Indoctrination - Chapter 18


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

Chapter 18: Shane

The party finally ended just before sun-up, and by then, Shane Randol was feeling restless. He had been busy all night keeping an eye on the guests and overseeing their sessions. It was a thankless job, but necessary, for in the BDSM culture, there were always risks, particularly at social gatherings like this one, when alcohol was served in great quantities and emotions usually ran high. If unsupervised, an overzealous Dom might get carried away while disciplining a sub, or the restraints may not be administered properly, resulting in injury, or even death.

The kajirae were the most vulnerable to this, requiring those sessions to be closely monitored. Unlike other free members, who chose to be ’subs’, the slave girls were not allowed to use safe words. This put them completely at the mercy of the people using them, so it was the handler's job to act as a referee and make sure all house rules were followed to protect the owners' investments, as well as the trainees under Raven’s supervision.

When a party was over, the handlers might be awarded with a slave of their own for a couple of hours, but Raven wasn't feeling particularly generous that evening. When the last session was over, Shane knew he would be hard-up and itching for a taste, and he wasn't content to merely jerking off in his room afterword -- not with so many warm female bodies in the house to choose from.

Early in the evening after the party started, he kept his eyes open for opportunities, and quickly realized this was going to be more difficult than he thought. The house was filled with guests, and that kept the slave girls busy throughout the whole night. Ironically, it was Raven himself, that supplied Shane with a woman he needed and a place to be alone with her.

"I have the new girl hanging in the northeast corner room of the wine cellar," he said. "At 3:00 sharp, I want you to go down and release her, then take her to her sleeping quarters. Make sure she's restrained to the bed and the door locked, understood?"

"Yes, sir," Shane tried to keep the smile off his face.

The new trainees were always the easiest to con into giving him what he wanted, and though Heidi was a feisty one, he knew exactly what to say to her.

Throughout the evening, Shane bided his time, and played the role of referee through at least a dozen sessions. He hated this part of the job for many reasons. There were the long hours without a break and having to deal with guests who had been drinking too much, but mostly he hated it because it reminded him of an incident that occurred during a party like this, and of the girl who was killed because of it.


Her name was Colleen Haskell. It was two years ago, but Shane still remembered everything about this girl -- her name, what she looked like, the sound of her voice, everything, because she was the first and only slave he ever cared about. He was still new to The Organization, having gone through the background checks and a year-long probationary period, when Sonia recruited him to go down with her to Miami Beach and pick up a new girl being held in one of their safe houses.

Colleen was 22 then, a 5'5" college beauty who previously graduated from an all-girls' catholic school. She had a pretty face, short tousled brown hair, deep blue eyes, beautiful Florida tan, and particularly most engaging, a general girl-next-door quality in her appearance that was both seductive and approachable. Girls like that were in high demand and could steal your heart if you let them.

At Dark Oak Manor, Shane assisted Raven with her training, and in that time, grew very fond of her. On three occasions, he was allowed 'use' of Colleen, and after each time, his feelings for her became stronger. After that, he stopped asking for permission, and occasionally they would sneak away to another part of the house or to the woods nearby so they could be alone.

After 10 weeks of training, Colleen was fully indoctrinated and ready to be sold. By then, Shane had completely fallen for her. Now it could be argued that she didn't feel the same for him, at least in a traditional sense, but as a slave, Colleen became just as devoted to him as any sub was devoted to her master. She knew Shane would take care of her, and for him, that was enough. He wanted to buy off Colleen for himself before she went to auction, but on a handler's pay, it would have taken years to save up enough to purchase such a valuable piece of merchandise. He then tried talking Raven into keeping Colleen as a house slave, perhaps even sending Monique away to auction instead. Raven wasn't interested. Two days before the auction, Shane decided to play his last card, which was to simply tell his boss the truth about his feelings toward Colleen, and to beg him to let her stay.

