Indoctrination - Chapter Two


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

(Story Content: M/f, Bondage, Exhibitionism, Humiliation)

Chapter 2: Raven

Time seemed to pass like a glacier as Amber sat there alone and blindfolded with her arms handcuffed behind her back. She had no idea how many long minutes had gone by before someone finally entered the room.

"On your feet." It was Sonia's voice.

Amber bent her legs underneath her, then managed to push herself up onto her knees and stood up.

"So far, you've been on your best behavior," Sonia told her, "let's keep it that way. That means no speaking unless given permission, and no outbursts, or I'll be forced to put the gag back in your mouth. Now, do you need to use the bathroom?"

She nodded tentatively.

"Then come with me."

Once again, Amber allowed herself to be guided and pulled around blindfolded. When they reached the bathroom, one hand was cuffed to a steel bar next to the toilet, allowing her the temporary use of the other. By then, she really needed to pee, but it was awkward, knowing that she was in full view of Sonia and anyone else who may have been nearby.

After her wrists were cuffed again, she was escorted blindly through, what seemed like a maze of corridors, then up a narrow flight of stairs and down another hallway. It was then, Sonia stopped and directed her to the left. Amber felt a flock of butterflies take off in her stomach when she heard muffled voices just ahead. Two double doors were opened and the voices suddenly died down as she was led into the other room. Somewhere off to her right, the heavy rain from outside pounded against a windowpane.

"Welcome to Dark Oak Manor. This is my home, and you are my guest."

She immediately recognized the man's voice. The memory of that awkward meeting, the smell of his cigar flashed through her mind like a hot lance.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he continued, "the name is Raven. You and I met earlier in my den, though not formally of course, and you are Amber Brkich, am I correct?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"And how old are you?"

"T-twenty . . . twenty-three," her voice was quivering so much she could barely answer.

"Please Miss Brkich, calm down. You act as though we're selling you into white slavery."

A sound of low laughter filled the room. The butterflies grew even more intense. She guessed there were at least seven or eight people in the room with her.

"T-then why am I here?" she blurted out.

"That will be explained to you in due time, but for now, I must ask for your complete cooperation, and to answer my questions instantly and completely. Agreed?"

Amber stared into the darkness behind the blindfold, unsure as to how to respond. She had tried to keep her wits since this whole nightmare started and prepare herself for the worst, but everything was happening too fast.

"Perhaps you don't appreciate the situation you're in, so I'll make it clear to you."

The tone of his voice was deep and smooth, even fatherly in a way.

"By now, you should have realized there is no way of leaving this place unless we allow you to leave, and you are certainly in no position to negotiate the terms of your captivity with us. Which leaves you only one option left, and that is to submit to me fully and do exactly as I say. If you don't, then I could make your stay here very unpleasant, and I assure you, the consequences you suffer would be far worse than anything your imagination has dreamed up so far. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Raven never raised his voice as he spoke, but the force of his words left Amber torn between the fear of him and the sinister implications of what he was saying.

"I said, do you understand?"

"Yes. I . . . I understand."

"And do I have your full cooperation?"

She nodded 'yes.'

"Good. Now Sonia is going to remove those handcuffs, so let's not lose our head and do anything foolish, OK?"

As she felt the cuffs loosen behind her back, Amber imagined how she must have appeared. She was barefoot, but still fully clothed, though what she had on couldn't be enough to protect her from the wandering eyes of her unknown admirers. Her black shorts left her long, willowy legs exposed quite generously, from the ankles to her upper thighs, and the light cashmere sweater she wore, with its deep v-neck, did little to conceal the shape of her pert, round breasts poking against it underneath.

"Now turn around with your back to us."

"Please," she begged, "I-I really can't do this . . ."

"Amber," his voice grew loud, "don't make me punish you before we've even begun. Now turn around and face the door. I'll let you know if you've gone too far."

She took a breath and forced herself to make, what she judged to be a half turn, then stopped. Her mind was racing, searching for any way out of this. She even pictured herself, ripping the blindfold off her face and making a mad dash for the door, but she couldn't, for fear of what could happen next in the likely event that she failed.

