Secretly Breeding mom


The phone rang in my apartment, I casually walked to it and answered, “Hello” I said, “Martin, I need you to tell me exactly what happened that night you came to get me from that party I got dru...I mean...where I couldn't get home by myself” I heard my mom say to me over he phone. “Wait mom...what are you talking about” I said know so well what she was trying to find out. It started about a year ago when I was visiting my mom.

See mom was a widow, dad passed away from cancer a few years back and I made a promise to dad I would take care of mom no matter what. Now being the oldest son in the family, even though I had just turned eighteen, I felt compelled to fulfill dad's wish. I had already moved out to be close to college so I knew mom was not happy I left her alone in the house. My siblings were just to busy to visit mom the amount of times I did, my sister Judy who was the oldest was married and lived across town hours away, she had kids and a family to take care of. I just couldn't understand how she could just forget about mom that way, mom needed us now more than ever, and than there was my older brother Jake, he was worthless. If he showed up at mom's house he always was there because he needed money, and mom being such a generous person always gave in to him. So I had to watch when he showed up just to help mom with her money.

Twice a week I visited mom, each time I came in the door I saw her face beaming with joy, “Oh Martin, your the only one who care's what happens to me” she would say as she gave me a big hug. I loved those hugs from as far back as I remember, you see mom had some real big pillowy tits and they were so soft. I can remember just before I was a teenager I accidentally saw mom naked, she had left the bathroom door open, and I'm sure she just forgot to do it. She was standing at the sink drying her hair with a towel, her arms were over her head and her large breast wobbled on her chest as she rubbed her head. Even though I was just a kid I knew a good looking woman when I saw one, with all the playboys and penthouse I had under my bed I was pretty familiar with a girls body even though I never really saw one up close like now. Mom was slender and stood about five five, her thighs weren't fat or large, they were just firm and muscular from running. Her butt was perfect to me, two round globes that were identical she had, They were not fat at all, just real firm, than she turned a little and I got my first lok at a girls pussy.

I never would have guessed that mom shaved her privates like she did, all the hair was gone except a Vee shape above her pussy. Her skin was perfect, the lips of her cunt were fat, but when I saw her take the towel down to her privates I got the biggest surprise ever. As she dried herself I saw her lips part and the inner lips fell down like two inches, they looked amazing as they swung back and forth between her thighs, then she reached down and tucked them back inside her lips before putting on her panties. At that moment I just had to feel those lips no matter if I got caught or not, so I started to make plans.

“Hey mom, how are you” I asked her as she moved away from me after her hug, “Oh you know, I'm alone, the house is quiet and no one visits me but you honey” she would tell me almost every time. Even though mom was fifty she looked amazing for her age, “I'll always come visit you, you know that” I would tell her, “Why don't you just move back home Martin, I could use the help around here” she said to me, “Awe mom, let's not start that again. You know I have to finish college since dad pre-paid for it” I told her as I pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and sat down. I loved watching her as she moved about in the kitchen. That ass of hers was mesmerizing, and those tits, WOW, so big still. Why couldn't she just be open minded and go naked at home, I wouldn't mind. “Well I do have a party I am going to, it's my class reunion. One of my friends is picking me up to take me so I don't have to go alone” she told me, she came back to the table and set two cups of coffee down as she sat across from me. My eye were glued to her bulging cleavage as she sat down, “That's what you need mom, to get out and meet people. Do stuff so you stay busy” I told her.

She knew I was staring at her breasts but after the years of me being at home and her yelling at me for staring at her she just gave up. I didn't push anything on mom about how I felt about her, but it sure would be cool if I did see her naked up close. “SO when's the party” I finally said, “This weekend at seven” she told me, I drink some coffee than said, “Well if you need a ride home call me, I'll come get you”. She smiled at me than reached across the table and took my hand, “Your so sweet honey” she told me with those lovely dark eyes of hers.

Well after three hours with mom I had to go, we hugged at the door and I felt so warm and happy as her breast pushed into me, “Love you mom” I told her than gave her a kiss right on the lips like we always did. “Drive careful honey” she said as I reached my car, “I will” I told her than I got in the car and pulled out of her drive. As I pulled away she stood waving at me from the porch, “Man...those tits don't get any better, I swear” I said to myself.

So I was sitting at home on that weekend that mom's party was, it was already eleven at night and I was just getting into bed when the phone rang, I quickly picked it up and was about to yell at whom ever it was for calling this late when I heard a lot of noise in the back ground and a voice say, “ this Mary's son Martin”, I almost couldn't here them over the loud music, “Yes that's me, who is this” I said, now I was getting angry. “Listen, if this is some type of joke your gonna get it. I can trace calls you know” I said real loud in the phone, there was a pause than the voice said, “You'd better come and get your mom, she's a” they told me, “WHAT” I yelled. So after trying to get the address to the place I dressed quickly and ran to my car and drove to a party center on the other side of the city. The place was rocking when I pulled up to the front door, several people were staggering about at the entrance as I got out and started for the door when a good looking older lady stepped in front of me and grabbed my dick, “ look like you need some tongue baby” she said to me. Then guy she was with ripped her hand away from me and yelled at her for being a slut, “YOU WERE LIKE THIS IN SCHOOL, A SLUT BACK THAN AND A SLUT NOW. YOU NEVER CHANGE”. I just stared at her as he yelled than she took his hand and dragged him to the side of the building, I heard her say, “Okay, I'll blow you first than you can fuck me before I take that young one”. “What the fuck is going one here” I said than I went inside.

