Battling Siblings
Incestlover 59
Ever since they were able to talk Derek and Virginia did not like each other. They fought all the time for the dumbest things even when they were threatened by they're parents. It soon came to head, but things changed for them both.
“Your such a dick” Virginia said as she picked up her books and paper off her floor that her brother pushed from her desk, “Well if you would stay out of my room like I told you that wouldn't have happened” Derek said. Virginia picked up a book and threw it at him hitting him in the head, “That's what you get you asshole” she said, he picked the book up and hurled it at her slamming it right into her tit, “OOOOOWWW, YOU ASSHOLE” she screamed out as she grabbed her boob. Derek ran to his room and slammed the door closed locking it before she could get to him, Virginia was pounding on his door yelling, “LET ME IN YOU DICK”, just then her mom came down the hall, “What in the hell is gong on now with you two” she asked as she pulled Virginia away from the door, “Go to your room, we are going to eat soon. You need to cool off young lady, “Awe mom” she said , “Don't awe mom me, get going” her mom said. Virginia went to her room and slammed the door.
Derek was sitting on his bed listening to his mom yelling at his sister, even though she was fifteen and he was only thirteen he always thought he could get away with more when it came to his sister, but this was not the case today. There was a knock on the door then he heard his mom, “Derek, let me in right this instant”, he got up and opened the door letting her in, “Now I will say this once and only once. You and your sister have become physical towards each other and it has to stop” she said, “But mom, she started it” Derek said, “I don't care who started what, this is getting out of hand. We can't even take you guys anywhere without you fighting” his mom said, “Now clean up this room like I told you to do hours ago, then come for dinner. I will come and check on this room before you eat” she said as she turned and stormed out. Derek stood until she was gone then he made a face and waved his arms in the air, “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” he said, “I HEARD THAT YOUNG MAN” his mom yelled, Derek's arms dropped and he started to clean up his room.
Mom and dad were setting the table when both of them came in the kitchen, Virginia stared at her brother as he made his way around the table and sat across from her, no words needed to be said but the tension was thick in the room.
After a long time they're mom spoke, “Now listen you two, this bickering has to come to an end. People are talking about you guys, your brother and sister, you should be nicer to each other. What's going to happen when we are gone, are you going to be little shits even when we are gone”. Virginia's head snapped towards her mom as she said, “Mom, stop saying that, you guys aren't going anywhere”, her mom stared at her daughter seeing a young version of herself sitting there, “You have to think of the worst thing possible so you can understand where your father and I are coming from” she said, just then they're dad spoke, “I have never seen any other siblings like you two act this bad, even when I was your age I never fought with my brother or sister like you two do. Maybe we need to take you to a shrink”, he said. Mom looked at him saying, “HONEY” , “You know what I mean, it's like they have a mental problem” he replied as mom shook her head, “I know, I know. Maybe what we had planned is not a good idea then” she said. This perked up Virginia and Derek's interest, “What did you plan” Virginia said, “Yeah what is it” Derek piped in, “SHUT UP DICK” Virginia said, “VIRGINA, ONE MORE WORD FROM YOU AND I'LL STICK A BAR OF SOAP IN THAT MOUTH” her mom yelled, Virginia went silent and sat looking down at her plate.
“We planned a vacation where we could maybe get away from all this and hopefully things would change for us all” dad said, “Oh, like the water park we went to a year ago where Vagina tried to drown me” Derek said, “I DID NOT” Virginia yelled as she almost came across the table, “SIT DOWN. DERK WATCH YOUR MOUTH OR YOUR GONNA GET SLAPPED” dad yelled. “This was a bad idea, I'll call tomorrow and cancel the vacation” he said as he got up and grabbed a booklet laying on the counter. Virginia saw it, there was a castle on the front then she yelled out, “IT'S A DISNEY VACATION, REALLY”, her dad turned and looked at her with bright eyes as she sat up pushing her pert round tits out at him, then he looked at Derek “I still don't know, it's a long trip and I won't stand for the arguing between you two” he said, “OH COME ON DAD, THIS IS DIFFERENT. IT'S DISNEY” Derek yelled out, “YEAH, PLEASE, PLEASE” Virginia added. “I don't believe it, they both agreed on something for once” mom said, “Tell you what, we are suppose to leave in a week, if you guys can curb your fighting then maybe, just maybe we will go” she said, both of them squealed in joy knowing they were going to Disney on vacation.
