Indoctrination - Chapter 36
Night Owl
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Under my thumb
The squirmin’ dog who’s just had her day
Under my thumb
A girl, who has just changed her ways
It’s down to me, yes it is
The way she does what she’s told, down to me
The change has come
She’s under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it’s all right.
“Under My Thumb”
by The Rolling Stones
Chapter 36: Broken
As a free woman, Heidi Strobel had always been fiercely independent, and preferred to walk her chosen paths alone, sink or swim, with no expectations of help from anybody. She was proud of her looks, her good health, and uninhibited by the wolfish stares and comments made by men behind her back – and there were many.
Now, that life and the woman she always believed herself to be no longer existed.
She vaguely remembered the delivery man she allowed into her house, and how he cupped a rag soaked with chloroform over her mouth the minute her back was turned. She kept a Glock 21.45-caliber handgun hidden away, and she would have used it without hesitating, but never had that chance. After the chloroform took its effect, her limp body was quickly packed away in the mocked-up delivery truck and sent to Dark Oak Manor to be conditioned and trained as a slave girl, or ‘kajira’ – a term she had never heard of before her abduction.
Heidi was unlike other girls though, who were usually consumed with fear, confusion, and disbelief after their arrival. She kept her head because she knew exactly what her captors were up to from the beginning. Before receiving a degree in exercise physiology and physical education, she had studied psychology and actually wrote a paper on the effects of mind-control and brainwashing used by many religious cults.
The processes she experienced at Dark Oak Manor were not much different. The long periods of isolation in the dark which robbed the subject of any sensory input, the sleep deprivation, a sudden change of diet lacking proteins, the humiliation, fear, and forced dependency -- all carefully applied to mess with the cognitive abilities largely controlled by the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Simply put, it was like cleaning a mental slate while making one susceptible to powers of suggestion, including the technique of knitting false memories together with fragments of real memories which, if successful, ultimately lead to a complete redefinition of one’s identity at the will of others.
Yet unlike the religious cults Heidi wrote about, these people were trying to indoctrinate her into a world even more sinister -- a world of bondage, sexual dominance and the worst kind of servitude and prostitution. While she had the advantage of knowing what their plans and techniques were, they still had the luxury of time while she had very little. The mind and body could only withstand so much torment before they were both eventually broken. Heidi’s only chance was to find a way to escape while she still had the will to do it, and she didn’t care if she died trying. Anything had to be better than the horrible fate waiting for her.
It was about that time when Shane, one of the handlers, approached her with an offer -- that she surrender to him anything he wanted of herself in exchange for helping her find a way out. Heidi didn’t trust him, but she was getting desperate and saw no other options. She did things for Shane that she would never have even considered under any other circumstances, only to quickly learn that he had no intention of holding up his end of the bargain. Now she could add sexual blackmail to her own degradation.
Then one day, while cleaning one of the rooms in the dungeon, Heidi discovered an old tunnel that had been barred up and padlocked. After examining the lock, she knew it could easily be picked. She came up with an escape plan and invited Amber to join her, but their plot was uncovered and both women were sent into isolation for punishment.
Normally, the process lasted twenty days, but for Heidi, it was five weeks in a ‘sweat box’ with no windows, not even cracks to allow daylight to come through. During that time she was served two unpalatable meals a day and left chained up naked in complete darkness, released only for long sessions of bondage and whippings.
Having nothing to do, nothing to focus her eyes or ears on, the silence was often filled with her own thoughts. But any memories of family, friends, accomplishments, anything positive, seemed vague and abstract to her now, so instead, her tortured mind began to entertain the mistakes and regrets of her life. She thought about Dark Oak Manor. How insolent she was with the trainers and the girls around her! She thought of the escape attempt and how she had involved Amber. At this moment she too was being punished, or maybe even worse – all because of Heidi’s own selfishness. The list of failures and transgressions grew and compounded every day, everything she did, everything she said to others, every word of defiance from her mouth.
When Heidi couldn’t dwell on those thoughts anymore, she tried to escape that reality by sleeping for hours, sometimes all day, and when she woke up, she was even more fatigued than before. Heidi craved activity of almost any kind, and when that chance came, she was usually restrained in some way that made her body the most vulnerable, and then she was whipped, which to her was more terrifying than anything else, even more than the long hours of isolation. To feel the searing pain each time the lash cut into her flesh, to see her breasts, her impressively large and beautiful breasts, along with the rest of her body covered in welts again and again finally took its toll. Just as she had learned from her thesis on religious cults, they had found a weakness, the straw that broke her back – that being her own physical vanity, and they exploited it with no mercy. Each whipping seemed more brutal than the last, and Heidi feared more than anything that her perfect almond flesh would be scarred for life. Even though it wasn’t, she still believed it so.
After each whipping was over, Heidi was relieved to be put back into isolation, only for the negative, self-destructive thoughts to return again with the pitch black and dead quiet. Like an ongoing cycle, it seemed the punishments would never end, and Heidi knew now she deserved all of it.
When Master Raven was finally convinced that her mind was ‘right’, Heidi was released from isolation. At first, they kept her away from everyone else. She was not allowed even a strip of clothing to wear, day or night, just her slave collar. While the other girls cleaned the house upstairs or the grounds outside in the warm sunlight, Heidi was in charge of the dungeon, including the bathrooms and showers, forced to work on her hands and knees at times while Tony or Gino sat there and watched.
None of that mattered to Heidi though. She was free from her reclusion, the whippings, and once more given the chance to redeem herself. Her whole purpose in life now was to please others, particularly Master Raven; to cook and clean, to ‘entertain’ guests, to answer to anyone’s bidding without question. She finally learned the meaning of addressing others with ‘Sir’, ‘Master’ or ‘Mistress’. She learned how to enter a room with her head down when ‘free persons’ were present, and to drop into the ‘bara’ or ‘nadu’ position without hesitation whenever the words were summoned. When she saw Amber, alive and in good health, Heidi was so relieved and grateful that she wanted to rush up to her and beg for her forgiveness, but she didn’t dare even acknowledge her friend. If Master Raven wanted that sort of exchange, he would have said so.