There party was in the ball room, maybe five hundred people were in there, how was I gonna find my mom in all this. I was standing on a balcony searching for her when a lady came up behind me and touched my arm, I thought it was that hooker lady from outside and spun around ready to yell at her but this lady was nice looking. “Martin?” she asked me, “Yes, that's me. Were you the one that called me,how did you get my number” I said, “Mary is my best friend, I haven't seen her in years. When I heard your dad passed away I really wanted to see her but she never answered my calls or my mail. She is a I guess she was trying to drown her sorrows in drink” she told me, “I found your number in her purse”. I turned back to the crowd, “Where is she” I said, “Come with me” she told me so I followed her.

We went down to the secondary bar, there leaning against it was my mom in a slim silky red dress that was open in the back all the way down to her ass, I knew she didn't have her bra on so I'm sure the guys hoovering around her were trying to get a good look at her melons. The heels she wore made her taller so as I came up behind her we were as tall as each other, “Mom” I said but she didn't answer me, she just called out for another drink, “MOM” I yelled, this time she got startled. “That almost sounded like my son Martin, but that can't be him. He wouldn't be here at my party” she said than she slowly turned and saw me standing there, “Oh shit” I heard her say. “Your drunk” I told her, she smiled at me and without even a blink she drank her whole drink in one gulp, the guys cheered her on as she finished the one and reached for another which was on the bar for her. I reached out and held her hand just as she brought the glass to her lips, “You are done” I told her but she was crafty and switched hands and gulped that drink down in seconds.

“Your not in charge of me, you my s...son. I don't an...answer to you” she said and than sh etook a swing at me, she never did that to me ever and I knew it was the alcohol. “Come on mom, it's time to go home” I told her, “I'm not going anywhere” she said to me, she pulled her hand from mine and marched away quickly. The guys around me were saying, “Hurry, get her another drink, were gonna see those tits tonight before we leave”, I turned and look at these guys who were twice my age with anger. “HEY...THAT'S MY MOM YOUR TALKING ABOUT, IF ANYONE OF YOU THINK YOUR GONNA TOUCH MY MOM I'LL KICK ALLYOUR ASSES” I yelled, they all laughed at me. What they didn't know was I had already gotten my black belt in Kung Fu, the lessons I was taking now were for weapons.

I searched for mom and found her at a remote bar surrounded by fur heavy set guys, as I approached her one of them had his hand inside her dress by her back and I could see he was feeling her ass. I snapped, the first guy tumbled to the left into a table and chairs, the second guy was the one with his hand in mom's dress, with a sharp crack to his ribs he went down tearing moms dress open. I turned to fight the rest and that's when I saw mom was totally naked under her dress, her perfect ass was exposed to every ones eyes. “HEY...WHAT THE FUCK..YOU TORE MY DR...” she started to say than she saw me standing there staring at her, “YOU DID THIS” she yelled and went to take a step but she was so blitzed that she stumbled and fell into me. I held her tight so she wouldn't fall to the floor when I realized she had passed out, “Here, Let us help you with her” the little lady said, “No I can...” I said but the lady was stern with me, “NO, WE ARE HELPING YOU. JUST GET HER HOME” she yelled. As I carried mom in my arms outside to my car I was surrounded by a few other people to protect me, I set her in the front seat and closed the door, “I can not repay you for your help, thank you” I said to the people that helped.

I kept the radio off during the drive, mom was really out, her mouth was hanging open and drool was coming out from the corner of her mouth. I tried to study her in that dress but it was just to hard while I drove, than I got stuck by a red light. I looked over at her and that's when I had my first up close look at her breasts and her trimmed pussy, my mm was a babe. The light turned green and I drove her home, she still was passed out when we arrived so I carried her into the house. When I set her on her feet to close and lock the door she woke a little, “What happened” she said as her head swung around, “Your home mom, I'll put you to bed now” I told her, “Ooooooo...Bed, does that mean I get the meat tube tonight” she said in a sexy low voice, but before I coul dreply she was out again.

I took mom to her room and laid her gently onto the bed, her room was so perfect, everything was in it's place. I didn't know how to start this so I just went with the first choice, I lifted her feet up and felt that she had no stockings on, as I held her leg up with m hand I felt her soft skin as I removed her shoe. Once I had it off I lifted her other leg and as I was taking her shoe off I looked to my right a little and there in front of me was mom's pussy but it looked different from the time I saw it last time. The lips were red and the inner lips were pressed against her thighs pulling the center open. I was looking directly into mom's hole that led to her womb, “What the fuck” I said softly. I set her shoe down and lowered her leg, when I removed the shoulder straps of her dress and started to pull it off I was gifted with the sight I longed for. Her big breast came into my view, each one capped with a perfectly round aureole and in the centers were the nubs of two hard nipples. I had o wiggle the dress from her hips but than I had her totally naked. “MY god mom, you are beautiful” I said to myself.

As I started at her body that thing when I was younger popped in my head, “God...I couldn't do that...could I” I said, “Well dad did say to take car of her” I said. I lifted both her legs up and turned her so she was laying on her back in the center of her bed, I removed my pants and underwear and crawled over her with my hard cock leading the way. When I was above her I felt the heat from her pussy radiating from her, so very slowly I touched her pussy with my cock, she didn't move so I pushed a little and the head of my cock disappeared inside her. That feeling was amazing, to feel her warmth around me, her skin touching mine. I pushed again and my cock sank completely into her until I felt her cervix sucking on my dick head. I slowly started to fuck my mom, the sounds of her moist cunt squishing around my cock filled the room. I began to fuck her faster and faster loving every inch of her, I felt her pussy tighten around my cock, I saw her face cringe as I felt her orgasm explode in her. I kept fucking her over and over bringing her to multiple orgasms but she never woke up.