For one week they pretended to be nice, at least around they're parents, but as soon as they were out of ear shot they went back to fighting. Then came the day of packing, Virginia was folding her things and putting them in her bag when she remembered her things in the bathroom, when she came back to put them in her bag she found all her stuff thrown on the bed and her bag was loaded with little dildos and lube, “You fuckin' ass” she said as she tossed her bathroom stuff on her bed and ran to Derek's room. She flew into his room but he was gone already, “VIRGINA, HURRY UP. WE ARE GOING TO BE LEAVING IN A TWENTY MINUTES” she heard her mom yelling, “OK MOM, BE RIGHT THERE” she replied as she ran back to her room and quickly filled her bag without unpacking the dildos. When she came down mom closed and locked the door as she put her bag in the back of the van, as she got in the back to sit there was Derek with a shit eaten grin on his face. She sat down and whispered, “I'm going to twist off your balls”, he blew her a kiss then said, “And who are you going to call to do that Vagina”, she swung her hand at him but he moved and didn't get hit. Just then their mom came in and sat down.
Well you two, it seem you are getting along better I see” she said as she buckled up, dad slid into the drivers seat and started the van, “OK, we drive for several hours before our first stop, so if you have to go tell me now” he said, no one said anything as he drove off. “Mom, can I go lay down in back” Derek said, “Yes honey, we'll wake you when we get to a stop” his mom said, Derek moved to the back and fell asleep quickly, Virginia watched him from her seat and when she knew it was safe she turned her seat sideways and turned on her tablet to watch a movie, this gave her reaching room to her brother. She reached back and pulled on his pants, soon she was able to grab his zipper and pull it down, next came his button at the top which opened his pants enough that she could see he had no underwear on. Feeling around inside she grabbed his dick and balls, Derek woke feeling pain and it was getting worse, when he realized his dick and balls hurt he sat up quickly and punched Virginia's arm making her pull back, “You touch me one more time I will kick you ass” he said softly, “Oh I'm shaking in my boots” she replied as she sat back smiling. Derek rolled away from her and laid back down, Virginia wasn't done with him yet so she put her tablet down and got up to lay next to her brother.
When the bed moved he sat up looking at her then said, “What the fuck are you doing, I said you touch me...” but she cut him off, “Relax asshole, I just want to lay down” she said, “Then sleep in the chair” he said, “Fuck you” she replied. Derek rolled to face her, his dick was half hard now as Virginia saw it for the first time, “You fuckin' pervert” she said, “I'll show you pervert you dick grabbin' bitch” he said as he ripped her top open leaving her little bra holding her plump tits, before she had a chance to cover he grabbed her bra and snapped it in half revealing her boobs of they're confines. Virginia lost her balance and fell forward on Derek, her bare tits pressed into him, she tried to cover them but he grabbed her arms and rolled her to her back, now Derek was on top looking at her as he fumbled with her short, “STOP IT” she said without her mom or dad to hear, “You fuckin' asked for this you cunt” Derek said as he pulled hard tearing her short enough to grab her panties and rip them away from her hairy pussy. Virginia struggled under her brother as he dug his hand in her shorts and drove two fingers in her hole, her eyes rolled back in her head as his finger tips touched her cherry, “Your a fuckin' little whore, your all wet. Have you been playin with those toys” he said as he fingered her pussy, Virginia looked up at him then she pushed him away, his finger came out just enough for her to clamp her leg together, “Oh no you don't” Derek said as he dug his knees between her legs and spread them wide open.
With her teeth clinched tight Virginia said, “What the fuck are you doing”, Derek held her thighs open as he dropped his crotch down to her body, “I'm gonna stick my dick in you, you bitch” he said, Virginia's eyes opened wide as she was about to yell out but Derek placed his hand over her mouth just as his dick head found her moist hole. “Oh I see you like me fingering your pussy, your all wet” he said as he pushed in. Virginia tilted her head back as the pain spread through her pussy as her virgin hole was opened up, “Ummmmmm” was the only sound heard from her throat as Derek entered her until he hit her cherry, Virginia jerked under him and Derek felt the barrier pressed against his dick head, he had a wicked smile as he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “So, my older cunt of a sister is still a virgin, well I guess this will be a special vacation when I push my dick through your cherry and make you a true whore”. Virginia started to shake her head no as she felt him pull back a little then as he stared into her eyes he drove his cock right through the hymen skin taring it away completely as he sank to her depths, Virginia was in so much pain tears ran down her cheeks as she felt her brother force his cock deeper and deeper in her untouched hole.