Raven only looked at him with his dark eyes and laughed, "Are you joking? I could get twice the market value for this girl, and you want me to keep her and take a loss, just so you can get a lay whenever you please? I think your brain has gone soft from all that comedy you two have been playing behind my back. I never should have let you touch her!"
So Colleen was sent away and sold to a man named René Agard for not two, but three times her market value. Shane didn't give up though, and in the months that followed, he continued to save up whatever he could with the hope of someday buying her back.

Then one night, Colleen's new master took her to a party, and during a private bondage session he put her into a full suspension with chains and cords, leaving her completely at his mercy. Tragically, the session went bad and she choked to death. As the story went, René had put a leather 'discipline mask' over her head and failed to give her enough ventilation to breath. She thrashed about and heaved, her muffled screams could be heard in the mask, but René was too caught up in the euphoria of the scene to notice she was in any distress until it was too late. In a report sent to the Board of Directors, it stated the slave had died by 'sexual asphyxia' (classified medically as an autoerotic fatality) due to accidental neglect while her Dom was under the influence of opioids and alcohol. René was so distraught over the incident that he killed himself before his punishment could be determined by The Board.

Since Colleen's death, Shane never let himself get emotionally attached to a slave girl again. As far as he was concerned, they were of no use to him, other than a body to kick around or a warm place to park his cock for a while. Yet sometimes the melancholy would hit him hard, and loneliness would sink in, like black bile in pit of his stomach. When this happened Shane would always find himself a slave to abuse, or fuck, or even just to lie with for a time -- whatever it took to help him cope or forget.


Shane waited until 4:00 a.m. before going down to see Heidi. Taking out the keys, he went down to the dungeon, then unlocked the door to the lower level, commonly referred as ‘the rabbit hole’, and took a lantern with him. Slowly, he descended the narrow, spiral staircase, while being mindful of his steps because there was always a danger of a stone giving away. Unlike Raven, Shane hated this place. It was particularly bad during the rainy season, when moisture seemed to seep endlessly through the cracked stone walls. It was a wonder the house hadn't fallen into its own fucking hole long ago, but Raven always maintained that the massive stone pillars throughout the interior were strong enough to keep the crumbling foundation secure.

The room at the bottom of the steps was used as a wine cellar, and from it, corridors and chambers branched off with no particular design or reason. Shane pulled the set of keys out again and unlocked the door that led to a particularly dingy room in a remote corner.

Heidi was hanging there just as Raven had left her -- arms stretched high, wrists together and fastened to the chain with leather cuffs, feet dangling only a few inches from the floor. A leather muzzle covered her mouth entirely to silence her. The bitch was a real screamer, but Shane knew that annoying habit would be beaten out of her eventually.

"Hello there," he greeted her.

Heidi answered him with a glare.

"Still being feisty, huh?" He set the lantern down on the table. "It must be rough, hanging there for so long, with the weight of your own body boring down on your wrists like that. Hardly seems worth the trouble if you ask me."

A drop of sweat slid off her forehead and into her eye. She shook it away and moaned. Her body was covered with welts from her last whipping, and her blonde hair had seen better days, but the girl still looked fantastic. Her large breasts were perfectly symmetrical, and stretched as she was, they provided a magnificent display.

Shane circled her slowly, in much the same way Raven did before their first session. He looked at the marks on her body and shook his head. What a damn waste! If Raven wasn't careful, he could do some permanent damage, not that she didn't deserve it. This bitch might be tough, but she also didn't have enough sense to realize that her stubbornness would only earn her a ticket to that shit-hole work farm in South America.

He could tell that her will was beginning to waver though. He saw it in her eyes. That meant his timing was perfect. All it took now was a verbal incentive and he would get exactly what he came for. Pulling out a chair, he sat down at the table, then pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"You know Raven has all but given up on you," he tried to look concerned. "Most of the women we bring here usually give in pretty early once they've realized they don't have any choice. At least they don't suffer as much. In time, they adapt to the new life, and get used to the way things are. Before you know it, they’ve forgotten their past and really don't know how to live any other way.”

Heidi’s eyes narrowed. The heat behind that smoldering look could melt a diamond, but Shane didn’t waver.

