Mel... or Julie?
Mostly Harmless
I gave my warmth to her... watched as she drifted away
Pleasant dreams, Tina!
Did I love her enough, I wondered... could I really accept all she was... and could she accept me, long term?
Our lovemaking had been bittersweet... both of us crying at how good it was, how the other made us feel... loved, wanted... needed.
But despite feeling her nestled, naked, pleasantly warm against me, I was thinking on what other people would think.
She was young! Almost half my age! Twenty... Twenty one? and, at times, immature to my 38 year old eyes...
What would people say... think... about us.. about me?
But she was perfect for me!... kind, caring... cruel, harsh... changing as our moods took us.
Bi-sexual also!... and then some!
Well, I was Bi too... I'd discovered that, for sure, tonight.
I couldn't deny the attraction I had felt for her and other women... far to late, for that, when I was naked, sated and in the sack with her!
But I'd never acted on it... she was my first. The others had stirred my interest, but I had never had the courage to ask... even tonight hadn't been by my choice... initially.
I pressed myself lightly against her... turned my thoughts away from what ohers might think, feeling my desire for her grow inside, again.
Should I wake her again?
No, let her sleep!
Definately Bisexual, Julie!!
Tina went way beyound that definition... not even close to being an innocent, she was experienced in things sexual that I had never dabbled in. Illegal things... things about her that had shocked me as she had told me of them. We had had too much wine for either of us to be inhibited... vocally or physically.
I had listened to her detailing her experiences, good times, bad times... through it all, her hands complimenting the stories, as if my body was hers. Roving over me, stroking and touching, at times gentle, sometimes rough, as she remembered and spoke of them. The things that she had done that I'd known about... and those that I had not... under her hands... her stories had aroused me... all of them... the vivid descriptions, of how it looked and smelt, of taste, of texture, how it felt... the penetrations... slow, gentle, the quick, the brutal... of body's touching, meeting, mating... hard and fast sexual encounters. The pleasure of loving... the pleasure of pain... hating... giving, receiving, forced to take it, motivated to give it, Tina evoked it all.
Feeling her on my skin, on my body... and then inside, all that I had desired. My body enthralled, reacting to how she made it all sound and feel. In my mind, I lived through her experiences... shuddering and moving in response to her voice and touch. I had come several times, as had she...
I had no recent stories to tell her, not in the past year... not since we had last seen each other, so I told her of what was going on... when we met and for some time before that. How she had made me feel, back then.. and now. Using my hands as she had, marvelling at her response me.
Chapter One
Tom had returned home when he was 18... looking so much like his Father, I almost cried.
His Grandparents had made sure he was the typical spoilt rich boy.
There was room for him in the Main house, but he chose the Guest house instead, by the pool, a prime location for a young man, looking for space, away from his Mum.
I was pleased to have him back!... I cut him some slack... but the parties he had!
Tom's extensive group of friends were most of the problem, they left carnage in their wakes... trail's of smashed bottles and smashed girls... strewn around the property. By and large they were your average teenage boy's... still at an age where being drunk and getting trying to get laid was the accepted way of spending their weekend.
I sorted out the broken glass problem with Tom... but I couldn't help girl's that were willing participants with the boy's though... Oh, well... let them take care of themselves, I thought.
The majority of Tom's friends were, like him, on the football team... big, young, healthy, males... I culdn't help looking at them and imagining... I imagined what it might be like... with one of them... most of them... letting them have me... one at a time... or two... three was too many, even for my imagination... lust had it's way with me, after years of nothing.
I thought about having some sexual satisfaction... without any attachment... with them.
I resisted it... I tried so hard not to look at Tom's friends like they were just meat, for my entertainment... but... I started watching them... spying... I heard them as they pursued the girls that arrived with them.
But... even more than seeing the boys ... the sheer exuberance of the girl's excited me the most... often, they would ride the boy's, on top, upper body's gyrating madly... firm young cocks exposed as the girls pounded them up inside themselves. Who was the conquered one? the boy or the girl?... from the satisfaction on some of the girls faces... I know who got my vote! Watching them warmed me up... I imagined it was me on top, touching myself, stroking in time with the girls actions... over the course of an evening I would arouse myself... finally bringing myself to an orgasm, either watching... or in my bedroom afterwards.
