Indoctrination - Chapter 11


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

My hands and heart were bound
Knots tied most tenderly,
Secured but not too tight
You worked so cleverly.
My legs were gently spread
As if in trance I didn't fight,
Though wrapped in ropes
You dashed my hopes
Of forgiving me this night.

"My Dream"
by AzulieVerde

Chapter 11: One Step Closer

Sonia had not been away for more than an hour, but when she got back, Amber was already in a world of her own and, with the leather hood, didn't even hear her arrival. She turned on the overhead light, quietly unpacked the digital camcorder, then proceeded to film the girl as she moaned and writhed helplessly on the carpet. Looking through the LCD somehow separated her from the experience, but she enjoyed zooming in on Amber's bound tits and watching the ropes in her shaved ‘pus’ work their magic.

After getting the shots she wanted, Sonia placed the camcorder on a tri-pod and angled it downward to capture the girl's image on the LCD. She donned a small black mask that was just large enough to cover her eyes. She did this because sessions like these were often filmed -- the recordings used to promote upcoming auctions or played back at social gatherings to entertain the guests; so as a precaution, she always tried to conceal her identity, in case one of the recordings ended up in the wrong hands. Sonia moved in front of the camera, then circled around slowly and knelt down close behind Amber. She sat back on her heels for a moment to admire her own handiwork.

Hogties were always exquisite, and on this flexible girl, it created a fantastic amount of arch on the body. The ropes were rubbing against her naked flesh in all the right places, her moans rising in pitch and length. The long dildo stitched inside her hood was also doing its job in keeping her mouth occupied. It was an incredibly arousing sight, and Sonia felt her own body grow damp with admiration.

She reached forward and ran her hand up Amber's thigh, and with a shudder, the girl realized for the first time that she was not alone.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphttt!" She drooled a muffled whimper past the dildo.

Her body felt very warm and slick with perspiration. Her reddened flesh was rubbed raw in some places by the carpet's rough fibers, indicating the girl had been struggling quite a bit during while she was alone. Sonia placed her hand on the Amber’s head, now encased entirely in thick, black leather, with just a few breathing holes under the nose for air. The mask was like an oven, and there was always a danger of heat exhaustion at this stage, so the mistress knew she would have to work fast.

She began to massage the girl's breasts. The pressure of the ropes made them swell like a pair of ripe melons and turn slightly purple in color. Sonia lovingly ran her hands up and down her bound limbs, then back to her breasts to massage them again, while being mindful not to touch the clamps on her nipples. She felt Amber begin to relax and respond to the gentle caresses.

Sonia was always intrigued with this part of the training -- the dichotomy between pain and pleasure. She had seen it many times. Experienced it herself. The body would be tense one moment, with every muscle screaming for relief from the tension of bondage. Then, as the mind learned to accept the pain, more pleasurable sensations would take over, increase with intensity, until they finally culminate into a magnificent climax of the senses. After the first orgasm, the bound submissive relaxes again, but only to feel the pain return again with a vengeance. This cycle could last for hours, so it was the trainer's responsibility to watch for breathing issues, low blood circulation, and hyperventilation.

Feeling a little sympathetic, Sonia carefully removed the clamps from Amber's breasts, and in doing so, heard a faint sigh of relief behind the hood. Leaving the nipples clamped for an extended period of time always made them painfully sensitive -- or perhaps the girl thought her ropes would come off next.

Sonia smiled at this, "Sorry, hon," she spoke to Amber in a sultry voice, "but I'm not quite through with you yet."

Fingers slithered up her torso and pinched one swollen nipple.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!" A cry answered -- an unintelligible sound of agony and ecstasy.

The girl was helpless, completely at her mercy, and at the moment, Sonia wasn't showing her any. Her fingernails scraped the peak of Amber's nipples again, making her body surge painfully against the ropes. Sonia, in turn, felt her own lust rising, incredibly exhilarated and empowered by her transformation of this innocent girl into a sexual plaything, hers to do with as she pleased. She ran her hands along the crotch ropes, then gently pulled them aside. A gasp exploded from Amber's nose as Sonia's fingers slid over her swollen nether lips and into her sex, gliding easily over the wet, glistening flesh. Amber whined and struggled again with her ropes. Sonia could almost feel the devastating arousal shooting through the girl's body and her inability to move only seemed to triple the intensity of the stimulation being forced on her. Sonia's thumb found her clit and as she rubbed the hard, protruding nub, Amber gave a deep groan of despairing pleasure, then her body signaled its surrender with tiny forward jerks of her pelvis, as if to impale itself on Sonia's probing fingers.