Finally I couldn't hold it any longer and I jammed my cock as deep as I could and unleashed a torrent of sperm that was only meant for mom. Each pulse pumped my sperm into her tight womb and when it ended I lay on top of her thinking of what I just did. I left her to sleep but I returned several times to fuck her again and again until I just couldn't get it up any longer. Five full loads of cum were resting inside moms womb and I was not upset about it one bit. Finally I washed her up and covered her body, as I set the light down low I gave her a kiss on the lips, “I just wish you were awake to know just how much I wanted to do that to you mom” I said. The following day she woke with a super big headache, she was sitting up in her bed holding her head, she held the cover to her tits as I entered the room, “Good morning, you were popular last night” I said as I handed her a coffee cup, “MARTIN” she yelled than pulled her cover up to her neck, “Come on mom, after last night I saw everything, who do you think got you in bed” I told her as I sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Mom was still sitting there holding her cup and staring at me when she said, :You undressed me”, very casually I sipped my coffee than said, “YYYYEP”. I could see she was trying to think of what happened than she held her head, “I can't remember a thing, I don't even remember how I got home” she said. I got up and put the chair back, before leaving her I stopped at the door, “Someone called me about you, and it was a good thing I showed up, that's all I'm saying for now” I told her. I left mom in her bed to think of what happened, I wished I could have seen her face when she saw all that cum on and on her pussy.

It was around four in the afternoon and I had to go back to my apartment to finish a paper for school, so I went to mom's room and peeked in, she was laying up against the head board of her bed, the cover had slid down and rested under her large breasts. “Okay mom, I have to go, I'll call you later” I said like it was nothing to see her half naked. She quickly pulled the cover up but I had already gone, “MARTIN...MARTIN COME BACK PLEASE” I heard her say, I went back to her door but did not enter, “What is it mom” I said making it seem she was making me late. She watched me closely, “Um...I guess I have to thank you? I still don't know what happened but I'm glad it was you who brought me home” she told me, she smiled at me just before I waved to her and left.

A few days later I got call from mom, “Hello” I said, “Honey, it's our mother” she told me over the phone. I had no idea what this was about so I just listened, “I called my friend that picked me up and asked her what happened, she told me that I was so drunk that I was doing things I shouldn't have. She also told me that you showed up and practically saved me from a bunch of guys. Is that true” she said, “Well, I wouldn't say saved you, I was just doing what any son would do for his mother” I replied, “SO it's true, you beat up two guys just to protect me” she asked, “I have no idea mom, it happened so fast” I replied. She paused for a long time, “Well...Than...when you come over next time you can try and tell me what you remember” she said to me, “Okay mom...I will try but I can't promise anything” I told her, we ended the call and I sa back wondering what else was told to her about that night.

Now we come back to the beginning of this story, mom had called me and was practically yelling over the phone for me to tell her what happened that night. She was out of control, “CALM DOWN MOM, JUST CALM THE HELL DOWN ALREADY” I yelled back at her, “BUT I NEED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT AND YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ANYTHING, ALL THE OTHERS KEEP SAYING THEY CAN'T REMEMBER” she yelled. “Look...let me finish my school work and I'll come over, we can talk than, Okay” I told her, “Yes honey, that's a good idea. Sorry for interrupting your work” she replied than she hung up.

When I arrived she was actually waiting for me on the porch, she quickly got up and came to me before I got out of the car, “HEY, What's the rush” I said as I closed my car door, “Please hurry and tell me what happened” she said, I looked around than said, “Let's go inside, we can't talk out here” I told her. Finally I was sitting across from her at the table, “So what the hell is going on here mom, why are you so freaked out about that party” I asked her, she slid three items across the table at me, “What are le...” I said then I realized they were pregnancy tests, I looked up at her, “It can't be” I said to her. She started to shake, “Are you sure about this” I asked her, “I did five different tests and they all came back like this....I'm pregnant” she said softly, “Now you know why I need to know what happened” she told me. In my mind I knew the answer but I wanted to stretch this out as long as I could, “'s been a long time since that day mom. I have to think about this” I said as I put my fingers on my chin.

“I found you at one of the bars in a red dress that only went to your upper thighs, it had a long opening in he back that went straight down to your as...I mean butt. It looked like you didn't have a bra on but I wasn't sure about that” I told her, her face got red as I explained her dress, “That what” she said, “Well, let me see. I remember trying to get you away from the bar but you yelled at me saying I wasn't in control of you and that I should leave...yeah...that's what you said” I continued to tell her. Mom was getting upset at herself I could see it, “You started to slam down these drinks the men were buying you one right after another, than you stormed away. I had to look for you again” I told her, “ did find me before anything happened, right?” she asked, “I found you in a corner bar surrounded by a bunch of men” I started to say, the vision of what I saw came back to me, “One guy had his hand inside your dress and was feeling you ass” I said than I looked right at her, “The other guy was squeezing your tits mom, right there by the bar. Everyone was watching...I got mad...I have no idea if any of them fu...fu...OH, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING” I told her.

I stood up quickly, “I snapped mom...I probably hurt one of them pretty bad, but I got you out of there” I said as I faced away from her. It was silent in the kitchen, I could hear her breathing, “So you didn't see anyone screwing me, is that what your saying” she asked me, “No mom...I didn't” I replied, again it was quiet. “Martin...did you...did you...fuck me that night” mom suddenly asked me, “Did you bring me home, undress me, and lay down on me and fuck me Martin” she asked again. I turned to her, I saw the strange look on her face and knew the jig was up, “Yes mom...I did, you want to know why” I said to her, “Because I made a promise to dad before he died and I will honor it”. She got up quickly, I watched as she turned dark red as she lunged across the table at me, “YOU FUCKING PERVERT, YOU GOT ME PREGNANT YOU ASSHOLE” she screamed as she grabbed my shirt dragging me onto the table.

