Indoctrination - Chapter One
Night Owl
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
(Story Content: M/f, F/f, Abduction, Bondage, Humiliation)
Too late for sorry
The lessons learned,
But forever from here
The bridges burned.
"The Death of Trust"
by Patrick H.
Chapter 1: Dark Oak Manor
May 19, 2000 ...
"Damn it!"
Amber Brkich cursed out loud as she maneuvered her Honda Civic off to the side of the road. She had been cruising at a steady 65 MPH, listening to a brassy song pounding on her radio, when suddenly, the engine choked and died without warning.
"Shit! Shit! SHIT!"
She sat there for a minute, her hands tightening around the wheel. The rain outside beat down like a drum against her windshield. Car trouble was the last thing she needed. Amber was already running late when she left her sister's house up in Albany. Now it was getting dark, and the storm wasn't making the long trip home any easier. She pulled the cell phone out of her purse and began dialing her boyfriend's number before realizing there was no signal, then slammed it down in disgust and turned the key again.
The only building within sight was a gas station she had passed down the road, but that would be at least a two-mile hike. Worse yet, she didn't have a coat, or even an umbrella to protect her from the downpour. What Amber did have on was a tight-fitting cashmere sweater with a double v-neckline, a pair of heeled sandals, and black shorts that rode very high and loose on the upper thighs to reveal more leg than her father would have deemed appropriate. Obviously, walking through the rain to get help in this outfit was out of the question.
Sighing in resignation, she switched on her flashers, then popped the hood latch and quickly got out of the car to lift it up, hoping that a highway patrolman would come by eventually. When she got back in the car, her body was already soaked to the bone.
"This couldn't get any worse," thinking to herself.
Amber had planned to stop by Rob's apartment on the way home to surprise him, and maybe have a warm bed for the night. Now she was sitting alone and shivering on a lonely road out in the middle of nowhere. She considered running out to the trunk to get some dry clothes from her suitcase, then thought better of it as the rain began to pour down even harder. Fortunately, it didn't take long before a pair of headlights veered off onto the shoulder behind her.
"Thank God for Good Samaritans," she smiled, looking into the left side mirror.
The other car pulled up along side her door, and when she saw the passenger window come down, she did the same so they could talk.
"What's the trouble?" The other driver was a woman.
"I don't know!" Amber shouted into her car through the rain. "It just died on me."
"What happens when you try the ignition?"
"Nothing, the engine won't even turn over, and I just bought a new battery too."
"Sounds bad," the other woman frowned. "Do you have a cell phone?"
"Yes, but it doesn't work."
"I don't live far from here. I can give you a lift to my house, then we'll call for a tow from there if you like."
"That would be great! I hope this isn't too much trouble for you."
"Not at all. You better lock up your car before we get going."
Amber quickly got out and closed the hood, then made sure the doors were locked, before getting into the other vehicle.
"Oh you poor dear, you're soaked," the woman said apologetically. "I should have lent you my umbrella."
"That's OK. I didn't even think to bring a coat."
"I'll get a pot of hot tea going when we get to the house."
The woman appeared to be in her late thirties with fiery red hair that was shoulder length. She was wearing a long, black leather overcoat, and Amber guessed she had a nice figure underneath. A little too much makeup though, as if she were fighting off the inevitable aging that all women have to contend with at some point in their lives. Amber knew she would face it someday, but at a youthful 23, that was the very least of her worries right now.
"I really appreciate this," she thanked her again. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."
"It's my pleasure. My name is Sonia, by the way."
"Pleased to meet you, Sonia, I'm Amber."
"And where are you from?"
"Pittsburgh. I'm on my way home from my sister's up in New York."
They turned off the main route, and then drove down one heavily wooded road, and another until they reached a large iron fence, shrouded in a tangle of trees and vines. A sign on the gate read, Dark Oak Manor. Sonia pulled up close, honked three times, and the gate opened electronically, allowing her to drive through. The road up to her house was unusually long, and cracked and crumbling with gatherings of running of water in some places. After the first bend, the pavement became more smooth and maintained. A row of posts linked by heavy chains lined one edge of the drive. Another bend brought them within sight of an old, stone house that was as large as an old English castle. The drive had now become pristine without any signs of age or wear. As they slowly drove up the slight grade, the trees moved aside to reveal more of the single structure, which had grown much larger than it first appeared from its concealment.
"Take my umbrella and go in the house," she instructed. "Don't worry, the front door is unlocked. I'm going to park the car around back, then I'll meet you inside."
Amber did as she was told and quickly ran to the porch with umbrella in hand, only to find a man standing in the open doorway. The first sight of him startled her.
"May I help you?" came the slow controlled query.
"Uh . . . yes. I had some car trouble . . . and Sonia was going to let me use her phone."
"Oh, of course," he then gave her a cordial smile, "please come in."
She saw his eyes dart up and down her rain-drenched body as he stepped aside to let her pass. Amber was used to the casual stares she often received from men on the street, only his look was more obvious, as though he were making an appraisal of what he saw with little regard as to whether it would offend her or not. Warmth from the interior greeted and surrounded her, but she took little comfort. As the man turned to close the door, she chanced one look back outside before it slammed shut.