"Ah-ah . . . not yet, hon. Not yet," and to Amber's disappointment, she removed her hand.


Sonia waited and listened until her breathing slowed, then resumed the stimulation of her clit, once more bringing Amber to the brink of orgasm, only to deny her again by taking her hand away. She did this two more times. By then, the poor little wretch was desperate. Sonia could hear her murmuring in the mask, her mouth moving around the leather dildo and trying to form words. It was time.

"Are you asking me to finish you, dear?"

She nodded her head 'yes'.

"Then go on," Sonia whispered, "show me how good it feels and cum for your Mistress." Sonia began rubbing Amber's clit again, while squeezing her breasts with the other hand.

This time it didn't take long for Amber to reach the apex she had been begging for. Her moans melted into a sort humming purr behind the mask, then grew louder as the long-awaited orgasm rumbled through her body like an earthquake,

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh! Mmmmmmmmmmph"

She jerked and shuddered against the ropes; fresh sweat glistened off her breasts, arms and thighs, and the moan in her voice jagged almost into a squeal. Sonia waited patiently for the elation to subside. She waited for the reality of bondage to, once again, sink into the girl's consciousness. In a matter of minutes, Amber was sobbing again, her normally attractive features contorted with strain and anguish as her muscles screamed in pain, and the harshly tied ropes tore at her ankles and wrists.

"We're done for now," Sonia advised her, "but for now on, you will not cum unless given permission to do so. You will not masturbate, or even touch your breasts for your own pleasure. Understood?"

Amber nodded again, without hesitation. She panted gently as Sonia removed the restraints. The hood came off first and the intrusive dildo pulled from her mouth. Her face was beet red, and her beautiful chestnut hair, nothing more than wet strands. Amber gasped when she saw the camcorder but said nothing. It took several minutes for her to stand on her feet in her weakened condition, so the mistress was patient and surprisingly gentle with her. Together they made their way through the house and back down the steps to the cellar. By then, her legs were losing their rubbery quality and she was able to walk on her own.

"I'll have some water and food brought in for you," Sonia fastened her chain leash to the wall, "then I suggest you get some rest."

"Yes, Mistress," Amber whispered meekly, then she laid back on her cot. Within minutes after Sonia locked her cell door, she was already fast asleep.


As Sonia emerged from the cellar, she met Raven who had been waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase in the foyer.

"So how is she doing?"

"Quite well, her behavioral training is progressing on schedule so far. Physically, she already has the flexibility and stamina, even for the more advanced Japanese techniques."

"Very good," Raven seemed very pleased to hear this, rope bondage being his personal favorite.

Sonia continued with her assessment, "As for sexual readiness, I think she's a little too narrow in front, so tonight I’ll work on stretching her a bit. One session should do it. The other end though needs more work, so I would like your permission to have her wear an anal plug for the next twenty-four hours, then again in a day or two."

"Not too much, mind you," Raven cautioned her, "most of our male client's prefer a tighter drum than a loose one."

"So I've heard," Sonia turned to the staircase.

"One more thing," he called to her, "Beginning tomorrow, I want you to double your efforts in completing Livia's training. Mr. Quinn has taken an interest in her and has agreed to accepting her in exchange for Jerri. Of course, this will take up much of your time, so I'll handle Amber's training until you're finished."

"Are you sure it would be wise to switch trainers so early in the process?"

"I'm more concerned about Livia. If she turns out to be as disagreeable as Jerri was, then we'll lose one of our best clients. I want you to handle this one personally."

Sonia felt the heat inside her build once again. She knew Raven was using Livia as an excuse to take Amber for himself, and if there was any damage to her behavior as a result, then it would be up to her to pick up the pieces and complete the training. She could see it coming, just as it happened with Jerri, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Yes sir," she fought to hide her anger. "Do you still want me handle the session tonight?"

