Our vacation part four
Gary Hall
They emerged from the bedroom about thirty minutes later; Max came over to me and asked if I was okay?
I told him that I was great and asked him why he asked me that question?
“Because of what Sophie said,” he replied.
“Oh, you mean about you shooting all over her body?” I answered, “Of course I am okay bud. Enjoy her, enjoy her body, I don’t mind what you both do.”
“Thanks man,” he replied, “I like you and wouldn’t want to do anything to upset that.”
I hugged him and told him not to worry and to continue enjoying my beautiful wife.
Sophie came and sat on the couch with me while Max made more coffee, she smelled all clean now. I asked her if she had fun in the bedroom.
“Yes we did,” she answered, “I found out that he has a little kink.”
I looked puzzled and asked what she meant.
“When he cum all over me,” she continued, “He told me to rub his cum into my skin, he wanted my body covered in his cum.”
“He wanted me to rub his cum into my pussy, then he wanted to lick my pussy,” she explained, “That’s why I wanted to kiss you after he had just cum in my mouth.”
“I see,” I smiled.
“I thought, if he can taste his own cum from my pussy,” she went on, “Why don’t you taste it as well.”
“Well, I did.” I replied.
“He has so much cum when he shoots,” Sophie disclosed, “I’ve never seen so much cum.”
I smiled.
“I’m glad that you told him that you’re okay with us being naughty,” Sophie said, “I actually told him to look at me as his wife while we’re here and not as your wife.”
“Okay,” I replied.
“That way, he can freely kiss me and touch me whenever he wants to, without worrying about what you may say,” she said, “Hope that makes sense to you?”
“It does, I think.”
“So, if he comes and puts his hands down the front of my dress or tee shirt and plays with my boobs, it won’t be a shock to you,” Sophie said, “I told him to treat me as his wife.”
“He likes your boobs, doesn’t he?” I asked.
“Gary, he likes every part of my body!” my wife replied.
Max brought us both a cup of coffee and sat on the love seat.
Sophie whispered to me, “Do you mind if I go and sit with him?”
“No, I don’t mind.”
She went and joined Max on the love seat, her dress that was already short in length, rose up a little as she sat down. I moved slightly to see if I could see up her dress and hopefully see her string or at least the color of it.
She saw what I was doing and asked, “Are you trying to look up the front of my dress?”
I smiled.
“Gary, don’t. Please don’t,” she said harshly.
I looked like a little kid that had been busted for doing something mischievous.
Max went to the bathroom and kissed her as he got off the love seat.
“Gary, please don’t try to look up my dress,” Sophie said, “I don’t want you to see.”
“Did that embarrass you then?” I asked.
“Yes it did,” she answered, “I told you, what’s under this dress is out of bounds to you while we’re here babe. Please understand that.”
“I know, it belongs to Max, doesn’t it?” I said in a cheeky tone.
“Yes it does,” she answered in a seductive way, “Only he gets to see and touch what’s under my dress, you wanted it, now you have to deal with it.”
“I did and I am honey,” I replied, “And, I’m good with it all.”
Max rejoined us and suggested that we drive into town and visit some of the attractions, and eat out.
We rode into town, Sophie sat in the front with Max and I took the back seat again. We ate at a restaurant in a tourist section of town then, we went to a place called The Island, it has lots of fun things to do there, and they have a Ferris wheel and lots of white knuckle rides to go on.
The biggest thrill of all for me was watching my wife and Max walk hand in hand as we explored this part of town. Sometimes, she would clutch his arm and snuggle with him as we walked. They would kiss occasionally when we stopped to look at something. The warm breeze blew through her wavy brunette hair as we walked, it looked like they were the couple and I was the third person in the party. It was very erotic for me to witness.
I am not a white knuckle lover, I prefer my feet to be firmly on the ground so, when Max suggested a ride on the Ferris wheel, I declined but insisted that they ride it together.
When the ride finished, I was waiting about thirty yards from the exit. As they got off, he gave her a huge kiss and, as per normal now, he held her ass as there tongues entwined together.