Standing in a dark foyer, Amber immediately noticed a large black and white framed photograph of a nude couple in a highly charged, highly sexual embrace. It hung boldly on the wall facing the door, demanding the visitor’s attention, with a recessed light bathing both naked figures in its glow. The woman was seated on a hardwood floor, her long legs spread provocatively wide, her knees drawn up and her feet flat on the floor. She was extremely attractive – long dark hair, very slender body with willowy legs and arms. The man seated behind her was dark and powerfully built; his body nearly hidden by the woman as she leaned back against him, eyes closed with her arms raised and draped behind his neck. The man’s left arm was reaching down between her open thighs and grasping her tightly there with his powerful hand, not with a loving caress, but as if to demonstrate possession over her, while his other arm curled across her chest with that hand squeezing her left breast in the same manner.
"My name is Shane,” her greeter announced, “I'm sort of the caretaker here." Amber was ushered quickly from the foyer through a pair of double doors to a large sitting room. "Sonia will be in shortly, in the meantime, please make yourself comfortable," then he vanished before Amber could turn and thank him.
The exterior of the house was built mostly of stone with decorative stone tracery, much like the Old English Gothic homes of the 19th century, but the inside had everything that Victorian splendor and extravagance stood for. She could feel the heat rolling out of the vast, canopied fireplace. A massive chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a dozen or so lights upon the floor below. Plush, velvet chairs and settees were grouped about the perimeter for private conversations. She had never seen anything like it -- certainly not in the little town of Grove City, Pennsylvania, where she grew up.
Amber moved to Pittsburgh not long after she graduated from Westminster College, and while searching for her 'career job,' she had worked as a waitress, a librarian, then finally, an administrative assistant, which was really just a glorified word for secretary, or as Rob affectionately called her "office bitch." Her friends often suggested she try a career in modeling. Though Amber never took the idea seriously, she certainly had all the natural assets. Her alluring green eyes, long, wavy chestnut hair and fresh, unassuming smile gave her a girl-next-door quality that seemed real and attainable. Her body was slim, graceful and lightly tanned all over, and her full, young breasts stood out perfectly on their own, even without the support of a bra, making them the subject of many 'water cooler' discussions as to whether they were real or not.
As Amber sat in front of the fire, alone with her thoughts, she became aware of a vague, but growing sense of uneasiness about the room -- like someone was watching her. Glancing over each shoulder, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, but that nagging feeling still remained. She uncrossed her legs and shifted nervously in her chair, wondering where Sonia could be. When she finally appeared, Amber was actually relieved to see her.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," she said. "I had some trouble getting the garage door closed in this rain."
"That's OK, could I use your phone now?" Amber hated to sound rude, but she was getting anxious about her car.
"It's in my office upstairs."
Sonia led her up a long, winding stairway, then down a darkened hall flanked with rooms on both sides. Most of the doors to these rooms were closed, except for one, and as they passed it in the hall, a man's voice called out to them from within,
"Sonia, could you come in here please."
Amber followed Sonia’s lead as she turned and entered the room. The interior was full of books, spacious and restful, and very quiet, like the library of a millionaire. In a high-backed chair, behind an expensive desk, a man sat quietly looking at them. He had dark, almost black eyes, and long dark hair that was slightly graying at the temples and tied back into a ponytail. Tobacco smoke climbed from a lit cigar sitting in the ashtray nearby. There was nothing else on the desk save a large intercom and, incongruously, a very small ivory riding crop with a long thin lash. He closed the book he was reading and spoke to Amber,
"I've been told you are stranded."
"A . . . yes," she answered awkwardly, "I just need to use your phone and call for a tow."
"Well, I hope it's nothing too serious. Of course, you are welcome to stay here for the night if necessary."
He smiled politely, but there was something about the look in his eyes that made Amber catch her breath -- something secret, forbidden that bubbled and frothed behind them. It was hard for her to take such a cold impression seriously upon first meeting someone, but the feeling was unmistakable.
"Thank you," she said politely, "but I noticed a motel about 10 miles up the road."
"Very well. I'll have someone drive you there as soon as they retrieve your vehicle."
He then recovered the cigar and returned to his reading. Sonia was already leaving the room, and Amber again followed her down the hall feeling a bit odd about the abruptness of their dismissal. She realized neither had made any effort to introduce themselves, only in her case, it was out of awkwardness, while he seemed to have no interest in knowing her name.
She was about to ask Sonia who the gentleman was, when suddenly, she heard the sound of the front door slamming, followed by the heavy thump of footsteps ascending the stairs. Sonia stopped ahead of her, and a look of irritation crossed her face as she turned toward the source of the noise. Another man rounded the corner. His raincoat was still dripping from the storm outside.
"I wish to talk to you about the woman you sent us!"
"This really isn't the time," Sonia broke in.
"Yes, but . . ."
"I said LATER," she insisted.
His eyes turned to Amber then quickly darted away. "All right, then I'll take this up with our friend. Where is he?"
"You just passed his office down the hall, but he's unavailable at the moment."
"We'll see about that," the man challenged and rushed around the corner toward the room they had just left.
For the first time Sonia seem flustered and on the verge of emotion. "Please wait here," she ordered, and then followed after him.
Amber could hear the muffled voices of two men arguing down the hallway. Then a door slammed, leaving her alone in silence for the moment with her racing thoughts. When Sonia finally returned, she had regained her composure.
"Now let's make that phone call," she smiled slightly. She reached up to take Amber by the elbow, but without actually touching her. The motion was more a symbolic gesture than functional -- something that hinted of suppressed urgency. Sonia ushered her down to the end of the hall, and into a darkened room to the right.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, Amber felt a hand grasp her upper arm from behind. A rag was then clamped tightly around her mouth, and she was immediately engulfed by a sweet, almost sickening smell of roses. She struggled and twisted with her unknown assailant, but it was no use. The unseen arm wrapped around her elbows, almost pinning them together in a grip that was like a vice. Her head began to swim. Her eyelids grew impossibly heavy. Her legs gave out and she fell backward against the attacker. It was definitely a man. His chest felt heavy and solid. Her tired eyes searched the room for Sonia, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panic became delirium, and then darkness descended on her like a shroud, obliterating everything around her before she crumpled to the floor.
