The Promise
I'm Gerald now 35 doing very well in my career, back when I was 13. My next door neighbor and friend Lacey then also 13 and hung out together a lot. Lacy had self esteem issues and was convinced that she would never marry. I told her that if she hadn't found a husband by the time she was 35 I would marry her if I could. I forgot it over time, but it was written down and I kept it in my treasure box. A old shoe box I had my keepsakes in, I had moved away and I was going thru mu treasure box and found the promise note. I had always kept in contact with Lacey thru letters and emails and now Facebook. So I decided to return to my old home town to see her. I knew she was still single, but as we didn't discuss our love life. I wasn't sure if she had a partner or at least a lover. So I return home last month and met up with Lacey, she had changed a lot since I lasted saw her at 16. She was a late bloomer and had filled out nicely, gone was the bracers and skinny girl with thick glasses. Replaced with an attractive woman, who wore contacts and gave men boners as she walked past. I arrived unannounced and turn up at her family's business where she worked to surprise her. I got more of a surprise then she did, she was stunning and hadn't realised that she had changed so much. We had lunch together to go over old times. The next day she took the day off work and we drove around town looking at old stamping grounds. Nothing had changed that much and I asked How she was doing and that kind of thing. Then I showed her the promise note and she said That she remembered it and she was going to remind me on her birthday and see what my reaction was. But I had returned a month earlier, So I asked What do you want to do about it. She replied You will have to marry me, I said Okay and then kissed her. She spent the night with me and every night till I returned to work. She was serious about marrying me and we're getting married next month, a week after her 35th birthday. We're marrying in our old home town and then moving back to the city for my work.
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