"Yes, and I believe she is scheduled for a whipping in the morning. Make that your last session, and I'll take over from then on. Mr. Santos will be our guest tomorrow evening. He's been asking about the girl, so I'm thinking of assigning her to him."

Carlo Santos was one of the men that attended Raven's first session with Amber. Sonia knew Raven was pushing to get at least three girls ready for their next auction, but to pair up the new trainee with a guest so early at this stage would be a mistake in her opinion, and as the new Head Mistress, she felt obligated to say something about it.

"I don't think she's quite ready to entertain clients, yet," Sonia chose her words carefully. "Perhaps you should find some one else for Mr. Santos this time, and maybe have the girl watch."

Raven paused a moment, as if he were considering the problem carefully. Sonia also noticed his eyes grow darker with displeasure over her comment.

"I'll take it under advisement," he finally answered, "and remember, don't loosen her too much."

"Whatever you say," Sonia turned and climbed the stairs. "You're a better judge than I."


Slowly, Amber sat up on her cot and swung her legs to the side, resting her feet on the cold floor. She had no idea how long she had slept; no knowledge of if it was night or day in her windowless cell. Her wrists were cuffed with a 12-inch chain fastened between them. Another chain ran from the back of her collar to the wall next to her, but at least she had some freedom to move around the room. Rolling her head gently from side to side, she tried to work the kinks out of her neck. The links of chain from her collar were dangling beside her now, and the tinkling sounded very erotic to her ears. Looking down, Amber could still see traces of rope marks left on her smooth almond skin. They formed zebra-like patterns on her legs, wrists and ankles, and around her breasts.

She raised her arms high and began to stretch, twisting her upper body from side to side. Groans came easy to her lips, softly escaping.

“Damn,” she thought, “I haven’t felt this worked over since . . . when?”

She bent at her waist and reached out with her fingers as far as she could, slowly stretching out the muscles in her back, then gazed about the room. A large moth fluttered around the bare bulb that burned above, and landed on the sink. The door, of course, was locked, dashing any brief hopes of escape.

Amber stood up and slowly spread her legs. The muscles of her thighs and calves protested silently as she bent over, running her hands slowly down the backs of her legs, massaging her hamstrings. If nothing else, she knew that she needed to prepare her body for whatever came next. She slowly stood upright, her hands going up over her head, her fingers reaching for the ceiling. Her eyes darted up to the camera over the door. Amber knew someone was watching her, but she didn't care anymore. After all, what was there about her that everybody hadn't already seen? She locked her fingers together and bent backwards, very slowly, pushing her breasts forward. More moans flowed softly from her lips as her body tried to relieve the tensions that her oh-so-strict bondage had caused. She closed her eyes and licked her lips. The memory of being hogtied was still fresh in her mind, she could still feel the ropes around her, in fact. Sonia had tied her up so expertly, so completely. Amber started to lubricate again just thinking about it. She shook her head in dismay with herself and went to the sink. After splashing cold water on her face, she used the toilet then returned to her bed.

It wasn’t very long before she heard the dead bolt slide and the door opened. Monique entered the room. Without a word, she set a covered tray on the bed and left, locking the door behind her. While she had barely been able to choke down her food earlier, Amber attacked the broiled scallops like she had not eaten for a week.

Another hour had passed before the door opened again. This time it was Shane.

"On your feet," he ordered.

Amber felt herself turn pale as he unhooked her collar from the chain. He said nothing else until they were out of the room and away from the camera. His mood seemed more serious than usual.

"So have you kept our little secret?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good," his voice sounded relieved, "I heard you had a rough session with Sonia today. I think I can get her to ease up a bit next time. All you have to do is keep her mouth shut. Understood?"

"Just how naïve do you think I am?" Amber wanted to tell him out loud, but she kept the thought to herself and only nodded.

She knew Shane had no intention of talking to Sonia, and that last night's visit would not be the last, but there was no other choice than to let this guy have his way and hope he would quickly grow tired of her.

Once again, she was taken to the shower stalls, where Monique was waiting with soap and sponge in hand. Hours of sweat were washed and rinsed away, then her body was quickly toweled off and rubbed down with scented oil. Shane seemed to take pleasure in watching Monique work the oil into her skin while Amber stood like a statue with her arms shackled high above her head. She was then released, only to have her wrists locked to her sides by use of a thick leather belt fastened around her waist.