At first, she was too weak to move.
Her green eyes fluttered open softly, her thoughts disoriented, then Amber felt the first tug of the ropes.
"Oh God," her mind snapped awake, her thoughts racing, "what's happened to me!"
She was lying on her side with her wrists tied behind her back. More rope had been looped around her elbows to keep them bound tightly together. This pulled her shoulders back and thrust her breasts forward from the tension. Her knees had also been roped together as were her ankles, which were connected to her wrists in back with another short length of rope, forcing her body into a taut bow. Her lips were stretched wide around a rubber ball that was fastened to her head with a leather strap. Someone had hog-tied and gagged her.
"PLEASE let this be a dream!"
She quickly glanced around to see where she could be, but everything seemed black as pitch. For the moment, she lay there motionless in the dark, trying to collect herself while her eyes became accustomed to her surroundings.
At first, Amber could recall little of what had happened, just bits and pieces that seemed disconnected. She remembered her car stalling on the side of the road . . . rain pounding the windshield . . . then another driver stopped to give her a ride. Slowly, everything came together like a horrible puzzle. Sonia. The house. A strong smell of roses that still lingered in her nostrils. Someone had grabbed her from behind and placed something over her mouth. Chloroform, most likely. As far as Amber could tell, there were no signs she had been raped. Her sandals were missing, but she was still clothed in her shorts and sweater top.
By now, her eyes could make out shapes and shadows emerging from the darkness. She appeared to be in an empty storage room that hadn't been used in years. Cobwebs and dust covered everything. The concrete floor felt cold and gritty underneath her bare legs. There were no windows, just a single door that was closed and probably locked. She heard a scratching noise nearby. Then something dark scurried across the room and disappeared under one of the shelves.
"Just a mouse," she thought, "or was it a RAT?"
Amber grunted and groaned in frustration. She twisted her body, first one way, and then the other, but the strictness of her hog-tie kept her pinned helplessly to the floor.
"All right girl, get a hold of yourself. You can get out of this."
She closed her eyes and tried to relax, then focused her attention on the spot behind her back where her wrists were joined. Slowly and methodically, she began twisting her hands in half-circles, with the hope of somehow loosening the ropes so she could slip them free. Her wrists started to sweat, and Amber welcomed that, for she could use the moisture as a lubricant. She tried rolling onto her stomach to give her arms more freedom to move. In doing so, a stream of drool fell from her gagged mouth onto the concrete floor. Dust and mildew tickled her nostrils with every breath she strained to take in. Again and again she tried to work her hands free until her arms ached, but the ropes would not give an inch. Whoever tied her up obviously knew what he or she was doing.
It took a greater effort to roll back onto her side again in her weakened condition, which she finally did so by rocking her body. Amber wasn't ready to give up, though. She squeezed her shoulder blades tightly together and arched backward as far as she could. Then with one painful stretch of her arms, she reached for the rope around her ankles and began picking at the knots. Sweat beaded and rolled off her forehead. Ashen dust clung to her tanned legs from all her struggling. Her back ached terribly, and she could feel her jutting breasts straining against the tight confines of her bra underneath the sweater. After several attempts, she realized it was no use. Her body had been trussed up quite securely, and tied off with small, angry knots that she couldn't possibly undo herself. Panic finally set in. She screamed into her gag until her vocal cords were shot; she struggled violently like a wild animal caught in a trap, until she was too exhausted to move, then once again, she forced herself to relax. As much as she dreaded the idea, there was nothing she could do now, but wait.
About an hour had passed before Amber heard the sounds of footsteps approaching her door from the other side. A light came on and filtered dustily through the crack underneath. The dead bolt lock slid open with a loud metallic click, then the light flooded into the room and on her body as the door flew open.
"Rise and shine, gorgeous."
Amber squinted momentarily at the figure standing in the doorway.
"The chloroform really did the trick. You were out for quite a while."
The figure moved in closer. It was clearly Sonia's voice, but not the same woman she remembered. Gone was the plain gray outfit she had on earlier. Now she was wearing a long, black velvet dress that hugged every curve of her body like a second skin, and with a slit up one side to reveal much of her bare thigh. 5" black heels accentuated the strong calf muscles of her legs. Her flaming red hair was swept up on her head and held in place with a diamond clip. A few stray strands of hair framed her face, making a sexy, yet elegant impression. She seemed much younger now than her thirty-plus years.
"Well, I hope you got plenty of rest," she said. "We have a busy evening ahead."
"MMMMPHFFFFFF!" Again Amber's cries of anguish were stifled by the gag.
"Temper, temper now," Sonia cooed. "Behave yourself, or I'll let this young man soften you up a little . . ."
Amber hadn't noticed Shane "the caretaker" leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest.
"I'd like that very much," he grinned. His eyes seemed fixed on her nipples poking outward against her sweater top.
For the first time in her life, Amber realized what it meant to be tied up, to be truly helpless and completely at the mercy of someone else. Summoning up every ounce of her strength, she strained and wrenched at her pinioned limbs, fighting her bondage with an energy born of desperation, not realizing that her twisting and writhing on the floor only made her body look all the more alluring to the wandering eyes of both her kidnappers.