We sat and ate an ice cream before heading to the next attraction. This time though, as we walked; Max had his arm around her back, I stopped briefly to put some trash in the trash can, they continued on. I was a few feet behind them and Max had his hand on her ass as they walked.
We got to the shopping mall, Max said to Sophie, “Come in here with me, I want to buy you an anniversary gift.”
It was a lingerie store! We went to go inside and Sophie stopped me.
She looked at me and said, “Could you wait out here, I don’t want you to see what he’s buying me.”
“Oh, for his eyes only I guess,” I said in a cheeky tone.
“You guessed it,” my wife replied and quickly kissed my lips.
I peered through the window but, couldn’t see what they were buying. Twenty minutes later, they emerged with Max carrying a large paper carry bag; I could see a box inside it with a shiny red bow wrapped around it.
I asked,” For Max’s eyes only?”
“You guessed it,” Sophie replied and kissed my lips again before taking hold of his hand again.
Max smiled as I said, “Will I ever get to see your new lingerie sets that you bought or even what Max just bought you?”
Sophie looked at me and smiled, “No babe, you’ll never see me in them or even see them in my lingerie drawer, they are for my lover’s eyes only.”
I took this moment to take things further by saying, “Your lover? You haven’t gone all the way yet, how can you call Max your lover if, you have only had oral sex?”
My wife turned to me and said, “We have not gone all the way yet, that’s true but, that will change tomorrow night. Max will be consummating our fourth wedding anniversary for you tomorrow night. Then I can definitely call him, my lover! “
Her words almost made me cum right there in the middle of the shopping mall. Max blushed and looked at me with a worried expression on his face. I knew that I had to calm him down.
“So, tomorrow night, you will officially become an unfaithful wife?” I joked.
“Yes I will,” Sophie said, “When Max makes love to me on our wedding anniversary,” she went on, “When he fucks me tomorrow night, I will be an unfaithful wife to you.”
Max, still a little shocked by Sophie’s words said, “I can take the couch tomorrow night so you and Gary can sleep together on your wedding anniversary night, I don’t mind.”
Sophie was feeling horny, I believe and replied, “Don’t you want to fuck me and make love to me then?”
“Of course I do!” Max answered, “I just thought that you’d like to be with Gary tomorrow night.”
“Well, I don’t,” Sophie explained, “I want you to fuck me tomorrow night, I want to spend my anniversary night in bed with you. Making love with you and fucking you like crazy!”
Her tone was a little loud and I told her that other shoppers could hear her.
“I don’t care,” she said, “I want the world to know that tomorrow night I am going to make love with my lover!”
She grabbed Max’s head and kissed him deeply, very deeply then said, “Would you like that?”
“Oh yes please,” Max replied and looked at me for reassurance.
“Tomorrow night’s going to be a big night for you then bud,” I joked.”
Max smiled.
We got back to the apartment around nine-thirty; Max opened a bottle of wine and sat on the love seat next to my wife. The whole day was very erotic for me and my dick had risen so many times during the day that, it was a little painful, I needed to cum desperately.
I needed them to go to bed so that I could jack myself off while listening to them in the bedroom.
“It’s been a wonderful day, hasn’t it?” Sophie declared as she kissed Max.
“It has,” I replied but, I’m getting tired now.”
“Okay, we’ll go to bed then,” Max said, Sophie didn’t need anymore encouragement than that!
Max took the wine glasses to the kitchen and I scrambled into bed, as usual, I was only wearing my shorts and, the tell tale signs of a leaking dick were prominent as I got in-between the covers.
Sophie squatted down to kiss me good-night and tell me how much she loved me, I tried to look up her dress again as she squatted in front of me but, she held her dress together tightly!
“Are you going to let him fuck you tonight?” I whispered.
“No, we are going to save that until tomorrow night, our anniversary night,” she whispered back, “Tonight, we are only going to have oral sex again.”
I wanted to be teased so, I asked, “Do you want us to have sex tomorrow as it’s our wedding anniversary babe?” I was hoping she would say, “No.”
She didn’t disappoint, she whispered, “No Gary, I want Max to fuck me tomorrow night, I want him to consummate our anniversary by not only fucking me but, I want him to make love to me tomorrow night as well,” she continued, “Is that okay with you?”