When Monique was finished, she turned to Shane, though dared not look him in the eyes.

"Mistress Sonia said I am to bring the girl myself, Sir," she whispered to him tentatively.

"Of course she did," Shane grunted his displeasure, "then I guess you better get to it." He then turned to Amber, "I'll see YOU later," he said with a grin before leaving the room. It was a reckless thing to say with Monique standing there, but Amber wondered if the other slaves had suffered the same fate with Shane, and like herself, were cowed into keeping their own secret about the handler and his nighttime 'visits.' Monique gave no indication of this, of course, but merely guided Amber quietly out the shower room and down the hall.

It was then, Amber took notice of her dress - a long piece of cloth made of silk, draped over one shoulder, and belted loosely around the hips with a gold cord. The cloth was so sheer that one could see the faint outline of her slim, hourglass figure underneath even in the dim torchlight, which was more coverage than Amber could claim for herself. With the exception of her restraints and collar, she was completely naked, and had been for the most part since her abduction.

As they moved down the hall, she became aware of a low murmuring sound that seemed to be coming from an open doorway ahead of them. Amber felt her heart beat faster. Someone was obviously in a great deal of pain. The noises grew louder as they reached the doorway, then her eyes followed the sounds into a darkened room, where torches flickered warm light off the pale form of a woman suspended almost six feet in the air. It was Marin. Her long dark hair snaked in wet strands against her face, almost covering it completely, but there was no mistaking who it was. Her wrists and ankles had been cuffed together behind her, then fastened to a hook above, forcing the rest of her body to bend backward like a bow. The hook was on the end of some stout-looking sash cord that ran through a pulley fastened to an exposed beam, then down to a small hand wench bolted into the wall. Amber shuddered at the makeshift way the system had been installed, and as if that were not tough enough for Marin, a long piece of hemp rope had also been looped several times around her narrow waist with a 40 lbs. dumbbell weight tied to the other end, pulling her taut belly downward and forcing her body into an even deeper arch.

Marin had the figure of a ballet dancer - thin, supple, almost swan-like, and even though dancers were extremely athletic, Amber could tell she was in a great deal of pain. Every muscle, every tendon in her arms, legs, and thighs seemed to pop through her skin as they bore the full weight of her suspension. She looked a deathly pale too, almost achromatic against the dark stone masonry. Only her nipples showed any color as they stood out pink and pebbled from the rest of her frail body.

Then someone appeared from behind the door frame, so suddenly, Amber nearly jumped. It was Tony, one of the handlers. He was wearing dark denim jeans and a black t-shirt, which was why she hadn’t seen him in the shadows. In one hand was a flogger with a studded handle and long leather strands. Marin hung there, slowly revolving in the torch light. Her smooth vagina was extraordinarily vulnerable with her legs drawn so high up behind her. Without warning, Tony swung the flogger and struck her against the thigh. Marin screamed. Her body jerked on the cord, causing it to sway and turn in mid-air. He didn't wait for her screams to subside though, but struck her again and again. Each blow left an angry red mark against her white flesh. He struck her eight times with the flogger, then stopped, but only to turn the handle on her and use it as a dildo. He teased her at first by rubbing the chrome tip against the pink flesh between her thighs until she was well-lubricated, then pushed it all the way in.

"Mnnh! Mnnh! Mnnh! Mnnh!" came her moans. A stream of drool fell from her gagged mouth and hit the floor.

Amber stood entranced, unable to turn her eyes away from the spectacle, then she heard Tony's voice,

"Like to give it a try?"

He was looking at her now. Talking to her! Amber stared back at him, wide-eyed, then at Marin, before lowering her head and taking a step backward. The stocky, dark-haired Italian laughed at her, then spun Marin around and began whipping her small breasts with the flogger.

"We should go," Monique finally said. Amber breathed a sigh of relief as they turned away. She knew Monique had been instructed to take her there – maybe a brief glimpse of sessions to come! Together they continued down the hall without saying a word, leaving Marin and the sounds of her muffled cries fading behind them.