"Very good, turn around again and face us . . . that's it, just follow my voice."

As Amber completed the turn, she could feel her heart beating like a drum against her chest. Beads of sweat began to break out on her forehead again. The heat behind the blindfold was stifling, almost unbearable.

"That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Who in HELL does he think he’s kidding?" she thought to herself, and then shook her head 'no' in agreement.

"Good, now let’s see, according to this list . . . your height is 5 feet 6 inches . . . weight, approximately 118 pounds . . . over all measurements: 34-25-34 . . . are these numbers correct?"

“H-how did you . . .”

“I said are they correct?”

Amber nodded.

“Born August 11, 1977 . . . attended Grove City Area High School, Pennsylvania . . . says you were a cheerleader there . . . graduated from Westminster College in New Wilmington . . . earned a B.A. degree in Public Relations . . . member of the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority . . .”

She nodded or whispered ‘yes’ each time Raven asked for confirmation. Amber was shocked to hear so much information about her coming from a complete stranger, but then again, she apparently was not a stranger to them. According to Sonia, they had been spying on her for weeks before she was abducted.

“All right, so much for the formalities,” she heard Raven set the paper down. “You are very attractive and sexy girl. Do you know that?”

Amber’s mouth opened, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Of course you do,” he answered for her. “One shouldn’t expect you to brag about such a thing, particularly in this situation. I apologize.”

He was patronizing her, but again Raven’s voice was so tender and fatherly, Amber felt her emotions relax a little.

He continued, “What color are your eyes?”


“I’m sure they are very pretty too.”

“Th-thank you,” Amber heard herself answer, then wondered what the hell she was thanking him for.

“That outfit you’re wearing really sets your figure off nicely.”

“Please . . .”

“Of course, there’s more to what you have on than the eye can see. Take your bra, for instance.”


"Your bra. We can’t see it, so would you describe it to us please."

She stood there, dumbfounded, like a little girl with a dreadful case of stage fright.

"I didn't hear your answer."

"It's . . . it's . . . black."

"Is it lacy?"

"No . . . well . . . not really."

"Not really."

There was long, heavy pause. Amber could feel the blood rushing to her face. It felt like a 105 degrees now under the blindfold. She had hoped that her answer would be the end of it, but Raven persisted,

"Do you mean only part of it is?"

"Yes . . . p-part of it,"

"And what part."

“Uh . . . the top . . . around the top."

"The top of the cups?"


"I see . . ."

Another pause. The silence in the room was deafening.

"Well, I guess we'll have to just check to make sure your telling us the truth."

Amber was mortified, "Pl-please. I'm not lying," and without thinking, she began to reach toward her eyes.

"DON'T touch the blindfold."

She froze at the sudden sharpness of his voice then let her hands slowly drift back down to her sides.

"Now listen carefully," his tone grew softer again, "I want you to raise that sweater up and over your bra so we can see it."

"No . . . I mean . . . I-I can't."

"Do it, girl."


"Well, I guess you leave me no choice then . . ."

His statement was simple yet effective, making Amber wish she could take back her answer.

"I'm only going to say this once," he continued, "so listen carefully. Standing with me are two young men, both are very strong, and quite experienced in convincing reluctant girls like yourself how useless it is to resist me. If I were to give the order, then I assure you, Shane and Tony would take great pleasure in taking a firm hold of you and removing every stitch of clothing from your body. Now, Amber, is that what you want?"

"No! No . . . I don’t want them touching me!" Amber pleaded, almost unaware that her hands were now gripping the bottom of her sweater.

"All right then, go ahead."

She nervously ran her thumbs against the soft fabric, her hands shaking.

"Come on now. Pull it up slowly."

Taking a breath, she gently lifted the bottom of the sweater past her shallow navel up to her ribs. Almost immediately, she could feel the cool air wafting around her bare tummy.

"Stand up straight so we can see you."

Her stomach muscles tightened as she straightened her back.

"There," he said, "that's good . . . now keep going."

