A Birthday Gift


It was only one year away from this day when me and my sister Dani would be out of the little age group, presently we both are twelve. You see Dani is my indentical twin sister and we shared so many things together as we grew up, it wasn't until we were about ten when mom caught us sitting in our room together, Dani was laying on the end of my bed while I sat up by the head board as we played a video game. Well I had just started getting boners and this day wasn't any different.

Mom walks in and sees my boner sticking out plain as day, Dani was only about a foot from it but it never bothered her, but mom freaked out and that was the day Dani got her own room. Both of us were upset for a long time but we got used to the change even though we felt that we had lost something between us.

It was a long Saturday, we had gotten up to meet some family for a surprise birthday party for Dani and me, Oh yeah my names Dean, right? Sounds funny Dani and Dean, but that's what mom and dad called us. After the long drive home we were able to sit close to each other when Dani took my hand in hers and squeezed it, I didn't say anything but I knew something was up.

We got home and helped mom with the presents and things, I had gone to my room to change when there was a knock on my door, “Come in” I said, I heard the door open but no one said anything. I had been pulling back my covers when I turned and saw my sis standing there, suddenly she spoke, “Can we talk” she said, I sat down to take my socks off saying, “You know you can talk to me anytime, what's up”. She came closer and leaned against my desk just to my right, “Have you been feeling...like ah...maybe...oh god, I don't know how to ask this” she said, my socks off now I stood up and unbuttoned my pants to take them off. As I pushed them over my ass and letting them drop to my feet she didn't even turn away, but I really didn't think she would anyway, “Dani, stop. It's me here, just say it” I told her as I reached down and balled my pants up and tossed them into my open closet, “SCORE” I yelled out. “I have been feeling like something is missing since mom and dad moved me to my room when she saw your boner that day” she said, “Yeah, boy was she mad when she saw just how big I was for my age, and it all sticking straight up” I replied as I pulled my shirt over my head.

“Well I was just wondering if you have those same feelings. We used to think and feel everything together, but now it's like Half of me is missing” she told me as I hooked my boxer at the waist band and pulled them right off in front of her, “You'd better watch out, if mom sees you again she will make sure I am never close to you” Dani said as I stood there with everything hanging out for her to see, “Oh don't worry about that, and it's not like you haven't see or touched it, right” I told her. I kind of jumped into my bed and had just pulled the covers over my lap when mom showed up, I smiled at Dani letting her know I didn't get caught. “Not to late you two, ok” mom said, we both answered at the same time, “Yes mom”.

I could see my sis was really upset about this so I patted the bed saying, “Come here”, she came to me and sat down. She was so much like me, fair skinned, thin but she was developing a girls shape. Her boobs had grown twice the size in two years, and those light blue eyes always melted my heart. She raised her hand and slid it down my arm saying, “I like seeing your dick, even when it's hard, it's nice”, I placed my hand over hers saying, “Well I can remember you have one also and it is just as nice, but I haven't see it in such a long time. Plus I never saw it hard”. Dani looked down in her lap, “Stop it, that's not funny” she said softly, I held her hand in mine, “Dani look at me” I said, she looked up when I told her, “That was not meant to be funny, I was serious. Your my sister and we can talk about anything, right”, she shook her head yes. “Then tell me what is wrong already” I said to her, her mouth opened but she said nothing for a long time, then she said one word, “Anything”, I replied with a “Yes”.

Dani stood up and closed my door, then she returned to my bed as I propped myself up with my left arm. “Strange things have been happening to me lately and I just wish you were there, I can't tell mom or dad because they would probably freak out” she said as she lifted her short skirt and began tugging and pulling on something until she fnally bent over and stepped out of her panties. “Ah Dani, what are you doing”I asked her, “I'm trying to explain and show you what's wrong. Are you sure you want to really know” she replied, I shook my head yes. She stepped closer to me and started with, “The reason you never saw me hard like you was it wasn't suppose to happen we were told, but this is what happened”, and she lifted her skirt up as she spread her thighs apart, “Just watch” she said as I stared at her lightly hair covered pussy.

At first I didn't see anything strange but then there was movement, a bulge began to form between her pussy lips until finally her dick popped out, it was just as long as mine with skin covering the head, it was covered in shinny fluid and waved back and forth inn front of me, “SO, what do I do” she said. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, “Well look at it, I have to hide it inside me. It's longer now and I wake up with a boner like yours, what do I do” she said, “Wait...wait...wait, did you say inside. Are you saying your fucking yourself” I said as I sat up straight now with concern.