Wishing it could have been me!
Well... why not me?...
Don't be stupid, Julie! they're half your age!.... OK... less than that, in reality.... but really! why would those boy's want you? Look at the competition! Those other girls have it all! They were utterly fuckable, compared to me. I callously appraised myself, and was forced to admit it... I was not in the same league as them... not any more.
So I forced myself to just watch and listen.
It wasn't enough.
I watched, listened... and fantisised about how good it would be... being with those boy's... big... rough!... Exciting, harmless... victimless.
It wasn't cheating, Steve had been dead for 10 years, I missed him so much!... I felt my hunger grow, imagining what they would feel like... trying not to give in, and then, pushing me over the line... I discovered Tina and Mark.
Another party... I was at my favourite spot, on the flat topped roof, behind the waist height wall... invisible to the people below. The roof was the perfect place to observe the goings-on below... at night was best... the garden lights were brightest near the house... and I could watch from the darkness above them. The light brightly encircled the Main house and the Guest house, including the pool area but then faded away until only the paths were illuminated, the gardens dark... giving away to full darkness as the gardens reached the edge of the clearing and the forest and paddocks started.
I was trying to predict who would wind up with who... and where they would go... what they would do when no-one else was near. I could watch the whole group... couples... occassionally threesomes would wander off, ducking out of sight of those below, never suspecting that someone on the roof could see all that occurred.
Feet crunched on the pebbles in the path directly below. Soft voices of people who don't want to be heard talking.
"I love you, Tina!"
"I love you too!... but not on the ground, this time, Mark!"
"Ok... we'll find a better place!"
"You have a condom, don't you?"
"Yes... I wouldn't do it without one... you can trust me, Tina!"
I almost snorted in disbelief... the girls gullibilty was running at about 99.9 percent... She'd be flat on her back in about 5 minutes... and he'd be impregnating her in seven.
She didn't sound like she was drunk though, not like most of the young women here... I sneaked a peek over the wall and I was struck by their appearance. They looked... right for each other... some people look mis-matched in each other's presence... she was stunning in her beauty... from what I could see, the boy was a handsome looking fellow, slightly taller than she was.
"Lets go this way...", he said, "Maybe we can find a place." Foolish girl! I thought!. But... older than I had been... when I had become pregnant... I reminded myself.
They moved away, out of sight, around the corner of the house. I wished them luck in finding a patch of ground that wasn't damp or leave her clothes covered in dirt... I continued observing the other... more carnal... activities below.
The party was drawing to a close... only the die-hards and those that were too sensible to drive home drunk remained.
Time to call it a night... I went through the roof-top door, secured it behind me. I slipped off my boat shoes and walked barefooted down to the second storey... I stifled a yawn... bedtime!
I stopped abruptly... suddenly, unreasonably, afraid... something... someone! was in the house!!
An ethereal whisper that my ears barely registered...
"I love you, Mark!"...
Really?!, I swear, I was going to kill those two! Creeping into my house to have sex!!
I moved forward, turning my head to triangulate the sounds, there were whispers of... clothing being removed... bodies embracing, skin touching skin, hands on body parts and sighs from both of them as they completed seducing each other...
Oh fuck... No!...
Don't tell me they're in MY bedroom!...
Death was too good for them!
Sounds of erotic foreplay... I shook my head, frowning slightly, as my body started tingling as it processed the sounds... imagining the actions that were provoking them.
"Mmmm, yes!"
Little gasps... his fingers were stroking her! He brushed my pubic hair aside, placed his palm against me and eased his fingertip over the gap... rythmically burrowing his way gently deeper. I exhaled as he started to stroke up and down minutely... searching... I swallowed, I knew he was sliding over the entrance, the proximity of his finger making me spread my legs slightly... opening myself to him... wanting him in me... now!
I arched my back as it dipped inside me... got wet... pulled back and then slipped in further, his finger, so good!, my heart tried to fly out of my chest...
