later how the son-of-a-bitch changed his tune and blackmailed me into doing . . . well . . . you know."
Amber nodded.
"What a damn fool I was to fall for such an act," Heidi dug her fingers into the damp earth and pulled out another weed. "I would have made a deal with the devil to get away from this place, and I practically did. Anyway, you should have seen the look on Raven's face when I told him. He already knew what Shane was doing, but hearing it from me seemed to piss him off even more. I thought he was going to kill me, but instead, he just put a gag in my mouth and went into the house. I must have stayed out here for another hour in the rain before someone finally came out to let me down."
"But what makes you think he killed Shane?"
"You haven't seen the guy around lately, have you?"
"No . . . I haven't,” Amber started pulling on a large clump of wild grass. “Maybe we should ask Monique. If anything happened to him then she would know."
"I already did. All she said was that I should mind my own business. So what do you think?"
Amber’s attention settled on a pill bug crawling through the upturned earth where she had been pulling the grass. With a look of disgust, she took the hand shovel and brushed it away.
“I think we’d better take her advice and not talk about it anymore. I'm sure, sooner or later, we'll find out what happened.”
The two women continued digging, pulling, and throwing for almost an hour. The higher the sun climbed, the more intense the heat was as it burned straight overhead, roasting the earth and everything on it. Bumblebees hummed lazily around them as they moved slowly from row to row. Amber and Heidi passed the time with more small talk, until finally, the bell sounded from the house. The girls stood up, stretched and brushed themselves off. It was time for lunch, cool drinks and shade.
In the following days, Amber saw very little of Master Raven. Weeks before that, he had devoted nearly all of his free time to her training, and most nights she was allowed to sleep with him in his bed. Then all of that changed after he returned from the last auction. He seemed distant, which made Amber wonder if she had done something wrong; even worse, maybe he was finally growing tired of her.
Rumors about Shane continued to circulate, until one day Sonia quietly pulled Monique aside to make the announcement.
"Tell the others Shane is gone and that he won't be back."
No further explanation was offered, but everyone got the message.
In spite of these events, life went on as usual. Amber and Heidi had successfully removed all of the weeds from the garden and fresh peat was mixed in with the soil. Seeds were planted next - tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, peas, and other vegetables that would be used in preparing the meals. Then one morning, Raven came out of the house carrying a pair of leather cuffs in one hand. Amber immediately fell to her knees as he approached.
"Do you know how to ride a horse?" He blocked the morning sun from her downcast eyes as he stood over her.
"Yes, Sir."
"Good, then come with me."
He clapped the restraints around Amber's wrists and led her to the stables. The two horses were already saddled and waiting.
“This one is yours,” he pointed to the black steed. “His name is Tango.”
He kept her mount steady by holding the bridle while Amber climbed up. Again, she was wearing only her tunic, and it was strange, among other things, to feel the leather saddle pressing up against her without anything on underneath.
Raven owned about a hundred acres of land around Dark Oak Manor. They rode to the northeast corner, which was mostly dense forest. Slivers of early morning light sliced through the treetops like razors. The insects, which were always plentiful in the early summer, slowly begin to stir to life. Other than this, the stillness was broken only by an occasional snort from one of the horses and the sounds of their hooves plodding through the wet leaves.
By then, Amber was getting quite hot sexually, as the gentle rocking movements began working on her body underneath the tunic. She wanted to cum so badly, and had hoped that Raven might accommodate her at the end of their ride.
They finally stopped at a small clearing and dismounted. There was a fire ring, lined with stones and some wood nearby covered with a sheet of clear plastic. Raven pulled a blanket from his saddlebag.
"Remove your tunic," he ordered.
Amber unclipped her waist cord, then slipped the garment over her head and handed them to him. She felt a little awkward standing naked out in the open. Her nipples jutted shamelessly from her young breasts in the chilled morning air. Raven spread the blanket down on the ground and motioned her to kneel on it.
She waited in silence while he made a small fire. The forest was blanketed with a thin layer of decomposed leaves and all the rotten things that were once a part of its beauty. Surrounding them on all four sides were trees and flowering plants that looked like nettles. Tango, pawed through the wet leaves with one hoof, exposing the black soil underneath. The whole scene made Amber feel gloomy, like something bad was about to happen; yet at the same time, her entire body tingled with anticipation.
