Through a Dog's Eyes


Jake ran through the yard as fast as he could, being only a year old he was just having normal dog fun. Today was his stretch day from his kennel in the pound, the warden stood just outside the back door watching him continue to run in circles until he finally stopped and stared at the man, “WATER” he called out and Jake ran towards him as fast as he could and skidded to a stop and sat down right in front of him, “Good Boy” he said as he opened the door letting Jake go in. Taking him to his pen Jake went right I and lapped up all the water in his bowl, the man refilled his bowl saying, “Your going to have to go again, slow down”, funny thing was Jake understood him and only took a few laps then curled up and laid down in his bed.

A noise woke Jake and he lifted his head to see the warden coming down the hall with someone else, his ears perked up as he heard the man speaking, “Here's one, he's a good dog but a little old”, they moved down the hallway towards Jake as he spoke again, “How about this little guy, he's real energetic”. The little dog was bouncing up and down in his cage like a Pogo stick, “I don't think so” Jake heard from a soft female, then they stepped in front of his cage, “How about this one, he looks nice” she said, “He is a real good dog, he listens to commands and plays nice, but he is a little large” the man said. “Can I see him out of the cage” the girl asked, “Sure” the man replied as he opened Jake's cage. Jake stood up and came out circling the female sniffing her legs and hand then he sat down in front of her, “Boy he is big” she said, “He's part wolf and shepherd” the man said, “How old is he” she asked, “Year and a half” the man told her.

Jake was put back in the cage as they left the pen area, a short time later he was let out and connected to a leash, walking passed all the other dogs he was taken out to the office, “You have a new home to go to buddy, this lady just saved your life” the man said as he handed the leash to the female he sniffed before. He walked next to her as he was taken out to her van, she opened the door and Jake jumped in and sat on the seat, “Wow, you are a good boy, I'm still a little afraid of you because your so big but daddy did say to make sure to get a nice big dog” the female said. Jake leaned out towards her so fast she didn't have time to move away, Jake licked her face several times then sat back, “Why thanks for that” she said as she was wiping her face with the back of her hand. She got in the van and pulled out to go home.

Jake watched out the windows as he was taken to his new home, the female opened a window so he had air, a few times he stuck his nose out to sniff and cool down, “HOLY COW” he heard the female say as he turned to look at her but she was still looking forward, what he didn't know was she was looking in the rear view mirror and saw Jake's big soft dick hanging on the seat. “You are a big boy aren't you Jake” she said, he climbed off the seat and came up to her standing up even with her head, she turned to look at him as he licked her cheek the pressed his head into her chest, “Woow buddy, none of that here, I have to drive. Go sit” she said as she brushed him away, he thought she was playing as he moved away and bumped his head back into her boobs, this time he crushed her nipple hard and she moaned, “Oh fuck, stop or I'm going to cum right here” she said as her arms went straight out while holding the wheel. Jake nipped at her top catching it between his teeth only to rip open the front popping her buttons onto the floor, “NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID” she yelled, Jake's ears went down and he moved back to his seat quickly. “Look what to my nipple” he heard her say, “It's throbbing hard...Mmmmmm it feels good but my shirt is ripped open now and everyone can see my bra”, the car stopped at a light and she turned back to say something to Jake but he cowarded against his seat, “Awe don't be afraid buddy, I know you were playing, you just got a little rough. Mommy still likes you, come here” she said.

Jake was slow to come to her but just as she petted his head the light turned green and someone was beeping at her to go, “Sorry, I got to drive now, why don't you sit here by me” she said, Jake sat watching her as she drove, she kept looking over at him then said, “You just a big baby aren't you. I'm not mad at you”, he leaned close to her and licked her face again, as she let him his tongue went in her mouth for a few seconds and for some odd reason she sucked on it, he sat back as she stared at him with lust in her eyes, “Your a good kisser, try this” she said as she pulled her bra up over her round tits letting them hang free. Jake moved his head under her arm and began licking her globe and crossing over her nipple, “Oh gawd that feels good” she moaned as his tongue dragged across her nipple making her jerk in her seat, suddenly she began to yell out, “FUCK, FUCK, OH FUCK, HER IT COMES”. She was squeezing the steering wheel hard and moaning out loud, then the van came to a stop and she slumped in her seat, “That was fucking great, I never came so hard before” she said, then she looked at Jake, he was just sitting there staring at her. “You are a good boy Jake, mommies going to give you a treat when we get home” she said as his tail wagged and thumped against the other seat.