Monique guided her to another room, this one brightly lit with candelabras sitting around a large oak table. Sonia stood waiting with Shii Ann and Livia standing at attention to either side of her. The scene was like something out of a Bram Stoker novel. Both slaves were clad in the same type of revealing garment Monique was wearing. Sonia was the only one fully clothed in a white blouse, black pants, and spiky boots.

"Sit on the edge of this table," she ordered, "right here."

Reluctantly, Amber stepped forward to the spot where she was pointing, while Shii Ann and Livia took their positions at either end of the table. Black leather straps were fastened to all four corners, and four more in the middle. She stared nervously at them as Monique removed the belt and cuffs from her waist. There was no question now as to what would happen next. Monique guided her to the table and motioned her to sit on the edge. She could feel the cold, rough surface underneath her as she complied.

"Scoot your pretty ass back, sweetheart, and lie down for me," Sonia told her.

It was then, Amber noticed the camcorder for the first time, sitting on its tripod and pointed directly at her. Suddenly, the mistress grabbed Amber's leash and gave it a sharp jerk, forcing her to fall backward on her elbows.

"When I give an order I expect you to follow it, understood?" Sonia scolded her. "Now lie down."

Amber didn't hesitate this time, and immediately the other girls took hold of her wrists and ankles, then pulled them to the corners of the table.

"Stretch her limbs tight," Sonia advised, "I don't want them flopping around."

The girls tugged and pulled, then secured her the table so her body would remain stretched tight. The other straps were fastened to her mid-section -- above and below her breasts, and around each thigh. The candles flickered, casting a warm glow on her skin, now glistening with scented oil.

Amber knew she was the centerpiece of some bizarre ritual that was about to take place. She watched helplessly as Monique took the camcorder from the tripod and circled the table slowly so that every naked curve would be recorded from all angles. She wondered what the tapes were used for. Would they be kept for themselves? Or, would they be shared with others at some social gathering. Amber thought Raven had said something once about posting images of her on the Internet, but so much had happened since then, she couldn't be sure anymore. If it were true, then what was about to happen could be seen by virtually anyone with access to a computer and modem. Amber imagined she must have made quite a sight, and couldn't help wondering how many men would soon be jacking off to the image of her bound, naked and spread. The thought should have devastating her, but at this point, after all that had happened to her thus far, she just felt numb.

Sonia turned to Shii Ann and Livia, and nodded

Suddenly, the slaves descended upon Amber, and smothered the palms of her hands with wet, open kisses. Their mouths trailed up her arms where her armpits lay stretched and waiting. Amber drew in a hot breath, then a sigh as their tongues swirled eagerly around her moist hollows. Meanwhile, Monique had taken her place at the foot of the table and began running her hands up and down Amber’s legs, each time moving further and further upward, past her inner thighs, her fingers moving over the low hill of her shaved mound and tracing her labia, teasingly, without touching her there.

Sonia took control of the camcorder and filmed the whole episode. Shii Ann's kissing turned to Amber's breasts, and Livia immediately followed suit. They lapped and suckled her nipples until they responded. Out came a procession of low, sharp inhalations from Amber, each one escaping despite her very best efforts.

Monique also joined in the kissing down below. Her long, permed blonde hair spilled over Amber's open thighs as she lowered her head to explore the smooth furrow that had once been covered with hair. Her outer lips began to recede, exposing the pearl of her womanhood. Monique immediately turned her attention to it and slithered her wet, snake-like tongue around the tender nub, using slow, rhythmic motions until Amber was well-lubricated and ready for more deeper explorations.

Shii Ann and Livia continued their assault on her upper body. Their wet tongues traveled down her ribs and across her belly, dipping into her navel before moving back up to the breasts, leaving shiny trails of saliva in their wake. Amber drew hot breaths and moans of approval. For a moment, she had forgotten where she was. She had forgotten about the camera, her mind focused completely inward . . .

"Enough," Sonia snapped her fingers. The three slaves immediately backed away, much to Amber's disappointment. "Now leave us."

Monique and the other girls filed out of the room, leaving Amber and Sonia alone together. The camera had been placed back on the tripod, but the red 'record' light was still on. Without saying another word, Sonia walked over to a closet and pulled out a long metallic case that measured about 12 in. x 36 in. in length. She set the box on the table between Amber's legs. Amber lifted her head off the table, her eyes widened in horror when the top of the case was lifted to reveal what was inside.