I suppressed my breath, my shuddering making the air quiver out of me... everywhere was quivering!
"Stop, Mark!"
No! Don't stop, Mark! Don't ever stop... I feel so alive! I need you... I want you... I need you both to keep going!!
"Stop!... lets put the condom on now!, I'll do it for you."
Fuck the condom, Mark! Take me! Here on the floor of the Hallway, fuck me! fuck her!!
Sounds of... suction... Mark gasped and Tina laughed wickedly before the sound was cut off...
He'd pulled my mouth onto the head of his cock!, hard already... my mouth was forced wide, Mark's hand on the back of my head as he fed it deeper inside Tina's mouth... I was salivating!
"I don't hear you laughing now?!" Mark whispered tensely... then groaned a little bit as I rolled my tongue around him... cleaning the pre-come off the tip, ready to receive the condom.
More sucking, he groaned louder... as he abandoned being quiet.
"Don't stop!"
"Right! that looks big enough!"
... how big! Don't torment me, girl!... how big is he?
"Big enough to do the job?", Mark asked...
"Maybe... we'll see"
My imagination pictured him, impossibly long and thick, helped by the little groans he made as Tina unrolled the condom. I mentally shrunk him down so he didn't look like a horse. But I was still gasping in anticipation... as he rolled on top of... Tina, legs wide, waiting...
"No! I'm on top this time!"
Oh, Yes!... Good girl! Ride him! Fuck him silly!
I suddenly closed my legs, but the seduction was done... I was swollen, ready for him! so was Tina! We guided him into us, the synthetic covering making use of our wetness as his head bulged our lips outward, sliding in, deep. Heat! Fullness! We both began taking the man, I was silent... Tina?... not so much... both of us appreciating him as more and more of him was pushed inside. Tina and I were so horny for it... him!
Tina fucked him like a little ferret... feminine, slim,... small, incredibly lithe animals... our instinct making us focus... going for it... our way! Hard and fast... try to keep up, Mark! Tina cut loose her emotions and movement, panting quickly as the bed creaked... she worked his erection inside her. The light smell of our perspiration, running down our bodies, Mark's hands sliding on it, on our backs, front's, on our waists pulling us down firmly, impaling us... hands on our tits, squeezing us, stroking, flicking, so good!... we slid up his cock and pushed our tit into his mouth, he engulfed it, sucking hard, taking as much as posible inside and rasping the nipple with his tongue... too good! We pulled it back, the suction pulled the whole breast away from me, my horniness momentarily centred in my breast... the suction broke noisily and all the feeling rebounded back though me, starting a slow firey pulse within my body.
Oh God!, Mark!
"So good!"
You're so good! fuck our hot pussies... do us both!!
We slowed down... syncing our body's with the pulse... slower... slower... yes! there we go! now FEED it!
Aahhh! yes... Mark!... I swallowed, focussed...
"MMmmmm!, thats good!, I love you Mark!"
I love you both!!
I love you, Julie!... Mark said in my mind...
Tina let her full weight move Mark as deep as posible, holding him there, clenching her muscles around him... the sounds suddenly quiet.
I was aching to be allowed to finish... I exhaled as my orgasm started to ebb away....
Please Tina!... make him finish you off! Don't let me lose this orgasm... I need it! So badly!. I need Mark... and you... help me! Please!... don't make me beg!
I stroked myself... trying to stoke the fire... no good! I needed Tina, she was the catalyst! and Mark.. the fuel!
Please!, I begged her.
Tina started moving again... now the pace increased... decreased, sped up again... I lay on the ground and used my hand like a dildo, grinding my skin into the carpet's pile, both hands... one inside, one outside... listening to them, working at myself... Tina came, I followed suit, muffling the sound of my happiness and satisfaction within the carpet...
Thank you, Tina!
Thank you!
I just lay there afterwards, lanquid with satifaction...
"Did you come?" Tina asked... Oh God!, yes... Thank you!, Tina!
"Not this time!" said Mark.
"Do you want to finish off?"