Shortly they came to a house and the female got out after pulling her shirt closed, she opened the side door letting Jake out, he sat down right next to her waiting for the leash to be connected, “What a good boy, you didn't even try to run away” she said as she hook the leash to him and took hi to the house. Once the door opened she released Jake and he ran throughout the house sniffing and going to each room. When he came back to the female she was looking for something for him for a treat, “Here, all I have for now are carrots” she said as she gave him a half, Jake ate it then licked her hand, “Come on, I need to give you a bath before you make yourself at home here. I gotta make sure your clean” she said as she went to the bathroom, Jake followed close behind her as she bent over to run the bath water.

“In” she said but Jake backed up a little, “Come on, it's not that bad” she said but he wasn't moving. “OK, I'll get in with you” she said as she took off her shirt and pants, now in only her panties Jake stared at her body with her round hanging boobs wiggling as she stepped in the water, “See, it's alright. Come her Jake” she said with her hand out, he slowly came to her licking her hand then he hopped in the tub with her splashing the water everywhere. “SLOW DOWN, YOUR MAKING A MESS” she yelled, Jake's ears went down and he was about to jump out when she petted his large back saying, “Sorry Jake, just calm down. It's fine, I won't hurt you. All I want to do is clean you up. Sit please”. Her voice calming and soft, he slowly sat in the warm water as she began to soap him up with the bar of soap, soon he was covered in suds as she cleaned him off, she reached for a cup on the counter to rinse him off, her tits hung in Jake's face so he just licked the side of the one closest to him, “Stop that you evil dog, you'll make me forget about washing you if you keep that up” she said as she poured water over his huge back. Finally she had him clean but she wasn't finished just yet, “Up boy” she said, Jake got up on all fours as she rubbed along his belly and cleaned around his rear end, then he felt her touching his dick and he stood very still.

Soon his dick was getting hard in her hand when he heard her say, “Oh my gawd, I thought you were big before. Look at that thing, it's fucking huge”, her soapy hand was holding his ten inch cock now as she finished cleaning it and the sack it came from. Jake felt funny having human touching him there but he felt safe with this female so when he felt he stroking him he let her do it, “You have a nicer cock then my old boy friend” she said, he turned his head towards her face and licked her, “Why thank you Jake, I told you I wouldn't hurt you. Come on, I'll dry you off” she said as she stood and stepped out of the tub, “Look at me, my underwear is all wet now” she said as she pulled off her panties, Jake hopped out and was just about to shake when she through a towel over him and began to rub him dry. Jake could smell something musky around his head, he lifted his head up and came to her pussy as he sniffed, then he licked her pussy spreading her lips open as she dried his back, when his tongue found her hole and went in he felt her stop moving, her thighs opened as she leaned onto his body, “Oh my gawd that feels good” she moaned out.

Jake pressed harder into her pussy driving his long tongue deep in her hole touching something soft in her, her thighs shook and he tasted something thick and sweet inside her, “OH SHIT” he heard her say as thick fluid came from her, Jake licked it all up while she hung to his body. When Jake dragged his tongue out he crushed something hard at the opening then dragged his tongue along it making her moan even louder, “JAK WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME, THIS IS FANTASTIC”, his head came out from between her thighs and he turned to lick the tip of his dick which was throbbing now, she stood up and pulled the towel off Jake He looked up at her when she said, “Come”, he followed her to a room where she sat on the floor and spread her legs wide open, she patted her pussy saying, “Eat”. Jake went right to her pussy and started licking at her lips, dragging his rough tongue along her bump making her hump his snout then he drove his tongue through her lips and into her hole. Once he was deep inside she went stiff and he tasted her juices coming from inside again, he drilled her hole for a long time before she finally had to push him away, “Oh gawd stop, I can't cum anymore” she said.