Before the party when Amber performed her first Gorean dance, Heidi was summoned to The Grand Room, and she obediently allowed herself to be bound with rope to a heavy oak, glass top coffee table in a way that left with her nude body bent painfully backward. More rope was then tied around her breasts in tight bands and another drawn downward between her open thighs and deep between her ass cheeks underneath. Small tea light candles were placed all around her, some very close to her body so she could feel the tiny flames lapping at her flesh. For hours she remained there like a piece of furniture, sweating from her bondage and the heat of the candles. She uttered no angry protests, but only moaned pitifully behind her gag and squirmed against the ropes, arching her back and pushing her bound breasts upward as much they would allow, because she knew it would create a pleasing sight for everyone to behold, especially Master Raven.
And for the first time in her life, Heidi actually enjoyed the bondage. She took pleasure in her utter helplessness, the power of the ropes, the feel of rough hemp rubbing against her flesh, and even more so, in knowing that people sitting around her were watching her closely, appraising her like a most exquisite piece of artwork, all while Amber danced around the table, taunting her, as it was her right.
Heidi was well on her way to finding peace and acceptance in her new life, yet there was one more test she would have to endure – a punishment brought on, not by her own selflessness, but by a simple careless act.
It began next day after the party. She was given the privilege of cleaning one of the large sitting rooms on the main floor where the event had been held. They also gave her something to wear. It was nothing more than a ‘slave rag’, a piece of work cloth hanging loosely off one shoulder like a toga and tied around her waist with a ‘release cord’, but Heidi accepted it gratefully, for that was the first time she had been allowed to wear any form of clothing in weeks.
Her task was a simple one -- to clear off the tables, wipe and polish the wood, then vacuum the carpet. Heidi made sure everything was done properly and put the dirty rags into a box as she was instructed so they could be laundered later, then went to the kitchen to assist Monique.
It wasn’t long after, when she heard Master Raven barking her name,
“Heidi! Get in here. NOW!”
She rushed into the room she had just cleaned and immediately addressed Raven by falling to her knees and leaning forward with her arms stretched forward so that her face nearly touched the carpet.
“Sit up.”
She raised her upper body and, still kneeling, leaned back and placed her hands on her heels. Her Master’s dark eyes were now black with anger. She had experienced the look before and her heart jumped when she saw a cleaning rag in his hand.
“Were you using this rag?”
“Y … yes, Sir.”
“I found this filthy thing lying on the table over there. Is that where it belongs?”
“No, Sir.”
“And where DOES it belong?”
“In … in the laundry box … with … with the other rags,“ her voice stammered.
He struck Heidi across the mouth so hard, it sent her falling sideways to the floor. When she got up on her knees again, her lip was bleeding.
“So tell me then, why did I find this lying on the table?”
“I … I forgot to put it away, Master. I’m sorry Sir.”
“Forgot about it … or were you just being your usual rebellious self?”
“No Sir … I forgot to put it in the box. I swear.”
“Is your mind still right?”
“Yes, Sir. My mind is right, Sir.”
“I wonder.”
“Honest, Sir. My mind is right,” her body started shaking, her breasts pressing hard against the tunic she was wearing with each breath she took.
“Perhaps I should whip you,” he said, shaking the rag in front of her face. “Would you say that’s a fitting punishment for this?”
Heidi’s eyes squeezed tight, “Oh please … PLEASE don’t whip me, Master! It was only a mistake. I swear it won’t happen …”
“I didn’t ask you to beg, did I?”
“No Sir,” Heidi knew she had made two mistakes now.
“A true kajira should accept the whip, especially when she deserves it.”
“Yes, Master.”
“And don’t you think you deserve it?”
“Y-yes, Master.”
Mistress Sonia suddenly appeared with several lengths of sisal rope. She had been ordered to do so before Raven summoned Heidi.
“I’m not going to whip you,” he said, “at least not yet. That pretty flesh of yours is far too valuable now, especially since a few of our guests last night have taken an interest in you.”
“Th-thank you, Master …”
“You’ve been a very difficult girl since the first day you arrived, and I’m going to get every dollar your worth for my troubles when you go to the block. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir ... I won’t disappoint you Master …”
“Stand up.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Standing face to face with Raven, she was careful to keep her eyes glued to the floor.
“Give me that tunic. You don’t deserve it.”
“Y-yes, Master,” and she immediately released the rope around her waist and slipped out of the rag she had cherished only minutes before.
Heidi now stood naked before him, her perfect D-sized breasts hanging firmly off her ribs, her nipples already beginning to peak, as if the open air were kissing them.
“You have a very impressive rack and a beautiful face, has anyone ever told you that?”
She was unsure how to answer.
“Of course they have,” he finished, and turned to Sonia, “Give me that rope and leave us.”
Sonia handed the rope to him, then took Heidi’s tunic and left the room without a word. Everyone knew Raven had been in a scratchy mood lately and everyone, even the mistress, knew this was the time to tread carefully around him.
“Ko-Lar,” he ordered.
Heidi sank to her knees, spread them wide, and while sitting upright, extended her arms upward and crossed her wrists together so they could be bound.
“Open your mouth,” and when Heidi did so, he stuffed the rag in. “Now hold that position.”
Heidi nodded and remained on her knees, arms still reaching high, while Raven cut one long length of the sisal rope with his pocketknife. Starting with her breasts, he went to work, wrapping the rope around her upper body, three coils neatly together above and below her breasts, each pulled tight before tying the rope off behind her back.
Next, he used three short pieces of nylon to cinch the ropes above and below her breasts together, first between them and then on both sides under her armpits. The ‘rope harness’ not only forced her firm, melon-sized breasts to bulge outward even more, but also caused all of the nerve endings in her flesh to come to the surface making them far more sensitive and her dark pink nipples to pop erect.
