Indoctrination - Chapter 10


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

(Story Content: F/f, Rope Bondage, Whipping, Humiliation)

Chapter 10: Lessons (Part 2)

The following morning, Sonia came to Amber's quarters, and without a word, took her to one of the many small rooms that honeycombed the vast cellar. Waiting for them was a heavy, oak table with leather straps mounted on each corner.

"Lie down on the table," she ordered, "face down."

Amber allowed her wrists and ankles to be buckled in the straps until her body was stretched very tightly across the cold, hard surface. Seeing the leather strap hanging from a hook nearby, Amber knew what she was in for, but she was not prepared for what happened next.

Sonia reached under the table and turned a wheel crank. Gears clicked as the wheel turned, and the end of the table at Amber's feet slowly began to rise, lifting her with it. The straps kept her body stationary while the table continued its angle upward until it was almost upright at 75 degrees with Amber now lying almost completely upside down.

Suddenly, and without warning, the air was split with a 'swish', followed by a searing blow across her buttocks. Then there was another, and another. Amber tried to remain still and not cry out, but Sonia was persistent in getting the reaction she wanted. She flailed on Amber's bare tush with at least six strokes from the strap, then after pausing briefly, she laid on six more. Soon, Amber was whimpering, her body twisting and squirming as much as the restraints allowed. Her flesh burned terribly; her head felt like it was going to explode as the blood rushed down from the rest of her body. She had hoped Sonia would be satisfied with the result by then, but her mistress seemed to be in a particularly foul mood that morning, and so the beating went on. Six more heavy strokes landed around and between her buttocks, and several more to the backs of her upper thighs before the strap was finally hung back on the wall. Gasping for air now, Amber then felt Sonia's hands caress each burning cheek. Her soothing touch actually took away some of the sting. She then moaned as fingers probed deep into the furrow between them to massage her wet sheath.

"My, you're quite the little bondage slut," she commented. "You're actually beginning enjoy all the abuse, aren't you?"

Amber was silent.

“I didn’t hear your answer.”

“Y-yes, Mistress.”

"You better get used to this. During the course of your training, we will begin each day with some form of painful discipline – whether it be a strap, flogger or crop is my choice. On occasion, you will also be asked if you want more, and when that happens, what will your answer be?"

"Yes, Mistress," she mumbled again.

"That's good but try to put a little more heart into it, pet. The proper response is, 'yes, Master or Mistress, I would like you to strike me if it pleases you,' or words to that effect. It always sounds better when a kajira asks for her punishment. Understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes Mistress, I understand."

"Good. Now let's get you cleaned up."

Sonia unbuckled the straps, then guided her to the showers where Shii Ann stood waiting with a towel and razor. Once again, Amber had to stand in the stall with her arms shackled high above her head. The water was turned on and it immediately cooled the burning flesh suffered from the strap. She felt a soft brush as it started at her bound wrists and moved down her body, softly scrubbing every inch. No human touch was ever evident -- only the soft bristles working the soap into her body. The person controlling the brush did not even hesitate at either her breasts or her sex, instead, she was simply cleaned, quickly and without any deviation from the task. After she was rinsed thoroughly, her underarms and legs were shaved with the razor.

Amber would learn later that all slaves early in their training had their arms and legs shaved every morning, and their pubic area twice a week to keep them smooth. There were several reasons for the procedure. One was to maintain proper hygiene, especially if the slave had genital piercings. Second, the look was considered an aesthetically pleasing one, even on some of the ‘kajiri’, or male slaves. But most importantly, having the privates shaved enforced a sense of vulnerability on the slave, and every day, served as a reminder of her or his total submission. In the later stages of training, some girls were allowed to grow their pubic hair back, and keep it trimmed closely, for those 'guests' that had a preference for it.

After the shower, Amber's body was quickly toweled off, then she was taken to her cell. For breakfast, they gave her a bowl of bland-tasting porridge that consisted of cold water and a grain they called Sa-Tarna, served with bread. Later that morning, house duties were assigned, and Amber had the unfortunate job of cleaning every bathroom in the house. Since she was a new kajira in training, it was also a house rule that she must work completely in the nude, save for her leather collar which always stayed on, day or night.

The shower stalls in the dungeon were the most challenging to clean, since the tiles were so old and packed with grime and mildew. It seemed like they hadn’t been cleaned for ages. Worse yet, there were no windows for ventilation, so the fumes from the industrial-grade chemicals she was using lingered there in the shower stall with her, burning her nostrils, poisoning her lungs whenever she breathed them in. Twice she almost fainted from dizziness. The other bathrooms in the house were much easier to clean, only now, she had to be meticulous in her work, or else they would force her to do it all over again.