She pulled the sweater above her ribs, exposing the bottom half of each full bra cup. Her face was flushed and burning under the blindfold from the tension and embarrassment of the moment. Somewhere in the room, a chair shifted, as though someone were straining to get a better look.

"Higher please," he pushed her, "all the way up."

Again, the sweater moved upward, all the way up past her armpits, until it was bunched up beneath her chin.

"Mmmmm, very nice. Very nice indeed.”

Several awkward moments passed, with her holding the sweater up. She felt her nipples pressing hard against her bra inside and wondered if anyone could see them. The silence finally broke with Raven’s voice,

“Now why don't you take the sweater off altogether so we can get a better look at you."

"P-please . . ." she whimpered, frozen in position. Her hands were gripping the bottom of the sweater so tightly her knuckles grew white.

"Oh come now. You won't be showing us any more than we've already seen."

She gathered her courage, and without letting go of the sweater, crossed her arms to get a better hold, then pulled the thin garment over her bare shoulders.

"Be careful of the blindfold," he reminded her.

Gently, she worked the neckline over her head. She could feel her breasts rise upward and push against the bra as she stretched her upper body. It was a sight that would have made any man, and even some women catch their breath. She pulled the sweater free and lowered her arms. Her long, chestnut hair fell loosely over her face, but the blindfold remained in place.

"You can drop the sweater."

Slowly, the garment slid past her fingers. The bra was a dainty, black number, just barely large enough to contain her breasts, making them bulge out of the top like a pair of ripe melons, and the see-through lace stopped just above her nipples.

"Hmmmm, very racy," he said, "did you purchase this article of clothing recently?"


"And you did it to impress that young fellow you've been seeing, am I correct?"

"I guess so."

"How charming," there was a nasty tone in his voice that suggested a hint of jealousy. "Turn around for us, so we can see the back."

She slowly rotated her body again until she was facing away from the sound of his voice.

"Now let's lose those shorts, and make sure you do it slow so we can all have a good look at that pretty little ass of yours."

Amber could hardly believe her ears. He was talking to her as though she were a tart, or a whore, but then again, she felt like one. What disturbed her even more was that she was still too deathly afraid to refuse him.

"Did you hear me?"

"Y-yes . . . I heard you."

Slowly, she slid the shorts past her slender hips to bring her panties into view, and let them drop down to her ankles. She stepped out of them.

"Now sitting on the floor about two feet to your right, are a pair of black heels. I want you to put them on."


“The heels. I said put them on.”

She hesitated a minute, then knelt down on the balls of her feet and stretched her right arm out to the side until her groping fingers found the heels. Amber then had to bend over with her tush sticking back towards her unseen audience while she slipped the heels on. Now clad in only her panties and bra, she stood back upright awkwardly in the heels, and waited.

"You can turn around now," Raven's voice instructed her, “slowly.”

Like the bra, her panties were covered mostly in black lace, and cut high around the hips to show off the smooth curves of her pelvic bone while showing off much of her ass cheeks. She could almost feel everyone staring at her, their greedy eyes darting up and down her body as she moved around to face them. Again, she felt her face turn bright red.

"Yes, much better," he commented, "though it's unfortunate that blindfold covers up so much of
your face . . ."

There was another pause, and she could hear Raven whispering to someone else.

"OK, here's what we'll do," he continued, "I'm going to have you take off the blindfold, but you MUST keep your eyes closed, understood?"

"Please, can't we just . . ."

"Don't argue with me, girl," the sudden sharpness in his voice made her heart jump, "or I'll make this far worse for you than it already is."

"I-I'm sorry," her voice quivered, "I promise . . . I won't look."

"No, I'm sure you won't," his tone softened, "now take off the blindfold, and remember, keep those pretty eyes shut."

Amber squeezed her eyelids tight then carefully pulled the blindfold off. It was relief to feel the air rush in and cool her burning face.

"There, much better. Now pull your hair back so we can see you."

She quickly brushed her hair behind her shoulders.

"Yes. Such a lovely, sweet face to go with that sexy body of yours. I'll bet you used to drive all the boys crazy back in college, am I right?"

"No . . . not really."