He tied a length of rope to the center of her breast ropes then carefully measured and tied two knots along the length of it. With a few deft moves, Raven wrapped more rope around her waist, cinched it with the breast rope before pulling that rope tight between her thighs, deep inside her buttocks and drawing it up her spine before tying it the harness rope. He shifted and adjusted the ropes to that one knot was positioned over her navel with the other knot settled right up against her clit.
“Can you feel that pet?”
Heidi whimpered softly into the gag and nodded ‘yes.’
But Raven wasn’t satisfied. Heidi grimaced as he gave the crotch rope a sharp yank again and again, forcing it tighter against her clit and the knot deep inside her vagina before re-tying it to the harness in back.
“Bara,” he then ordered.
Heidi bent forward and lay face down with her bound tits pushing hard into the carpet. She then crossed her arms behind her back.
“At least you’ve learned your punishment commands.”
Raven knelt down on one knee beside her and yanked her arms behind her back. More ropes were tied around her wrists and elbows, bringing them tightly together. He tied her ankles together and, rolling her from side to side on the carpet, tied her knees and thighs. Heidi did nothing to resist him, but with each tie she could feel the course rope rubbing against her flesh, most noticeably in her crotch, making it impossible not to squirm a little.
Next, he rolled her on her right side and bent her legs painfully backward until her ankles met her wrists.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmphhhh!” Heidi moaned. Every muscle screamed as her body was forced into a backbreaking hogtie.
“I like the sound of that,” Raven said as he tied her wrists and ankles together. “It means you’re learning.”
Now Heidi was completely immobile and vulnerable for whatever he had planned. Raven ran one hand around her breasts, which were as firm as ripe melons from the pressure of the ropes surrounding them. He tweaked and pinched her taut nipples while she lay helpless before him on the carpet.
“Mmmmmmmm ... mmmmmmmmm ...” Heidi moaned again through the rag still filling her mouth, only softer now. She began squeezing her thighs together so she could feel the knot shifting inside her.
“You’re enjoying this too much,” Raven said and released her breasts.
Heidi opened her eyes and looked at Raven. She wanted more than anything to feel his powerful hands on her again, but told herself this session was for punishment, not pleasure.
“Do you see that rag box?”
Her eyes shot over to the box still sitting on the floor across the room and she nodded.
“I want you to take that rag in your mouth over to the box and put it where it belongs.”
“Hmmmmmmmffffff ...!”
“’How?’ you’re asking? Well I’ll give you a hint. You’re a persistent and resourceful bitch. Since the first day you were brought here, you’ve resisted my training. You managed to fool two of my handlers, find that tunnel and con one of the other girls into running away with you. I’m sure you’ll find a way to complete the task.”
Raven then stood up and reached for an antique hourglass from a bookshelf.
“In fact, I’m confident you can do this in just one hour.”
Heidi felt a lump growing in her throat as he flipped the hourglass over and saw the fine sand flowing down through its center.
“This is a 60-minute hourglass and if I don’t see that rag in the box before the sand has poured away, then I will whip every square inch of flesh on your body. I’ll start with your breasts first and when I’m done, no one will be able to recognize you. Understood?”
Heidi swallowed the lump and nodded.
“Very good. See you in an hour,” he then turned and left the room, leaving her to languish over her predicament.
However, Heidi was never really alone. Raven went upstairs to his office, poured himself a drink, and flipping a switch under his desk, opened the panel on the opposite wall to reveal six monitors, much like that in the surveillance room. He had them installed not long ago so that he, himself, could monitor the cameras throughout the house. He flipped another switch to turn on the camera in the room Heidi was tied in and dialed up the volume.
Raven knew the punishment was excessive and that the girl had simply made an honest mistake, but he had to make sure she had really learned her lesson. When Heidi first arrived, there was no argument she would bring in a fortune at the auction block. She had a beautiful, athletic body with just enough curve definition to be feminine while strong enough to endure the roughest bondage techniques. As for her breasts, she was blessed with the most gifted rack Raven had ever seen.
Yet while a good kajira was not only beautiful, she must also be obedient and willful enough to provide entertainment and sport in her capture and subsequent use. From the very beginning, it became obvious to Raven that Heidi did not fit the profile. She was too proud, too independent, and did not possess the underlying submissive fundamentals that could be uncovered and manipulated through training.
Both the recruiters and The Board (who approved all requisitions) didn’t see this, or most-likely, only saw profits in bringing her in. Raven had experienced this type before. Some were eventually broken and trained to be good slaves while most ended up wasting away in a South American work camp under the headmaster, Ahumado Diaz.
Many times, Raven thought Heidi would face the same fate. Since her arrival, she had been the rebellious one, refusing to submit to the idea of being a slave. The escape plan she hatched with Amber proved her to be equally smart and resourceful as well. When their plan was discovered, Raven wanted to ship her south and be done with her, but other members in The Organization were already showing an interest in Heidi and driving up the opening bid. That meant selling her off and cutting his losses was not an option, leaving him no other choice but to break this woman’s spirits or kill her trying, so Heidi received a harsher punishment and more time in isolation than anyone else previous.
As for the other girl, Amber, she presented an even more difficult situation for Raven, though for different reasons. Sometimes trainers became too attached emotionally to the girls under their care, and while such behavior was bound to happen at times, it was still considered unhealthy within The Organization and bad for business. Raven had made this mistake only once, many years ago and when that girl was killed in an auto accident, it took him months to get over it. Over the years, Raven thought he had learned his lesson, until recently.
Since Amber was brought to Dark Oak Manor, he could not get the girl off his mind, in spite of handing her training back to Sonia and doing his best keep his distance. When he found out she and Heidi were planning an escape, he felt betrayed, humiliated, the way a man feels when his wife runs off with someone else. Raven wanted to punish her in the worst way, then planned to get her to the auction block as soon as possible and be done with her for good, until he saw the girl performing her dance for him other night, and once again, he was hooked.
