9 Minutes!


It was still dark when I woke up.
Aware that I was getting a hard on... but not sure why.

Feeling myself swelling up, half erect already, the softest of touch's from my current girlfriend's hands rythmically pressing my dick back against myself. She had a great body... I pick the best looking women. I like them hard and fast! Tall, slim and sporty! No, she was hot, alright!. It was how she used it that was becoming boring. She was just an average fuck, no where near the best I'd ever had, but OK... only boring, unimaginative. I had loved the initial spontaneity of being with her... but that had gone, it was as if she was waiting for me to do something... I didn't have a clue what... it was up to her to take the next step. It was for her to do... to show me what she was really capable of.

Still... waking up with a hand on your cock was good! There was definitely worse ways to be woken up... but..., I looked at the clock beside the bed, it was 3.34AM in the morning!.

I'd be tossing her arse out the door, sooner rather than later, if she kept with this 3.30AM shit! I had never been with a girl that I wanted to be around forever...
Seriously? Who gets horny at 3.30 in the morning? I like sex on demand... but thats when I'm the one wanting it... to have her turn that around and be demanding right back was annoying.

I'd give her sex alright! But I decided that I'd leave her unsatisfied. I'd fuck her, come quickly and be off to sleep before she realised that was it, for her. Once the sun was up, I'd throw her arse out on the street, cat included! That'd show her who was the boss, in my bed!
The thought made me smile and the anticipation of a hard, fast fuck made me reach behind myself, seeking to touch her hot body... finding nothing but cooling sheets.

The stroking on my cock continued as the girl came back into the room and eased quietly under the covers.
I held myself still until the girl's breathing deepened and I was certain she was asleep.

Not the girl?
Shit! It was her fucking cat that was messing with me!... doing a good job of it too! Yeah! real good!
I tried to work out what the fuck the cat was up to... pressed against me for warmth? cleaning itself? I wasn't sure, but it felt good.

The cat's little body was pushed back against me, the fur on it's back pressing around me, caressing, stroking along my length and pumping it backwards and forwards. The cat's skin, noticably hotter than my cock, was warming me. The sensation was entirely pleasant and, unable to resist the cat's seductive movement, I experimentaly started to pump gently forward, as a counterpoint to her movement... feeling her delicate touch being accentuated, the thought of using the innocent young animal to come, heightening my arousal. Picturing myself blowing my load over it, messing up it's furry perfection.
Yeah! Come to Daddy, you slutty little feline!
I gave myself over to exploring this new experience.

I reached out and ran my hands over her soft fur, working out that her butt was rubbing my balls, my dick wrapped up and around her back, with her head near to my chest. I patted her from head to tail. She stopped cleaning herself and I felt her head swivelling around to regard me... as if she could see me through the sheet. I knew she was wondering what I was up to... I usually ignored it... barely tolerated her.
She was just part of the deal... want the girl?... you get the girls baggage, including the cat... Hungry cat? tough!, talk to the girl! I didn't kick it around or anything, but I didn't like the stinking thing either... although I liked her a lot better at the moment!

After several strokes she started to purr, the little vibrations further sensitising the head of my cock. I carefully slid myself backwards and up between her back legs... it was obvious to me I wasn't going to be able to enter her... I did the next best thing, imagining I was going inside her as I cocooned my cock between her legs and belly, vibrating fur and skin encasing my full length now. Her tiny little pussy was rubbing against me now, vulva spread apart by my round shaft, moisture from it coating me lightly. Being careful to keep my movement to a minimum, I started to fuck the cat.

It was unlike any other sex that I had experienced. NOTHING compared to it!

Never before had I had to be so much in control of myself!
Even as I wanted to grunt and groan, to shout out my lust, desire and say out loud what it felt like to take the soft pussy that I was discovering... I held it all in silence! I controlled my breathing. The girl mustn't awaken!

I tried to control my heart beat as I felt my chest pulsing, throbbing, it was slowing, becoming heavier, then speeding up, syncronised with my cock's movement.