“Yes Sophie, it’s perfect with me,” I replied, “I was hoping that you would say something like that.”
She kissed me deeply, her tongue tasted of wine and she whispered, “Good because, after tomorrow night, he will be fucking me every day while we’re here.”
I pushed my luck and asked, “Could I see your sexy underwear tomorrow as it’s our special day?”
She got really close to my ear and whispered, “No, you will never see that, how do you like being my cuckold husband while we are here?”
I felt strangely horny at her words and replied, “Honey, I love it!”
“Good,” she whispered, “we may give you a little surprise tomorrow night, if you are a good boy.”
“A surprise, what surprise?” I asked.
“Wait and see,” my wife replied.
Max returned from the kitchen and they walked hand in hand to their bedroom. I listened and heard the all too familiar sounds of them enjoying each other’s naked bodies. Sophie seemed to be louder than previous nights. I could clearly hear her scream that she was climaxing numerous times and, Max even shouted when he was about to cum. Within three minutes I had shot my load into the palm of my hand, I licked it clean as I did the previous night.
I awoke around eight o’ clock and made coffee and waited until I heard them talking before I poured their coffee. I couldn’t wait to see my wife in bed with Max again, for some strange reason; seeing her in bed with him and knowing that they are both naked under the sheets, gave me a weird and erotic sensation. The fact that I wasn’t allowed to see her nude made it even more erotic, almost like he was the alpha male.
I knocked and waited for permission to enter, Sophie was lying on her back and Max, was snuggled close to her naked body. She had made sure that the cover was covering her boobs as she did before. As I got close to their bed, again I saw movement around her breast area, the cover was moving and I assumed that he was fondling her boobs again.
“Happy anniversary honey,” I said as I reached the bed. I was holding both cups of coffee in one hand and I was about to lose me grip on them.
“Grab the coffee, it’s slipping out of my hand,” I said,” It’s going to spill.”
Immediately, Sophie sat upward to grab the cups and the cover fell downwards, exposing a large amount of her naked, right breast.
“Oh shit,” she cried, realizing that I could see a lot of her breast. Max quickly covered her boob with his hand; his arm was already protecting her left breast from my peering eyes.
“Close your eyes,” she shouted, “close them tightly until I get covered up.”
To my dismay, I did close my eyes and kept them closed until she told me that it was safe to open them.
She was covered up when I opened my eyes and she asked in an alarming tone,” Did you see anything?”
“No, only a little piece of your flesh,” I answered, “I never saw your nipple or anything.”
“Thank God for that,” she replied.
“Would it have been that bad if I did see your nipple then?” I asked.
“Yes it would have,” Sophie answered, “You know it would have embarrassed me.”
“Happy Anniversary,” Max said and Sophie, kissed him.
“Happy anniversary Gary,” she said to me, “You have made my life wonderful, thank you.”
I leaned in and kissed her.
“And now, after tonight, I will be an unfaithful wife to you,” my wife continued, “I hope that you will still love and want me after I make love with Max tonight.”
“Of course I will,” I said and kissed her again, “I don’t care how many times you and Max fuck each other, I will always love and want you.”
“Thank you,” she smiled and I saw a tear fall from her eyes, “I really do love you Gary.”
I left them to shower and dress, as usual; I listened at the door.
“I can’t wait till tonight,” Max said, “I really get to fuck you.”
“Neither can I,” Sophie replied, “And, after tonight, you’ll fuck me whenever you wish.”
I also couldn’t wait until tonight, I had dreamed of this day ever since we started planning our trip, now, it was finally going to happen; my wife would have another man’s dick inside her!
It went quiet and I assumed they were showering, about fifteen minutes later, I heard them again.
I heard a lot of sighs before Max shouted that he was going to cum.
“Let me cum over your tits,” Max said, “Then, put your bra on, I want your tits to be covered in my cum all day long.”
“Sure,” Sophie replied.
I heard him cum and my fife said, “You want my bra on now, so your cum stays on my boobs?”
“Yes please, if you don’t mind your tits being soaked in my cum all day long,” Max replied.