"Oh, I'm sure you did," he surmised, "you just didn't realize it. Probably too busy hitting those books, I suspect . . ."

Amber heard his last words, but nowhere in her brain was there a coherent cell that could understand them through the humiliation and panic that was building inside her. It wasn't hard to imagine what she would have to do next, and the thought made her body start to tremble uncontrollably. Her breathing became more labored, making her breasts rise a fall invitingly underneath the bra.

"Now Amber," Raven's words grew louder and more pronounced, "what I want you to do next, is reach up and EASE the bra straps down off of your shoulders."

"Please . . . don't . . . don't do this," she choked back a sob.

"Would you prefer I have someone help you?"

Amber swallowed hard.

“Go on . . .”

With one trembling hand, she reached up and slid the tips of her fingers underneath the strap on her left shoulder.

"That's right . . ."

She lifted it away from her skin, and pulled it up over her shoulder then let it drop so that it hung down loose against her arm, peeling back the top inch of her bra cup.

"Now the other one."

She did the same on the other side, leaving both straps dangling uselessly off her bare shoulders. Her breasts just sat there now, scooped in the cups of her bra.

"All right, Amber," he continued, "lean forward for us with your hands resting on your knees and keep your arms straight."

It took a moment for the last instruction to register, but then with her eyes still closed, she leaned forward and placed her hands on her knees.

"Pull your arms in nice and tight. We don’t want that bra to come off, do we?"

She squeezed her elbows inward, and in doing so, felt the bra straps slip even further down to her forearms. The tops of the bra cups fell back slightly as well uncovering more of her breasts, which were now crushed together like two balloons trapped in a vice.

"Now give us a smile . . ."

Amber’s mind was racing, "God, why does he HAVE to keep tormenting me like this? Doesn’t he realize how horrible this is?"

"Come on, pet. You can do it."

She managed to curl the corners of her mouth into a half-smile.

"A little more . . . that's it . . . let's see those pretty dimples."

Her lips quivered as she strained to hold her smile, and tears started to well up behind her closed eyelids.

"OK, that will do. You can stand up again."

She relaxed for a moment, then slowly straightened up, being mindful not to let her bra slip any further.

"Now I want you to turn your back to us . . ."

Again, she turned.

"and unclip your bra."

Amber was in agony, but she took a moment to collect herself, then slowly reached behind her back and grasped the two ends of the back strap where the clasps were. She pulled both sides toward each other to release the tension, freeing two of the four small eyelets. Her hands were still trembling, so she had to do it a couple of times before they all came free. As the straps parted, she crossed her arms to keep the front of her bra from falling down, leaving the back dangling.

"Arms down to your sides, please," he calmly ordered.

"Oh God", she thought, and slowly lowered her arms, but kept them pressed tight against the sides of her body so the bra would not slip off.

"Turn around and let us have another look at you, and make sure those eyes stay shut."

Amber turned around slowly. She could feel the salty tears streaming down her hot cheeks.

"Now, for the moment we've been waiting for," his voice grew louder. "Amber, I want you to spread your arms out just a little."

"No! Please don't make me, please!" she begged.

"Do it, girl."

The terror screaming in her ears nearly drowned out his repeated command. Suddenly, everything in her mind seemed to shut down, whether it was from shock, or just an unconscious attempt to block everything out . . .

"I said DO IT!"

Amber was only vaguely aware of her arms slowly parting from her sides. The bra moved down one inch . . .

"A little more . . ."

Again she complied, and this time, it only took the very slightest move, then the bra suddenly slid off her breasts and dropped to the floor.


Everyone in the room was silent as they watched.

Even Raven sat back in the leather chair and nodded his head in approval without saying a word -- taken by the sight of this lovely bitch standing before them. Her body was almost completely nude with the exception of her panties, and so far, he liked what he saw. She had a creamy, light almond complexion that seemed to glow with youth and vitality in the orange light radiating from the canopied fireplace. Her pert, young breasts were impressive for such a slender build too, and they stood out flawlessly from her ribs like a pair of ripe melons. Sonia, who was sitting nearby, gazed at them in admiration.