Jake was confused as he backed up and sat down facing her, she shook her head saying, “That was great buddy, can't believe you made me cum so much”, then she saw his dick, “Oh gawd, I forgot about you, I'm so sorry about that” she said as she crawled over to him and laid down next to him with her head under his belly next to his red cock, taking hold of it she stroked him slowly while Jake still, then he felt warmth over his cock, he turned his head to look and saw she was sucking his cock. She sucked all the way down to the pouch, her head was pumping up and down fast now and he stood up, she went with him holding the base when he started to squirt, she drank what was shooting in her mouth then she came up next to him but still held his cock, “Is that better buddy” she said while licking her lips. Jake licked her face again as she stood up, “I need that tongue again though” she said as she laid face down on the edge of her bed, she spread her thighs wide open giving Jake a clear view of her puffy pussy lips, he went straight for her pussy and drilled her hole over and over making her moan, “That is good Jake, keep going, keep going” she said as he ate her pussy.

About twenty minutes went by as she came on his tongue when suddenly he pulled out and stopped, “Oh don't stop Jake, that was nice” she said as she was about to get up but the bed suddenly shook and he was over her ass. “JAK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING” she yelled as she felt something hot touching her thighs, she tried to close them but his big body was between them stopping her from closing them, Jake was moving close to her stabbing his dick at her thighs, “JAK NO STOP” she yelled but it was to late. With the right angle he found her wet pussy and his cock slammed into her hole with ease, “AAAAARGH GAWD” she screamed out as his cock went deep into her in one thrust, Jake pulled back and drove the rest into her right up to her cervix, “OH MY FUCKING GAWD, YOUR FUCKING HUGE” she yelled out as she clutched the sheet on her bed, by now Jake was fucking her steadily making her pussy wetter and wetter, his cock w sliding in and out creating friction on her g-spot when she screamed out again, “CUUUUUMING”, her pussy began to suck on his cock while he fucked her. This was when she felt something happening, things were tighter and something was growing, “WHAT IS HAPPENING, YOUR GETTING BIGGER, YOU HAVE TO STOP” she yelled as she tried pushing him off her but his body weighed so much she was pinned down as he hammered her pussy.

She struggled as she felt her pussy being stretched wider and wider when suddenly something huge was pushed right inside her driving his cock even deeper yet, Jake's cock tip speared her cervix and had entered her womb as she screamed out, “JAK NOOOOO, YOUR HURTING ME. STOP PLEASE, STOP” she yelled out as her hands gripped the sheets. The pain was bad but the feeling of fullness was much better then she expected, soon the pain subsided as she felt the hot cock deeper inside her, Jake had started to fuck her more now pumping his huge cock in and out of her cervix and womb. “I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING, YOUR FUCKING ME BUT WHAT'S STUCK IN ME IS NOT MOVING, OH GAWD....OH...OH...GAAAAAAWD” she screamed out as she came so hard it took her breath away, then all of a sudden there was a massive hot feeling spreading inside her, Jake was really cumming now and he wasn't stopping, so much cum filled her pussy and womb that it began to create pressure, then Jake was leaning on her naked back pressed against her as his cock pulsed inside her. She lay there breathing hard having several orgasms while Jake filled her up, finally she raised her arm back to his side petting him, “Your a good boy, now get off mommy please” she said,