"No... it's Ok, it's not that close... next time!" Mark eased his softening dick out of Tina, a slow withdrawl, while the condom was still secure... just in case he'd leaked more than pre-cum... we appreciated his thoughtfulness...
"OK... Love you", Tina lowered herself on to him and snuggled close, "We'd better go soon!"
"Soon!", Mark said. Wrapping his arms around her and hugged Tina back. Happy to have made her happy.
I stood quietly... wanting to experience afterwards as well... complete the scene in my mind, lock it into place... knowing I would use it to excite myself again. Basking in the warmth of their feelings for each other.
I'll freely admit, at the time, those two really made an impression on me... too much so, because what I discovered later, truly shocked me...
Later, they made me come again... they'd left... I'd gone to my bed, pleased to find that they had taken the used condom with them. They had tightened the sheets and left the bed as close as they could to how they had found it. Rather than being disgusted with the lingering heat and smell of their bodies, I inhaled Mark's musky sweat, lay on his body's outline... relived and enhanced what they had allowed me to share with them... it was so easy to think of it now!... and so much better than I had imagined! But Mark was Tina's... and I knew he was off limits to me... I might imagine him in the secrecy of my mind, but I would not try to ruin such a good relationship... there were plenty of others that I could use to scratch my itch... without hurting Tina and Mark!
Chapter Two
I joined a gym, worked out... time passed as I remade the body that I had largely ignored since Steve had died... I got a new hair style, facial, new clothes...
I found a way to flaunt the new me in front of Tom's friends...
Party time!
Look here, boys!...
I made my way though the pack of boy's and deposited the large tray of savouries on the table, beside the pool. My son's ravenous friends crowded around me, grabbing the pastries. Something brushed my butt... gently... a caress!, fingers!... then something more solid than hands... I felt heat, as it rubbed me firmly and then withdrew. I was surrounded by boozed up boy's... which one had done it?... I couldn't tell who. Whoever it had been, his fingers had been warm, brushing over me, his groin hot... there was no way that it had been an accidental contact.
I felt a small thrill... knowing that someone had noticed me, that I had been touched and appraised... either marked as a desireable prey or dismissed from his mind... gone now!, whoever it had been... I waited for it to happen again... but it wasn't repeated.
... propositioned!... he had appeared suddenly, out of the darkness, intercepting me as I returned inside... big arms turning me, guiding me sideways, into the shadows. I'd squeaked in surprise... automatically stepping backwards to avoid the impact... his hands were running down my back, resting lightly on my bum, as I backed off from him.
The wall stopped his hands, his hands stopped my body... his hips pressed against mine and the contact pushed me back onto his warm, cupped, fingers. They gently squeezed my buttcheeks... fingers rubbing as they curved under, touching my inner thighs, touching me through my jeans...... better than my own hand! I swallowed... not stiffening up to rebuff him but softening under his hand... allowing it... he smiled, recognising my willingness... Oh God! I wanted to pump myself in his hands!
Control yourself, Julie!
"I'm Tom's Mum!" I declared weakly... just in case he hadn't realised, in the darkness...
"Yeah, I know!, Mrs G!..." he acknowledged, then spoke more quietly... pressing something, yes! it was that!... against me... rubbing himself up and down, using me to stimulate himself.
"You've got a nice arse!"
I... had hoped that they would think so... I'd worked hard to regain it, taken to wearing the skin-hugging jeans to get just this sort of reaction!... only... now his hands were boldly touching me... now he was getting harder through touching me...
I chickened out... I bolted for the door.. to safety!
He let me go... I went through the laundry door, slammed it closed, locked it... shuddering with emotion as I leaned against the washing machine as it agitated quietly... throbbing gently in time with my heart... I wanted him... but...
I was not going to be a MILF!... my name bandied about... name and body passed around... not their play-thing.
I'd talked myself into lusting after them... but when the oppurtunity came!... I was afraid to accept his offer.
He would have used me. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have enjoyed being used, but... I just couldn't do it that way!... there had to be another way, some way of not being Tom's Mum, a way to hide Julie Grady from them!... a way of not being the subject of their bragging afterwards... I had heard that too, boy's passing underneath me, telling each other about how they had fucked this or that girl, positions, how many times, the sounds she had made... how dirty she was... what she would do... or not do.