During her chores, Len, one of the handlers, had been assigned to keep watch. He was a gaunt, unattractive man with close-set, shifty eyes, large nose and unkept hair. In the real world, no woman would have anything to do with him, which was why he probably cherished his job more than anyone else. Every day, he was surrounded by beautiful female slaves, and occasionally, allowed to take one for himself for an hour whenever Raven was in a charitable mood.

He sat back in his chair and watched Amber intently as she got onto her hands and knees to scrub the floor tiles. She could almost feel those eyes staring unabashedly at her naked body and did her best to put the man out of her mind. In doing so, her thoughts turned to Shane and their encounter the night before.

Was it a rape or had she been seduced? That was a question Amber found difficult to answer. The fact was, she still disliked Shane intensely, even more than the untidy man gawking at her from only a few feet away, but the act itself didn't seem to upset her at all, which was unnerving and left her understandably unhinged. It could have been the lack of sleep, lack of protein in her food or just the constant shock treatment influencing her thinking, but it felt strangely liberating to be under someone else's control, and whether it was Raven, or Sonia, or even Shane, made little difference. She remembered what Raven said the day before -- about pain and pleasure being one in the same and loosening the bonds within oneself through the power of restraint. Amber knew, with a mild chagrin, that she was starting to understand what he meant. However, was there really a submissive side to her, waiting to be discovered and released? Or was this all just a clever attempt to brainwash her into believing it?

She remembered hearing the story about Patty Hearst, granddaughter of newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst, after she was arrested for participating in a bank robbery with a guerrilla left-wing group called the Symbionese Liberation Army. In her trial, she claimed she was kidnapped by its members and held for a week in a closet, blindfolded with her hands tied, starved, and repeatedly threatened with death, and ultimately brainwashed into joining her own captors as a member.

Amber wondered if the same thing was happening to her, or if she was really going through an ‘awakening’ as they claimed. Maybe it was both. Whatever the answer might be, she knew she was changing, and if even if she did find a way out of this place, her life would never be the same again.

After the last bathroom was cleaned, Sonia took charge again. She led Amber by her leash down the grand staircase to the first floor, then down a long dark hallway that seemed to branch off on its own from the rest of the house. There was the smell of fresh paint on the walls and the floor felt like it had just been carpeted.

"This is a new wing we are adding," Sonia told her. "As you can see, it’s in the final stages of construction, and once furnished, we'll have six additional bedrooms on this level for our guests, either for sleep or for holding sessions."

At the end of the hall, Sonia slid a built-in bookcase aside behind the wall to reveal a hidden door.

"This leads to another level underneath," she continued, "each room down here will be designed with its own theme -- dungeons, interrogation cells, medical examination rooms, all related to bondage and discipline."

Amber stiffened in anticipation when she heard the key turning and the 'click!' of the deadlock behind her as it disengaged. Down the narrow staircase they went to a dark corridor that ran parallel to the hallway above.

"As I've mentioned before, we have both male and female clients. Sometimes they are straight, sometimes gay, sometimes dominant, sometimes submissive, though we encourage only the dominant ones, since our girls are all trained to be submissive. We also categorize them as either "upstairs" or "downstairs" clients, depending on whether they’re looking for light bedroom bondage, or something more elaborate, be it punishment, role-playing, or catering to some sort of fetish. These services allow potential buyers to 'sample' our girls, and at the same time, gives our advanced trainees some 'working' experience before they go to auction."

Sonia guided her into one of the rooms. Amber immediately noticed the mirrors that covered every wall from ceiling to floor, and even the ceiling itself. The pile on the new burgundy carpet was thick, and it felt rather coarse under her bare feet.

“This is commonly called The Mirror Room, and its design purpose is simple and rather obvious, allowing guests to see themselves and, more importantly, a bound slave from all angles.”

There were only two pieces of furniture in the room, a cabinet and table. On the table, were several pieces of rope, all coiled neatly and ready for use.

"Now, turn around and raise your arms high," Sonia ordered.

Amber did as she told and lifted her arms above her head. Instinctively, she then crossed her wrists so they could be tied together. As Sonia took a piece of medium-sized rope from the table, Amber was actually able to see herself naked for the first time since her abduction, and from all angles in the mirrors. Her entire body looked baby-smooth from her recent shave and the area between her legs appeared almost virginal with no hair for coverage. Her eyes traced every angle, every curve of her own body in the mirrors, except her face. Amber wasn’t ready to see her expression yet, whether it be fear or excitement.