“I want that too,” she replied.
I told him that I was great and asked him why he asked me that question?
“Because of what Sophie said,” he replied.
“Oh, you mean about you shooting all over her body?” I answered, “Of course I am okay bud. Enjoy her, enjoy her body, I don’t mind what you both do.”
“Thanks man,” he replied, “I like you and wouldn’t want to do anything to upset that.”
I hugged him and told him not to worry and to continue enjoying my beautiful wife.
Sophie came and sat on the couch with me while Max made more coffee, she smelled all clean now. I asked her if she had fun in the bedroom.
“Yes we did,” she answered, “I found out that he has a little kink.”
I looked puzzled and asked what she meant.
“When he cum all over me,” she continued, “He told me to rub his cum into my skin, he wanted my body covered in his cum.”
“He wanted me to rub his cum into my pussy, then he wanted to lick my pussy,” she explained, “That’s why I wanted to kiss you after he had just cum in my mouth.”
“I see,” I smiled.
“I thought, if he can taste his own cum from my pussy,” she went on, “Why don’t you taste it as well.”
“Well, I did.” I replied.
“He has so much cum when he shoots,” Sophie disclosed, “I’ve never seen so much cum.”
I smiled.
“I’m glad that you told him that you’re okay with us being naughty,” Sophie said, “I actually told him to look at me as his wife while we’re here and not as your wife.”
“Okay,” I replied.
“That way, he can freely kiss me and touch me whenever he wants to, without worrying about what you may say,” she said, “Hope that makes sense to you?”
“It does, I think.”
“So, if he comes and puts his hands down the front of my dress or tee shirt and plays with my boobs, it won’t be a shock to you,” Sophie said, “I told him to treat me as his wife.”
“He likes your boobs, doesn’t he?” I asked.
“Gary, he likes every part of my body!” my wife replied.
Max brought us both a cup of coffee and sat on the love seat.
Sophie whispered to me, “Do you mind if I go and sit with him?”
“No, I don’t mind.”
She went and joined Max on the love seat, her dress that was already short in length, rose up a little as she sat down. I moved slightly to see if I could see up her dress and hopefully see her string or at least the color of it.
She saw what I was doing and asked, “Are you trying to look up the front of my dress?”
I smiled.
“Gary, don’t. Please don’t,” she said harshly.
I looked like a little kid that had been busted for doing something mischievous.
Max went to the bathroom and kissed her as he got off the love seat.
“Gary, please don’t try to look up my dress,” Sophie said, “I don’t want you to see.”
“Did that embarrass you then?” I asked.
“Yes it did,” she answered, “I told you, what’s under this dress is out of bounds to you while we’re here babe. Please understand that.”
“I know, it belongs to Max, doesn’t it?” I said in a cheeky tone.
“Yes it does,” she answered in a seductive way, “Only he gets to see and touch what’s under my dress, you wanted it, now you have to deal with it.”
“I did and I am honey,” I replied, “And, I’m good with it all.”
Max rejoined us and suggested that we drive into town and visit some of the attractions, and eat out.
We rode into town, Sophie sat in the front with Max and I took the back seat again. We ate at a restaurant in a tourist section of town then, we went to a place called The Island, it has lots of fun things to do there, and they have a Ferris wheel and lots of white knuckle rides to go on.
The biggest thrill of all for me was watching my wife and Max walk hand in hand as we explored this part of town. Sometimes, she would clutch his arm and snuggle with him as we walked. They would kiss occasionally when we stopped to look at something. The warm breeze blew through her wavy brunette hair as we walked, it looked like they were the couple and I was the third person in the party. It was very erotic for me to witness.
I am not a white knuckle lover, I prefer my feet to be firmly on the ground so, when Max suggested a ride on the Ferris wheel, I declined but insisted that they ride it together.
When the ride finished, I was waiting about thirty yards from the exit. As they got off, he gave her a huge kiss and, as per normal now, he held her ass as there tongues entwined together.
We sat and ate an ice cream before heading to the next attraction. This time though, as we walked; Max had his arm around her back, I stopped briefly to put some trash in the trash can, they continued on. I was a few feet behind them and Max had his hand on her ass as they walked.