Once Derek was buried balls deep in her he wiggled his hips digging his dick in Virginia's pussy, she whimpered under his hand as he began to fuck her, as he slid in and out she slowly stopped moving and soon was lying under him motionless. Derek was fucking his sister real good now making her wetter and wetter then he felt her pussy tighten around his shaft, when he jammed into her Virginia squeezed her eyes shut and brought her thighs up against Derek's side as she had her first orgasm ever. For a full two minutes Virginia came on her brothers cock then she collapsed under him, she had a dead stare in her eyes as she watched him fuck her, Derek just kept going driving his cock in and out of his mean sister who squeezed his balls and cock, when he felt his cum approaching he pushed hard and deep in her then moved his mouth to her ear saying, “I'm gonna cum in your pussy now, I'll fill that tight hole with my seed”, Virginia was still wasted from her orgasm before but as her brother spoke she was having another one, she moaned a little as her pussy exploded around his cock, this only triggered his orgasm. With a final plunge Derek buried his cock against his sister cervix as his cock expanded just before exploding.
Holding his cock deep in his virgin sister he unloaded a huge load of sperm coating her cervix and the whole inside of her pussy, Virginia was just lying under him enjoying the orgasm she was having while he filled her hole with his incestual seed. When Derek was done he pulled out as the last few shots sprayed Virginia in the face and covered her tits, he sat back and grabbed the blanket tossing it over her fucked body as he climbed to the chair next to her, “Fuck with me again and you'll get fucked again until you will beg me to fuck you, Bitch” he whispered to her as she fell asleep.
Around ten hours into the drive Virginia woke to silence, she looked around and no one was there. She was in the van alone, she sat up and felt the pain in her crotch and remembered what happened, “That son of a bitch fucked me, he raped me. I'll rip that dick off him” she said as she pulled the blanket off her body, now she saw her cloths were ripped to shreds, her cum covered pussy was exposed and her bare tits had dried cum on them. “That fucker” she said as she wiped her body with the blanket then climbed to the back of the van to get her cloths. As she was in the small area searching through her bag she heard everyone coming back, Virginia was totally naked back there so she tried to hurry. “OK, let's get this rodeo on the rode” dad said, “Take this back to your sister” mom said , “OK mom, hope she is awake” Derek said. Virginia was still behind the back seat bed naked and saw her brother coming, then Derek saw her, he crawled over the bed and said, “What are you doing”, Virginia looked up at him, “Shhhhhhhh, I'm naked back here. I don't want mom and dad to find me like this. Man I can't believe I'm asking this of you, but can you help me find something to wear before they see me” she said softly, “SURE” Derek replied as he slipped behind her on the floor, “Well let's see then” he said as he pulled her bag away from her hands so she couldn't reach it.
Virginia bent her head down and looked between her naked thighs, she saw him lift a skimpy shirt she wore at night only then just a short skirt out of her bag, she raised her head to speak to him when she felt him slip the skirt over her legs and began to pull them up, as he was wiggling the skirt over her flared hips she felt something being shoved deep in her sore pussy, she quickly looked between her thighs again and only saw the skirt but she felt full with something pressed deep in her hole. Before she could speak he pulled her upright and pulled the shirt over her head, “Now put your arms through” he said, “But this is my night shirt” she replied, “Who cares, you'll be sleep in an few hours anyways. Just put it on” Derek said. Virginia moved her arms under the shirt and poked them through the arm holes, her tits hung free under the material making her feel weird. She looked up at her mom and dad then she looked at her brother, “Your still an asshole” she said quietly, “Well at least I'm not the one with the biggest dildo from your bag stuffed inside your pussy” Derek replied as he laughed at her. Virginia pulled up her skirt to see just the bottom edge of a fat purple dildo stuffed in her hole and was held in by straps. The only way to get it out was to take the skirt off again but she was afraid her mom and dad would see her, “Your such a ass...” and Derek placed his hand right over her mouth saying, “If you call me that again I'll tell mom and dad your fucking yourself back her. Get used to it because I plan on tapping that pussy every minute I get”.
Virginia was so angry at her brother but was afraid he would tell so she relaxed and sat down pushing the dildo deeper yet, she moaned a little as he laughed at her, “What a fuckin' whore you are, you love this don't you. How bout you suck my cock right here right now” Derek said, “Fuck you” she said with anger, “Fuck me, Fuck me, no fuck you” he told her as he pulled her head down to his lap. His cock was standing straight out of his pants already as it slid along Virginia's cheek to her lips, she tried to move away but he held her tight to his cock. Virginia went to say something and Derek moved her mouth over his cock and pushed her head straight down onto the whole thing. “WHAT'S GOING ON BACK THERE” they're mom yelled back, “OH NOTHING MOM, VIRGINA IS JUST LOOKING FOR SOMETHING AND I'M TRYING TO HELP HER” Derek yelled back as he shoved his sisters mouth right down to his crotch driving his cock down her throat.