She shook her head no, “NO...I don't do that, It is only in a little to hold it out of view. I still have my cherry if that's what your thinking” she said, “But it looks normal, what are you worried about” I said, “When it's hard I have to wait for a long time before it goes away, last time it took an hour and I missed the school bus, Mom was mad but I couldn't tell her what happened” she told me. “Dean, I really miss you, if we were still sharing the same room you could have helped me, but now it's out of hand. This thing gets hard at any time lately like this afternoon. I had to sit at the table pretending I was really hungry just to hide it” she said, “Can you help me”.

I knew exactly what she had to do but how was I going to tell her how to do it, then it hit me, “Tell you what, I really can't tell you now because mom and dad are still up, but come back tonight when they go to bed and I will help, ok” I told her. She leaped onto my bed coming over me kissing my face, “I really love you brother, it was a mistake to separate us” she said, then she got off the bed as she picked up her panties and left me with a huge boner.

I couldn't sleep now knowing Dani was coming back to me in any minute, I laid there watching the clock and thinking of what I saw when she showed me her dick. It was around 1 in the morning when I saw my door open quietly and in stepped my sister, her back was towards me as she slowly and quietly closed my door, all she had on was one of my old football shirts that hung down far enough to cover her ass. When she turned around I saw all her beauty as I remembered, her short dark hair that was perfect for her face, those legs and the smile was all there as she strolled to my bed side, “Hello brother” she said, “Hello sister” I replied, “Would you like to lay with me again”, she had a big smile now as she pulled her shirt off over her head and now stood naked before me.

I was a little shocked when I was able to see her naked again, boy had she grown up. Her boob were pretty big but not huge, each one had a small hard nipple pointing out from them. She had a waist now and I loved it, now she didn't look like a boy, then there was her dick hanging there. It never bothered me at all, in fact I thought it was cool to have a sister with both sexes. Dani shaved all her ahir off her privates so all I saw was the pink skin of everything, I'm sure she had dark hair down there but I didn't care. “May I” she asked, “You may” I replied as she slowly crawled in next to me. We stared at each other for a long time, her hands were stroking my face as she studied me, “You have changed so much in these last few years” she said softly, “So have you Dani” I replied as I ran my thumb across her left eye brow. Her eyes always got to me being so blue and sparkly, “You know I haven't seen you naked since we were ten, you look amazing” I told her as she smiled at me, “Thanks, but I'm still a freak of nature with you know what hanging off my body” she said.

Right then I took her hand in mine and kissed her finger lightly first then said, “You are not a freak of nature, your my twin sister. If you think that of yourself then you must think that of me”, she gasped and quickly said, “Oh no Dean, I didn't mean you were a freak also, just me”. Placing my hand on her shoulder and feeling just how soft she was I began to run my hand along her side brushing her tit and coming to her waist, “You are not a freak, you are my sister who is very special to me and I would not change a thing about you, except...” I said as I moved my hand over her round ass and squeezed it. “Except what” she asked, “Except that I really would like to be together more often. I have missed you too Dani, and yes I always feel there is something missing in me” I told her. She began to have this look of worry about her face as I pulled my hand back around and started to rub her thigh, “What is it” I asked as she began to fidgit, “Come on Dani, you can tell me” I said.

I had to stop her from moving around so I reached up and took her chin between my fingers, then I felt something touching my dick, I looked down and saw her dick getting hard as it grew and grew until it was just about as big as mine when I get hard. I looked up into her eyes and they were filled with tears, “I'm sorry...so sorry” she said as she cried even harder, “Dani please...stop crying, there is nothing wrong in what is happening” I told her as I leaned closer and hugged her, the feeling of her bare tits against my chest was fantastic and only made my dick grow against her hard boner. “See, it happens to me too” I said as I moved back so she could see both our hard cocks, “It's just...your my brother....and ...and that shouldn't happen between us” she said, “There has to be a reason your not telling me, so calm down and just let it out. I will never be mad at anything you say, just tell the truth please, like we used to do” I told her.

Dani looked deep into my eyes then she just moved so quick I didn't have a chance to respond, her lips planted themselves to mine as she held my head, we kissed but this was different, suddenly her tongue was in my mouth and we really kissed. As she parted her lips from mine we stared at each other, “Well does that explain anything to you Dean” she said softly, “Ah...I think I know where this is going. But what does that have to do with helping you out” I replied as We held each other. “OK then, here it goes” she finally said, “My dick has been changing lately, it gets hard all the time”, I heard this part already, “Yeah you told me that” I said. “Well I don't know what to do with it when it gets that way, sure I looked on the internet and saw stuff on jerking it but I don't understand what's going to happen since I don't have everything down there for it” she told me, “Let's see, have you ever rubbed it in the shower at all or even tried to jerk on it” I asked, “One time in the shower, I got this strange feeling and I got worried and stopped” she said, “You probably should have gone all the way, that feeling you had was you about to cum” I told her. She looked at me funny when I said cum.