Jake got up and began to dismount her but his cock was buried deep in her and his dog knot was wedged to tightly inside her he dragged her off the bed, she slid from the bed and dropped to the floor behind Jake as he stopped and stood still while his cock twisted around in her tight pussy, “FUCK ME” she yelled out as another orgasm hit. It took almost an hour before Jake was able to pull free from her, as he pulled she pushed on his back legs as she felt her pussy lips being stretched over something very big, “AAAAAAARGH GAAAWD” she screamed out as it finally cleared her lips and his cock popped free. Jake went to the door and sat licking his cock as she rolled to her side and looked at him, her eyes got real wide when she saw that at the base of his cock was a ball the size of a softball, “HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS IN ME” she yelled out. She sat up and looked down at her swollen pussy, it was still gaping open from his size and leaking cum all over the floor. Jake thought she was yelling again and ran from the room, the female didn't notice him leave while she pulled herself up and went to the bathroom. When she came out her new pet was not to be seen, so she went looking for him.

She found Jake in one of the other rooms curled up in a ball sleeping, as she came in he woke seeing her approaching, he sat up and coward up against the wall, “Oh babe, it's alright. I won't hurt you” she said as she knelt next to him. Even though he was sitting he towered over her by a head. She petted his head telling him, “Jake my BIG boy, I just don't understand what happened to you before, but now your with someone who will take good care of you”. She stood and watched as he curled up again and laid still as she left the room.

The next day Jake was standing at the back door waiting to go outside, the female was on the phone talking to someone when she saw him waiting, “Can you hold on, my dag needs to do potty” she said as she came to the door and let him out. Jake ran the yard sniffing and peeing, then he walked to the back part of the yard and pooped. He ran back to the door and sat, the female wasn't there so he scratched the door and whinnied so she could hear him, “What a good boy you are” he heard as she came to the door opening it for him, Jake trotted in and went right for his water. The lady was still on the phone as Jake went and laid on the carpet in the other room, “My gawd, my poor boy was abused that much” the female said, “Well thank you for the information” she said then hung up. Jake laid still watching her as she came to him, getting on the floor she petted his head saying, “Jake, you need not worry about me hurting you. I will take real good care of you”, he raised his head and licked her face, “Why thank you buddy, I love you too” she said as she got up.

That afternoon the sun was out shinning, the back door opened and Jake came running out into the yard followed by the female in a beach robe, she brought a big bowl of water for him as she set it in the shade and opened a lounge chair to lay on, she took her robe off and tossed it on the back of the chair, now she stood inn the yard naked as she rubbed lotion all over her skin, Jake was playing in the yard with a ball that she bought for him as he watched her lay down, even though they were outside he could smell her female part from the back of the yard. He came running up next to her and licked one of her naked tits, “Oh Jake, you keep doing that and something might happen again” she said as she rubbed his head, he went to drink water then came back to her, she was now sitting up with her thighs spread open as the sun beat down on her bare skin. Jake laid at her feet as she used them to rub his back, he turned sideways as her feet rubbed his belly. Soon she was rubbing his dick with her feet when his cock began to slip out, “Oh yeah, your a big boy for sure” she said as it grew and grew. She rose from the chair and came down next to him taking his hard cock in her hand, “I just have to taste this” she said as she started to suck Jake's cock.

She plunging the whole thing into her mouth and down her throat as she jerked his cock, his doggy cum was squirting out by now so much that she had to swallow as she sucked. She lifted off his cock saying, “I want you inside me again”, she tried to sit on his cock but as it went in her Jake rose up knocking her over, “JAK NO, STAY” she yelled, his ears went down and he backed away, “No Jake, I'm not angry with you, come here baby, mommy is sorry for raising my voice again” she said as she held out her hand and waited. Jake stepped closer to her and licked her fingers, “OK, I think we need to make commands so you know that I will never hurt you” she said, “Sit” she said, Jake sat with his hard cock laying on the floor, “Stay” she she said as she got up and walked to the back of the yard. Standing totally naked she clapped her hands together saying, “Come Jake”, Jake bounced to his feet and ran to the female almost sliding to a stop at her feet, she raised her finger up, “Sit” she said and Jake sat down, “Good boy” she told him as she petted his head.