"W-what is that . . ." her voice stammered.

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

Amber shook her head ‘no’.

The steel rod was attached to a motor at one end, and on the other, pointed directly at her, was a long vibrator, made of soft black rubber and molded into the shape of a man's penis. It measured an alarming 12 inches in length and at least 2 inches in diameter, its shaft was deeply ribbed and already lubricated.

"To answer your question, this is a fucking machine, or as we like to call it, The Penetrator. It is powered by a 4.5-amp motor, and it can pump as fast as 50 rpms. The shaft is made of durable steel pipe and can accommodate several attachment sizes, depending on what you want, whether it be for pleasure or discipline. Tonight we're going to use the 12-inch attachment and adjust the stroke to 40 rpms to widen that tight, little pussy you have."

Sonia positioned the machine carefully, with the cock head about 2 inches away from Amber's vagina. She then lined up the four holes at the base of the motor housing with two rows of threaded holes in the table and ratcheted it down with loose bolts that were inside the case.

"You may feel some discomfort with this at first," Sonia consoled her, "but it's well-lubed so there won't be any physical damage inside. Just a nice stretch."

She flipped a switch and the motor hummed steadily as the wheels and cranks began to turn, pushing the vibrating rod forward to within about an inch of touching her, before moving back again for the next rotation. Sweat broke out on Amber’s forehead with anticipation of what was about to happen to her. In spite of her twisting and squirming, she could not evade the penis-shaped rod as it slowly crept closer and closer to her spayed lips with each rotation.

Meanwhile, Sonia was busy with the camcorder. She zoomed in on Amber to record her facial expressions, then panned down to the machine and large rubber cock creeping toward her. Amber whimpered as she felt the vibrating head press against nether lips, just briefly before retreating again. Amber struggled again, but only in vain, as the next rotation actually penetrated her vagina.

"Try to relax, hon,” Sonia warned. “It's best if you don't fight it."

The pressure was intense due to its size. At first, Amber tried to clench her thigh muscles to keep the intruder out, but that only made it more painful. Struggling was pointless because the restraints did their job in keeping her limbs stretched to all four corners of the table so provocatively. Her only choice was to take Sonia's advice and relax her body.

Again and again the rubber cock teased her with each rotation. One inch, and Amber moaned. Two inches, she moaned even louder and began to move her hips around it. Despite her attempt to accommodate the intruder, it was still very painful. Again, she pulled on the restraints, but they held firm while the monstrous device probed further and further into her womb. Feelings of pain, pleasure, degradation, and wanting flooded her mind.

"By the way, dear, you ARE permitted to cum as much as you like," Sonia told her, "and let’s put on a nice show for the camera."

Amber didn't even hear the last comment. The monster cock moved six inches, then seven, deeper than she has ever experienced before. At eight inches it stopped advancing, but continued to move back and forth inside her, stretching the walls of her vagina with its girth, and stimulating every nerve ending. Then suddenly, it hit her, like a tidal wave crashing onto the beach. Amber screamed as, yet another, orgasm swept through her body, only this time, more intrusive and painful.

Sonia placed the camcorder back on the tripod, then shut it off. She had no intention of filming what was about to happen next. Amber was already well-into her second orgasm while she removed her clothes, leaving only her spiky boots. She slowly climbed onto the table. When Amber opened her eyes, she saw Sonia looking down at her, the mistress's fiery red hair almost touching her face.

"You've had yours," she whispered, "now it's my turn."

Amber licked her dry lips and tried to speak, buy before she could, Sonia kissed her.

"Fair's fair," she murmured, and her long serpent-like tongue slipped into Amber's mouth. Sonia lowered herself on Amber's body, so together, they could enjoy the machine's thrusting movements. Amber could feel Sonia's breasts pressed against her breasts, her warm belly against hers. Again, they kissed. Sonia began rocking her body forward, rubbing her neatly shaved bush against Amber's smooth cleft. Amber tilted her head back and moaned. Sonia kissed her neck. As Amber enjoyed her third climax, Sonia shifted her body downward, just enough, so she could feel the moving machine cock against her, then raised her body up until she was straddle it. Amber watched as Sonia through her head back and moaned. Her body tensed, shuttered, then relaxed.