“And how do you know about cumming” she asked, I laughed at her, “I'm a boy, with a boner almost all the time. I jerk off at least ten times a day” I said, “REALLY...TEN TIMES A DAY” she said loudly, “Shhhhhhhhh, remember mom and dad” I said as I held my finger to her lips. “Sorry” she said, “Yes, ten times a day if not more. That is the only way to get it to go down. Have you ever cum when you touch yourself” I said, “I don't think so” she replied, “Well the lesson starts now, your going to learn how to do this and it will help your feelings” I said as I sat up and scooted down to get to her dick.

“Lay down and watch me” I said, Dani laid on her back as her hard cock flipped up against her stomach, I took it inn my hand and at that moment I felt like I was holding my dick. “What the fuck” I said softly, “What is it Dean” she said, “Strange that I can feel you while holding your dick”, I said. “You are holding my dick” she said, “No, I mean I feel my hand on my dick” I replied, I started to jerk her dick slowly as I spoke, “If you start off like this then when you feel that feeling you go faster” I told her as my dick began to get harder and harder from this strange feeling I was having, “Oh Dean something is happening, feel that feeling” she moaned as she began to toss her head back and forth. I started jerking her dick faster and faster, “How you doing” I asked but she was lost in pleasure as she gripped the sheets tighty and lifted her ass off the bed when her dick began jerking in my hand. At the same moment her dick began to shot out thick cum over her tits and stomach my dick exploded and blasted Dani's dick and pussy with my cum.

She had pulled the pillow over her face to scream into it as she pumped out her first load of cum all over herself. My cock was surging out all the cum for that evening that I saved up, finally I released her dick and sat back as my dick slowly hung down on her thigh, her dick laid on her stomach as the last dribbles of cum seeped out of the head and pooled in her belly button, “My god that was great, I never felt anything like that before” she said as she laid breathing hard, “Tell me about it, I came with you and didn't even touch myself” I said. Looking at my dick and trying to think how this was possible I suddenly knew the answer, “Dani, when did this all start to happen to you” I asked, she was laying there rubbing her cum into her skin, “I think it was about a year ago, give or take a few months” she said softly. “Holy shit, that's about when I started to jerk off” I said, she sat up on her elbows looking at me, “What are you saying” she asked, “I thinking you were feeling me, that's why you get hard so often. This is amazing, you know what this means, that our feelings, our real feelings are connected. There had been times when I could swear I was feeling things that were impossible” I told her.

Dani laid back and took a deep breath, “So now what, we don't touch our dicks no more” she said, “Oh that's not gonna happen” I said, “Then what” she asked. I knew we had a special union and nothing would change this, “I guess I belong to you, and you belong to me” I told her. I reached down and began stroking my dick and soon it was hard a rock, then I saw Dani's dick begin to grow, “Stop it Dean” she moaned.

When she was hard again I leaned down and took her cock in my mouth and began to suck on it, I could feel the same thing on my cock. “Dean” she moaned again as she held my head to her cock, that's when I reached between her thighs and found her pussy under her dick, I played with her lips first then stuck my finger into her hole, her cock jerked a few times but nothing happened. With two fingers now I started to finger fuck her pussy and she grabbed my hair holding my mouth down on her cock as she began to cum, not only was my mouth filled with her cum but my cock was squirtng all over my bed. That's when I realized her pussy was pulsing on my fingers and I knew she was cumming in her cunt also. I swallowed her cum finishing her off as I lifted off her shrunken dick, I sat back looking at the mess as I pulled my fingers from her hole.

“Dean” she said, “I looked up at her pretty face, “I want you to...to...put yours in my pussy. Really do it with your dick” she told me as she spread her thighs wide apart. “But Dani...” I started to say, “No...I want this, as a gift, a birthday gift for both of us” she said. “Come here so I can make it hard again” she said as she waved her hand to me, I crawled to her head and she sucked my cum dripping dick until I was hard once again. She slipped my hard cock from her lips saying, “Now put this where it belongs”. I crawled between her thighs and as I inserted the head only in her pussy our eyes connected, this was the first time we ever felt like this was the right thing for both of us, “Do it” she said softly. I pushed and slipped into her hole, I watched her face then saw the painful look on it, “I'm hurting you” I said, “Just push it through, you must take it” she said. “Dani, your still a virgin, I can't do that” I told her, “It's ok, I want you to have it” she told me as she stroked my forearm. I looked down as I pushed hard, then saw blood form around my cock, looking up at Dani's face she had her eyes squeezed shut as she said, “I'm fine, keep going, something is happening”.