They couldn't be trusted to keep their mouth's shut.
I'd have to think this out... find a better solution...
I watched them all more closely, looking beyond the sexual encounters... and learned how the people fitted into the group... some couples but mostly singles.... some boys that were there for the unattached girls, a constantly changing selection. I could slip in, unremarkable, just a new girl, added to the meat market's selection... and be noticed by those boy's, that were on the lookout...
I wouldn't be Tom's Mum!... I would be... someone's cousin... a visitor, their age... well... maybe a bit older!. But no-one knew exactly who I had come with...
My alter ego would be sexy, outgoing... available!!, she would be up for anything!, well maybe not to start!... not looking for a long term commitment but ready for a casual hook-up!
That's a far better idea, Julie... make it happen!...
I admired the the new persona that I had created, in the mirror...
Hell, I'd fuck her!...
Umm... if I was a boy, I mean...
She was a tanned red-headed bueaty, The wig was long, currently wrapped into a bun so it wouldn't get dirty... maybe I could let my hair down a bit, later!
I'd groomed my pubic hair down to a thin strip, then I dyed the remainder to match the wig... it looked better, even to my eyes.
I went on the pill again... just in case I actually did get lucky!
The boys might have condoms, or not... either way, I wasn't going to let that stop me.
I'd been shopping; lacy bra's and panties, several cocktail dresses that hid little... but no more or less revealing than some of the outfits that the other girls were wearing... the one's that they would wear to a nightclub, later, after pre-loading here. Advertising my girl as available!... this dress had a single strap, over one shoulder only, easily pulled down... and back up again... the short bottom could be quickly lifted for action, the dress as black as the night. It showed her off... I felt a thrill as I looked at her... my creation WAS an attractive younger woman! I was getting excited at the prospects of sex this girl had... all the boys would want a piece of her!
I surveyed her in the mirror, best of all!... no-one would associate this creature with the real me!... but I was still nervous... I finished the wine that I had... waiting for some courage to kick in.
I walked down to the Kitchen, got a second bottle of wine out of the fridge... I needed some more to calm my nerves!
OK.... OK!... let's see what happens...
Taking a deep breath... I exited through the door, at the side of the house. I stood for a second and then I walked past the cars towards the pool... the focal point of the party.
First mission! I needed to find a glass for the wine!, I definitely needed more wine!... there they were! I poured it out and took a few swallows... Right!... next thing to do was ... oh!... already the boldest was homing in on me. It had been so easy to attract attention!... this was going to be so easy!. Already the added excitement, the anticipation... was starting to warm me.
I set the glass and bottle down... retreating into the comparitve darkness, behind the guest house... hearing the sounds of sex coming through the window... Tom?... I slowed... but I didn't have time to look inside.
I was luring my target away from his friends, but my brief stop had let him get closer... he lengthened his stride to catch up.... out of the bright light, into shadows only, then further... towards the complete dark. I kept glancing back... watching his silhouette... he was taller than I was, still following me, stones crunching under his feet, closing in as the tanned skin of my thighs reflected the receding light back at him, guiding him... I was hot and throbbing inside as I lured him towards the quietest, least... active... area. The one that had a canvas sheet, a blanket, waiting for me... and him! My anticipation and imagination was in overdrive!
I didn't make it... the sounds from Tom's bedroom had distracted me, slowed me down... my follower caught up with me, prematurely, restraining me with hands on my hips. I stopped, big fingers applying a lightly restraining grip... they turned me around, so I was facing him. He canted his head to one side, looking at me, searching for something... His arm's moved up my body drawing me into an embrace. I guess I kind of sighed... it was... nice... to have his arms wrapped around me, gently holding me against his chest. He used deoderant!... he was a civilised brute! My body yearned for more!
I kissed him. Put my arms around him and encouraged him, pressing my body to his...