Sonia fell back on Amber, and together, the two women enjoyed the warmth of each other's bodies for a moment or two, then climbed off, and it was business as usual.

The machine was removed and carefully put away. As Sonia got dressed, she said nothing to Amber. Monique was then summoned back into the room.

"You will be taken back to your cell now, but as you sleep tonight, you will wearing this . . ."

Sonia held up a leather belt with a strap underneath for the crotch. Fastened to the strap, was a black rubber shaft simulating an erect penis, which was obviously designed to be inserted behind and held in place with the belt.

"This little device is designed to stretch that little hole in your back end," Sonia told her. "One night quartered like this should be sufficient in stretching you; in the morning it will be removed. Then we'll go through the same process every week or so, to make certain you remain that way."

So Amber was forced to lie prone on the table, while Monique fastened belt around her lower body.

"Consider yourself lucky," Sonia told her. "Some of the girls that come through here have to wear the belt for days at a time, even while working on the grounds where everyone can see them."

The belt was tightened around the hips and up through the crease of her buttocks so that the internal muscles inside her could not expel the dildo. A leather front acted like a chastity belt, covering her completely so as to prevent anyone from penetrating her.

Amber lay awake for quite some time, after she was taken back to her cell. The dildo felt uncomfortable inside her, and with her arms and legs strapped to her bed, there was no way she could take the belt off, not that she would even dare to. She wondered if Shane would make good of his threat and pay her a visit, in spite of the belt, but he never showed. Hours seemed to pass before she finally drifted off to an uneasy sleep . . .


"Get up, Amber, GET UP!"

Amber's eyes popped open. That was Rob's voice. It sounded faint, almost far off, but there was no mistaking who it was.

"Get up," he repeated. "For cryin' out loud, girl, show a little respect for yourself . . . and put some clothes on."

She tried to do as he said and get up, but something was holding her down. Of course! She had forgotten she was tied to the bed. Or was she? Looking around Amber knew something was wrong. Someone had hogtied her, and she wasn't in her cell anymore, but lying in a clearing, surrounded by a thick forest of tall trees.

"Rob!" She cried out.

There was no sign of him.

"Rob, come untie me, PLEASE!"

Again, no answer.

The insects of the forest began to stir with the sound of her voice. All around her, the vegetation was very thick and lush, and somewhere above, the sun shown brightly, but its warm rays could not penetrate the trees, leaving everything below shrouded in darkness. Her body felt cold and clammy. The wet leaves that carpeted the ground smelled of rot and decay. Amber tried to move again, but it was no use. This hogtie was not as painful as the one Sonia had her in the day before, but it was still tight enough to keep her from moving. She could feel the ropes crisscrossing her body, around her breasts, her arms and legs, and pulling tightly up between her thighs. It felt nice, having them pressed up against her like that.

"Amber, honey, please get up!"

"M-mother?" Amber cried out to the forest. Suddenly she felt very ashamed.

"Amber how could you do this to yourself?"

"Mom . . . it's not my fault," Amber pleaded with the voice of a little girl. "They made me do it!"

"I'm sorry hon, but your father will have to know about this."

"Mom . . . MOTHER," she begged. "Please don't tell dad! He'll FREAK!"

Suddenly she felt something cold and wet grab her arm from under the leaves. The ground turned soft, like quicksand. All around her, the trees came to life, their roots reaching out to pull her under.

"Oh, Mother . . . please! Don't let them take me!"

"Why shouldn't I? You seem to like this place," her mother's voice started to change into something else. Something familiar. "If you really wanted to leave, then you should have tried to run away, but you didn't because you know you belong here."

The slimy tree roots were all around her, and tightening their grip. Amber felt her body sinking.

"MOM! I can't breath . . ."

"Serves you right, dear . . ."

Her mother was no longer there now.

"Serves you right for being such a naughty little girl!"

Then Amber recognized the new voice as it laughed. It was Sonia.


Amber awoke with start. Looking around the room, she drew a sigh of relief. She was still lying in her cell. Safe and sound.

"Just another dream," she thought, "and a pretty bad one at that."

She laid her head back and stared at the ceiling,

"But what kind of nightmare did I wake up into?"


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