She was undoubtedly beautiful. There was also a purity about her that he immediately noticed when she had first arrived, and in spite of her betrayal when she and Heidi tried to run away, that purity still remained, not in a sense of being a virgin, but in a way Raven could not put a finger on. Maybe it was in her character. She seemed genuine, nothing fabricated due to her training. He knew Amber had feelings for him too, it had happened before with other girls he trained – that dependency some of them mistook for love. He couldn’t help but wonder what their relationship would have been like without the training, the mind games, The Organization – if she were a free woman and not just a slave. He hadn’t felt this way about any woman since Catrinel was taken from him so suddenly and so many years ago ...
“Get a grip on yourself,” he spoke out loud to no one. “The girl will be trained then sold on the block, and that’ll be the end of it.”
He poured himself another drink and turned his attention back to the monitor.
Heidi hadn’t moved much since Raven left her there on the floor. Lying on her side, her arms and legs were bound firmly together, her hands and feet nearly touching, keeping her body in a back breaking bow with no way of working up enough slack to wiggle out of it. She tried loosening the knots but they were out of reach, and only by inches. Raven had really trussed her up this time. Her limbs were useless. The rag box was only about 30 feet away, normally just a short walk, though in her present condition, it might as well have been a mile.
She couldn’t bear the thought of being whipped again. Her double D cup breasts were prime targets in the way they stood out so prominently in front of her between the ropes. She had to get the rag in her mouth over to that box, somehow, before he came back.
Still lying her side, Heidi tried scooting forward and immediately felt the knot in the crotch rope shift against her clit in a way that sent white hot flashes outward to the rest of her body with such delirious intensity that Heidi couldn’t help screaming into the gag,
Her flesh shook, the muscles in her legs quivering as a deep shuddering spasm gripped her. For over a minute, she bucked and trembled, her tense body pressing against the ropes, oblivious to everything else around her, thinking only of the orgasm until it finally subsided, leaving her sweating and panting into the rag.
When Heidi opened her eyes, and finally came back to Earth, she noticed the sand in the hourglass had already filled a quarter of the lower globe. She moaned heavily. Tears began to fill her eyes forcing her to close them tight to push the flood back. There was no time for that now.
With a soft grunt, she managed to roll onto her stomach smashing her breasts under her own weight while burying her hardened nipples deep into the carpet fibers. Despite the discomfort, Heidi found that with great effort, she could at least inch forward a little at a time by rocking her body from side to side, but as she moved, she felt the carpet rubbing painfully against her bound tits and the ropes shifting around her body, chafing her skin. The knot inside her seemed to radiate its own heat, as if a hot stone had been placed against her flesh. After only a few minutes, a second climax surfaced, setting her pelvis on fire, even more earth-shattering than the first,
If it weren’t for the cloth filling her mouth like a gag, Heidi’s screams of pure tortured pleasure would have roused the entire household. Sweat pebbled on her forehead and rolled into her eyes, but she shook it off and kept moving across the carpet, trying to cover as much distance as possible before the next wave.
Ten minutes passed, followed by two more brief orgasms, and she was only halfway across the room. Inch by inch she wiggled forward. Her body was sweating all over now, every muscle ached terribly, and her breasts felt like ground hamburger. She tried rolling back on her side – just for a minute to rest her body and give her throbbing tits some relief, only to experience another paralyzing orgasm.
Heidi threw her head back, wheezing heavily into the gag, her muscles clamping in seemingly endless waves of violent contractions. After the last tremor, she had to will whatever strength she had left, and with a whimper, rolled back onto her stomach, and continued to move ... inch ... by inch ... by inch.
Finally, she was only six feet from the box. Her golden hair was nothing more than thin strands, sweat streaming down her face. Her flesh felt like it was burning in a furnace but she kept going. She hadn’t looked back at the hourglass for some time. She was afraid to.
Inch ... by inch ... by inch ...
After finally reaching her destination, Heidi breathed a long sigh of relief, then turned her head toward the hourglass and saw the top globe was now almost empty.
It was then Heidi realized she was facing another predicament. The box was nearly three feet high and, bound as she was, there was no way to raise herself up to drop the rag in, and even that were possible, she was just too exhausted to even try. She couldn’t even feel her hands or feet behind her because the tightness of the ropes. She imagined them turning dark crimson, then black from the loss of any blood flow and wondered if they would ever be of use again.
Heidi rolled back on her side one final time and watched the last grains of sand empty into the hourglass. She had failed her Master, and when he returned, her body would get the lashing she deserved.
Raven had seen everything on the monitor. After finishing his drink, he went downstairs to where Heidi was waiting for him – the rag still in her mouth, wet from her own drool and tears.
“Have you learned your lesson?”
She nodded.
“And is your mind still right?”
She nodded again.
Raven carefully removed the rag. She took a few long breaths and without hesitating said,
“I am so sorry, Master! I deserve to be punished! I will take the whip ... I’m ready for it!”
He knew this was no act. The woman actually wanted to be whipped, not for pleasure, but as corporeal penance to show remorse for her failure to please him. The anger in his dark eyes softened as he looked at her -- thighs and shoulders chaffed, her breasts a beat red, and the tears streaming down her cheeks. Raven no longer had any doubts that, like a wild mare, this woman had finally been broken.
“That won’t be necessary, pet,” he dropped the rag in the box, “It would be unreasonable for me to expect you to perform such a difficult task tied up as you are, don’t you think?”
“Y-yes, Master ... but I will try my best never to fail you again. I promise.”
“I know you will.”
He wiped the tears and sweat from Heidi’s cheeks, then gently untied the ropes until she was free and rubbed the life back into her limbs.
“Now you know who you are, my pet,” he said, “and your place in this house.”