She then felt herself quiver with anticipation as Sonia took out yard after yard of course rope what would no doubt be tied around her body and tightened against her flesh until rendered completely immobile and helpless. Yes, she was going to make "a fantastic slave," Amber almost laughed to herself in recalling a comment Sonia had made during their first session.

“Stand still,” the mistress ordered.

Amber stood like a statue, her arms still raised high, as Sonia wrapped the first length of rope around her torso in neat coils starting just below her breasts, down to the bottom of her ribcage. She winced each time the coils were tightened and adjusted, pushing them snug up against her breasts. These ropes felt much rougher than the ropes Raven used on her the day before.

"It burns a little doesn't it?"

“Yes, Mistress.”

"No doubt you know what hemp feels like by now, but I left these ropes a warm oven for an hour to dry the fibers and give them an extra bite."

Sonia wrapped another length of rope in the same way around the upper curves of her breasts to her armpits, creating two coils of rope above and below her breasts. A smaller piece was looped around the bottom coils, then Sonia pulled the ends up between Amber's breasts, while twisting the two ends around each other two or three times before looping them around the upper coils. Finally, the remaining ends of the rope were run up over Amber's shoulders and tied off behind her back. This created a tight harness with the ropes squeezing into her breasts from top to bottom.

But Sonia wasn't finished yet. She grabbed two more shorter lengths of rope and looped one around the breast ropes under each armpit. She then pulled the loops as tight as she could, drawing the breast ropes together at the sides of Amber's body before tying the loops off. Now her breasts were completely enclosed on all sides with rope, and the tightness of the coils made them bulge outward from her slender form like a pair of ripe melons.

"Mmmmm very nice. Now bring your arms down and place your hands behind you, palm to palm," Sonia ordered.

Amber immediately felt the prickly ropes against the folds under her freshly shaved arms as she lowered them and offered Sonia her hands behind her back. Once again, more rope was looped and tightened around her tiny wrists, then cinched and knotted off where Amber's fingers could not reach them.

"You are going to love this!"

Sonia picked up another, longer piece of rope. She doubled and looped the ends before wrapping them up Amber's arms, just above her elbows, pulling the rope ends through the loop. Carefully, Sonia adjusted the loop just above the elbows and began tightening the loop until her elbows were almost drawn together before wrapping the rope several times around her arms. Amber could not believe the way she was being tied up, and though Sonia had hardly begun, she already knew there would be no getting out of this. As Sonia pulled the cinching tight, the ropes around Amber's arms also tightened, pulling her elbows together until they touched. Amber gasped in shock when she felt her elbows kiss each other.

"Oh my," Sonia sounded very impressed. "You're quite limber, aren't you?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Amber whispered.

"That's good. You'll need that flexibility for what I have planned next."

Amber had no idea what she meant, but just hearing those words raised her level of excitement even higher. She stared at her own reflection in the mirror with utter fascination. The way her elbows were locked together dramatically altered her posture. Her arms and shoulders were pulled sharply back which forced her to stand much more erect than before, her round, captive tits thrust forward very enticingly.

"On your knees."

Sonia placed her hands on Amber's shoulders to steady her as she lowered herself down to one knee, then the other.

"Now remain still."

She threaded one end of a rope between Amber's bound elbows and breast ropes behind her back, then let both ends drop to the floor. Amber had a good idea what was coming next, and Sonia quickly confirmed her suspicions by passing the ends between her knees and threading them through the ropes around her breasts in front. Carefully, Sonia parted her labia and inserted the ropes between them before pulling them tight. Amber moaned and squirmed when she felt the ropes pressing hard against her crotch.


Amber didn't move, but she continued to moan loudly. She couldn't help herself she was so aroused. Sonia kept pulling in the slack, pushing the ropes deeper and deeper into her tender folds. After the ropes were stretched as tight as they would go, Sonia tied both ends to the breast ropes.

"This is called a variable crotch rope," she said. "The more you struggle, the more it will rub on that hot little pus of yours -- not that you'll have any wiggle room left once I'm finished tying you up." She continued, "Now for your legs."

Amber waited nervously as Sonia leisurely selected and uncoiled three more long strands of rope.

"Just how much more rope was she planning to use?" she thought.

Swiftly and efficiently, Sonia bound Amber's legs together, tightening, cinching and knotting loops around the ankles, above and below the knees, and around her upper thighs. Amber stared at the bound image of herself in the mirror. Freedom was fast becoming a remote impossibility. It would be easier to reach the stars than to escape her bindings now.