"You're wasting your time sweetheart," Sonia stared down at her like a cat studying its prey. "There are many ways to effectively tie up a human being, and I know them all."
Amber felt her face reddening, and closed her eyes, mortified.
"Now I'm going to take this gag off, but I warn you, crying for help will do you no good. Nobody can hear you, and it gets annoying after awhile, so I hope I won't have to put it on again. Do you understand?"
Amber could do nothing but nod in agreement.
"Good girl."
Sonia knelt down while being mindful of the opening in her dress, then unbuckled the leather strap and removed the rubber ball. Amber hadn't realized how much her jaws ached from being stretched open for so long, and it was a relief to finally be rid of the damned thing.
"There, feel better?"
"Please, let me go," she pleaded. "The ropes . . . they're too tight!"
"Oh, we'll be making some adjustments to your restraints, don't worry. But first, sweetheart, you and I need to come to an understanding."
"Look, just let me go right now and I won't say anything to anyone."
Calmly, Sonia shook her head. Her lack of concern about getting caught disturbed Amber almost as much as the situation itself. Then she remembered her disabled car parked on the side of the road.
"My car!" she blurted. "A state trooper's bound to drive by and see it!"
"Your vehicle was taken to a remote garage, just moments after I picked you up. It's being disassembled as we speak. In 24 hours the parts will be sent across the border into Mexico. As for your belongings, we brought them back here for safe-keeping."
Amber said nothing, but only stared at her in disbelief.
"And this," she held up a small metallic box, "this clever little device I'm holding is a transceiver. When activated, it sends out a signal. All I have to do is point it at a passing car, and the signal scrambles the target's engine computer, making the engine stall. A second switch here interferes with cell phones so they're quite useless."
"Oh God! My car broke down because of you?"
"That's right, but there's more to it than that. Much more." Sonia began to pace the room as she spoke, her heels clicking sharply against the gritty floor. "You see, dear, I am what you call a freelance mercenary, and a very good one at that. I hire out my services to the highest bidder, and I get many bids. The organization I'm currently employed with has a high interest in beautiful young woman like yourself. We've been watching you for quite some time, as we do with all our prospects. We knew where you lived, where you worked, we even entered your apartment and had the phones tapped. You were ours for the taking, and all we needed was an opportunity -- one that involved as little risk as possible. Then we found out you were planning to take a trip up to your sister's in New York. It was sheer luck that your travel route brought you within just a few miles of this house, so we were able to make the pickup there with very little chance of being seen."
As Amber listened, she could feel herself breaking down emotionally. Everything was happening so fast her mind simply couldn't comprehend it all.
"W-what are you going to do to me?" Amber wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the answer.
"I have no idea," Sonia answered casually, but she was obviously lying. "I was only paid to bring you in. What happens next is up to someone else. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more business to tend to. While I'm gone, Shane is going to untie some of those ropes and take you to another location in the house. So mind what he says and TRY not to do anything foolish."
Sonia then stepped out of the room as suddenly as she had entered, leaving the two of them together. Amber feared the worst.
"Well, well," he said, "alone at last."
Her heart began to beat faster as he moved from his place by the door and got down on one knee close behind her. He was about 6 feet tall, powerfully built with sandy blond hair and a surfer’s tan. Almost immediately, she could smell the strong, musky scent of his cologne.
"I'll bet you're ready to get out of this, aren't you?"
He untied the knots to the rope around her knees first, and took his time in doing it, occasionally letting his hand stray and brush against her bare thigh. Her elbows were loosened next, then she felt the rope that ran from her wrists to her ankles break loose, releasing her from her hog-tie. For the first time, in what seemed like hours, Amber was able to stretch her body. Finally her ankles were untied, leaving only her wrists. Then much to her dismay, he pulled out of his back pocket, a pair of shiny chrome-plated handcuffs.
"Keep your hands behind your back."
Dreading what was coming next, she complied reluctantly as he untied the last of her ropes. She then felt the cold steel cuffs lock around her small wrists and ratchet down. She tried to pull her hands apart and felt the links of chain joining them go taut. A blindfold was pulled down over her eyes, and once again, Amber felt helpless.
"Now stand up," he ordered.
She staggered to her feet, unused to moving about with her hands secured behind her back.
"Come with me," Shane tugged on her elbow. The beautiful captive took a tentative step forward, then another, and another. When they reached the hallway, she was grabbed gently by the shoulders and forced to turn left.
"Just walk naturally. I won't let you run into anything."
Amber tried, but found it most difficult. She imagined with every step that she was going to bump into a wall, or maybe trip over something. She felt him pull her closer to his body. The smell of his cologne was so intoxicating she could barely stand it.
"Stop. Turn right. This is your room."
Amber felt herself being pulled forward. After she took a few steps, his hands grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you."
The only way to get into that position without falling was to kneel. Slowly she brought her right knee down almost all the way to the floor. She let it drop the last few inches until she could feel the thick carpet underneath. Her left came down quickly to join it. She swung her bottom to the side as she sat down. This left her legs tucked under her, but she had no trouble swinging them out in front.
"Now remain still, and don't make any noise. Got it?"
Amber only nodded without saying a word. The door then slammed shut, leaving her alone in the room.
The wait was long and unsettling, especially with the blindfold on. Was she really alone, or was there somebody still there with her? Watching. And what was going to happen when they came back? Thoughts of escape raced through her mind, as well as of family and friends, and whether she would ever see them again.
WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.
by Night Owl
(Story Content: M/f, F/f, Abduction, Bondage, Humiliation)
Too late for sorry
The lessons learned,
But forever from here
The bridges burned.
"The Death of Trust"
by Patrick H.
Chapter 1: Dark Oak Manor
May 19, 2000 ...
"Damn it!"
Amber Brkich cursed out loud as she maneuvered her Honda Civic off to the side of the road. She had been cruising at a steady 65 MPH, listening to a brassy song pounding on her radio, when suddenly, the engine choked and died without warning.
"Shit! Shit! SHIT!"
She sat there for a minute, her hands tightening around the wheel. The rain outside beat down like a drum against her windshield. Car trouble was the last thing she needed. Amber was already running late when she left her sister's house up in Albany. Now it was getting dark, and the storm wasn't making the long trip home any easier. She pulled the cell phone out of her purse and began dialing her boyfriend's number before realizing there was no signal, then slammed it down in disgust and turned the key again.
The only building within sight was a gas station she had passed down the road, but that would be at least a two-mile hike. Worse yet, she didn't have a coat, or even an umbrella to protect her from the downpour. What Amber did have on was a tight-fitting cashmere sweater with a double v-neckline, a pair of heeled sandals, and black shorts that rode very high and loose on the upper thighs to reveal more leg than her father would have deemed appropriate. Obviously, walking through the rain to get help in this outfit was out of the question.
Sighing in resignation, she switched on her flashers, then popped the hood latch and quickly got out of the car to lift it up, hoping that a highway patrolman would come by eventually. When she got back in the car, her body was already soaked to the bone.
"This couldn't get any worse," thinking to herself.
Amber had planned to stop by Rob's apartment on the way home to surprise him, and maybe have a warm bed for the night. Now she was sitting alone and shivering on a lonely road out in the middle of nowhere. She considered running out to the trunk to get some dry clothes from her suitcase, then thought better of it as the rain began to pour down even harder. Fortunately, it didn't take long before a pair of headlights veered off onto the shoulder behind her.
"Thank God for Good Samaritans," she smiled, looking into the left side mirror.
The other car pulled up along side her door, and when she saw the passenger window come down, she did the same so they could talk.
"What's the trouble?" The other driver was a woman.
"I don't know!" Amber shouted into her car through the rain. "It just died on me."
"What happens when you try the ignition?"
"Nothing, the engine won't even turn over, and I just bought a new battery too."
"Sounds bad," the other woman frowned. "Do you have a cell phone?"
"Yes, but it doesn't work."
"I don't live far from here. I can give you a lift to my house, then we'll call for a tow from there if you like."
"That would be great! I hope this isn't too much trouble for you."
"Not at all. You better lock up your car before we get going."
Amber quickly got out and closed the hood, then made sure the doors were locked, before getting into the other vehicle.
"Oh you poor dear, you're soaked," the woman said apologetically. "I should have lent you my umbrella."
"That's OK. I didn't even think to bring a coat."
"I'll get a pot of hot tea going when we get to the house."
The woman appeared to be in her late thirties with fiery red hair that was shoulder length. She was wearing a long, black leather overcoat, and Amber guessed she had a nice figure underneath. A little too much makeup though, as if she were fighting off the inevitable aging that all women have to contend with at some point in their lives. Amber knew she would face it someday, but at a youthful 23, that was the very least of her worries right now.
"I really appreciate this," she thanked her again. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."
"It's my pleasure. My name is Sonia, by the way."
"Pleased to meet you, Sonia, I'm Amber."
"And where are you from?"
"Pittsburgh. I'm on my way home from my sister's up in New York."
They turned off the main route, and then drove down one heavily wooded road, and another until they reached a large iron fence, shrouded in a tangle of trees and vines. A sign on the gate read, Dark Oak Manor. Sonia pulled up close, honked three times, and the gate opened electronically, allowing her to drive through. The road up to her house was unusually long, and cracked and crumbling with gatherings of running of water in some places. After the first bend, the pavement became more smooth and maintained. A row of posts linked by heavy chains lined one edge of the drive. Another bend brought them within sight of an old, stone house that was as large as an old English castle. The drive had now become pristine without any signs of age or wear. As they slowly drove up the slight grade, the trees moved aside to reveal more of the single structure, which had grown much larger than it first appeared from its concealment.
"Take my umbrella and go in the house," she instructed. "Don't worry, the front door is unlocked. I'm going to park the car around back, then I'll meet you inside."
Amber did as she was told and quickly ran to the porch with umbrella in hand, only to find a man standing in the open doorway. The first sight of him startled her.
"May I help you?" came the slow controlled query.
"Uh . . . yes. I had some car trouble . . . and Sonia was going to let me use her phone."
"Oh, of course," he then gave her a cordial smile, "please come in."
She saw his eyes dart up and down her rain-drenched body as he stepped aside to let her pass. Amber was used to the casual stares she often received from men on the street, only his look was more obvious, as though he were making an appraisal of what he saw with little regard as to whether it would offend her or not. Warmth from the interior greeted and surrounded her, but she took little comfort. As the man turned to close the door, she chanced one look back outside before it slammed shut.
Standing in a dark foyer, Amber immediately noticed a large black and white framed photograph of a nude couple in a highly charged, highly sexual embrace. It hung boldly on the wall facing the door, demanding the visitor’s attention, with a recessed light bathing both naked figures in its glow. The woman was seated on a hardwood floor, her long legs spread provocatively wide, her knees drawn up and her feet flat on the floor. She was extremely attractive – long dark hair, very slender body with willowy legs and arms. The man seated behind her was dark and powerfully built; his body nearly hidden by the woman as she leaned back against him, eyes closed with her arms raised and draped behind his neck. The man’s left arm was reaching down between her open thighs and grasping her tightly there with his powerful hand, not with a loving caress, but as if to demonstrate possession over her, while his other arm curled across her chest with that hand squeezing her left breast in the same manner.