When I looked down my cock was halfway in her so I pulled back out then pushed it all the way in her until my balls were resting against her ass, “Oh god Dean, I feel you deep inside me, my dick feels it too” she said, sure enough I could see her cock had swollen thick like mine. I began to fuck her pussy slowly at first as I watched her cock change in size when it suddenly happened. My cock jerked hard without warning and I started to cum in my sister virgin pussy, Dani's cock instantly began pumping out cum all over her stomach as we both came together, then I felt her pussy squeezing my cock as we came, “Oh shit Dani, this is happening isn't it” I said as I pushed hard into her, “Yes Dean, Yes. I want it to happen more” she said, “So do I” I replied as I held still until I had filled her virgin pussy.

We lay together just holding each other the rest of the night, just being this close to my sister was amazing. I woke up to a good feeling, Dani's was awake already, she was kissing my neck and cheek while sliding her hand across my hairless chest.

“Good morning” I said to her, “Good morning Dean, how did you sleep” she asked, “Never better” I told her, “Me too. Can I ask you something” she said, “Sure” I told her. Dani rose up on her elbow and I saw her tits hang on my arm and my dick began to slowly get hard, “Do you regret what we did last night” she asked, I got up on my elbows to move closer to her face, “HELL NO, I wouldn't have changed one thing that happened. I loved it” I said, “And you, do you regret it”. She just stared into my eyes for a long time before saying, “No, I loved it too. In fact I never loved anything more, that's why I am having a hard time with this”. Our eyes were locked and I knew something big was wrong, “I don't undertand, you wanted to know about your thing when it was hard, and then you wanted me to take you. What makes this so hard” I asked, she moved closer to my lips and then kissed me softly, “Because I feel in love with my own brother, that's why. Yes I love you more then just my brother, I want us to be more, much more, but I'm afraid you won't want the same thing” she told me.

This is where being a twin has it's strange trates, I knew exactly what she meant, and I felt the same but I didn't want to show it to her. I raised my hand to the back of her head and pulled her lips to mine, we had a real hot passionate kiss before we parted lips, staring into her eyes I said, “Dani.... I know what you mean, I always loved you before but now I am in love with you. We can make this happen just like we did when we fucked, it happened. If you still want me to be your then I am yours”. Tears ran down her face as she leaped forward pressing her naked body to mine as she began to kiss me all over, “Oh Dean, thank you for understanding me, I love you so much, I truly love you” she mumbled between kisses.

Mom and dad never knew we had had sex together and that we were in love. Each night Dani came to my room or I went to hers, we made love, I planted my seed inside her pussy for weeks, she learned to fuck my ass so she knew what it felt like to fuck someone, and I loved her for that. Dani also learned that she could fuck herself with her cock, she even came inside herself many times when I was not able to be with her. There were days when she was at school and feeling lonely, she had her dick stuffed inside her pussy as she sat in class and just the thought of me and her made her dick grow inside her. She had to be careful when this happened because sometimes her cock grew to fast and slipped out of her hole, but the first time it happened she explained to me the feeling of her dick sliding deep inside her pussy as she sat in class, then she felt the orgasms happen and all she could do was hold the desk as her cock pumped her pussy full of her own cum. Dani's explanation of walking around the school the whole day with a pussy full of cum was amazing as she sucked my cock in my room, I came hard thinking of what she told me only making for a huge load just for her.

Well we are eighteen now, Dani has grown into a beautiful young lady, my young lady. Her tits were much bigger now and she kept her nice hourglass shape, but most of all her dick had mirrored my dick, we were both at nine inches soft now and we learned so many thing together over the years. Funny thing though, she never got pregnant with all that cum in her for the last five years.

