Samantha's Seduction


This will be an initial installment to see how it's received.

Chapter 1: Sex At Seven

She couldn’t remember when the obsession began. If she let her mind explore the trail of incidents and discoveries, it seemed to meander ever farther back. It occurred to her, though, that she was preoccupied with the intentional, intensely explicit things she had done. There were more subtle things, moments of curiosity, and she could see how earlier experiences had influenced the present. She had the thought that it would be extremely multi-orgasmic to experience every penetration she had ever taken one after the other without stopping. Well, three or four at once would be better she mused.
She was sitting in her recliner wearing only a bathrobe with a mug of herb tea and honey. Leaning the recliner back she nestled the hot mug between her legs, instantly aware of the warmth penetrating the robe. She could feel the flush of arousal generated through her vulva. Such things never failed to result in her labia becoming moist and softly parted, and she wondered if the mug would fit inside her. Being all too familiar with her libidinous patterns, she loosened the robe. Although not thinking of anything specific, she knew she would put something inside her and making herself accessible had become second nature. She pulled the mug tightly against her crotch and slowly shifted it side-to-side, parting herself slightly more. Then on sudden impulse she tipped the mug, dribbling hot tea on the robe until it soaked through and she felt the wet heat of it on her clit. Another tip and she could feel the tea slipping between her lips and trickling down to her vaginal opening.
Somewhere in her mind a memory was stirred of a similar experience.
It was when she first became aware of her genitals as anything other than just an area of her body, and what she always considered her first sexual experience. She was 7 years old and getting ready to take a bath. Stepping into the tub she had not looked down, so when she eased down into the tepid water to sit, the arm of her little brother’s toy soldier ruptured her hymen and penetrated deeply and instantly into her vagina. For a moment she just sat still, aware of the sensation of fullness and not sure what she should do. Finally, with much apprehension, she looked down, between her legs. Fortunately, the blood from her rupturing hymen had been diluted fairly quickly by the water in the tub. Not seeing the blood, she didn’t think she had been injured. Other than the very slight pressure she felt where the soldier’s arm entered her, she didn’t fully understand what had happened and actually didn’t realize that something was stuck in her. She could see the soldier’s torso between her thighs and lying cross-wise on the bottom of the tub just in front of her pelvis. Her upper thighs were resting on his head and across his legs, and she noticed that one arm disappeared underneath her. She recalled that this was the arm with an upraised fist, and later she would always associate a “kung-fu grip” with her cervix. It would also inspire her later to experience “fisting”, which she would develop a particular fondness for.
In the present moment she realized that she did need to do something. She pulled herself to a squatting position and tentatively raised herself, but kept her legs apart and her eyes fixed on the toy soldier. When she saw that it stayed with her, rising as she did, she gently eased back down. As she had risen she did feel the soldier’s arm moving inside her and withdrawing a little. As she sat back down she could feel the arm push back into her, and was a little perplexed that it was not an unpleasant feeling. She was jolted however by a thought of her mother. Her Mom could come into the bathroom any time, so she had to do something. It wasn’t exactly a conscious thought, but in some way she was afraid her Mom would be upset with her. So, she raised herself again, more aware this time of the sensation of the soldier’s arm sliding out of her. She didn’t think too long about it though, because the soldier’s arm stopped, which puzzled and scared her a little. She didn’t understand that the clenched fist was being held inside her by her vaginal opening’s natural constriction. She could see that the soldier was suspended in the water underneath her and kind of floating around with her movements and the movements of the water. She felt oddly pleased by the gyrating, rotating motion this produced in the soldier’s fist just inside her vagina. Anxiety taking precedence, however, she reached down with one hand and took hold of the soldier. With a firm, quick tug she pulled his fist out of her. There was a brief pressure, but not really pain.
She sat back down and for a moment was mesmerized with the toy soldier. Her hand was clasped around him at the hips, and for some unfathomable reason she noticed that the tip of her middle finger was resting on his crotch. Then her eyes scanned up his body and fixed on his arm……the arm that had been inside her. She had had a basic understanding that there was a space inside her there, but hadn’t given it a second thought before now. Staring at the arm, she considered that she wouldn’t have thought the space in her was that big. But then she really had no clue what was supposed to go in there. She wondered if she should tell her Mom, but again she was afraid she would get in trouble for it, and, since there didn’t seem to be any harm done she decided to just let it go. She opened the tub drain and got out, wrapping a towel around her. She held onto the soldier and headed to her room, and, passing her brother’s room she prepared to toss the soldier into it, but paused a second to gaze at the arm again. She thought once more how it had felt inside her, moving inside her. It would prove to be a thought that would return many times and not only in the distant future.
Now her awareness returned to the present and to the familiar sensation of a growing hollowness between her legs. Her mug and the tea were cool now and she set it aside. As her hand left its grasp on the mug it described an arc straight to her pelvis. She cupped it briefly over her whole crotch through the robe, pulling it tight to her. Then she slipped her hand into the robe and began to gently massage herself. She felt the moisture from between her lips and, flexing her middle finger, with a single top-to-bottom motion she parted her lips, then lodged her fingertip just within the “funnel” to her vagina. She enjoyed the feeling of it resting there for a moment, and began vibrating her finger from side to side. As the sphincter muscle relaxed, she slowly sank her finger into herself as far as it would go. Withdrawing, she inserted two fingers, then three. She worked these in and out and after a half-dozen strokes her whole hand was wet.
Her glazing eyes started searching for something bigger.
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