After the fire crackled to life, Raven approached her again.
"Did he fuck you?" he spoke to her bluntly.
"Who . . .?"
"You know who I mean."
"Yes, Sir."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Sir. He fucked me."
"And what did he promise you in return?"
Amber paused. Unlike Heidi, she had learned to pick her words carefully.
"He . . . he said he would help me."
"Help you do what?"
She didn't want to answer.
"He said he would help you escape, didn't he?" Raven finished for her.
"Yes, Sir."
"And you believed him?"
Amber nodded, "but only at first," she quickly added.
"So you knew he was lying to you?"
"Yes, Sir."
Raven began circling her.
"I suppose it's natural for a girl at this stage of her training to fall into such an arrangement out of desperation. But why did you continue to let him take advantage of you?"
"I was afraid."
"Afraid of whom? Shane or me?
"Both, Sir."
"I see," he was standing behind her now, and Amber began to shiver, though it really wasn't that cold. For a while he didn't say anything, then finally broke the silence,
"Stand up and come with me."
He led her to a large sugar maple tree at the edge of the clearing and unfastened one of her wrist cuffs. Her arms were brought around the tree trunk, then raised to the first branch and fastened together once more where the branch and trunk interlocked. This kept her arms raised, bringing her almost to her toes with the front of her body pressed against the tree. She felt the bark of the trunk rough against her soft breasts; she felt the dappled sun on her back, but most of all, she felt a knot deep in the pit of her stomach. She had let her Master down. She had not told him about Shane when she should have. Sure Heidi and some of the other girls kept their silence too, but Amber knew she was the favorite. She sensed the disappointment in her Master's voice, there was also anger, and that concerned her more than anything else at the moment.
"You were foolish to fall for such an act," he said calmly. "What he put you through should be punishment enough, but you went along with it even when you knew it was wrong and you were being wronged. You didn't trust me."
She felt her Masters breath on the back of her neck. His hand wandered down over her body, caressing her buttocks.
"I'm sorry, Master," Amber heard herself say. "I let you down. Please forgive me."
"Then you agree you should be punished?"
"Yes, Sir."
He released her, "Fair enough."
Amber heard him rummage through the saddlebag again. When he returned, he was holding two wooden stakes and some rope. He pounded the stakes into the ground to each side of her, and then gently pulled her legs apart. As he did this, Amber also felt a pull on her arms, and the tree bark pressing hard against the front of her body. She gasped, fearing she would stumble against it and scrape her flesh as he tied her ankles to the stakes.
"That's better," he continued as he stood back and admired his submissive.
Her legs were wide apart, opening her sex to him, her back, dappled with sunlight, which managed to break through the canopy of leaves, looked smooth and flawless, almost virginal.
"I have been neglecting you," he said letting his hand wander again over her bare flesh. "Not a mark in sight. I must be getting soft in my middle age."
Amber could hear the low fire crackling behind her, and wondered if Raven was going to brand her. Monique told her once, that in the old Gorean tradition, slaves were often branded like cattle, usually on the buttocks or upper thigh to signify ownership. The practice had long since been dropped, though a particularly rebellious slave might still be 'marked' before going to auction as a warning to buyers.
Raven moved away. She could hear him stoking the fire. She could hear her own breathing, now quickening with anticipation and fear of what might come. What was he doing? She strained her ears, moving her face slightly away from the tree, but letting it fall back against the rough bark.
"So who is the Master, slave?"
"You are, Sir," she answered quickly.
"And who do you answer to?"
"You, Sir."
"Who else?"
"Only YOU, Sir."
"Good," he said. "Perhaps you will remember this the next time someone violates you without my permission."
She held her breath, expecting any second to feel the searing heat of a glowing red iron, but instead, there came a gentle shock across the small of her back. Amber no longer feared the branding, but at that moment, wondered if she would have been better off.
A split second later she felt it again -- the sharp, burning sting of freshly cut nettles. Once she brushed her hand against one, just for a second, and remembered how painful it was and how long the pain lasted. Now she felt them again, being dragged slowly and deliberately against the soft skin on her back. She screamed. Then she begged, her voice rising with pain and realization of what her Master was doing.