Now his hands seperated, one on my upper back pulling my breast lightly against his chest, he glanced down my cleavage... the other hand cupped my bum, squeezed it and pulled us together... I moved my body... inviting him... he kissed me and his hand lifted the bottom of the dress up. The hand touched the skin of my thighs, my panties... I spread my legs slightly and his finger stroked into the gap... I stopped kissing him, put my cheek against his and murmured my desire for more into his ear... his finger was so good! so much more exciting than my own efforts! I knew that that was what I was there for... but the sheer sensuality of that moment! I couldn't wait... he couldn't have seduced me any faster... not with my own wants rampaging through me.
My hand sought out his cargo pants, undoing them and sliding my hand behind the loosened waistband... he was hardening up... I wrapped my hand around him and he pumped it through my fingers... I wanted him, but didn't know how to do it, so I wouldn't get dirty... while I tried to think, he nudged me over to a tree, turned me towards it... applied pressure to my back. I leaned over, holding onto the tree... his hand flipped the dress up my back again, hooked my undies down to my knees and stuck his thing inside me. Suddenly not gentle, he bucked and fucked his way into me, I braced myself against the tree as he took me... groaning at how it felt, but deriving perverse pleasure from the sudden... bulging... sensation inside as he thrust and withdrew his way up. I felt his nuts press against me and he pushed himself to his deepest penetration. After so long without... he felt massively large... "God! you're tight!" he said... another thrust, that he held at the deepest point, I moaned... started to move away from it, he pulled me back down, onto him, but started a normal rhythm... fat head rubbing up and down pleasantly. His hand slid the strap of my dress off my shoulder and peeled it down my body. Popped a tit out of my bra and mauled it. "Gently!" I remonstrated him... he ignored that and crushed it hard enough to hurt... pumping harder into my body as I tensed up. My body responded to his ferocity, with it's own... I'd might have hoped for a long, slow, comfortable, screw against the wall but it seemed that a little reciprication might be called for...
My 27 year old self had enjoyed this sort of thing... but I had thrown away the things that Steve had acquired for me, after he had died... the mysterious bottle's that Steve had bought from Joseph's Emporium, the handcuffs, things I had like him to use on me... the things he liked me to use on him... the whole box had gone into the trash can.
Only now... my body remembered... and the pain was another memory that excited me.
It seemed like it only took a minute before I was coming on the end of his dick, exhaling heavily, grunting softly in an undignified manner as he reamed me out. He finished off as well, in series of deep thrusts, pulling me back onto him, speeding up as he lost the minimal amount of control that he had had. His body jarred against my bum, cock hitting the end, rubbing the adjacent cervix... I worked my body to get all I could out of my orgasm. Glad that my first encounter was a success.
Pulling out, he spun me around and pulled me into an embrace, pressing everything against me... wet cock pressing my dress back against me... rubbing my arse as we started to cool down.
Too late!, I felt his wetness on my belly as well as inside... my new dress! I drew away from him and he tucked his limp cock away in his pants... mumbled a thanks and left me there... well! thank you too! I thought... but smiling to myself... a bit rough... but the orgasm had been worth it! I squished my legs together, feeling my used and abused body. Now the smile spread over my face. Cool!
I thought about how he had hugged me at the end... the residual sperm pressed out of him and rubbed into my dress... best not to do any socialising with a black come-covered dress!, I thought, as I straigthened it up, pulling the strap back over my shoulder and sliding my boob back into place.
I abandoned the bottle of wine, confidant that it wouldn't survive the night and returned inside, carefully checking that the coast was clear before going through the door.
Inside, I stripped off and surveyed the damage... the dress was cum-stained, wet with it both front and back but, luckily, it wasn't ripped or damaged. My breast was marked, scratched, it looked like he had dragged his nails over it, not enough to draw blood though, I hadn't noticed it at the time!
I checked my girl out... she looked like she'd had a good one!, she smiled at me from the mirror, I could see her eyes shining with excitement!... I could see it had been good for her... us.... me! I brushed my hair and then carefully removed the wig... hung it up to air... I would care for it later.
I decided to have a shower...