“Hello my love” Dani said as she walked into my room, “Hey baby” I replied as I got up to greet her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and she pressed her soft lips to mine, our tongues met and danced together. My hands were on her nice round ass pulling her into my dick, she slowly moved her lips from mine saying, “I feel you just as hard as I am”, I squeezed her ass, “Yeah but yours is inside” I said. Dani smiled and said, “Do you want to watch it come out again, I have to warn you, I came at least three times today”, “Sure, that means more for me to eat” I told her. She released me with some reluctance as she sat on my bed and pushed her pants off then she pulled her panties to her knees to show me her dick was stuck deep inside her hole. Dani had done this so often that it became easy to insert it as she dressed, her lips were always swollen and the thick base of her dick was the only thing between them. “Ready” she said as she laid back on the bed, I got close as I watched the dick slowly slip out of her hole until it finally popped free, the heavy foreskin hung over half the head of her dick as I grasp it in my hand. I held it up as I watched her pussy lips, sure enough her cum from all day long began to seep out of her.

I didn't even have to ask her as I leaned close and clamped my mouth to her pussy and began sucking out all her cum,I could hear her moaning as I ate her pussy and slowly jerked her dick, “Oh god Dean, I have waited all day for this”. When I was finished I quickly went to her dick and plunged my mouth over it and drove it into my throat, I felt her hands on my head as her hips started to fuck my face. Within a minute I was getting a load of cum straight down into my belly, “Dean my baby, I love you so so much” I heard her say as I slipped her spent cock from my lips. I wasn't even standing up yet as Dani had my zipper open and my cock in her mouth, she truely loved to suck and fuck me, it was almost like she couldn't get enough of me at times. When I emptied my balls into her throat we heard a sound outside, quickly we cleaned up and dressed when we heard the back door open. Mom was home now and Dani went to her room, I laid on my bed paging through my school books when mom appeared at my door, I looked up, “Hey mom” I said, “Where's your sister” she asked, “In her room I guess” I replied, “You wait here, we need to talk” she said then she went to get Dani”

That was an hour ago and we argued almost all the time in my room, good thing dad was on a business trip because he probably would have thrown us out. “MOM STOP...THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO NOW. WE LOVE EACH OTHER AND NOBODY EVEN YOU CAN STOP THIS” Dani yelled as she held my arm tightly, “YOU LISTEN TO ME YOUNG LADY...” mom yelled back as she tried to approach Dani but I stepped between her and mom, “STOP...STOP IT NOW MOM” I yelled, mom stopped and stepped back a little with a frightened look on her face. “Mom...just get over it, we are not going to change. Dani and I have a special relationship here, you tried to separate us years ago and that only made us attracted to each other more strongly. So you know, who cares. So you see your kids having sex, who cares, and who cares the most, US. Did you ever think it is for the best, at least she isn't with some abusive guy, someone who wouldn't love her like I do, did you ever think of it this way” I told her. Mom looked between me and Dani as she began to cry, “My babies aren't babies anymore. I just wanted you to be happier” she cried, “Mom we are happier. This is one thing we both want the most. To love each other more then just siblings” I told her, Dani released my arm and went to mom, “Mom please understand, I love Dean with all my heart. For years I have been mistreated by others in school because I was different, but my brother didn't see me that way. In fact he was the most understanding, even more then you. I confided with him many things of me, I think because we are twins he uderstood. But that is in the past, today is now and we are mates for life no matter what you may say” she told mom.

Mom looked into Dani's eyes then she looked at me, “Yes, yes I can see the true love in your eyes. It is something that only a person who has fallen in love before can see”, mom held Dani's hand saying, “Baby, just make sure this is the man you want to share your life with”. Dani looked over at me and had a huge smile on her face, “Mom, Dean is my man for life. I love him most of all and I wish for him to be my husband” she said as she just stared into my eyes. My heart was pounding hard as looked between mom and Dani, then I said, “Mom, I am asking for Dani's hand in marriage. I would like to spend my whole life with my twin sister, my best friend and my only love in my life”. Mom blurted out and started to cry, “Oh my babies, yes if your heart is that strong for each other how can I hold you apart. Yes you may have your sister, and yes you may have your brother. Be husband and wife, have each other, love each other, but mostly be happy” she said as she pulled Dani to me and placed her hand in mine.

It took a long time for dad to except the fact Dani and I were in love, he said he knew we were having sex but we don't think he was telling the truth. When we turned nineteen dad surprised us but having the house fixed up to allow us to be together all the time, he had taken down the wall between our rooms and bought us a queen sized bed, Dani and I were able lay together when we wanted. It was a few more years later when dad had passed away and mom was alone, we tried to stay close to her and include her in our daily routine but she seemed to regress herself to her room many of the nights. I came home from work one day and found Dani and mom sitting at the table talking, as soon as I came in they stopped. “Oh no you don't, we do not keep any secrets in this house. Remember that's what dad would want, so if you have something your hiding you better share it now” I said.