Virginia began to gag as he held her there then he grabbed the sides of her head and began to face fuck her hard and fast, his cock slid in and out of her throat making her gulp for air as her brother raped her throat. Suddenly she felt something building in her thighs and her pussy squeezed the dildo hard as she came, just as her orgasm started so did her brothers, his hot salty cum was pumped down her throat as she quickly swallowed every drop as he held her face down against his crotch while he unloaded. Virginia was having the most intense orgasm now as her body betrayed her as she came over and over while she sucked her brothers sperm from out of his balls, her nipples felt like they were going to explode if touched and her pussy was dripping on the carpet. Finally Derek pulled her off his cock and she gasped for a big gulp of air as his cum ran down her throat, she fell to the floor as he wiped his cock off in her hair then said to her, “Your going to be my fuck bucket, you screw with me and I will screw you. That tight pussy is going to be so used to my cock your going to beg me for it”, she looked up at him with red in her eyes, “I'll die before that happens” she said, “We'll see about that” he replied as he lifted her up and pulled her out and over the bed placing her right behind dad in the chair, “You touch it I tell” he said to her as he sat next to her.
Virginia was having multiple orgasms from the dildo, she could really feel it now inside her, it had ribs and large bumps along the bottom that was pressing her g-spot. On the tip were like little fingers touching her cervix and making her wet and hot, each time she moved it became more intense, then it happened, she came just sitting there. Soon the van began to smell like pussy, dad rolled the window down and mumbled something to mom, she swatted his arm then laughed. Virginia was so embarrassed that she was cumming right next to her parents, she reached down to take hold of the dildo when she saw Derek wave his hand, “Don't do it slut” he said, she just looked at him then turned her head and looked out the window waiting for this to end.
It had been a few hour and Virginia was a puddle in the chair, she was sweating and cum covered the seat, she was shaking by now as she fought the fact her brother had her, finally she couldn't take it anymore and looked at him, “Please take it out” she whispered, “And what will go back in there” he said softly, She looked at his pants seeing the lump pressed against the front, “That, put that in” she whispered. “I don't know, you called me an asshole, remember” he said, she was almost crying now as she moved back and forth in her seat, “Pleeeease” she whined. Derek took a breath then said, “Alright but it goes in right here” he said as he pointed to the floor just behind they're parents seat. Virginia's eyes got wide as she said, “Are you fuckin' kidding”, he sat back and folded his arms saying, “Well I guess your not ready yet” then he looked out the side window away from her.
Vagina was so hot and horny and wet that she had to get this out of her, she rose and went in front of Derek and raised her skirt as she bent over in front of him, he looked at her swollen wet pussy seeing the dildo was gone way inside her, “I think I'm gonna keep that in you tonight. We'll see about it tomorrow” he said as he stuck a finger in between her pussy lips pushing the dildo straight through her cervix and into her womb, Virginia almost fell forward against her mom's seat as she came right there. Derek pulled her back on his lap as he ran his hands under her shirt and pulled on her nipples, her orgasm exploded even more as he twisted them and pulled them making her bit her lips. Something snapped in her head as she suddenly leaned back against her brother letting him have his way with her, she moaned a little as he twisted her nipples raw then she brought her hands up to his and helped him, “You are a fucking slut. So tell me now, what is it you want” he whispered in her ear, she turned her face to his saying, “I want your cock in my pussy, I want you to fuck the living shit out of me. I want you to fuck me right here right now and cum in my pussy over and over”. Derek had her now for sure and took total advantage of this moment. He lifted her up long enough to pull the dildo out and off her legs, then he set her back down telling her, “Fuck slave, pull my dick out and put it where it belong for a cum slut like you”.
Virginia felt around under her skirt opening her brothers pants and pulling out his hard cock, she rose up placing the head at her lips as she sat down taking his cock, when she was sitting on his lap his cock was in her womb, her cervix was wrapped tightly around the shaft holding him in, “That's it my slave, now ride it and make it cum right now” he whispered. Virginia began to bounce on her brothers cock faster and faster until suddenly they're mom turned and said, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, ARE YOU FUCKING YOUR BROTHER. HONEY STOP THE VAN, THEY'RE FUCKING BACK THERE”, Virginia didn't stop as her mom watched her fuck Derek, “OH GAWD, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. IF THEY ARE FUCKING THEY AREN'T FIGHTING. LET THEM FUCK, WHO THE FUCK CARES. I'M TIRED OF THE FIGHTING AND THE DRAMA” Dad yelled as he kept driving, “MY GAWD SHE IS REALLY FUCKING DERK. LOOK AT HER, SHE'S LIKE A LITTLE SLUT” mom yelled as she tried to get out of her seat, “LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE ALREADY. WE STILL HAVE ABOUT SIX HOURS OF DRIVING, JUST KEEP QUIET” dad yelled. Mom stopped talking and sat back down while Virginia bounced away on her brothers cock.