"NO SIR. Please, Sir . . ."
Amber's words trailed off into more screams as he brushed them again. Her body squirmed, muscles tensed. Just a lightest touch of the coarsely toothed leaves and stinging hairs was enough to create a sensation of having been stung by hundreds of pin needles.
He moved to her buttocks, stroking each bare cheek with the nettles. Her body jerked and moved from side to side against the tree as she tried to avoid further torture.
"I think you must be enjoying this," again he stroked her twitching buttocks.
"No, Sir."
He let his other hand roam between Amber's opened legs. She wriggled defiantly, trying to pull her wetted love away from her Master's hand.
"But this tells me different," he said as he drove two fingers inward. At the same time, he let the nettles fall across her back again, the little white lumps showing clearly now where the plants had stung. He worked her with the one hand, moved his fingers in and out, stimulating her. He dropped the branch and stroked her back and buttocks with the other hand, which was covered with a black leather glove to protect it from the nettles.
"This DOES turn you on."
"No, Sir . . . stop, Sir . . . it HURTS."
Her words however were not sincere as she was now moving down on her Master's fingers, now three, and they were gliding in and out of her with no effort.
The cool leather on her back stimulated the tiny wounds, turning them from painful stings to sensual tingles. Amber felt her breasts crushed and scraped by the bark of the tree, she felt the wetness from her own arousal running down her open legs, his fingers inside her. She threw her head back,
"I love you," she cried out.
Raven let his teeth play on her neck, ear and shoulders. Her body seemed to melt between her Master and the tree. His hand found her clit. She jerked and groaned as he started to stimulate it.
"This was supposed to be your punishment," he teased.
"Oh Sir, please, you know I'm sorry!" Her words were broken by her passion.
"I'm not sure I am convinced," he removed his hand and stepped away.
Again, it was play. Again he was teasing, and again Amber rose to the bait.
"But I said I love you."
"I heard you."
He gently released the ropes around her ankles, then the cuffs around her wrists and carried her over to the blanket. Lying on her side, Amber felt something cool being rubbed on her reddened back and buttocks. It soothed the tiny wounds the nettles had left, and she let out a groan of pleasure.
"These are crushed dock leaves," Raven told her as he gently rubbed and massaged them against her. "Wherever stinging nettles grow, there also grows the remedy."
Amber's body was now completely relaxed. In a matter of minutes, the pain was gone, though her skin still felt warm. She remained quietly on her side with the warm blanket underneath her, while her Master retrieved the stakes with the ropes still attached. He pushed them through the carpet of dead leaves into the soft earth, one about three feet above her head, and the other at her feet. She wondered what he was up to, and wished he would make love to her.
Gently, he took her arms by the wrists, still chained together with the cuffs, and pulled them to the stake near her head. Then he tied her ankles to the other stake. Still lying on her side, her body was now stretched between the two stakes.
Raven laid down close behind her and pressed his body against her body. The blanket was hardly big enough to accommodate the two of them, and he seemed to have more of it than she, but that was of little concern to her at the moment. Feather-light fingers touched her face brushing her cheeks, tracing her jaw-line, as they worked down her neck. Amber didn't move; she didn't open her eyes; she just lay there, savoring his touch. His hand traveled tenderly up and down her open arm, then around her breasts.
"I love you, too," he finally told her, "but you are still a slave. A wretch, destined to go to the auction block to be sold off to another. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir." Amber began rubbing her buttocks against him, hoping he would take her from behind. Her Master was still clothed but she could feel him pressing hard between her cheeks. His hand stroked her nipples then wandered downward across her firm belly.
"One last time, pet."
His touch left her for a moment. She heard him loosen his belt, unbutton his pants, and the zipper go down. She felt his erection again, only this time it was his flesh against hers, pushing past her cheeks, past her thighs, then inside her pussy. She could feel the wetness of her arousal seeping out of her as he began to thrust gently against her from behind. She arched her back to accommodate him while pushing the front of her body toward the edge of the blanket.