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
Under my thumb
The squirmin’ dog who’s just had her day
Under my thumb
A girl, who has just changed her ways
It’s down to me, yes it is
The way she does what she’s told, down to me
The change has come
She’s under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it’s all right.
“Under My Thumb”
by The Rolling Stones
Chapter 36: Broken
As a free woman, Heidi Strobel had always been fiercely independent, and preferred to walk her chosen paths alone, sink or swim, with no expectations of help from anybody. She was proud of her looks, her good health, and uninhibited by the wolfish stares and comments made by men behind her back – and there were many.
Now, that life and the woman she always believed herself to be no longer existed.
She vaguely remembered the delivery man she allowed into her house, and how he cupped a rag soaked with chloroform over her mouth the minute her back was turned. She kept a Glock 21.45-caliber handgun hidden away, and she would have used it without hesitating, but never had that chance. After the chloroform took its effect, her limp body was quickly packed away in the mocked-up delivery truck and sent to Dark Oak Manor to be conditioned and trained as a slave girl, or ‘kajira’ – a term she had never heard of before her abduction.
Heidi was unlike other girls though, who were usually consumed with fear, confusion, and disbelief after their arrival. She kept her head because she knew exactly what her captors were up to from the beginning. Before receiving a degree in exercise physiology and physical education, she had studied psychology and actually wrote a paper on the effects of mind-control and brainwashing used by many religious cults.
The processes she experienced at Dark Oak Manor were not much different. The long periods of isolation in the dark which robbed the subject of any sensory input, the sleep deprivation, a sudden change of diet lacking proteins, the humiliation, fear, and forced dependency -- all carefully applied to mess with the cognitive abilities largely controlled by the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Simply put, it was like cleaning a mental slate while making one susceptible to powers of suggestion, including the technique of knitting false memories together with fragments of real memories which, if successful, ultimately lead to a complete redefinition of one’s identity at the will of others.
Yet unlike the religious cults Heidi wrote about, these people were trying to indoctrinate her into a world even more sinister -- a world of bondage, sexual dominance and the worst kind of servitude and prostitution. While she had the advantage of knowing what their plans and techniques were, they still had the luxury of time while she had very little. The mind and body could only withstand so much torment before they were both eventually broken. Heidi’s only chance was to find a way to escape while she still had the will to do it, and she didn’t care if she died trying. Anything had to be better than the horrible fate waiting for her.
It was about that time when Shane, one of the handlers, approached her with an offer -- that she surrender to him anything he wanted of herself in exchange for helping her find a way out. Heidi didn’t trust him, but she was getting desperate and saw no other options. She did things for Shane that she would never have even considered under any other circumstances, only to quickly learn that he had no intention of holding up his end of the bargain. Now she could add sexual blackmail to her own degradation.
Then one day, while cleaning one of the rooms in the dungeon, Heidi discovered an old tunnel that had been barred up and padlocked. After examining the lock, she knew it could easily be picked. She came up with an escape plan and invited Amber to join her, but their plot was uncovered and both women were sent into isolation for punishment.
Normally, the process lasted twenty days, but for Heidi, it was five weeks in a ‘sweat box’ with no windows, not even cracks to allow daylight to come through. During that time she was served two unpalatable meals a day and left chained up naked in complete darkness, released only for long sessions of bondage and whippings.
Having nothing to do, nothing to focus her eyes or ears on, the silence was often filled with her own thoughts. But any memories of family, friends, accomplishments, anything positive, seemed vague and abstract to her now, so instead, her tortured mind began to entertain the mistakes and regrets of her life. She thought about Dark Oak Manor. How insolent she was with the trainers and the girls around her! She thought of the escape attempt and how she had involved Amber. At this moment she too was being punished, or maybe even worse – all because of Heidi’s own selfishness. The list of failures and transgressions grew and compounded every day, everything she did, everything she said to others, every word of defiance from her mouth.
When Heidi couldn’t dwell on those thoughts anymore, she tried to escape that reality by sleeping for hours, sometimes all day, and when she woke up, she was even more fatigued than before. Heidi craved activity of almost any kind, and when that chance came, she was usually restrained in some way that made her body the most vulnerable, and then she was whipped, which to her was more terrifying than anything else, even more than the long hours of isolation. To feel the searing pain each time the lash cut into her flesh, to see her breasts, her impressively large and beautiful breasts, along with the rest of her body covered in welts again and again finally took its toll. Just as she had learned from her thesis on religious cults, they had found a weakness, the straw that broke her back – that being her own physical vanity, and they exploited it with no mercy. Each whipping seemed more brutal than the last, and Heidi feared more than anything that her perfect almond flesh would be scarred for life. Even though it wasn’t, she still believed it so.
After each whipping was over, Heidi was relieved to be put back into isolation, only for the negative, self-destructive thoughts to return again with the pitch black and dead quiet. Like an ongoing cycle, it seemed the punishments would never end, and Heidi knew now she deserved all of it.
When Master Raven was finally convinced that her mind was ‘right’, Heidi was released from isolation. At first, they kept her away from everyone else. She was not allowed even a strip of clothing to wear, day or night, just her slave collar. While the other girls cleaned the house upstairs or the grounds outside in the warm sunlight, Heidi was in charge of the dungeon, including the bathrooms and showers, forced to work on her hands and knees at times while Tony or Gino sat there and watched.
None of that mattered to Heidi though. She was free from her reclusion, the whippings, and once more given the chance to redeem herself. Her whole purpose in life now was to please others, particularly Master Raven; to cook and clean, to ‘entertain’ guests, to answer to anyone’s bidding without question. She finally learned the meaning of addressing others with ‘Sir’, ‘Master’ or ‘Mistress’. She learned how to enter a room with her head down when ‘free persons’ were present, and to drop into the ‘bara’ or ‘nadu’ position without hesitation whenever the words were summoned. When she saw Amber, alive and in good health, Heidi was so relieved and grateful that she wanted to rush up to her and beg for her forgiveness, but she didn’t dare even acknowledge her friend. If Master Raven wanted that sort of exchange, he would have said so.