For a straight two hours Virginia bounced on Derek's cock, her mom would turn and look at her as she fucked her brother By now Virginia had her skirt pulled up around her waist and she was rubbing her clit so hard it was beginning to swell from the friction, her mom could plainly see her sons cock sliding in and out f her daughters pussy, just then Virginia slammed down and the only thing seen between her thighs was her pussy pressed hard against Derek's lap, his balls were the only thing under her pussy lips. “Oh my god” her mom said as she saw Virginia beginning to shake then she saw Derek's balls pulsing and she knew he was cumming in her daughter, “DO YOU SEE THIS, HE IS FILLING HER CUNT WITH HIS SPERM” they're mom yelled, “WOUD YOU PLEASE STOP WATCHING THEM. HAVE THEY YELLED OR SHOUTED FOR THE LAST 2 HOURS, NO THEY HAVE NOT. LET THEM FUCK” dad yelled back, “NOW SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN AND STOP IT, MAY BE YOU NEED TO FINGER YOURSELF TO TAKE YOUR MIND OFF OF THEM” he said. She just looked at him with the meanest look, “Stop it now, look at you. You say your mad bu I can see you like watching them, look down once” dad said, mom looked down and saw her nipples poking out so hard they were sticking out of each cup of her bra.
She looked up as she covered her breasts, “Look, I know what your saying but remember what I told you before we got married about my sisters” dad said, Virginia was already recovering from her orgasm and was slowly bouncing on her brothers semi hard dick, “Did you hear that, dad had sex with both our aunts” she said to Derek. “I know, but they are so young. It's not right” mom said as she sat back in her seat, dad reached over and began rubbing her nipples through her shirt, “Stop it, the kids will see” mom said softly, “They already know, look” dad said. Mom leaned forward and saw both Derek and Virginia looking at them, Derek had his hands under Virginia's shirt as he squeezed her big tits. She leaned back as dad began unbuttoning her shirt, “Nooo” mom said as she slapped his hand, dad was already inside her shirt and had puled her bra down over her large breasts, he had a good hold of one of her nipples and was twisting it, mom leaned back as she moaned out, “Your so bad”.
Virginia turned her head to her brother, “I feel you slipping out, may I suck your beautiful cock sir” she said, “Sure my little slave, but you must put two dildos inside your hole and make sure they are deep enough” Derek replied, “Yes sir” Virginia said as she slowly stood up and felt his dick slid from her lips. Finding the purple fat dildo and one other one Virginia slid the first one in halfway, then she slid the second one against the first and pushed hard unit it slowly slid into her hole. “Oh my god, this is tight” she said as she looked down while standing in front of Derek, “Here, lay down and I will help you” Derek said, Virginia laid next to him as Derek held both dildos and worked them in and out making them slick with his sisters juices.
Virginia laid back feeling the thick dildos going deeper and deeper, then she felt her cervix being stretched open, “It hurts” she said but her brother kept pushing when he said, “Almost there slave”. With a final push Virginia flelt her cervix spread wide open as both dildos entered her hole deep enough that the ends disappeared inside and her pussy lips closed behind them. Just as Derek had removed his hand from his sister he felt a hand on his shoulder, “I see you and your sister are still making up, Oh my look at that, just as big if not bigger then daddy you are” his mom said. “Can mommy have some of that too honey, what do you say Virginia, can mom have some of your brothers cock”. Virginia was rolling back and forth from the intense feeling of her cervix and womb being stuffed so full, “I guess that's a yes” mom said as she pushed off her slacks with her panties and stood up right next to Derek. Her hairy pussy looked right at him and he saw the moisture dripping from the hair by her lips, he looked up at her as she pushed him back as she climbed up over his lap and reached for his cock. “Now just lay still and mommy will do all the work” she said as he felt his cock entering his moms cunt.
The trip ended up being a god one, Derek was fucking both his mom and sister every other hour, dad really didn't mind because he could drive without distractions. “Well we finally made it” he said but there was no answer from the back, he looked back as he came to stop light and saw his wife laying between Virginia's thighs with her mouth clamped to her pussy, Derek was behind her driving his cock deep inside her, her tits were swinging under her. “OHHH FUCK” Derek yelled out as he slammed hard into his mom and came so hard that his cum began dripping from his moms pussy, “Yep, we finally are a family I see” dad said as he pulled away from the light.
The End
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