Carefully, Sonia lowered her onto the carpet. In doing so, Amber felt the two crotch ropes began to shift inside her, eliciting another string of moans. Then as Amber lay helplessly prone on her side, Sonia grasped the ankle ropes and forced her legs backward, making them bend at the knees. She held Amber's feet with one hand and passed another piece of rope around the wrist ropes, then around the ankle ropes two times.

"Now comes the fun part," she quipped.

Slowly, Sonia began pulling on the link rope, drawing Amber's ankles toward her wrists. Amber moaned again as Sonia kept up the steady pressure, forcing her to arch her body backward to accommodate the stress until her feet touched her outstretched fingers. Then swiftly, Sonia tied off the link rope to keep it in place.

"There, all trussed up nice and tight," Sonia spoke with great satisfaction and pride evident in her voice. "See if you can get loose."

Amber had no desire to put her own helplessness on display for the mistress, but she also realized it was only human nature to want to test her bonds, to see if escape was, in any way, possible at all. So she began to squirm on the floor and immediately felt the ropes tighten around her body, biting into the softer parts of her flesh. The sudden feeling of being constricted threw her into a panic. She then caught another glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her breasts swelled provocatively between those ropes and her nipple were noticeably aroused. For a moment, she couldn't think straight, and reacted on instinct, struggling like an animal caught in a snare.

Sonia sat back and watched in amusement while Amber bucked and strained against the ropes. She tried reaching for the knots, but they were well-positioned and just out of reach from her groping fingers. Then slowly it dawned upon Amber that the harder she struggled the more insistently the two crotch ropes rubbed into her smooth cleft. Her panic melted away as her mind began to focus on the growing warmth in her loins, brought on by the ropes. She felt them pressing against her clit as it swelled. It was driving her wild. She needed to cum so badly it hurt. Totally forgetting the immediate presence of her mistress, she began humping against the crotch ropes in a frenzy of total abandon. The pressure built and built inside her until she could no longer stand it. She finally turned to look at Sonia, her eyes pleading.

“You really want to cum don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress, I do . . . but only with your permission . . .”

“Good answer,” Sonia grinned. “You have permission to cum.”

It was only a matter of moments before Amber climaxed in a titanic shuddering orgasm. She jerked convulsively against her restraints, then cried out loud while she came and came, leaving her drained and spent. As she slowly regained awareness of the world around her, she noticed Sonia staring at her in amazement. Acutely embarrassed, Amber blushed and turned her head away, defeat writ large on her beautiful face.

"That was quite a performance," Sonia finally commented, "I have to say, it even left me a little hot under the collar."

The panic began to set in again as Amber's mind cleared. Her muscles ached terribly now from her struggling. The orgasm seemed to drain all of her strength, and the ropes felt even more restrictive, if that was even possible.

"Well you've had your fun. Now you're going to learn just how a simple hogtie can turn a very pleasurable experience into a painful one after you've been left in this for a while."

"It's . . . it's very tight," Amber gasped.

"Nothing like your little rope session with Raven, is it?" There was a trace of spite in Sonia's cheerful tone. "Now I have just one more final touch to add before we're finished."

"God, what MORE could she do?" Amber thought to herself.

Sonia reached into the cabinet and pulled out a pair of concave-shaped chrome metal disks, measuring about the size of a silver dollar in diameter. She crouched down close to Amber, holding them in each hand so she could get a good look at them. Each disk had a small hole in the center and pointed outer edges that curved inward like claws.

"Do you know what these are?" She rolled the pointed objects between her fingers in a teasing display.

"No, Mistress."

"They're called nipple shields. Quite attractive aren't they? Though the name is somewhat misleading since the nipples themselves are exposed through these holes. Women generally wear them as jewelry because they give the nipples that constant, noticeable and ERECT look that men cannot resist. However, when adjusted correctly, they become a very effective tool for punishment.

Here . . . let me show you."

Amber held her breath while Sonia tweaked her nipples with a fingernail until they responded, then fitted a shield over each breast by forcing the hardened nipple through its open end.

"See this ring set around the opening? Turning it makes the hole contract about the base of the nipple in much the same way as a clamp, only the mechanism allows for very precise, controlled tuning as the pressure increases."

Slowly she tightened the rings, and Amber immediately felt the openings close in around her nipples.

"Mistress, please!" Amber begged. "Not there! Please take them off?"

"Are you telling me what to do?"

"No . . . NO Mistress!"

"Then quit your babbling," Sonia ordered. "It'll only make it worse."