Hot water washed away his come, the stuff that was drying on the outside, anyway. The girls identity went too, I was Julie, Tom's Mum, again.
Soap purified my body... removed the smell of him from me... but not the memory. Alone in my bed, I used him again... and again... more than he had used me, if he thought of it that way, performimg all manner of impossible things that had me coming over and over... he'd been just what I had needed and I didn't even know his name... and, best of all, he didn't know mine!
Now, my reputation preceeded me, the boy's vied with each other for the privilege of fucking me... I'd called her Melanie!... and even if they hadn't screwed me yet... they all knew Mel was a hot fuck!!
Tom was becoming a problem ... I could see he wanted a piece of the new girl... and I knew what piece he was after too... I took steps to make sure that couldn't happen! I'd never really thought about Tom having sex before... but I had discovered that he managed well enough... no girlfriend... but he knew several of the more... trashy girls... that were doing the rounds... doing him.
As things stood, I'd outpaced most of those girls... rooted most of the available boy's... I think I knew that things were nearing an end... just a few lose ends to tidy up! Did I really have to stop?
It would be a shame, really... Tina and I were friendly now... we'd chatted together for hours, I'd sought out her company... talking to her while I cooled down after each boy. She wasn't a prude... our converstions about boy's proved that. Occasionally she'd backslide into teenage giggles... but when she acted her age... yes... I liked her!
Unfortunately, she was going steady with Mark and I was... going... with who ever I could.
I detected... disapproval... from her, whenever I returned from having some fun.
It may have just been that she didn't want her good reputation to be tarnished through associating with me too closely... fair enough too!, I was doing my level best to be as tarnished as posible... God! the fun I had!
It may have been something else though...
She was an outgoing, sometimes serious,sometimes funny, young woman... who let her hair down with one guy only! and Mark might have looked at the menu... but he ate at home... if you get my meaning? I could... did, respect them for that.
Chapter Three
Tina and I had been drinking, Mark was her sober driver tonight, so that was ok... I'd left her by the pool to see if I could attract the attention of some boy... get them interested in me... most had already left for town... or were otherwise engaged.
Head beginning to buzz from an excess of wine... I did the rounds, no one pulled me into the shadows... even my artfully drunken stagger didn't produce any results... normally the stumbling sound of my feet, on the pebble path, would have the nearest predator wannabe popping up from the shrubbery... not tonight... too late for them, I guessed.
The wine really was going to my head! Some of my misteps weren't faked... I giggled to myself.. shit!... I really was drunk!
I was moving past the Guesthouse, back towards the pool when I heard Tom's voice... and other sounds. He was professing his love to his latest floozy... the sounds exiting the window as he screwed her...
I stifled my laughter as I listen to how sincere he managed to sound!... Tom had never had a girlfriend! He didn't strike me as good boyfriend material, either... she was either one of the groupies that hung around the team... or a good girl that Tom had found drunk, whose gullibilty was running at about 99.9 perc...
Oh Fuck... No! It couldn't be!
I ducked my head under the window.... Tom!, naked... on top of Tina, she was out of her clothes too! But they weren't fucking yet!
The angle that I was watching from, had Tom facing away from me. He was rubbing his cock through Tina's pubic hair, as I had speculated, she was a natural blonde... shaved and trimmed short close to her pussy. Her hair started to part as Tom stiffened up. He was pressing forward more firmly, Tina's pussy lips were soft, I watched as they spread around the head of his dick as he massaged her wetness... Tina just lay there, legs spread, a silly look on her face as Tom lubricated himself from her entrance. He withdrew, opened a packet and then rolled a condom down over his cock. Put himself to her again... once he had coated the tip well, Tom pressed himself slowly into her, taking his time, withdrawing until the head was visible before easing it back in again.
I watched his muscular buttocks slowly tightening, relaxing as he rocked backwards and forwards. Tina's legs were spreading wider, wider, on each side... as Tom inched in closer to her, slid up inside her body and she accepted more of him.
My body was reacting to seeing them now... tingling... it was wrong... her body, her infidelity shouldn't be exciting me... but it was!