"My name is Shane,” her greeter announced, “I'm sort of the caretaker here." Amber was ushered quickly from the foyer through a pair of double doors to a large sitting room. "Sonia will be in shortly, in the meantime, please make yourself comfortable," then he vanished before Amber could turn and thank him.
The exterior of the house was built mostly of stone with decorative stone tracery, much like the Old English Gothic homes of the 19th century, but the inside had everything that Victorian splendor and extravagance stood for. She could feel the heat rolling out of the vast, canopied fireplace. A massive chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a dozen or so lights upon the floor below. Plush, velvet chairs and settees were grouped about the perimeter for private conversations. She had never seen anything like it -- certainly not in the little town of Grove City, Pennsylvania, where she grew up.
Amber moved to Pittsburgh not long after she graduated from Westminster College, and while searching for her 'career job,' she had worked as a waitress, a librarian, then finally, an administrative assistant, which was really just a glorified word for secretary, or as Rob affectionately called her "office bitch." Her friends often suggested she try a career in modeling. Though Amber never took the idea seriously, she certainly had all the natural assets. Her alluring green eyes, long, wavy chestnut hair and fresh, unassuming smile gave her a girl-next-door quality that seemed real and attainable. Her body was slim, graceful and lightly tanned all over, and her full, young breasts stood out perfectly on their own, even without the support of a bra, making them the subject of many 'water cooler' discussions as to whether they were real or not.
As Amber sat in front of the fire, alone with her thoughts, she became aware of a vague, but growing sense of uneasiness about the room -- like someone was watching her. Glancing over each shoulder, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, but that nagging feeling still remained. She uncrossed her legs and shifted nervously in her chair, wondering where Sonia could be. When she finally appeared, Amber was actually relieved to see her.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," she said. "I had some trouble getting the garage door closed in this rain."
"That's OK, could I use your phone now?" Amber hated to sound rude, but she was getting anxious about her car.
"It's in my office upstairs."
Sonia led her up a long, winding stairway, then down a darkened hall flanked with rooms on both sides. Most of the doors to these rooms were closed, except for one, and as they passed it in the hall, a man's voice called out to them from within,
"Sonia, could you come in here please."
Amber followed Sonia’s lead as she turned and entered the room. The interior was full of books, spacious and restful, and very quiet, like the library of a millionaire. In a high-backed chair, behind an expensive desk, a man sat quietly looking at them. He had dark, almost black eyes, and long dark hair that was slightly graying at the temples and tied back into a ponytail. Tobacco smoke climbed from a lit cigar sitting in the ashtray nearby. There was nothing else on the desk save a large intercom and, incongruously, a very small ivory riding crop with a long thin lash. He closed the book he was reading and spoke to Amber,
"I've been told you are stranded."
"A . . . yes," she answered awkwardly, "I just need to use your phone and call for a tow."
"Well, I hope it's nothing too serious. Of course, you are welcome to stay here for the night if necessary."
He smiled politely, but there was something about the look in his eyes that made Amber catch her breath -- something secret, forbidden that bubbled and frothed behind them. It was hard for her to take such a cold impression seriously upon first meeting someone, but the feeling was unmistakable.
"Thank you," she said politely, "but I noticed a motel about 10 miles up the road."
"Very well. I'll have someone drive you there as soon as they retrieve your vehicle."
He then recovered the cigar and returned to his reading. Sonia was already leaving the room, and Amber again followed her down the hall feeling a bit odd about the abruptness of their dismissal. She realized neither had made any effort to introduce themselves, only in her case, it was out of awkwardness, while he seemed to have no interest in knowing her name.
She was about to ask Sonia who the gentleman was, when suddenly, she heard the sound of the front door slamming, followed by the heavy thump of footsteps ascending the stairs. Sonia stopped ahead of her, and a look of irritation crossed her face as she turned toward the source of the noise. Another man rounded the corner. His raincoat was still dripping from the storm outside.
"I wish to talk to you about the woman you sent us!"
"This really isn't the time," Sonia broke in.
"Yes, but . . ."
"I said LATER," she insisted.
His eyes turned to Amber then quickly darted away. "All right, then I'll take this up with our friend. Where is he?"
"You just passed his office down the hall, but he's unavailable at the moment."
"We'll see about that," the man challenged and rushed around the corner toward the room they had just left.
For the first time Sonia seem flustered and on the verge of emotion. "Please wait here," she ordered, and then followed after him.
Amber could hear the muffled voices of two men arguing down the hallway. Then a door slammed, leaving her alone in silence for the moment with her racing thoughts. When Sonia finally returned, she had regained her composure.
"Now let's make that phone call," she smiled slightly. She reached up to take Amber by the elbow, but without actually touching her. The motion was more a symbolic gesture than functional -- something that hinted of suppressed urgency. Sonia ushered her down to the end of the hall, and into a darkened room to the right.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, Amber felt a hand grasp her upper arm from behind. A rag was then clamped tightly around her mouth, and she was immediately engulfed by a sweet, almost sickening smell of roses. She struggled and twisted with her unknown assailant, but it was no use. The unseen arm wrapped around her elbows, almost pinning them together in a grip that was like a vice. Her head began to swim. Her eyelids grew impossibly heavy. Her legs gave out and she fell backward against the attacker. It was definitely a man. His chest felt heavy and solid. Her tired eyes searched the room for Sonia, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panic became delirium, and then darkness descended on her like a shroud, obliterating everything around her before she crumpled to the floor.