There was nothing Amber could do, but watch wide-eyed, as Sonia increased the tension on the clamps until she was satisfied they could not be pulled off. Then she tugged on them, and each time she did, Amber flinched.

"There," Sonia began massaging her breasts. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"They . . . they hurt."

"Well of course they hurt, dear. Why do you think I put them on?"

Sonia teasingly brushed her thumbs across both nipples. Amber let out a cry and bit her lip. Her swollen nubs were so sensitive now, that even the lightest touch of a finger felt like course sandpaper.

"Now to do something about that incessant moaning," and leaving Amber to squirm silently on the floor, Sonia went back to the cabinet and pulled out something made of leather, "This should so the trick."

It was a full-head leather hood, Amber saw, with no eyeholes, or even an opening for the mouth -- just a pair of nostril holes to breathe through. It was laced in back, ensuring that her whole head would be encased within. Then Sonia showed her the inside.

"And here is something to keep your mouth busy."

Amber drew in a breath when she saw what was stitched into the mask where the mouth was supposed to be. It was matte black and made of soft rubber, a little over three inches long and about half that in diameter, and realistically molded into the shape of man's penis.

"Now hon, don’t tell me that you've never wrapped those pretty lips around something similar?"

Without even waiting for an answer, Sonia gently but firmly fitted the penis-gag into her mouth, and then wrapped the leather hood around her head, checking that the nostrils were properly aligned with the two holes. Then she began to lace the back together, tightly, leaving only a space at the top for Amber's long chestnut hair.

"Any problems, slave girl?"

Amber shook her head gently. The rubber penis filled her mouth, stretching her cheeks, so much that she was forced to breathe through her nose and the holes in the mask. The sharp-sweet scent of black leather was almost intoxicating each time she inhaled.

"I think we're all finished," Sonia announced.


"I know, sweetheart. It's overwhelming isn't it? So much happening to your body all at once. So many feelings to deal with. Pain. Arousal. Anguish. Helplessness. And those pesky ropes -- they just seem to get tighter, don't they?" Sonia laughed. "Well you will certainly have a lot to think about while I'm gone."

Amber could vaguely make out the sound of Sonia's voice through the leather over her ears.

"I'll be back in little while to release you, so don't run away, hon. Ciao!"

Then she heard the door slam shut. A heavy silence descended on the room. Amber was alone. Helpless and alone. The leather mask blocked out her sight completely, not even allowing a speck of light to come through, and the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of her own hollow breaths. Her whole universe seemed to shrink inward.

Lying motionless on her side, Amber tried to imagine how she must have appeared -- fully immobilized with her arms and legs bent sharply backward, wrists and ankles bound together, her normally attractive features contorted into a painfully tight living package of feminine helplessness. She could really feel the tightness of the ropes now; all-encompassing; consuming her very being. The nipple clamps only increased her torment as sharp twinges of pain flashed through her jutting breasts, and tied as she was, Amber could do nothing to relieve them.

How long would it be before Sonia came back to release her? Would it be minutes? Hours? The thought of being hog-tied for that long was unnerving, and yet at the same time, it excited her in ways that she was just beginning to understand.

Dreamily, Amber strained against the unyielding ropes, relishing the way they tightened and loosened as she flexed her muscles. Sonia had certainly done an excellent job of tying her up! The knots were totally inaccessible and too tight for Amber to wriggle her way to freedom.

Minutes passed, and yet the pressure building in her shoulders, arms, legs and back made it feel as though she had been bound for hours. She was also becoming very aware of the rug beneath her, and how its stiff, upright fibers were pressing deeper against that side of her body.

She began rocking back and forth to try and flip herself over. She moaned and strained against the ropes, the course hemp biting into her naked flesh felt heavenly but at the same time frustrating. Again and again, she rocked, and with some effort, she was able to roll onto her stomach, but in doing so, crushed her breasts into the carpet. Amber yelped as the clamps bore into her nipples. She managed to arch her back and keep her bound tits clear of the stiff carpet fibers, which was more than she could do for her pubic area -- her newly shaved, unprotected and fully aroused pussy, which was starting to send her some rather exciting signals.

It was easier to roll over to the other side from her stomach, but the whole effort left her drained and fatigued. Her body was sweating all over, and the heat inside her mask was stifling. Worse yet, she could feel another orgasm building. Just the slightest twitch and those wickedly devilish crotch ropes would start shifting, rubbing against her.

Amber knew there was no use in fighting the signals her body was sending, and it was certainly likely, there would be many more orgasms until Sonia came back to release her. With that in mind, she began to move her hips slowly, more rhythmically, then she laid her head back and waited for the fireworks . . .


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