She stepped next to him saying, “Come” as she started to walk towards the house, Jake started to run at first until she said, “No, stay by me”, he looked up at her and slowed down to walk next to her, “That's it, what a good boy” she said as they walked all the way back to her chair. “Stay” she said as she sat down facing him as she spread her thighs wide open placing her legs on each side of Jake, Jake watched her as she adjusted the back of the lounge chair so she could sit up then she said, “Do you trust mommy” as she leaned back as she spread her pussy lips open showing her big boy how wet she was, “Come” she said and Jake walked between her thighs and right up to her pussy, but he stopped as he looked between her pussy and her face. She smiled at him and waited then said, “OK”, Jake instantly lowered his head to her pussy and began to lick it. His rough tongue dragged across her clit sparking small orgasms in her as he found her hole then drilled his tongue deep inside, “Oh gawd baby, that is good” she moaned as he continued to tongue fuck her, all of a sudden her legs came up and she squeaked out, “JAK...FUUUUUCK” and came hard on his tongue.

To her surprise even after she had stopped cumming for the most of it Jake was still feasting on her pussy, “Your such a good boy, I think you deserve something better” she said as she held his collar and lifted his head out from between her legs, Jake had her pussy juice all over his snout when he looked up into her face. Her eyes shinned with lust as she slowly opened her mouth, Jake began to lick her face and soon found her open mouth, his tongue went in as she closed her lips on it, it was almost like she was kissing him. Jake moved even closer as his tongue went down her throat a few times as she moaned, she was hugging his big body and stroking his back when she removed her hands from him and lowered the chair down, not wanting to leave Jake she slowly slid his tongue out of her mouth as she laid down. Looking up at her dog she saw drool dripping on her belly, “Come here my baby” she said as she held out her arms to him, Jake came up on the chair a little as he moved closer to her. She held his body again as she felt his hot fat cock touching her thighs, “Oh yes baby, give it to me” she said just as the tip spread her lips open and in went his cock into her hot wet pussy.

Jake only knew that what he felt was a good thing and he wasn't going to stop until he was done, instantly his hind end began to hump driving his cock deeper and deeper making his female moan out. “OH MY FUCKING GAWD, THIS IS THE BEST I HAVE EVER FELT” she said as her legs came up along Jake's sides, by now Jake had almost all his cock in her, he was squirting small amounts of cum into her making her more slippery when she felt his huge knot banging into her lips, without saying a word she bit her lower lip as she opened her legs so wide that if possible Jake could have crawled into her pussy. Over and over his knot slammed into her pussy then slowly he was getting it in her, with one final push Jake drove his whole cock, knot and all so deep into her she felt her cervix spread open to allow the tip of his cock to enter her womb.

“JAK BABY, YOUR SO FUCKING DEEP” she moaned out as he continued to slam into her as the chair rocked under them, Jake lowered his face to her and licked her lips then her neck, he started to lick her nipples dragging his tongue across each rose bud making them even harder, she moaned more and more as her orgasm slammed into her body, her pussy began to grip Jake's cock drawing it deeper into her womb when Jake howled out just as his cock exploded in her. They both were cumming while Jake filled his mate with his potent sperm, she wrapped her legs around his big body as she hugged his neck kissing him, “Fuck me baby, fuck mommy” she said. For ten full minutes Jake pumped his cum in her then he stopped moving and stood over her drooling and panting, “That's a good boy, relax now, relax” she said as she stroked his sides.

The sun was still beating down on them when Jake wanted water, he moved back but his large cock was buried deep in the female still so she was dragged off the chair as Jake flipped his leg around and stood behind her, his cock slowly spun around inside her locked inside by the knot. “Oh gawd, that felt weird but good” she said as she hung from his cock behind him, suddenly Jake began to walk as he dragged the female along with him. “JAK, SLOW DOWN, WAIT, WAIT” she yelled out but Jake wasn't listening, he went straight for the water in the shade. Coming to a stop as the female lay in the grass Jake drank, “OH FUCK” she yelled when her pussy exploded again, while she was cumming she felt Jake's cock pulsing again and she knew he was dumping another load in her, “SHIIIIIIIT” she yelled out as she felt her womb expanding as it was filled beyond anything she knew. Jake stood up perfectly still while his balls were drained again, with a tight pussy wrapped around his cock he would pant his seed in this female and make those puppies.