At first, she was too weak to move.
Her green eyes fluttered open softly, her thoughts disoriented, then Amber felt the first tug of the ropes.
"Oh God," her mind snapped awake, her thoughts racing, "what's happened to me!"
She was lying on her side with her wrists tied behind her back. More rope had been looped around her elbows to keep them bound tightly together. This pulled her shoulders back and thrust her breasts forward from the tension. Her knees had also been roped together as were her ankles, which were connected to her wrists in back with another short length of rope, forcing her body into a taut bow. Her lips were stretched wide around a rubber ball that was fastened to her head with a leather strap. Someone had hog-tied and gagged her.
"PLEASE let this be a dream!"
She quickly glanced around to see where she could be, but everything seemed black as pitch. For the moment, she lay there motionless in the dark, trying to collect herself while her eyes became accustomed to her surroundings.
At first, Amber could recall little of what had happened, just bits and pieces that seemed disconnected. She remembered her car stalling on the side of the road . . . rain pounding the windshield . . . then another driver stopped to give her a ride. Slowly, everything came together like a horrible puzzle. Sonia. The house. A strong smell of roses that still lingered in her nostrils. Someone had grabbed her from behind and placed something over her mouth. Chloroform, most likely. As far as Amber could tell, there were no signs she had been raped. Her sandals were missing, but she was still clothed in her shorts and sweater top.
By now, her eyes could make out shapes and shadows emerging from the darkness. She appeared to be in an empty storage room that hadn't been used in years. Cobwebs and dust covered everything. The concrete floor felt cold and gritty underneath her bare legs. There were no windows, just a single door that was closed and probably locked. She heard a scratching noise nearby. Then something dark scurried across the room and disappeared under one of the shelves.
"Just a mouse," she thought, "or was it a RAT?"
Amber grunted and groaned in frustration. She twisted her body, first one way, and then the other, but the strictness of her hog-tie kept her pinned helplessly to the floor.
"All right girl, get a hold of yourself. You can get out of this."
She closed her eyes and tried to relax, then focused her attention on the spot behind her back where her wrists were joined. Slowly and methodically, she began twisting her hands in half-circles, with the hope of somehow loosening the ropes so she could slip them free. Her wrists started to sweat, and Amber welcomed that, for she could use the moisture as a lubricant. She tried rolling onto her stomach to give her arms more freedom to move. In doing so, a stream of drool fell from her gagged mouth onto the concrete floor. Dust and mildew tickled her nostrils with every breath she strained to take in. Again and again she tried to work her hands free until her arms ached, but the ropes would not give an inch. Whoever tied her up obviously knew what he or she was doing.
It took a greater effort to roll back onto her side again in her weakened condition, which she finally did so by rocking her body. Amber wasn't ready to give up, though. She squeezed her shoulder blades tightly together and arched backward as far as she could. Then with one painful stretch of her arms, she reached for the rope around her ankles and began picking at the knots. Sweat beaded and rolled off her forehead. Ashen dust clung to her tanned legs from all her struggling. Her back ached terribly, and she could feel her jutting breasts straining against the tight confines of her bra underneath the sweater. After several attempts, she realized it was no use. Her body had been trussed up quite securely, and tied off with small, angry knots that she couldn't possibly undo herself. Panic finally set in. She screamed into her gag until her vocal cords were shot; she struggled violently like a wild animal caught in a trap, until she was too exhausted to move, then once again, she forced herself to relax. As much as she dreaded the idea, there was nothing she could do now, but wait.
About an hour had passed before Amber heard the sounds of footsteps approaching her door from the other side. A light came on and filtered dustily through the crack underneath. The dead bolt lock slid open with a loud metallic click, then the light flooded into the room and on her body as the door flew open.
"Rise and shine, gorgeous."
Amber squinted momentarily at the figure standing in the doorway.
"The chloroform really did the trick. You were out for quite a while."
The figure moved in closer. It was clearly Sonia's voice, but not the same woman she remembered. Gone was the plain gray outfit she had on earlier. Now she was wearing a long, black velvet dress that hugged every curve of her body like a second skin, and with a slit up one side to reveal much of her bare thigh. 5" black heels accentuated the strong calf muscles of her legs. Her flaming red hair was swept up on her head and held in place with a diamond clip. A few stray strands of hair framed her face, making a sexy, yet elegant impression. She seemed much younger now than her thirty-plus years.
"Well, I hope you got plenty of rest," she said. "We have a busy evening ahead."
"MMMMPHFFFFFF!" Again Amber's cries of anguish were stifled by the gag.
"Temper, temper now," Sonia cooed. "Behave yourself, or I'll let this young man soften you up a little . . ."
Amber hadn't noticed Shane "the caretaker" leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest.
"I'd like that very much," he grinned. His eyes seemed fixed on her nipples poking outward against her sweater top.
For the first time in her life, Amber realized what it meant to be tied up, to be truly helpless and completely at the mercy of someone else. Summoning up every ounce of her strength, she strained and wrenched at her pinioned limbs, fighting her bondage with an energy born of desperation, not realizing that her twisting and writhing on the floor only made her body look all the more alluring to the wandering eyes of both her kidnappers.