Dani was the one who spoke up, “Dean honey, I want to ask a favor of you” she said, “What is it Dani” I said. Dani got up and walked around to stand behind mom, as she held her shoulders she said, “I would like you to help mom in bed, she needs a man, and since you are the man of the house I have asked her if she agreed to this that I would ask you”. I was a little stunned that she was asking me to have sex with mom, I looked at Dani and she just mouthed the word please to me.

“Mom...is that what you want also” I asked, she didn't even look up from the table when she replied to me, “Yes Dean I do” she said, I looked up at Dani, “Was this your idea” I asked, she held mom's shoulders saying, “Yes it was. I know what it's like to not have that special person, you showed that to me. Mom needs you honey, I know it” she explained. I came to the table and sat down across from mom, reaching across the table I took mom's hand in mine, “Mom, if you think you really want to try this I am willing to help you. I'm just afraid that you won't be pleased with me compared to dad” I told her softly, she looked up at me and I saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “My son, I would have never in my life thought I would be asking you to have sex with me. Dani and I talked about how I have been feeling and this is the only way for me to feel like a woman again, do you think you could ever love an old lady like me” she said, “Oh mom, your not that old. I always thought you were a good looking mom anyways” I told her.

Mom began to cry even harder, Dani knelt down next to her for comfort, “Mom, we are here to help you. Let's just try this out and you can make up your own mind” she told mom, mom looked over at Dani saying, “Ok honey, let's at least try I guess”.

I stood up and held my hand out to mom, “Come with me mom” I said, she took my hand and we walked slowly to my room, Dani followed close behind as we entered the room. “I just don't know how to start this” she said, I came right up to her and held her waist, “Mom, just stand here, I will make this as easy as possible for you” I told her. Dani sat down on the bed as I began to undress my mom, first I slowly unbuttoned her shirt and took it off her arms, she stood shaking with only her bra on. When I reached around her back to unhook her bra she covered her tits, “Mom, relax please” I said, she slowly lowered her arms to her sides as I pulled her bra off uncovering her tits. She stood half naked now as I saw goose pimples raising on her skin, her nipples puckered up on each breast, “See, that wasn't that bad” I told her as I unbuttoned her slacks and began to push them over her round ass, “I don't know if I can do this” she suddenly said as she tried to move away, “MOM, STOP” I said a little loudly, “We can stop if you really want to, but I think you need this more then you think” .

She looked at me and stopped moving, I pushed her slacks off to her feet, she stepped out of them, I hooked her panties and pushed them off her bottom allowing them to fall to her feet. Mom stepped out of them and was totally naked now as I stood up in front of her, she never moved as she watched me undress in front of her. When I was naked as she was I held my hand out to her, she slowly took it and I led her to the bed.

Dani stood as mom laid down, I stood over her and suddenly realized I was looking at my mom naked on my bed, I looked at Dani then back at mom and I saw the likeness between the two of them. “Mom I must say this, you are just a beautiful as my Dani, now I know where she got her beauty” I said, I could see mom blushing as I laid next to her. “Now just relax and I will help you feel much better” I said. When I touched her skin she jumped a little, but when I began to lightly kiss her neck and shoulder she seemed to relax. I slowly made my way over one of her tits and I licked her hard nipple making her gasp, when I closed my lips around it and sucked on it I could feel her body shaking but then she seemed to totally relax, her hand came to the back of my head as I nursed on her nipple.

I reached down and slowly ran my fingers along her thigh until I reached her hairy pussy, very lightly I rubbed her pussy when I felt her thighs open allowing me to search deeper within. I found her lips parted already, my finger found her hole and it was wet, I inserted a finger inside her and slowly pushed it in her, “Oh Dean” she moaned out. We played together for a long time when I stopped and got up on my knees next to her, my dick was hard and pointing straight at her, mom moved and came closer to it and slowly started to lick the head that was sticking out from the foreskin. Suddenly she opened her mouth and took the head inside and began sucking me, this felt very good but also strange that it was mom doing it, I looked over at Dani who was by now naked as we were, her dick was hard also and she was pushing her fingers inside her own pussy as she watched us. “Mom, get on your hands and knees please” I asked, she took my dick out of her mouth and rolled to her side as she rose up on her hands and knees.