There were six others with them in the Grand Room. The handlers, Shane and Tony, stood off to the side with their lusty gaze fixed on the girl's naked tits, while another employee, Len, manned the video camera behind Raven's chair. The other three men, all prospective buyers, were allowed to sit in on this girl’s first session and watch for a modest fee of $1,200 each.

Raven had no doubt, that once properly trained, the bidding would go high for this one. Her body was certainly more than suitable enough, beautiful without question, and though he had seen plenty of beautiful women come and go from this house, there was something special about this one that set her apart from the others. Her face was both charming and innocent, and she had an alluring, sweet sensuality to her demeanor that he knew would be very appealing to the buyers. Yes, he thought to himself, she was going to be quite a draw at the next auction.

"Now Amber, listen very carefully," he leaned forward and spoke slowly, "I want you to stand up straight, raise those arms, and clasp your hands behind your head. Let’s make this a nice pose."

The girl hesitated, but Raven knew by now she would obey him, and smiled again as she raised her hands behind her head and laced her fingers together.

"Very good, and pull your elbows back, nice and tight."

Tears were streaming past her closed eyelids and down her face, but she managed to force her elbows backward so that her breasts were now drawn tight across her ribs. Her armpits were deep and smooth, and in the low light from the fireplace, he noticed they were starting to sweat just a little.

"Now once again, slowly turn to your left away from us, please."

She slowly rotated her body until she faced the door, and this revealed a beautiful, slim and flawless back. It was an exquisite shape, Raven observed. A long perfect symmetry, with a sexy back line that moved prominently down the center. Below that, her hips flared just slightly, and beneath the panties, her ass cheeks were nice and firm.

"That's good. Keep those elbows pulled back and slowly turn all the way around for us . . ."

Like a good little whore, she did exactly as she was told, giving everyone a lusty view of her outstretched body from all angles. By now, the cool air had done its work in making her nipples swell and stand erect, which only added to the poor girl's humiliation. The thought of how she must be feeling made Raven smile a little. Her nerves were obviously shot and at this point, she probably would have done anything just to put an end to it all. He relished this part of the training the most -- watching a new slave gradually come to terms with her captivity, her exposure and obedience. Many women brought to Dark Oak Manor required immediate discipline in the harshest measure to break their spirit, but this one would fall under his thumb for much less, though he was still looking forward to feeling the first strike of his lash against her flesh.

"Beautiful,” he said to her. “You can put your arms down again."


By now, Amber was completely devastated. She let her arms drop down to her sides and resisted the urge to cross them over her breasts. Even with her eyes squeezed tight, she could feel the heat of their unblinking stares searing into her newly bared flesh. Worse yet, she knew the ordeal was far from over.

"Yes, very nice, indeed," Raven's voice sounded pleased, "I guess that just leaves one more thing to do, my pet, and you know what that is . . ."

"I . . . I can't do this anymore," her mouth felt as dry as cotton, so dry she could barely speak, "please, let me stop."

"Come now girl, it would be a shame to have to punish you at this point. Don't you think?"

"Please . . ."

"Do it."

Amber took in a long breath. She then hooked her thumbs under the sides of her panties. The room was dead silent. With trembling hands, she slowly peeled them down her smooth hips and let them hang on her thighs. A slight shift of one leg, and then the other made the useless garment flutter down to her feet.

“And step out of them."

Without questioning him further, Amber lifted her feet out of the panties and kicked them aside. Her pubic hair had been neatly shaved and trimmed close to accommodate even the skimpiest thong underwear. Now all eyes were focused on the one, most secret part of her body that few men had knowledge of, or even seen. Another rush of tears came, and she had to really press her eyelids tightly together to block them out.

"Very nice. Now shake your hair a little for us."

"Please, let this be it", she almost whispered the thought.

Her silky hair brushed lightly against her bare shoulders as she shook her head.

"There,” he said. “That will do for now, my pet. You can open your eyes."

Amber hesitated for moment, unsure as to if she really wanted to see who, or how many of them were in the room with her. Then slowly, she relaxed the tired muscles around her eyes and opened them . . .


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