"You're wasting your time sweetheart," Sonia stared down at her like a cat studying its prey. "There are many ways to effectively tie up a human being, and I know them all."
Amber felt her face reddening, and closed her eyes, mortified.
"Now I'm going to take this gag off, but I warn you, crying for help will do you no good. Nobody can hear you, and it gets annoying after awhile, so I hope I won't have to put it on again. Do you understand?"
Amber could do nothing but nod in agreement.
"Good girl."
Sonia knelt down while being mindful of the opening in her dress, then unbuckled the leather strap and removed the rubber ball. Amber hadn't realized how much her jaws ached from being stretched open for so long, and it was a relief to finally be rid of the damned thing.
"There, feel better?"
"Please, let me go," she pleaded. "The ropes . . . they're too tight!"
"Oh, we'll be making some adjustments to your restraints, don't worry. But first, sweetheart, you and I need to come to an understanding."
"Look, just let me go right now and I won't say anything to anyone."
Calmly, Sonia shook her head. Her lack of concern about getting caught disturbed Amber almost as much as the situation itself. Then she remembered her disabled car parked on the side of the road.
"My car!" she blurted. "A state trooper's bound to drive by and see it!"
"Your vehicle was taken to a remote garage, just moments after I picked you up. It's being disassembled as we speak. In 24 hours the parts will be sent across the border into Mexico. As for your belongings, we brought them back here for safe-keeping."
Amber said nothing, but only stared at her in disbelief.
"And this," she held up a small metallic box, "this clever little device I'm holding is a transceiver. When activated, it sends out a signal. All I have to do is point it at a passing car, and the signal scrambles the target's engine computer, making the engine stall. A second switch here interferes with cell phones so they're quite useless."
"Oh God! My car broke down because of you?"
"That's right, but there's more to it than that. Much more." Sonia began to pace the room as she spoke, her heels clicking sharply against the gritty floor. "You see, dear, I am what you call a freelance mercenary, and a very good one at that. I hire out my services to the highest bidder, and I get many bids. The organization I'm currently employed with has a high interest in beautiful young woman like yourself. We've been watching you for quite some time, as we do with all our prospects. We knew where you lived, where you worked, we even entered your apartment and had the phones tapped. You were ours for the taking, and all we needed was an opportunity -- one that involved as little risk as possible. Then we found out you were planning to take a trip up to your sister's in New York. It was sheer luck that your travel route brought you within just a few miles of this house, so we were able to make the pickup there with very little chance of being seen."
As Amber listened, she could feel herself breaking down emotionally. Everything was happening so fast her mind simply couldn't comprehend it all.
"W-what are you going to do to me?" Amber wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the answer.
"I have no idea," Sonia answered casually, but she was obviously lying. "I was only paid to bring you in. What happens next is up to someone else. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more business to tend to. While I'm gone, Shane is going to untie some of those ropes and take you to another location in the house. So mind what he says and TRY not to do anything foolish."
Sonia then stepped out of the room as suddenly as she had entered, leaving the two of them together. Amber feared the worst.
"Well, well," he said, "alone at last."
Her heart began to beat faster as he moved from his place by the door and got down on one knee close behind her. He was about 6 feet tall, powerfully built with sandy blond hair and a surfer’s tan. Almost immediately, she could smell the strong, musky scent of his cologne.
"I'll bet you're ready to get out of this, aren't you?"
He untied the knots to the rope around her knees first, and took his time in doing it, occasionally letting his hand stray and brush against her bare thigh. Her elbows were loosened next, then she felt the rope that ran from her wrists to her ankles break loose, releasing her from her hog-tie. For the first time, in what seemed like hours, Amber was able to stretch her body. Finally her ankles were untied, leaving only her wrists. Then much to her dismay, he pulled out of his back pocket, a pair of shiny chrome-plated handcuffs.
"Keep your hands behind your back."
Dreading what was coming next, she complied reluctantly as he untied the last of her ropes. She then felt the cold steel cuffs lock around her small wrists and ratchet down. She tried to pull her hands apart and felt the links of chain joining them go taut. A blindfold was pulled down over her eyes, and once again, Amber felt helpless.
"Now stand up," he ordered.
She staggered to her feet, unused to moving about with her hands secured behind her back.
"Come with me," Shane tugged on her elbow. The beautiful captive took a tentative step forward, then another, and another. When they reached the hallway, she was grabbed gently by the shoulders and forced to turn left.
"Just walk naturally. I won't let you run into anything."
Amber tried, but found it most difficult. She imagined with every step that she was going to bump into a wall, or maybe trip over something. She felt him pull her closer to his body. The smell of his cologne was so intoxicating she could barely stand it.
"Stop. Turn right. This is your room."
Amber felt herself being pulled forward. After she took a few steps, his hands grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you."
The only way to get into that position without falling was to kneel. Slowly she brought her right knee down almost all the way to the floor. She let it drop the last few inches until she could feel the thick carpet underneath. Her left came down quickly to join it. She swung her bottom to the side as she sat down. This left her legs tucked under her, but she had no trouble swinging them out in front.
"Now remain still, and don't make any noise. Got it?"
Amber only nodded without saying a word. The door then slammed shut, leaving her alone in the room.
The wait was long and unsettling, especially with the blindfold on. Was she really alone, or was there somebody still there with her? Watching. And what was going to happen when they came back? Thoughts of escape raced through her mind, as well as of family and friends, and whether she would ever see them again.
Continue to read from the same author
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A Haunting in New Orleans - Part Twonext story
Indoctrination - Chapter Two
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