Before the party when Amber performed her first Gorean dance, Heidi was summoned to The Grand Room, and she obediently allowed herself to be bound with rope to a heavy oak, glass top coffee table in a way that left with her nude body bent painfully backward. More rope was then tied around her breasts in tight bands and another drawn downward between her open thighs and deep between her ass cheeks underneath. Small tea light candles were placed all around her, some very close to her body so she could feel the tiny flames lapping at her flesh. For hours she remained there like a piece of furniture, sweating from her bondage and the heat of the candles. She uttered no angry protests, but only moaned pitifully behind her gag and squirmed against the ropes, arching her back and pushing her bound breasts upward as much they would allow, because she knew it would create a pleasing sight for everyone to behold, especially Master Raven.
And for the first time in her life, Heidi actually enjoyed the bondage. She took pleasure in her utter helplessness, the power of the ropes, the feel of rough hemp rubbing against her flesh, and even more so, in knowing that people sitting around her were watching her closely, appraising her like a most exquisite piece of artwork, all while Amber danced around the table, taunting her, as it was her right.
Heidi was well on her way to finding peace and acceptance in her new life, yet there was one more test she would have to endure – a punishment brought on, not by her own selflessness, but by a simple careless act.
It began next day after the party. She was given the privilege of cleaning one of the large sitting rooms on the main floor where the event had been held. They also gave her something to wear. It was nothing more than a ‘slave rag’, a piece of work cloth hanging loosely off one shoulder like a toga and tied around her waist with a ‘release cord’, but Heidi accepted it gratefully, for that was the first time she had been allowed to wear any form of clothing in weeks.
Her task was a simple one -- to clear off the tables, wipe and polish the wood, then vacuum the carpet. Heidi made sure everything was done properly and put the dirty rags into a box as she was instructed so they could be laundered later, then went to the kitchen to assist Monique.
It wasn’t long after, when she heard Master Raven barking her name,
“Heidi! Get in here. NOW!”
She rushed into the room she had just cleaned and immediately addressed Raven by falling to her knees and leaning forward with her arms stretched forward so that her face nearly touched the carpet.
“Sit up.”
She raised her upper body and, still kneeling, leaned back and placed her hands on her heels. Her Master’s dark eyes were now black with anger. She had experienced the look before and her heart jumped when she saw a cleaning rag in his hand.
“Were you using this rag?”
“Y … yes, Sir.”
“I found this filthy thing lying on the table over there. Is that where it belongs?”
“No, Sir.”
“And where DOES it belong?”
“In … in the laundry box … with … with the other rags,“ her voice stammered.
He struck Heidi across the mouth so hard, it sent her falling sideways to the floor. When she got up on her knees again, her lip was bleeding.
“So tell me then, why did I find this lying on the table?”
“I … I forgot to put it away, Master. I’m sorry Sir.”
“Forgot about it … or were you just being your usual rebellious self?”
“No Sir … I forgot to put it in the box. I swear.”
“Is your mind still right?”
“Yes, Sir. My mind is right, Sir.”
“I wonder.”
“Honest, Sir. My mind is right,” her body started shaking, her breasts pressing hard against the tunic she was wearing with each breath she took.
“Perhaps I should whip you,” he said, shaking the rag in front of her face. “Would you say that’s a fitting punishment for this?”
Heidi’s eyes squeezed tight, “Oh please … PLEASE don’t whip me, Master! It was only a mistake. I swear it won’t happen …”
“I didn’t ask you to beg, did I?”
“No Sir,” Heidi knew she had made two mistakes now.
“A true kajira should accept the whip, especially when she deserves it.”
“Yes, Master.”
“And don’t you think you deserve it?”
“Y-yes, Master.”
Mistress Sonia suddenly appeared with several lengths of sisal rope. She had been ordered to do so before Raven summoned Heidi.
“I’m not going to whip you,” he said, “at least not yet. That pretty flesh of yours is far too valuable now, especially since a few of our guests last night have taken an interest in you.”
“Th-thank you, Master …”
“You’ve been a very difficult girl since the first day you arrived, and I’m going to get every dollar your worth for my troubles when you go to the block. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir ... I won’t disappoint you Master …”
“Stand up.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Standing face to face with Raven, she was careful to keep her eyes glued to the floor.
“Give me that tunic. You don’t deserve it.”
“Y-yes, Master,” and she immediately released the rope around her waist and slipped out of the rag she had cherished only minutes before.
Heidi now stood naked before him, her perfect D-sized breasts hanging firmly off her ribs, her nipples already beginning to peak, as if the open air were kissing them.
“You have a very impressive rack and a beautiful face, has anyone ever told you that?”
She was unsure how to answer.
“Of course they have,” he finished, and turned to Sonia, “Give me that rope and leave us.”
Sonia handed the rope to him, then took Heidi’s tunic and left the room without a word. Everyone knew Raven had been in a scratchy mood lately and everyone, even the mistress, knew this was the time to tread carefully around him.
“Ko-Lar,” he ordered.
Heidi sank to her knees, spread them wide, and while sitting upright, extended her arms upward and crossed her wrists together so they could be bound.
“Open your mouth,” and when Heidi did so, he stuffed the rag in. “Now hold that position.”
Heidi nodded and remained on her knees, arms still reaching high, while Raven cut one long length of the sisal rope with his pocketknife. Starting with her breasts, he went to work, wrapping the rope around her upper body, three coils neatly together above and below her breasts, each pulled tight before tying the rope off behind her back.
Next, he used three short pieces of nylon to cinch the ropes above and below her breasts together, first between them and then on both sides under her armpits. The ‘rope harness’ not only forced her firm, melon-sized breasts to bulge outward even more, but also caused all of the nerve endings in her flesh to come to the surface making them far more sensitive and her dark pink nipples to pop erect.