"Now a feisty girl like you would never let that happen, but here’s the thing, being feisty isn’t going to get you out of this. It’ll only make it worse for you, and what’s that going to accomplish?”

Shane took a puff of his cigarette, only for effect to let his last statement sink into that thick skull of hers, then continued,

"On the other hand, if you were smart, you would give in to what they want. Let them BELIEVE they've broken you, then you wait for the right opportunity to come along and with some planning, you make a break for it."

"And if you really played your cards right, you might even find someone here to help you."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," Heidi moaned, and her glare grew even more intense.

"Well that’s your best shot of getting out of here. I've seen girls try to play this game the hard way by fighting it just like you're doing right now. Eventually they break because Raven has patience and plenty of time."

He flicked his cigarette in the ash tray.

"And if that doesn’t convince you, then let me shed some more darkness on your situation. The women we bring here are merely a commodity, and only slightly more valued than the horses in Raven’s stables. Like all investments, some pan out during their training, some don't."

"And the ones that don't never see the light of day."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!" the look in her eyes began to soften.

"That's right, sweetheart. If Raven can't train you, then he'll find some other use for you. Most-likely, he'll just let you hang down here indefinitely to serve as an example for the other girls. He might even bring them down so they can all see what happens to stubborn, stupid girls who refuse to accept how things are."

Shane a took another drag of his cigarette then stood up from his chair and approached her again.

"I've seen him do it before," he lowered his voice, as if someone might be listening nearby. "I've seen very pretty girls, like yourself, hang like this for days . . . dangling . . . with no place to rest their feet. You think this might be painful now but wait and see what happens later. First the hands turn blue . . . more so than they are now . . . then they turn a dark purple, as the circulation goes and pressure builds in the wrists. Finally the fingers start to swell, then split open and bleed, right at the tips."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph," came another moan, only now it sounded like a plea.

"They can't do anything about it either, just hang there and moan, with the blood from their own fingers running down their arms. It's not a pretty sight, and I can only imagine how painful it must feel, that is, assuming there's any feeling left in the arms at all by then."

Shane moved back to the table and took his seat again.

"If you're lucky enough to live through it, then Raven MIGHT show some mercy and let you down. But by then, there won't be much left of your arms . . . just slabs of dead flesh that, most-likely, will have to be lopped off . . . and such beautiful arms you have too!"

He finished the cigarette and waited. Heidi no longer had a look of defiance in her face, but sheer terror. Her eyes were wide as saucers, and they began to tear up. Her breathing became erratic, as though she had just run a marathon, making those wonderful, melon-shaped tits heave and jiggle nicely off her ribs. She looked up and twisted her hands in the leather restraints. Shane could tell they were really beginning to hurt now, partly from the suspension itself, and partly from the growing anticipation from that horror story he just planted in her head.

"But I didn't come down here just to scare you," Shave snuffed out the cigarette. "I just wanted you to realize what you're up against . . . and to offer you my help, that is, assuming you want it?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," Heidi shook her head 'yes.' She was frantic now.

"Good," Shane stood up. "For starters, I can release you from that suspension and take you someplace to rest a while. Then I'll go talk to Raven. I'll tell him you've seen the errors of your ways, that your mind is right . . . something like that. I'm sure Raven will give you one more chance, but for now on, you have to do everything he says, and no mouthing off. In the meantime . . . you and I will make arrangements for your escape."


"That's right. You're getting out of here, but I'm taking a big risk in doing this, so it would certainly be unwise of me not to ask for something from you return, correct?"

A look of suspicion dried the tears out of her eyes. She knew exactly what Shane was getting at.

"I know, I know, life can be unfair, sweetheart," he said, "but from where I’m standing, you have two choices. You can stay down here, or you can take a chance with me and increase your chances of getting out."

Heidi shook her head 'yes.'

"Good girl. I’m going to let you down now and take you to another room with a bed. I still have an hour before I meet with Raven, so we’ll have some time to get better acquainted, then you can rest."

Shane placed one hand against her cheek and tenderly brush the sweat off with his thumb.

"And this will just be our little secret, OK?"


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