It happened so fast I never knew I responded my countering her attack when I was on top of her with her arms pinned. “Now listen to me mom, I will not repeat this ever again. Do you understand me” I said to her, “GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU SHITHEAD” she screamed out, I moved my hand fast an slapped her across the face then grabbed her wrist again, she got stunned and when she was able to see me again I was an inch from her face. “Dad told me to take care of you, he explained what he meant and that included sex mom. I promised to do it because I love you and dad so much for everything you have done for me. So this is how it's gonna be from now on and you'd better do it or I will spread a rumor around that you got banged at a party and that's where you got pregnant” I told her, “You wouldn't” she replied, “Yes I would. Now are you gonna listen to me like dad was here still or do I call some people” I explained to her. “Martin I can't” she said in a weak voice, “You already have mom, but you were only asleep during it. I will tell you this, you came four times during that night” I told her, her eyes got wide, “THAT NIGHT...HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU DO IT” she asked, “All night long mom until I couldn't get it up anymore” I answered, I released her wrists and stood up.

“But your my son, how could you do that to me” she said, I straightened my shirt which she pulled out of shape, “You know, dad and I were pretty close. Do you know he used to tell me about you, how you were in bed, how nice your breasts felt and most of all how tight your pussy was even after having three kids” I told her, “Dad put you in my hands and I plan on taking care of you like he asked, so please, just except the fact that I fucked you. It's not as bad as you make it, and dad was right, you do have an amazing pussy”. I could see her eyes filling with tears, she slowly rolled to her side and got off the table, “I never want to see you again” was all she said then she left the room.

I went back to my apartment thinking she would tell my siblings about what I did, I was so scared that I made some calls and had already packed my stuff so I could move away. All I know is Ii did what dad asked to the best of my ability but mom just couldn't get over the fact her son fucked her and made her pregnant. I had wrote a note telling mom just how I felt about her, and that if she would have excepted me we could have had a good life together.

It was midnight and I was parked down the street from mom's house, I quietly made my way to the house and slid the note under he door. As I sat in my car thinking this would be the last time I saw her I got so upset and began to pound on my steering wheel, just than there was a knock on my window. Mom was standing at my door holding her coat closed, I opened my door and got out, I stood right in front of her, “You were really going to just leave me without saying good bye” she asked. The conflict in me was killing me, I so wanted to stay but I also didn't want marked as a motherfucker.

“If you read my note you would understand why I must go, it explained many things” I told her, “You never wanted to see me again anyways, Bye mom, have a good life” I told her. The pain in me was great, I would never see her again. I got in my car and closed the door to leave when I heard her through the window, “MARTIN....PLEASE DON'T GO” she said, as I turned to look at er she opened her coat to show me she was naked, her beautiful breast were completely bare as was her pussy, all she had on was a pair of shoes and the coat. “I did read your letter, but I also found this” she said as she reached in her pocket and pulled out a different letter. “What's this” I said as she reached her hand out to the window, “Read it” was all she said. I opened the window and took the letter, it was written in dad's hand writing.

“To my beloved wife of my dreams. You have made me happy and have given me three wonderful children, but now I must tell you that you must be good to Martin. As I leave you in this world I asked him to be my replacement, that means you will do as he says, you were a good woman and loved being the slave, he will be your master from this moment forward. This is my request to you in my final moments of life with you. I love you sweetheart” it read, I looked up from the paper and mom was still holding her coat open, “I am giving myself to you Martin” she said to me. “Are you sure about this mom, you freaked out when I told you I had sex with you” I asked, “That was before I read your fathers letter, I just found it today after you left. I was so upset that I went and looked through a bunch of pictures of us when we were young and when we had family. It was when I found a series of photos of we were...God...all of you never knew about this. “Your father was my...Master, I loved him because he took good care of me, of us. The sex we had was amazing and I loved the way he made me feel being his...Slave” she told me.

Mom closed her coat but never came any closer to me, “If you still want to go I will understand, but tell me, is it because I'm not sexy enough” she asked, “Mom...that's not it, you read the letter. I can't be here because of the others, if they knew they would hurt me, I'm sorry” I told her. I started the car but mom lunged at the door and hung onto my arm crying to me, “PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME...PLEASE. I WILL BE GOOD, I PROMISE. YOU CAN PUNISH ME IF YOU WANT, BUT PLEASE STAY...I NEED YOU” she cried out as her tears fell from her cheeks. I slowly got out of the car and she stood up but still stayed a few feet away from me, “I will do anything you say...Master” she suddenly said, I looked at her for any signs of a trick but there weren't any, “Okay...Drop the coat than” I ordered her to do. Without any pause mom opened her coat and let it fall to the ground, she was naked and standing next to my car outside, “Will you truly be my slave mom” I asked her, “Yes Master, I will” she answered than she came right up to me, she took my hands and placed them right on her breasts, “These will be getting big soon and yu may suck the milk from me until the baby comes” she explained to me.

I picked moms coat up and placed it over her shoulders, she didn't say a word as I led her around the car and opened the car door for her, before I was able to let her sit she said, “May I sit Sir”, I shook my head at her, “You don't have to do this” I told her, “I do...I really do. This is what I was missing, the fact your father took charge of me, had his way with me, than rewarded me each night. I must have that again or I will go insane” she told me. I was so stunned at the change in her, she was submissive and loved it, “You may sit but the coat must come off” I told her. She took the coat off and slid into the seat naked, I went around and got in on my side, I was about to take mom home and see what I was able to do to her without her arguing.