He tied a length of rope to the center of her breast ropes then carefully measured and tied two knots along the length of it. With a few deft moves, Raven wrapped more rope around her waist, cinched it with the breast rope before pulling that rope tight between her thighs, deep inside her buttocks and drawing it up her spine before tying it the harness rope. He shifted and adjusted the ropes to that one knot was positioned over her navel with the other knot settled right up against her clit.
“Can you feel that pet?”
Heidi whimpered softly into the gag and nodded ‘yes.’
But Raven wasn’t satisfied. Heidi grimaced as he gave the crotch rope a sharp yank again and again, forcing it tighter against her clit and the knot deep inside her vagina before re-tying it to the harness in back.
“Bara,” he then ordered.
Heidi bent forward and lay face down with her bound tits pushing hard into the carpet. She then crossed her arms behind her back.
“At least you’ve learned your punishment commands.”
Raven knelt down on one knee beside her and yanked her arms behind her back. More ropes were tied around her wrists and elbows, bringing them tightly together. He tied her ankles together and, rolling her from side to side on the carpet, tied her knees and thighs. Heidi did nothing to resist him, but with each tie she could feel the course rope rubbing against her flesh, most noticeably in her crotch, making it impossible not to squirm a little.
Next, he rolled her on her right side and bent her legs painfully backward until her ankles met her wrists.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmphhhh!” Heidi moaned. Every muscle screamed as her body was forced into a backbreaking hogtie.
“I like the sound of that,” Raven said as he tied her wrists and ankles together. “It means you’re learning.”
Now Heidi was completely immobile and vulnerable for whatever he had planned. Raven ran one hand around her breasts, which were as firm as ripe melons from the pressure of the ropes surrounding them. He tweaked and pinched her taut nipples while she lay helpless before him on the carpet.
“Mmmmmmmm ... mmmmmmmmm ...” Heidi moaned again through the rag still filling her mouth, only softer now. She began squeezing her thighs together so she could feel the knot shifting inside her.
“You’re enjoying this too much,” Raven said and released her breasts.
Heidi opened her eyes and looked at Raven. She wanted more than anything to feel his powerful hands on her again, but told herself this session was for punishment, not pleasure.
“Do you see that rag box?”
Her eyes shot over to the box still sitting on the floor across the room and she nodded.
“I want you to take that rag in your mouth over to the box and put it where it belongs.”
“Hmmmmmmmffffff ...!”
“’How?’ you’re asking? Well I’ll give you a hint. You’re a persistent and resourceful bitch. Since the first day you were brought here, you’ve resisted my training. You managed to fool two of my handlers, find that tunnel and con one of the other girls into running away with you. I’m sure you’ll find a way to complete the task.”
Raven then stood up and reached for an antique hourglass from a bookshelf.
“In fact, I’m confident you can do this in just one hour.”
Heidi felt a lump growing in her throat as he flipped the hourglass over and saw the fine sand flowing down through its center.
“This is a 60-minute hourglass and if I don’t see that rag in the box before the sand has poured away, then I will whip every square inch of flesh on your body. I’ll start with your breasts first and when I’m done, no one will be able to recognize you. Understood?”
Heidi swallowed the lump and nodded.
“Very good. See you in an hour,” he then turned and left the room, leaving her to languish over her predicament.
However, Heidi was never really alone. Raven went upstairs to his office, poured himself a drink, and flipping a switch under his desk, opened the panel on the opposite wall to reveal six monitors, much like that in the surveillance room. He had them installed not long ago so that he, himself, could monitor the cameras throughout the house. He flipped another switch to turn on the camera in the room Heidi was tied in and dialed up the volume.
Raven knew the punishment was excessive and that the girl had simply made an honest mistake, but he had to make sure she had really learned her lesson. When Heidi first arrived, there was no argument she would bring in a fortune at the auction block. She had a beautiful, athletic body with just enough curve definition to be feminine while strong enough to endure the roughest bondage techniques. As for her breasts, she was blessed with the most gifted rack Raven had ever seen.
Yet while a good kajira was not only beautiful, she must also be obedient and willful enough to provide entertainment and sport in her capture and subsequent use. From the very beginning, it became obvious to Raven that Heidi did not fit the profile. She was too proud, too independent, and did not possess the underlying submissive fundamentals that could be uncovered and manipulated through training.
Both the recruiters and The Board (who approved all requisitions) didn’t see this, or most-likely, only saw profits in bringing her in. Raven had experienced this type before. Some were eventually broken and trained to be good slaves while most ended up wasting away in a South American work camp under the headmaster, Ahumado Diaz.
Many times, Raven thought Heidi would face the same fate. Since her arrival, she had been the rebellious one, refusing to submit to the idea of being a slave. The escape plan she hatched with Amber proved her to be equally smart and resourceful as well. When their plan was discovered, Raven wanted to ship her south and be done with her, but other members in The Organization were already showing an interest in Heidi and driving up the opening bid. That meant selling her off and cutting his losses was not an option, leaving him no other choice but to break this woman’s spirits or kill her trying, so Heidi received a harsher punishment and more time in isolation than anyone else previous.
As for the other girl, Amber, she presented an even more difficult situation for Raven, though for different reasons. Sometimes trainers became too attached emotionally to the girls under their care, and while such behavior was bound to happen at times, it was still considered unhealthy within The Organization and bad for business. Raven had made this mistake only once, many years ago and when that girl was killed in an auto accident, it took him months to get over it. Over the years, Raven thought he had learned his lesson, until recently.
Since Amber was brought to Dark Oak Manor, he could not get the girl off his mind, in spite of handing her training back to Sonia and doing his best keep his distance. When he found out she and Heidi were planning an escape, he felt betrayed, humiliated, the way a man feels when his wife runs off with someone else. Raven wanted to punish her in the worst way, then planned to get her to the auction block as soon as possible and be done with her for good, until he saw the girl performing her dance for him other night, and once again, he was hooked.