Now Tom's nuts were being pressed backwards each time he pumped himself into her... he'd filled her up, cocck as far inside as it could go... I could see the back of his erection entering and leaving her body, the condom he was wearing was glistening with her wetness as he did so. The thrusts made her labia roll inwards and outwards, gently caressing his cock with her softly mounded flesh...
Dirty bitch that she was, Tina was only grunting softly as Tom's body moved solidly against her, pressing her away from him.
Tina was facing towards me.. it was her, there could be no doubt of it... my mind reeled.... luckily her eyes were closed, otherwise she would have seen me!
Tom was speeding up, speeding up... now he was grunting too, solidly working her body to get maximun penetration... getting more excited, more forceful as he fucked the dirty slut... he certainly didn't waste anytime, his enjoyment obvious to me.
The tube on the underside of his dick started flexing... he was coming into Tina as he professed his love for her!... it must have only been a couple of minutes... I dropped my head below the window sill... shocked at my discovery! I staggered away, back to where I had left her, hoping I was wrong, hoping Tina would be there, waiting to continue our conversation... she wasn't, of course!!
My mind was buzzing... my face, my body too, what I saw made me feel sick... horny... NO!!... Nauseous... dizzy with the shock.
How could Tina do that to Mark?
It was like my world had been upended.
Unable to stand, I sat, then lay down, on a lounger... aware enough to know that something more than shock alone was making me react so weakly.... I looked at the bottle over at the table... surely I hadn't had that much to drink.? I couldn't recall if that was the first or second bottle of wine... did I have some earlier, as well? I couldn't remember.
Mark.. yes! it was Mark... wandered into my field of vision, saw me, picked up the bottle and glass and brought it over to me. "Have you seen, Tina?", he asked as he put them down beside me... How could I tell him she was fucking someone else?.
I shook my head... I couldn't speak to him. Mark shrugged, walked away... I picked up the wine, not much left! I finished it, the liquid helping to clear my throat...
I closed my eyes... at the thought of Tina's betrayal of Mark... opened them again, tilted my head sideways, befuddled at the sight of the world lifting away from me...
weird! I thought...
I must have had
too much to
I dreamed... Steve was alive!. Holding me to him... big and strong, making love to me, like he'd never left me... I was so happy that I could fly!
I woke with a start... it was morning!
Then I relaxed... I'd had the good sense to get back to the Main house... what time had it been when I had crawled into bed?... I didn't recall... far to late anyway! even now I felt like I hadn't had enough sleep... I let myself drift off again.
The next time I woke, things were a bit different, I was momumentally hungover, throat feeling sore and dry... my body... my bum!... how many times had I done it last night? I couldn't remember! Too many times by the feel of it... and anal sex as well, I decided... shame I can't remember which guy had done that... I could ask him for a repeat performance! I wish I could remember! I guess any of them would do... I could do the rounds again... having anal sex this time! Yeah! why not?
I went into the ensuite, had a glass of water and brushed my teeth as well. Spent the whole day recovering from the hangover...
I bet the other girls don't take this long to recover, Julie!
Oh... please!, the other girls are 20!
and I'm... definitely not, anymore!
It had all turned to shit after that night!
My disappointment in Tina had overflowed into a spiteful tit-for-tat argument that neither Tina or I walked away unscathed from... she suffered the worse... Mel was known to be a slut... Tina's reputation had been as pure as snow!... but no longer!
Making it worse she acted as if I was making it up! I couldn't understand how she could lie, to my face, and deny it!
Tom did too... I asked him about it after Tina and my... Mel's... big blow up... he looked incredibly embarrassed, like I'd caught him wanking or something and stammered a denial.
Tom was suddenly more... pensive than was typical for him... I thought his little escapade with Tina had made him think about the consequences of sleeping with a team mates... now ex... girlfriend.
I was disappointed with his actions too and his contrition seemed genuine... excessive even.
The party's ended... abruptly, after that.
Melanie had no one to play with anymore... so she was retired, everything was placed into the walk-in wardrobe... keepsakes of the good times she had brought me... I was quite sad to see her go...
A year passed...
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9 Minutes!
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