As I helped her out of the car when we got home she stood at my side naked in the driveway, “Well, you can go in if you'd like mom” I told her, “I may not Master, not before you have entered” she told me, so I went to the front door and opened it, mom still stood behind me so I kind of ordered her to go in. She did what she was told and walked past me but stayed just inside the doorway, “May I do anything for you Master, I would like to show you I can obey” she said to me as I closed the door. How was I going to be able to order the person that brought me into this world like a slave, I was having a hard time with this even though I was in a perfect prediction to take mom when ever I wanted, for some reason this did not feel right. “How about we just relax for tonight, it has been a long night for me and I am kind of tired” I told her, her face changed into a worried upset look, “MASTER...DID I UPSET YOU...MY INTENSIONS WERE NOT TO BE A BITCH, BUT TO BE YOUR SLAVE...TAKE ME...FUCK THIS WORTHLESS PUSSY AS YOU WISH” she yelled than fell to her knees in front of me.

Okay, this was looking good from where I stood but I just couldn't do it this way. I held my hand down to her and she stared at it, “Mom...take my hand...please” I said softly, she slowly took it and I helped her stand. As she watched me waiting for an order I led her to her room and had her sit down on her bed, “Just watch me first”I told her as I pulled my shirt off, when she saw my ripples chest I heard her gasp and I knew that she was enjoying this more than I was. Next came my pants, I don't wear underwear so when she saw my semi hard ten inch dick I looked over to her and saw her biting her lower lip as she stared at it. After undressing completely I turned in front of her and said, “Mom...not counting that night I fucked you all night long when was the last time you saw a dick or even had sex” I asked her, her eyes were fixed to my dick and I saw her swallowing, “ has...been...a long time Mast...” she said but I got angry and said, “STOP CALLING ME THAT. I AM NOT YOUR MASTER” I yelled. She looked up at my face, “You are my master now Martin, I finally believe that I need you more than ever. I could not life any longer knowing that if you left me it was because I was an evil mother and I did not do my job correctly for your fathers last wishes. So I say again...I have not had sex or seen a dick like yours since my husband died...MASTER” she told me.

I moved right to her and pushed her back as I laid on top of those big pillows of Breasts she had, “So I was your first for a long time?” I asked her, “Yes master, but I would love to be awake this time if I may” she replied. “Well mother...I want you to be awake...I want to see your face when you orgasm on my hard cock that will be inside you. But first may I have you suck on me for a little, I have dreamed of you doing this for a long time” I said. I rolled off mom and laid next to her as she got up and crawled over next to my hip, she was looking down at my cock and licking her lips, “It's been a long time master but I think I can still do it” she said just before she reached down and took the shaft in her hand and stroked me a little. “That feel so good mom” I moaned, “I am your me by my name” she said as she lowered her mouth to my cock, “SUCK MY COCK SLAVE” I yelled as she plunged her mouth all the way down over my hard cock. I felt her throat wrap around me as I sank into her throat, I never had any girl do this to me like mom did.

Her head bounced up and down taking me deep each time until I felt the urge to cum, “TAKE IT MOM...ALL OF IT” I yelled out as I grabbed her head and held it down pressing her lips to my balls as I exploded down her throat. I felt her throat gripping my cock with each pulse and knew she was swallowing my cum, when it ended I released her head and fell back on the pillow exhausted, she just sucked a part of my life out of me. She sat up and held my dick, “Your sperm tastes great Master....I ask for you to allow me to have much more” she said as she stroked my dick. “Give me a few minutes and I will put it somewhere else” I said with a smile.

Once I had recovered fully I knew I could fuck her now for hours before I had to cum so the mission now was to see how many orgasms I could make mom have before she wanted me to stop. When she would plead with me to stop that's when I would fuck her so hard that we both would cum together as I planted my seed deep into her pregnant womb. She sat next to me on her knees stroking my cock when I took her and rolled her onto the bed, I got off the bed and looked down at my wonderful mom's body, “Did I do something wrong master” she asked, “ did great, so I am going to reward you for what you did to me” I told her. “Say nothing...enjoy what I give you” I told her as I started down at her feet. I took her right foot first and slowly messaged it, mom watched as I lifted her leg up to rub her foot, my fingers ran up along the bottom of her soul than I stroked between her toes, I heard her moan. Next I leaned down and started to suck on her toes, as I ran my tongue between her toes I felt her jerk a little and I knew she just came. I followed the same thing with her other foot, she came two more times before I laid her leg down.

She was breathing hard now, as I got on the bed and very slowly licked and kissed every inch of her legs all he way up to her pussy, but I went over it to her lower stomach. Her moaning was becoming louder as I reached her belly button.

“Master....”She moaned as I pressed my tongue into her belly button, than I clasped my lips to her skin and sucked on it, at first I felt her hands touch my hair but she quickly moved her hands back to the bed. I lifted my eyes and there resting on her chest were her breast, so big that they were a little flat but hung off the sides of her chest. I moved upward towards them, her skin was quivering as I reached the bottom of her breast where I dragged my tongue along the bottoms of her globes. I heard her gasp as I started kissing her mounds covering every inch of them, as I moved around each side I came to her nipples which by now were so hard I think if I touched them she would cum, but I was going to make her feel the excitement until she couldn't help but cum. My tongue ran around her dark red aureoles but I never touched her nipples, I felt her body trembling under me and when I finished with the second breast her back came off the bed as she groaned out and came. Her hips bucked under me as she pulsed from her orgasm, I did not stop.