We got to the shopping mall, Max said to Sophie, “Come in here with me, I want to buy you an anniversary gift.”
It was a lingerie store! We went to go inside and Sophie stopped me.
She looked at me and said, “Could you wait out here, I don’t want you to see what he’s buying me.”
“Oh, for his eyes only I guess,” I said in a cheeky tone.
“You guessed it,” my wife replied and quickly kissed my lips.
I peered through the window but, couldn’t see what they were buying. Twenty minutes later, they emerged with Max carrying a large paper carry bag; I could see a box inside it with a shiny red bow wrapped around it.
I asked,” For Max’s eyes only?”
“You guessed it,” Sophie replied and kissed my lips again before taking hold of his hand again.
Max smiled as I said, “Will I ever get to see your new lingerie sets that you bought or even what Max just bought you?”
Sophie looked at me and smiled, “No babe, you’ll never see me in them or even see them in my lingerie drawer, they are for my lover’s eyes only.”
I took this moment to take things further by saying, “Your lover? You haven’t gone all the way yet, how can you call Max your lover if, you have only had oral sex?”
My wife turned to me and said, “We have not gone all the way yet, that’s true but, that will change tomorrow night. Max will be consummating our fourth wedding anniversary for you tomorrow night. Then I can definitely call him, my lover! “
Her words almost made me cum right there in the middle of the shopping mall. Max blushed and looked at me with a worried expression on his face. I knew that I had to calm him down.
“So, tomorrow night, you will officially become an unfaithful wife?” I joked.
“Yes I will,” Sophie said, “When Max makes love to me on our wedding anniversary,” she went on, “When he fucks me tomorrow night, I will be an unfaithful wife to you.”
Max, still a little shocked by Sophie’s words said, “I can take the couch tomorrow night so you and Gary can sleep together on your wedding anniversary night, I don’t mind.”
Sophie was feeling horny, I believe and replied, “Don’t you want to fuck me and make love to me then?”
“Of course I do!” Max answered, “I just thought that you’d like to be with Gary tomorrow night.”
“Well, I don’t,” Sophie explained, “I want you to fuck me tomorrow night, I want to spend my anniversary night in bed with you. Making love with you and fucking you like crazy!”
Her tone was a little loud and I told her that other shoppers could hear her.
“I don’t care,” she said, “I want the world to know that tomorrow night I am going to make love with my lover!”
She grabbed Max’s head and kissed him deeply, very deeply then said, “Would you like that?”
“Oh yes please,” Max replied and looked at me for reassurance.
“Tomorrow night’s going to be a big night for you then bud,” I joked.”
Max smiled.
We got back to the apartment around nine-thirty; Max opened a bottle of wine and sat on the love seat next to my wife. The whole day was very erotic for me and my dick had risen so many times during the day that, it was a little painful, I needed to cum desperately.
I needed them to go to bed so that I could jack myself off while listening to them in the bedroom.
“It’s been a wonderful day, hasn’t it?” Sophie declared as she kissed Max.
“It has,” I replied but, I’m getting tired now.”
“Okay, we’ll go to bed then,” Max said, Sophie didn’t need anymore encouragement than that!
Max took the wine glasses to the kitchen and I scrambled into bed, as usual, I was only wearing my shorts and, the tell tale signs of a leaking dick were prominent as I got in-between the covers.
Sophie squatted down to kiss me good-night and tell me how much she loved me, I tried to look up her dress again as she squatted in front of me but, she held her dress together tightly!
“Are you going to let him fuck you tonight?” I whispered.
“No, we are going to save that until tomorrow night, our anniversary night,” she whispered back, “Tonight, we are only going to have oral sex again.”
I wanted to be teased so, I asked, “Do you want us to have sex tomorrow as it’s our wedding anniversary babe?” I was hoping she would say, “No.”
She didn’t disappoint, she whispered, “No Gary, I want Max to fuck me tomorrow night, I want him to consummate our anniversary by not only fucking me but, I want him to make love to me tomorrow night as well,” she continued, “Is that okay with you?”