She was undoubtedly beautiful. There was also a purity about her that he immediately noticed when she had first arrived, and in spite of her betrayal when she and Heidi tried to run away, that purity still remained, not in a sense of being a virgin, but in a way Raven could not put a finger on. Maybe it was in her character. She seemed genuine, nothing fabricated due to her training. He knew Amber had feelings for him too, it had happened before with other girls he trained – that dependency some of them mistook for love. He couldn’t help but wonder what their relationship would have been like without the training, the mind games, The Organization – if she were a free woman and not just a slave. He hadn’t felt this way about any woman since Catrinel was taken from him so suddenly and so many years ago ...
“Get a grip on yourself,” he spoke out loud to no one. “The girl will be trained then sold on the block, and that’ll be the end of it.”
He poured himself another drink and turned his attention back to the monitor.
Heidi hadn’t moved much since Raven left her there on the floor. Lying on her side, her arms and legs were bound firmly together, her hands and feet nearly touching, keeping her body in a back breaking bow with no way of working up enough slack to wiggle out of it. She tried loosening the knots but they were out of reach, and only by inches. Raven had really trussed her up this time. Her limbs were useless. The rag box was only about 30 feet away, normally just a short walk, though in her present condition, it might as well have been a mile.
She couldn’t bear the thought of being whipped again. Her double D cup breasts were prime targets in the way they stood out so prominently in front of her between the ropes. She had to get the rag in her mouth over to that box, somehow, before he came back.
Still lying her side, Heidi tried scooting forward and immediately felt the knot in the crotch rope shift against her clit in a way that sent white hot flashes outward to the rest of her body with such delirious intensity that Heidi couldn’t help screaming into the gag,
Her flesh shook, the muscles in her legs quivering as a deep shuddering spasm gripped her. For over a minute, she bucked and trembled, her tense body pressing against the ropes, oblivious to everything else around her, thinking only of the orgasm until it finally subsided, leaving her sweating and panting into the rag.
When Heidi opened her eyes, and finally came back to Earth, she noticed the sand in the hourglass had already filled a quarter of the lower globe. She moaned heavily. Tears began to fill her eyes forcing her to close them tight to push the flood back. There was no time for that now.
With a soft grunt, she managed to roll onto her stomach smashing her breasts under her own weight while burying her hardened nipples deep into the carpet fibers. Despite the discomfort, Heidi found that with great effort, she could at least inch forward a little at a time by rocking her body from side to side, but as she moved, she felt the carpet rubbing painfully against her bound tits and the ropes shifting around her body, chafing her skin. The knot inside her seemed to radiate its own heat, as if a hot stone had been placed against her flesh. After only a few minutes, a second climax surfaced, setting her pelvis on fire, even more earth-shattering than the first,
If it weren’t for the cloth filling her mouth like a gag, Heidi’s screams of pure tortured pleasure would have roused the entire household. Sweat pebbled on her forehead and rolled into her eyes, but she shook it off and kept moving across the carpet, trying to cover as much distance as possible before the next wave.
Ten minutes passed, followed by two more brief orgasms, and she was only halfway across the room. Inch by inch she wiggled forward. Her body was sweating all over now, every muscle ached terribly, and her breasts felt like ground hamburger. She tried rolling back on her side – just for a minute to rest her body and give her throbbing tits some relief, only to experience another paralyzing orgasm.
Heidi threw her head back, wheezing heavily into the gag, her muscles clamping in seemingly endless waves of violent contractions. After the last tremor, she had to will whatever strength she had left, and with a whimper, rolled back onto her stomach, and continued to move ... inch ... by inch ... by inch.
Finally, she was only six feet from the box. Her golden hair was nothing more than thin strands, sweat streaming down her face. Her flesh felt like it was burning in a furnace but she kept going. She hadn’t looked back at the hourglass for some time. She was afraid to.
Inch ... by inch ... by inch ...
After finally reaching her destination, Heidi breathed a long sigh of relief, then turned her head toward the hourglass and saw the top globe was now almost empty.
It was then Heidi realized she was facing another predicament. The box was nearly three feet high and, bound as she was, there was no way to raise herself up to drop the rag in, and even that were possible, she was just too exhausted to even try. She couldn’t even feel her hands or feet behind her because the tightness of the ropes. She imagined them turning dark crimson, then black from the loss of any blood flow and wondered if they would ever be of use again.
Heidi rolled back on her side one final time and watched the last grains of sand empty into the hourglass. She had failed her Master, and when he returned, her body would get the lashing she deserved.
Raven had seen everything on the monitor. After finishing his drink, he went downstairs to where Heidi was waiting for him – the rag still in her mouth, wet from her own drool and tears.
“Have you learned your lesson?”
She nodded.
“And is your mind still right?”
She nodded again.
Raven carefully removed the rag. She took a few long breaths and without hesitating said,
“I am so sorry, Master! I deserve to be punished! I will take the whip ... I’m ready for it!”
He knew this was no act. The woman actually wanted to be whipped, not for pleasure, but as corporeal penance to show remorse for her failure to please him. The anger in his dark eyes softened as he looked at her -- thighs and shoulders chaffed, her breasts a beat red, and the tears streaming down her cheeks. Raven no longer had any doubts that, like a wild mare, this woman had finally been broken.
“That won’t be necessary, pet,” he dropped the rag in the box, “It would be unreasonable for me to expect you to perform such a difficult task tied up as you are, don’t you think?”
“Y-yes, Master ... but I will try my best never to fail you again. I promise.”
“I know you will.”
He wiped the tears and sweat from Heidi’s cheeks, then gently untied the ropes until she was free and rubbed the life back into her limbs.
“Now you know who you are, my pet,” he said, “and your place in this house.”
Continue to read from the same author
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Indoctrination - Chapter 35
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