I laid my tongue flat onto her chest between her breasts and ran it up along her neck, “OOHHHH MASTERRR” she moaned as I gently kissed and licked her chin, neck and ear lobes. Mom's eyes were closed when I reached her face, her mouth was partly open, her face was so red from excitement that I knew she was cumming this whole time. I started to suck on her ear lobes as she groaned out so loud that I knew she was cumming again, so that made seven or eight she came already. I switched to her other ear and once again she came as I sucked, ten. The room smelled of mom's pussy now and I was about to make it stronger, I slid my lips across her lips, her eyes slowly opened, they were glassy from lust. I pushed my tongue into her mouth as we kissed for the first time, I held her arms down as I drove my tongue into her mouth, soon she was sucking on my tongue with hunger. I pulled my mouth from hers and it was like I was taking her oxygen away, her lips followed mine as I sat up. She didn't say a word but I could see it in her face that she was getting to turned on, so I returned to her breasts and as I sealed my lips to her right nipple I plunged two fingers into her wet pussy. Mom moaned out as I started to suck and rub at the same time, her body started to shake violently, my hand was a blur as I pumped my fingers into her sloppy hole, I was sucking so hard on her nipples I had drawn it into my mouth about two inches.

I flt her body suddenly change and then she screamed out as she came so hard she almost threw me off the bed. I held her down with my body as I made her cum four more times when I heard her pleading to me, “PLEASE STOP MASTER....PLEASE...I CAN'T....CAN'T CUM....ANYMORE...I'M SO WEAK....PLAESE...EEEEEIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAA”. Her orgasms were flowing now, one right after another, her pussy juices were flowing like a river now as I fingered her hole. Than I suddenly stopped, her body dropped on the bed as I sat back to see her, as she jerked from her orgasm I smiled and knew soon she would be ready for the final one.

Her thighs were spread open as she came, I fell between them and found her clit, as I sucked and bit it mom screamed again as her orgasms got much more powerful, so I held her by the thighs and pulled her pussy into my mouth as I started to chew on her hard clit. “PPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAASEEEEEE SSSTOOPPPPPPPPPP” I heard her yell out, and this was my cue. As mom's massive orgasm hit I got up and rested my cock right at her pussy, when her eyes rolled back in her head I plunged my cock so deep inside her I knew I was back in her womb. Her eyes came back and focused on my face as I leaned down and said, “I have a present for you and it's going inside your womb again”. So I started to fuck her real hard and deep, for a good twenty minutes mom came hard as I fucked her hole until I slammed into her and quickly grabbed her round ass in my hands to pull her closer to me as my balls emptied inside her. Mom thew her head back screaming as her orgasm hit again only this time it was so intense she made a weird noise , I saw her eyes roll back again as her whole body went limp. I just gave mom the most powerful orgasm she ever had, so much that she passed out form it.

It was like a half hour later when she finally woke, “Where am I” I heard her say, I was in the kitchen when I heard her, taking the sandwich I made I went back to the room. “WOW...this room still smells like your pussy, I'll open a window mom” I said as I went to the window. “Martin...” she said, “Yes mother” I replied as the window opened and a nice summer breeze blew through it, “I have never had an orgasm that powerful that it made me pass out, not even with your father. That was amazing and so wonderful” she told me, I came back to her and sat don next to the bed, I offered her a bite of my sandwich. As she took a bite I said, “You have any idea how many orgasms you had”, as she chewed she shook her head no, “Try about eighteen” I told her, her eyes grew wide as I stood. “We are going to do that every time we make love mom. Yes I said love, because I love you. So even if you want to be my slave I want you to enjoy this also. And I love teasing you that much that you cum over and over for me” I told her.

After our little sex scene mom and I talked, she asked me to move back home and be her long time Master, I agreed. From that day forward we were lovers, Master and slave, and most of all ready to be parents.

Mom's breast grew heavy with milk as he belly grew which was filled with a child, when she went to the doctor for her check up she held a secret from me until we were in the middle of one of our multiple orgasm nights. As she lay quivering with her seventeenth orgasm she grabbed my arm, “I have...have...something to tell....OOHHH GODDDDDDD YEESSSSSSSSSS” she said as she came again for me. “WE are going to have twins Martin....TWINS...ISN'T THAT AMAZING......You gave me two more babies” she moaned through her orgasm. My cock was buried deep inside her pussy when she told me, I was on the verge of exploding, “I LOVE YOU MARTINNNNNNNNN” she moaned out to me as I came so hard I filled her baby filled womb again, “UGGH...UGGHHH..UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH” I grunted as my thick sperm entered her.

We were a happy couple, I lay with my head in her lap as I nursed on her milk filled breasts, she held my head stroking my hair watching me drawing her milk from her nipples and smiled. “Your going to be a great father, I just know it” she said to me as I looked up into her eyes. I can't believe you fucked me that night and made me pregnant, I just wish I was awake that important night” she confessed, “I have always had a thing for you my son, even when you were a baby. I can tell you now, I was a sex hungry mother back than, your father helped me with my taste for sex, cock, and sperm. When you were still a baby I would suck on your little dick each night before you went to bed, I knew nothing would happen, it was just the idea of sucking on a child's dick that made it so exciting. Than you grew older and soon I was drinking your baby sperm. That was what kept me in check all those years until you all grew older, but it was you who I fell in love with the most. Sure I loved your brother and sister but they didn't seen interested in how mom felt about them so I did not push it with them, you on the other hand seemed to wait for it every night. Than your dad found out and that was when he made me his slave. I'm not proud of what I did, but I am proud of what I turned into” she told me as I sucked her breast.