Two hours later the sun was just about to go down, Jake had laid down under a tree with the female still attached to his cock, she lay behind him on her side drooling from the multiple orgasms she had while Jake came two more times. Finally she struggled to her knees making Jake stand up, bending down and looking between her thighs all she saw were Jake's balls pressed tightly to her pussy, she knew that deep inside her was the rest of that wonderful cock. She pressed her lower belly feeling the fullness inside, “I wish I could keep this in me forever” she said, “But I must get up”, she started to pull but he was locked to her good. She tried to push on Jake's back legs when he growled at her, she quickly stopped, “OK, I guess I'll wait. Sorry” she said as she laid back down.

Another hour passed and Jake came twice more, the female came several times along with him. Jake stood and began to pull, his cock was tightly locked in the female as she was dragged in the grass until very slowly the knot began to move, “OH FUCK” she yelled as she felt her pussy lips spread so wide that she thought the skin would rip open. Wider and wider it opened as the knot squeezed out then POP, Jake's cock slipped from her hole as he left her in the grass to go lick his dick. She lay still for awhile then got up, slowly walking back to the house she took her robe and lotion and opened the door, “Come Jake” she called out, he came to the door and stopped next to her, “Well go in” she said but he just stood there, then he stepped aside a little, “Why thank you, your such a gentlemen” she said as she went in followed by Jake

Through the next months that came Jake was always with the female, when she would come home from work she always took a shower where he laid waiting for her to emerge. Once she was out and dried off she would allow him to lick her pussy then fuck her until his knot was locked in her for an hour, the whole process went on and on and on until finally one day she noticed a difference in him. He would follow her around protecting her from anything he thought was dangerous to her, he even guarded the door and yard when someone came by. Jake was acting strange to strangers not like before, he was keeping the female separated from everyone until she found out why.

It was a day she would never forget, she had gone to the doctor because she wasn't feeling well for several mornings. When the test results came back she was told that she was pregnant, sitting staring at the paperwork of her tests she was dumbfounded because she wasn't with a man for a long time, then her eyes grew wide and her heart began to beat fast, “Oh my gawd, could it be” she said. The doctor asked her if she knew the father but she was afraid to answer him because at that moment she knew the baby or babies were Jake, “I ah....think I know. It's been a long time since it happened and I didn't think this would happen” she told him, he asked her if she wanted to keep the baby, she answered him with a firm yes. As she left the office she held her belly smiling all the way home to her true lover.

Jake met her at the door jumping around and wagging his tail as she entered, “There's my big man, good boy Jake Come here so I can give you a big kiss” she said as she knelt down and held his big head as he licked her face until she was finally sucking on his tongue. She stopped and stood up as she took off her shirt and pants, carrying them on her arm as she started to walk to her bedroom in her panties and bra she said, “Come Jake, we need to celebrate”, he followed her to her room and sat down at the bed side watching her strip out of everything then she climbed on the bed, she patted the bed, “Up Jake” she said, he jumped up and she hugged him.

“Thank you baby, you put your babies in mommy. Now I know why you have been so protective” she said as she rubbed his belly then found his dick, shortly after that his dick was hard and was sliding back in her pussy while she lay on her chest with her ass up as Jake plowed her deep and strong. That day they stayed locked for much longer as she felt all Jake's cum filling her womb once again.

It was winter and Jake lay at the females feet while she held three puppies in her arms, two were sucking the milk from her tits while the third was sleeping soundly, “You are a good father and good man Jake, I love you so much” she said as he looked up wagging his tail.

The End
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