For a fifty year old mom she still had a nice body, sure she had some fat hanging here and there but for the most she looked beautiful with her white ass sticking out and those heavy tits swinging under her chest, I came up behind her and said, “Ok mom, I will take it easy first since it's been a long time”, and I inserted the head between her hairy lips and pushed sinking half my cock in her. Mom moaned out as she lowered her upper body to the bed as I held her hips and pulled out, again I pushed and went a little deeper making mom moan again, “Ok mom, here it comes” I said as I pulled out all the way then pushed my whole cock into her feeling the head spread her cervix open as I entered her womb, “OH GOD DEAN YOUR DEEPER THEN YOUR FATHER EVER HAS BEEN” she yelled out as I saw her fingers grip the sheets. I held her hips tightly as I began to fuck her slowly at first but within a minute I was really pounding her pussy. Mom was moaning and moaning as I felt her pussy gripping my cock, then she yelled out, “OH GOD, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING”.

Mom came so many times that I lost count as I continued to fuck her, then it was my turn. I was just about to release my cum deep in her and my mind stopped me, “Mom, I am about to cum, do you want me to pull out” I asked her, “NO...NO...I WANT YOU TO CUM IN ME. I WANT TO FEEL IT ALL INSIDE ME” she said as she pushed back to make sure my cock was in her womb when I did cum. I held her spongy hips as I pushed into her, the feeling of my cock surrounded by moms pussy was incredible, the warmth, the vibrations and now my cock returning the feelings. I felt it expand inside her, suddenly her head popped up off the pillow just as I came, surge after surge began to happen as I filled moms pussy for the first time. “IT'S HAPPENEING MOM, IT'S HAPPENNG” I yelled as I continued to cum in her, I glanced over at Dani who was leaning against the wall with there fingers deep in her pussy and she was jerking her cock hard, I had a sudden idea and waved to her to come to me.

I began to fuck mom again as I came and she lowered her head to the pillow as she moaned out while she came with me, “YOUR STILL CUMING IN ME, ANDYOUR HARD STILL, THIS IS FANTASTIC” she moaned, just then I slowly pulled out of her and moved aside and pointed to Dani, “NO PUT IT BACK IN ME” mom yelled as she pushed her ass towards me, Dani looked at mom then me. It happened so quick that she didn't even know Dani was in her now, “OH GOD YES, FUCK MOMMY BABY, FUCK ME GOOD AND HARD” mom yelled as Dani took hold of moms hips and began to fuck her. I moved behind Dani and lowered my cock to her pussy and when she moved back I inserted it in her hole, now not only was mom getting fucked but I was fucking my sister. Dani was experiencing both sensesations as she fucked mom and approached her orgasm quickly while I fucked her pussy and started to bring her to orgasm even faster.

“YOUR COCK IS WONDERFUL” mom said, “Thanks mom” Dani said, mom's head came up quickly as she turned to see her naked daughter behind her fucking her hole, “WHAT...YOUR....THAT'S A COCK...OH MY GOD....DEAN WAS...WAS...OH.OHHHHHH.OHHHH GODDDDDDDD” mom started to yell but when she started to cum she just dropped her head and took Dani's cock like she did mine. I had wrapped my arm around Dani's waist as I fucked her hard and the timing was perfect, each time she pulled out I went in, pretty soon she was moaning and leaning her head against me, I kissed her lips when I felt her pussy grip me and I knew she was going to explode at any time. Mom was still moaning from her orgasm when Dani suddenly yelped out and slammed into mom, when her cock started to pulse so did her pussy, I jammed my cock int her pussy and came with her as we all experienced a multiple cumming session together.

Dani locked her lips to mine as she tried to drive her tongue deeper into my mouth, I raised my hand to her tits and squeezed them pinching the nipples hard, never did she release moms hips. Finally when mom went silent we broke the kiss, Dani stared into my eyes and I knew we were going to live like this from now on, mom had both me and Dani to make love to. I slowly pulled my soft dick from Dani and sat back watching my sister and my mom, as my cum seeped from Dani's hole she slowly removed her semi hard dick from moms hairy pussy, the hair was all matted with cum as the head slipped free and her dick dropped in front of her. “My god, my hermaphrodite daughter just fucked me, and I loved it as much as when I had incest with my son. What have I become” mom whispered.

I rolled over to lay next to mom, she opened her eyes seeing me inches from her face, “You came in me” she said, “Yep, so did Dani” I told her, “You let her do this didn't you” she said, “Yep, I let her, because if you enjoyed me then I knew you would love her also. Are you mad” I asked. Mom smiled first then shook her head no, “I'm not mad, a little shocked that I enjoyed having both of you cum inside me, but not mad. Maybe next time we face each other” she told me, then she looked over at Dani who was sitting back with her cum covered dick laying along her thigh and resting on the bed, “And you young lady, I will expect you to do the same”. “Really mom, you still would like me to do this again” Dani said with excitement, “Why yes honey. I never knew it would be like this. I always tried to make you a girl all the time, but your...your...” she tried to say, “It's a dick mom, just say it” Dani said, “Ok, your dick is amazing, and from what you and Dean just did for me I will expect this more often, it's the way for me to stay sane, can you two understand that” mom said.

