Taken by goat demons


(Sorry for my Englisch btw)

It only has been hours since my own father Sold me to a strange, dirty man. We live in a village were most of the people are very poor and desperate. Many whore houses are everywhere in town not even trying to hide the facts that most of the city is just for people to fuck and then leave. Due to many travelers cross the town and because our King won't take care of us we used the visitors who often were travelling a long time and wouldn't mind a pretty girl offering her holes to get fucked. Most of the people in town are females and the little males who didn't left are controlling there whores, collecting most of the money and inpregnate there wives and mistresses for more future whores. And so did my father. He has four children, all female. My two older sisters are already one of the most popular whores in the town and even tho my little sister is only 16 she also is very beautiful, sweet and obiedient. I myself are not too ugly myself but beside my sisters I look hideous. My pussy is throbbing and calling for some hard cock but I am way too shy and scared for These big Male dicks. My father and I a fighting for years because I refuse to let men take my v-card. So when a traveler said he wanted me as his slave my father didn't hesitate to sell me for a low price because I was only causing trouble. So they bound my wrists together ripped a piece of my dress and the man trew me on the horse with him and since then I am here in the middle of the forest, at night. I nervously look around. We are far from my hometown and the thought of this mans dick rapping me is terrifing. I move on the horse trying to escape and suddenly I fall to the ground. I don't think too much about it and start running straight into the forrest. The Man is calling after me but his horse can't get into the thight growning forest. I run as fast as I can my dress gets ripped so I end up with only a few pieces of clothing on me. After some minutes I stop to Catch a breath. The moon is shinning through the trees giving me a bit of light so I can Hardly see anything. I breath heavyly closing my eyes exsausted. But when I hear a loud cracking Sound I quickly open my eyes afraid that the strange man found me. But Was I saw was way more terrifing. A pair of yellow eyes stare at me from the shadows. My whole body stands still as I see another pair appear and two creatures emerging from the darkness. I finally know who is in front of me. We call them goat demons. They look like small goats but even tho they are still animals they are a bit more inteligent than an average goat. They can say a few words, walk on two feet and can think more than an animal. But they are still beasts and animals so I stay alarmed. They both slightly sniff at me looking at my body. Just then I notice there cocks are both fully hard. The light Pink dicks with some Red veins on them are thicker than a average goat ones. The slightly bigger demon has also a bigger dick I guess about 14cm and the other one has about 10cm. There hungry eyes roam my nude shivering petite body as there very long tounge hangs out of there months. "Whore". One of them growls and my Panik rises as I finally realise there animalic brain wants to breed and there inteligent Part of there brains wants to pleasure themselfs with me. I could feel my pussy getting wet and throbbing begging to get fucked but my fear is to big so I start running again. But only after a few steps I trip and fall on the floor. My hands are still tied behind my bag so I only get my legs up laying on the floor in doggy Position. Footsteps are walking over the cold dirt and before I could get up one of the goats sits on my face his cock hanging over my forehead his harry hands holding my waist. I scream as the other one is standing behind me his hands on my ass and his cock Slips in my wet pussy. I moan as tears stream over my face but then I realise it dosen't hurt as much as I always imagined it. It was thick so it was stretching me out but it wasn't as long as the human ones so i only feel pleasure as the goat starts rappidly fucking my pussy taking my v-card. I moan in pleasure feeling him slowing down and going fast again spontainusly so I know These aren't expierienced they just want to pleasure themself and my thight can't was perfect for this. The demon is moaning and gasping the whole time his hands grabbing my ass cheeks thight when he finally cum in me his warm cum Falling my slutty hole. I fully accept my face at this point even more I enjoy finally getting used feeling like the slut my father wanted me to be all These years. I move my head a little so the cock of the other goat demon on me reaches my mouth. I gently start to suck it his saltly taste on my tounge. But suddenly I feel the other goat jumping on my back his cock still wet from my pussy juice Slips in my ass. I moan loudly the other cock still in my mouth as the fucks my thight ass. Meanwhile the cum drips a little bit out of my pussy. The warm cock in my ass is pounding me recless the weight of the goat is Pressing on my body as I fully give myself to them. And while the pleasure and unknown feeling of getting fucked overwhealms me stuffes the other goat demons his cock deeper in my mouth making me gag. He yells out loudly as he cums in my mouth filling it with bitter and salty tasting cum. I try to Catch a breath but the goat isn't moving away dosen't matter how much I fight so I feel myself passing out the same time the other goat cums in my mouth.
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