The millimetric movements that I had to use to satisfy my need made me appreciate every naunce of the cats body.
Her silky belly fur provided a slight resistance as my thrusts pushed it up and down her body. The cat wrapped it's legs around me, compressing my dick. I felt a brief touch of claws as she drew herself tightly around me. She was tighter than a woman, tighter than the girl. She was rubbing her arse up and down on me... I think she was enjoying it! I stopped patting her and placed my hands around her chest, stopping her from being pushed away from my cock as I used her... we used each other.
I was already leaking pre-cum, it was rubbed onto her chest fur, deeper... onto the skin, as I continued to pump against her.

The cat, feeling the wetness... smelt it.. then licked it tentatively. She looked at the head emerging and retracting from between her legs and, each time I protuded from the furry tunnel that her legs and tummy had created, started to tongue me. Her raspy tongue rolled around the circumference, like a long finger nail being drawn softly over my skin, then sliding back over the tip, spreading the pre-cum around, rough and smooth, mixing, overwhelmingly good... so fucking good that I was struggling to control my reaction to what I was feeling.
The lapping sound of her wet tongue and purring filled the room as she gave me a good tongue-lashing.

Feeling my orgasm approaching, I stopped pumping... I was starting to spasm, my body jerking around with my need to come... this tiny little pussy was too good... to much pussy for me!... I tried to stay in control... wanting to extend the session, to make it last longer, it was finishing to quickly... I was never this quick! What was wrong with me?. No!... I wanted to take a break... but the cat owned me now... trying to be dominant.

Suddenly enthusiastic, her tongue quickened and continued to roll over me, her legs pumping against the meat of my boner, claws stabbing into me when I tried to withdraw. My pre-cum had coated her now slickly wet fur, right back to the start of the passage, lubricating her sex. She was humping me with a strength and determination that was surprising in it's ferocity and intensity. The lips of the pussy's pussy was coated and slipping slickly up and down me. No... no!...

I slithered back across the bed, trying to pull my cock away, gripping tightly, the cat was pulled along too... I had almost won free of her grasp when another body slipped against mine, warmly spooning against my legs, buttocks and back... the girl! Awake!... oh shit! Her hard nipples pressed into me, sharp points moving as she squirmed in close.
"It's OK to fuck my pussy!" she whispered, "We both have wanted you like this... for weeks... and now you're ours! ", She lifted her leg over me and ground herself into my butt cheek. I felt her wet pubic hair, her wet skin, wet everything... rubbing against me. She had been awake all along, listening to the furtive sounds I... we... had been making, enjoying them, touching herself as she used them to feed her own desires.

The cat drew my erection back into itself and continued to fuck me as the girl wrapped her arms warmly around me and kissed my back. She reached over and patted the cat... I swear they both were purring as they fucked me, pumping in unison... their actions grinding their bodies against me. The females were in control and they worked in unison to fuck me over.

I didn't need to hold the cat anymore, so I used my hands on them both. I rubbed the outside of them both, feeling them seeking my fingers out, wanting me to go inside and give them a deeper satisfaction. I penetrated the woman's body with my fingers and was rewarded with her body's wetness, speeding up. I was the meat in a female sandwich as they both used me to come.

It quickly got loud and messy... the cat started yowling, eyes closed, fucking me for all she was worth, my come was squirting over it's face, down it's throat, thickly covering it's chest. The girl was coming too, moaning and panting, slamming against me with a passion that she hadn't demonstrated prior to this... I realised she had been holding back, boring?... hell no!
I rode out the storm of their orgasm, pumping and coming with them... until we were all finished...
Afterwards we lay together... both of them quietly attentive, caressing me, licking me clean... I think we were all grateful to each other... there was no-one else that I wanted to be with... I loved these girls. I never wanted to be without them.

My last thought... as I drifted off to sleep?...

It was 3.43AM...
... had it only taken 9 minutes?
I wanted it to go on forever!

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