I raised my hand to one of her bare tits and began stroking it, “Mom, we both love you and would do anything to help you. I think I was afraid Dani would feel neglected if I spent time with you without her. By her having sex with you we all know that whenever we need each other one of us will be there” I told her, “You better stop that, that's how your father always gets me started” mom said, “Ok, I'll stop” I said, “YOU BETTER NOT YOUNG MAN” she said loudly, then she reached her hand out towards Dani saying, “This time I want to taste my daughter, and feel her by me”, then she looked at me, “If that's ok with you Dean, I don't want to put you off” mom said, “No mom, go ahead, either way one of your pussies will be vacant and I have just the thing to fill it” I told mom as I looked down at my hard cock, “Oh my” was all mom said. Dani crawled towards us and slipped between me and mom, “Is this ok mom” she asked mom, “Oh yes honey. It feels funny to feel your titties touching mine, and that wonderful dick of your, I just need to see it closer” mom told Dani as she rose up and crawled down to her hard cock laying across her thigh, “I must feel this, taste it, have it inside me” mom began to ramble a she lifted her cock up and started to lick the whole thing.

I lay behind Dani as mom sucked her cock, “Dean fuck me please” she said softly, I stuck my cock between her soft ass cheeks finding her pussy and pushed it inside her while mom sucked her whole cock down her throat. “OH MY GOD, THIS FEELING IS OUT OF THIS WORLD. TO HAVE MY LOVE MAKING LOVE TO ME AND MY MOM SUCKING ME AT THE SAME TIME IS...I...ISSSSSSS OOHHHHH GODDDD” Dani yelled out but then she started to cum instantly. Mom choked on the sudden load she was receiving from Dani while I felt her pussy clenching my cock hard. I pumped her pussy faster and faster until finally I slammed into her and unloaded my cum deep inside her hole.

Mom was holding her throat down onto Dani's cock swallowing all her sweet cum, I could see her throat pulsing and I knew she was taking Dani's cum with ease. “Dani, I think mom likes you as much as I do” I said in her ear, she looked back over her shoulder at me, “I love you Dean, thank you for showing me that I am also part of this family where I can be helpful also” she said, “Now just remember you are my one and only love, there will be no fighting on who sleeps with who” I told her, “Yes my love, yes” she replied.

That night we spent it in bed all together, mom, Dani and I made passionate love to each other many times. When morning came I was woken to someone sucking on my cock, as I opened my eyes I saw mom bent over me giving me a wonderful blowjob while Dani pounded her pussy from behind. Without removing my cock from her mouth moms eyes looked up at me, her lips were pressed to the base of my cock and with each thrust from Dani it was like I was fucking her throat. My balls got tight and I reached down to hold moms head as my cock swelled in her throat, “Here's a morning gift to my mother” I said just as I came, Dani was really going at it in moms pussy when she suddenly pushed hard and held still, I could see the expression of relief on her face as her cock pumped moms womb full of cum, “OH GOD MOM, YOUR PUSSY FEELS WONDERFUL” Dani yelled out.

It has been a few years since we came together and became a whole family, mom never dated or even tried to find someone to fill dads shoes, but why would she when she had two big cocks at home for her to have every time she needed one.

We are in our twenties now, Dani and I shared a special moment together when she found out she was carrying my child, Mom was excited to become a grand mother, and we celebrated with an evening of love making. Dani has become the love I never knew I could have, she is like that missing part in everyone's life that showed up and filled that space. Our love for each other has grown stronger with each passing hour and I would not change one thing about it. My mom has become very close to us both, she shares all her thoughts and feelings with us, she even has become a little sex starved woman that kind of surprised us both.

As I finish this journal mom is sucking on my cock, Dani is laying underneath her making love to her pussy and my other hand is wrapped around Dani's hard cock. I set my pen down and say, “Ok girls, I want to suck my babies cock first while mom rides me”, we switch and soon I am plunging my throat down on Dani's hard cock while mom is bouncing up and down on my cock. Oh to have two cocks now, to be able to fuck both at the same time would be magic, but I will be happy with what I have at this moment.

The End
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