“Yes Sophie, it’s perfect with me,” I replied, “I was hoping that you would say something like that.”
She kissed me deeply, her tongue tasted of wine and she whispered, “Good because, after tomorrow night, he will be fucking me every day while we’re here.”
I pushed my luck and asked, “Could I see your sexy underwear tomorrow as it’s our special day?”
She got really close to my ear and whispered, “No, you will never see that, how do you like being my cuckold husband while we are here?”
I felt strangely horny at her words and replied, “Honey, I love it!”
“Good,” she whispered, “we may give you a little surprise tomorrow night, if you are a good boy.”
“A surprise, what surprise?” I asked.
“Wait and see,” my wife replied.
Max returned from the kitchen and they walked hand in hand to their bedroom. I listened and heard the all too familiar sounds of them enjoying each other’s naked bodies. Sophie seemed to be louder than previous nights. I could clearly hear her scream that she was climaxing numerous times and, Max even shouted when he was about to cum. Within three minutes I had shot my load into the palm of my hand, I licked it clean as I did the previous night.
I awoke around eight o’ clock and made coffee and waited until I heard them talking before I poured their coffee. I couldn’t wait to see my wife in bed with Max again, for some strange reason; seeing her in bed with him and knowing that they are both naked under the sheets, gave me a weird and erotic sensation. The fact that I wasn’t allowed to see her nude made it even more erotic, almost like he was the alpha male.
I knocked and waited for permission to enter, Sophie was lying on her back and Max, was snuggled close to her naked body. She had made sure that the cover was covering her boobs as she did before. As I got close to their bed, again I saw movement around her breast area, the cover was moving and I assumed that he was fondling her boobs again.
“Happy anniversary honey,” I said as I reached the bed. I was holding both cups of coffee in one hand and I was about to lose me grip on them.
“Grab the coffee, it’s slipping out of my hand,” I said,” It’s going to spill.”
Immediately, Sophie sat upward to grab the cups and the cover fell downwards, exposing a large amount of her naked, right breast.
“Oh shit,” she cried, realizing that I could see a lot of her breast. Max quickly covered her boob with his hand; his arm was already protecting her left breast from my peering eyes.
“Close your eyes,” she shouted, “close them tightly until I get covered up.”
To my dismay, I did close my eyes and kept them closed until she told me that it was safe to open them.
She was covered up when I opened my eyes and she asked in an alarming tone,” Did you see anything?”
“No, only a little piece of your flesh,” I answered, “I never saw your nipple or anything.”
“Thank God for that,” she replied.
“Would it have been that bad if I did see your nipple then?” I asked.
“Yes it would have,” Sophie answered, “You know it would have embarrassed me.”
“Happy Anniversary,” Max said and Sophie, kissed him.
“Happy anniversary Gary,” she said to me, “You have made my life wonderful, thank you.”
I leaned in and kissed her.
“And now, after tonight, I will be an unfaithful wife to you,” my wife continued, “I hope that you will still love and want me after I make love with Max tonight.”
“Of course I will,” I said and kissed her again, “I don’t care how many times you and Max fuck each other, I will always love and want you.”
“Thank you,” she smiled and I saw a tear fall from her eyes, “I really do love you Gary.”
I left them to shower and dress, as usual; I listened at the door.
“I can’t wait till tonight,” Max said, “I really get to fuck you.”
“Neither can I,” Sophie replied, “And, after tonight, you’ll fuck me whenever you wish.”
I also couldn’t wait until tonight, I had dreamed of this day ever since we started planning our trip, now, it was finally going to happen; my wife would have another man’s dick inside her!
It went quiet and I assumed they were showering, about fifteen minutes later, I heard them again.
I heard a lot of sighs before Max shouted that he was going to cum.
“Let me cum over your tits,” Max said, “Then, put your bra on, I want your tits to be covered in my cum all day long.”
“Sure,” Sophie replied.
I heard him cum and my fife said, “You want my bra on now, so your cum stays on my boobs?”
“Yes please, if you don’t mind your tits being soaked in my cum all day long,” Max replied.
“I want that too,” she replied.
Continue to read from the same author
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Our vacation part five
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