Mom confessed all her tiny secrets to me that night, we ended up fucking like rabbits on the couch, her back pressed against the back of it as I pounded my hard cock deep inside her hole when the phone rang. We both stopped moving and looked at the phone, “Should I answer it mom” I asked her, “Go ahead, it may be important” she told me. Without removing mu cock from her I reached over and answered it, “Hello” I said, “Martin...where the hell have you been. I tried calling your apartment but they said you moved out” I heard my sister Judy say, “Yeah...about that” I said, “Are you at moms” she asked me, I looked down at my mother who was holding my waist and listening. I started to slowly fuck her as I talked to my sibling, “Yes I am”I said. My eyes were stuck to moms eyes as the conversation continued. “Let me guess, she convinced you to move back, didn't she...when are you gonna learn that mom is just using you to replace dad” she told me. I felt moms pussy clinch my cock and knew she was cumming again, she made a little yelp and Judy heard it, “What was that” she asked, “Oh nothing...” I said than I smiled at mom and said, “Just mom cumming on m cock”. Moms orgasm got so much bigger when she heard me tell her daughter I was fucking her.

“WHAT....ARE YOU FUCKING MOM” Judy yelled in the phone, with that I slammed my cock into mom and came so hard it hurt my balls, “UUUUGGGGGHHHH GOD YES, I AM FUCKING HER GOOD” I yelled back. “NOW IF YOU DON'T MIND YOUR INTERUPTING SOMETHING SPECIAL HERE, BYE” I said than hung up. “Should you have told her that we are making love honey” mom asked, “Yes, they all need to know since they will be aunts and uncles” I told her.

It was late Friday, mom was feeling under the weather so I asked her to just relax for the day and that we would not be screwing much until she was better, I cared for her and was worried not only for her health but for the babies. Mom laid on the couch covered in a blanket, her belly was pretty big as it held two babies, our babies. I had just brought a glass of water for her when the door bell rang, “I'll get it mom” I said as I handed the glass to her. When I opened the door I got a hug surprise, Judy and Jake were standing together at the door, both looked pretty angry, “What are you doing here” I asked them, Judy pushed passed me, “Where is she, I have something to say to her” she said but I blocked her with my body at the front room arch. “Your not bothering mom” I told her as I stood up strong in front of her, “ gonna hit me if I do” she said as she put her hands on her hips, “JUDY...STOP” Jake said as he came up to her and took her my the arm. Mom saw us, “Let her in honey” she told me, I stepped aside and Judy went straight to mom.

My sister saw mom and her big belly, her head snapped around to me, “YOU FUCKIN' GOT HER PREGNANT” she yelled, “JUDY” Jake said to her. I walked around the couch and sat on the arm right next to moms head, “If you need to know, yes I did” I told her, I could see the fury in Judy's face, “And before you even fucking say another word tell me why you came here. If you don't you both can go fuck yourselves and leave this house” I said. Mom raised her arm and held my forearm, “He's right Judy, why did you come here. It isn't so you could yell at us for making love and making babies” she old my sister. “Babies” Judy said as she looked at moms belly, mom rubbed her hand across her big round belly, “Yes...we are having twins” she told both Judy and Jake.

Jake came to us and knelt next to mom, “Oh god mom that's fantastic” he told her, “Your not upset about your mother getting pregnant from your younger brother” she asked him, that's when he turned and looked at Judy. “We have something to tell you mom” he said, “Don't we Judy”. As we looked between them Judy knelt next to Jake, she took his hand and said, “Mom...Jake is my husband”. My eyes were about to pop out of her head, “HE”S WHAT” she yelled, just than she cringed in pain, “SHIIIT...I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE” she yelled out. The panic that happened after was intense, as I got mom up off the couch Judy and Jake grabbed the bag we had packed for this moment and we took mom to the hospital.

When mom delivered the twins it was the happiest moment in all of our lives. “Can we come in” I heard from the doorway, “Yes...come see your niece and nephew Judy” I told her. Jake and Judy came in and stood by the bed while mom held each of them to her breasts, the little sucking sounds were erotic as they watched.

“Mom...Martin...we have to apologies for what has happened. We were gong to come over and tell you everything about us. I just kind of flipped out when I found out you were pregnant from Martin, maybe because he never even thought of having sex with me like Jake did. I guess I was jealous” she said. I took her hand in mine, “I never knew Judy” I said, “I know, I didn't show you how I felt, it was when Jake and I had sex on my prom night that made me realize just how much I wanted our family to be different...but...I ruined it and pushed you both away. Jake saved me, and we became lovers just after school” she explained to me. “But the children, are they yours” mom asked, Judy turned to Jake, with a loving look in both they're eyes she said, “Oh god yes mother. This man has given me a beautiful family filled with love” Judy told us.

I got up and took Judy in my arms, she turned to me and we were face to face when I said, “You little snot, all those years I tried to see you naked and here you wanted me to be more aggressive”. She looked me in the eyes, something was still there. “She has talked about you since we started with all this Martin” Jake said, I looked at him, he was my older brother still and I had respect for both my older siblings, “She needs it as much as you needed it with mom” he told me. I turned to Judy and we kissed like lovers for the first time ever. As we parted her eyes were still closed, “It's just how I amagined it” she whispered. “Judy honey, if you are anything like your mother you will enjoy a night with your younger brother, let me tell you” mom said.

After a long visit with mom she needed to sleep, as we walked to the car I wondered if Judy was really into me that much that she would want more from me, but she had Jake. As we drove home it was silent in the car, Judy and Jake sat in the back while I drove, I heard whispering from them but I couldn't hear any words. When we got home, I tossed my keys on he table, “I'm bushed, your rooms are still there, if you want you can stay. I'm going to sleep” I said, “Good night”.