His fingers trailed slowly down to the V of her body. He savored the smooth, freshly-shaven mound of flesh, he touched her clit, and Amber groaned then shifted her hips in an effort to hurry him. His thrusts became more intense, inching her forward, arms and legs straining against the ropes until she was completely off the blanket.
The ground underneath that side of her body felt disagreeably moist and there was a stale, gritty stench of rotted leaves. Small insects hovered around her, occasionally biting her, but none of these things mattered. All she cared about was that her Master was inside her, making love to her. With a guttural groan of exquisite pleasure her body exploded into orgasm. Vaguely, was she aware that she had been moaning loudly as waves of ecstasy washed over her.
Each long steady thrust sent her higher; her moans of pleasure fed his excitement. Raven panted and hot puffs of breath assaulted her face; his hips jerked wildly as he too climaxed before falling back exhausted onto the blanket.
And it was over.
Gently he untied her and took off her cuffs. He rose to put more wood on the fire then lay down next to her again. Cradled under his arm, they listened to the breeze rustling through the trees above, then Amber slept awhile, until her Master woke her.
"It's time," he said.
For the ride back, Amber was allowed to wear her tunic again. A towel was also placed underneath her to protect her from the saddle. Her back still showed the marks from the nettle stings and they were beginning to throb a little, but she voiced no complaints.
"In spite of this Shane business, I'm very pleased with how your training has progressed," Raven told her. "I think you're ready for the next level now, which is to teach you certain skills that will draw more bids for you on the auction block. Take the Gorean dance, for instance. A slave with those skills can fetch as much as three times her market value. What do you think?"
"I'd like to learn, Sir," she answered him cautiously. Amber remembered watching Livia dance at the party, how fluid and sensual her movements were, and wondered if she could do the same with so many people watching her.
"Two associates of mine have taken an interest in you and asked me if you knew the dance," Raven told her. "These are good men, and you would be treated very favorably under their ownership. If you were trained, then I’m sure they would bid very high for you. Perhaps we could even arrange a performance in private before the auction."
"Thank you, Sir. I'll try my best."
"I know you will," he said. "I'll have Sonia set up the instruction. I've also decided to turn you back over to her for the rest of your training."
Raven turned in his saddle to look at her, "It's for the best, my pet. I think you and I both know that."
"Yes, Sir."
When they got back to the house, Raven helped Amber off her mount.
"Go back to the house and report to Monique," he ordered. "Have her put something on those stings. She'll know what to do."
Raven then took both horses by the reins and led them back to the stable house, leaving Amber alone in the yard.
A stable boy greeted him inside.
"I'll handle it," he told him. The boy then nodded and returned to his chores.
Raven unsaddled the horses and rubbed them down, his mind still on Amber. Twice, he thought seriously of going back to her and telling her it was all a mistake, that he had changed his mind, but deep down, he knew he had made the right decision in cutting her loose.
Leaving the stable house, Raven half-expected to see Amber still standing there, waiting for him, and when she wasn't, his heart sank a little. Staying away from this girl was going to be more difficult then he thought. When he entered the house, Sonia greeted him in the foyer.
"I want you to take over Amber's training again," he told her. "I have a lot of last-minute business to tend to, and I just won't have the time."
"Yes, sir."
Raven waited for a reaction, a subtle smirk of satisfaction on her face in hearing the news, but her expression didn't change. In fact, she looked very serious, almost grave. Something else was on her mind.
"We'll need another handler," she spoke carefully without mentioning Shane's name.
"Don't worry about it. I've already made the arrangements."
He began to move toward the stairs.
Sonia paused, as if uncertain what to say next.
"What is it?" he grew impatient.
"Jason Clark just called in from the field," she paused again to clear her throat. "We may have a breech in our security."
"What sort of breech?"
"We're missing a man."
"And when did this happen?"
"It’s been almost two weeks since he’s reported in, and he doesn’t answer his phone."
"Clark thinks so."
Raven took two steps up the stairs, paused, then turned to face Sonia again. By now, all thoughts of Amber were gone.
"All right," he said calmly, "come to my office, then we’ll start from the beginning and tell me what the hell happened."
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Indoctrination - Chapter 24
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