I wasn't in my room for a half hour when my door opened, it was Judy, and she had a silk sexy baby doll nighty on, “What's this” I said as I just pulled the covers up to my waist. She walked to me very slowly than stopped in front of me, “Jake and I talked, can I sleep with you tonight” she asked, “I'm not sure Judy, what about Jake” I asked, “Well he said you can have me by yourself or if you allow him he could join us” she told me. I sat up in bed, now this was going to be interesting, “Really, the both of us” I said, she slipped her nighty off letting it fall from her body, “Yes, as long as I have you at least one time” she told me. “Sure I guess” I replied, the door opened and Jake came in naked.

As Judy crawled in bed with me I scooted down as she pulled he covers back and went for my dick, as she sucked my dick Jake ate her pussy.

Once she had me hard she rose up and straddled me, “I have waited for a long time for this” she said as her pussy slid down my stiff shaft until I was buried deep inside her, “OOHHHH GODDDDD....THISSSS ISSS SOOOO GOOOOOOD: she moaned, than she started to ride me slowly. Once she was in a good rhythm I saw Jake come up behind her and than felt his cock pressing against mine, Judy stopped moving as my brother pushed and pushed until I felt his cock slid into Judy along with mine. We fucked her so hard and long that she must have had like ten orgasms before we both unloaded inside her, afterwards Jake removed his dick and got out of bed, “Enjoy bro” was all I heard him say as he left me with Judy.

Even though I had just cum my cock was hard still, I took her in my arms and rolled us over until she was under me, slowly I pulled out my dick and laid next to her, “Aren't you gonna...” she said but I stopped hr by kissing her full on the mouth. “ I have something for you” I told her as I moved down to her feet. I did the same things to her as I did for mom, when I reached her neck she was already pleading for me to stop making her cum, when I stuck my fingers in her pussy and started o suck her nipples she went crazy with orgasm, she started to scream out in pleasure as I made her cum over and over. During this time I rose up and plunged my hard cock back into her, I lifted her legs up and over my shoulders as I leaned into her pressing my dick head right into her cervix, “MARTIN....YOUR SO DEEP” she yelled out just as I exploded. My sperm entered my sister womb just like I did mom, each pulse was a group of seed just for her and I was going to make her pregnant just as I did mom. Her body shook under me as I emptied my balls into her, than it was over. I slowly rolled to the side as my dick slipped from her used hole, we both lay next to each other breathing like we just ran the mile.

“That was just fucking amazing Martin. I have NEVER cum that much in my life” she said to me, “See what you missed” I jokingly said, she punched me in the arm, “Your not funny, but your right” she said. I turned to her, she was just as beautiful as mom was, her breasts weren't as large but they still looked very nice. “I wish we could all stay together” she said, “I don't know how mom would take that, she is kind of my slave” I told her. Judy sat up, “What do you mean slave” she asked. I rolled from bed and went to the dresser, I found the letters from me and dad and handed them to her. After reading them she looked up, “So mom is yours now” she said, “Yes” I answered, “Does that mean you don't want me anymore Martin” she said, now her face had changed to a sorrow looking face, “No it doesn't. But how would Jake take this if he knew everything. Would he be good with me ordering you and mom” I asked her, she dropped the letters and rose up to face me, “If it means that you will be my lover also he will agree. I love you Martin and always have, I was just scared to tell you” she told me. I stroked her soft cheek, her skin was like velvet, “Than go tell Jake that you are staying and so is he my slave” I told her. Her kiss at that moment was amazing.

A few weeks later mom came home with the babies, my sister and brother helped me bring her home. Mom was so happy we all made up after all these years and when I told her that they were moving in with us she was elated. Not only had her household returned to a big family but mom was able to see her grand children from her daughter and son. We became a close happy family again, not only was I able to have my older sister now but Jake finally was bale to love mom like I did.

After putting the kids to bed I came to Judy's room where I found her waiting for me, her body was scented with vanilla and she had candles burning as I entered her room, “Hello sex man” she said, “Who am I” I asked, she lowered her head, “Sorry master” she said softly but I saw the smile on her face, “May I have you tonight master” she asked. I approached her as I undressed, “You may Judy, where is Jake” I asked as I got in bed with her, “He is making mom pregnant again I hope” she replied as I got on top of he and slid my hard cock right into her waiting hole. “UUUUGGHHH....GOD THAT IS SO FUCKING GOOD” she moaned as I hit bottom. As I laid on her body I whispered in her ear, “My cock is in your womb, when I cum in you we will have a baby of our own. How does that make you feel now”. I felt her kiss my neck, “I'm yours to do with what you want, if that means planting your seed in me to make me pregnant then all I can say is I love you more than ever Martin” she told me. We fucked that night until I couldn't get my dick hard anymore, I had spent all my energy on giving Judy all my cum that night. She had dozens of orgasms when I finally finished with her, she was a mess as I got off her, her pussy was covered in sperm and all she could do was moan in pleasure and lust.

I went to mom's room to find her also laying on her back, her thighs spread wide open. Her pussy was filled to the brim with Jake's sperm also, “I see you found another” I playfully said, mom rolled her head to face me, “I have not Martin, I still prefer you to be my man, you know that” she said to me, “I'm joking mom” I said as I came to he and sat next to her. I stroked her breasts thinking of Jake fucking mom, “Are you happy mom” I asked her, “You have no idea honey. I have falling in love all over again, and with both of my sons, what can a mother hope for” she told me as she took my hand in hers. “I can not tell you how much I love you and Judy mom, it is like I was meant to be with you two” I told her.

It has been over a year now, our babies are older and mom and Judy were pregnant again. At this rate were were going to have a huge family, it's a good thing Jake and I had good jobs to afford them all. Well, at least we made mom and Judy happy.

The End
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