Special delivery


Hi my name is Vicky and since the time I was a young teen I was a very hyper sexual girl and I was told it is because I have a very huge clitoris and it rubbed on my panties and kept me aroused all day and night until I was naked and then I was playing with it. So anyway one Saturday morning I saw a car in my driveway and heard a knock on the door and my husband opened the door and the man told him he had a special delivery and needed a signature so he signed it. I asked what it is and he said he’s got no idea. He opened it and there’s a dvd with a message written on the paper case and an envelope with the note on it saying it should be read after viewing the dvd. I asked him who is it from. He said he’s got no idea but said he wanted to see what on the dvd first. He told me to sit down while he played the video and he sat next to me on the couch and he hit the button on the remote and the video played.
The first thing I saw was the barn and the memories came back to the time of my youth and the woman who lived down the street from me and I was her submissive perverted toy and she degraded me. I grabbed the remote and turned off the video and told my husband that I have a lot of explaining to do and I asked him not to be mad at me because I was young and stupid when this happened and I think he was going to have a lot of questions about it but knowing how perverted he is he was going to really enjoy seeing it. I told him I remember where and when the video was from but I said he should watch it first and as it is showing it I will narrated it as it played. His first question was who’s doing the video and I said the security cameras were recording the outside of the barn. He asked why was the barn so important and had to be videotaped. I told him Vicky’s grandpa owned a breeding kennel for hunting dogs he asked what kind of dogs did he have. I told him they were beagles and a few German short hair pointers and I told him that all the dogs were studs and people would bring their bitch dogs and his dogs would breed them. I asked him if he wanted to see the rest of the video because it was the most perverted nasty degrading things I did and I didn’t want him to be upset with what he was about to see. I asked him not to turn the video on just because I needed to tell him something first.
I told him about a month before the video I was put on a bench in the barn and Vicky was having the old men in the neighborhood to come to the barn and for 20 dollars they could use my holes to blow their loads in. She did this every Friday night and again on Sunday morning. Each time I was in the barn there were more men and it got to be more like a gangbang and she was making around 3 to 4 hundred when she put me in the barn. He asked me if that was what the video was about. I told him no I didn’t think so he asked if I had any idea what this video is. I told him I think I do but before he sees it I have to tell him something that started the whole thing. I asked him if he could get me a glass of whiskey and a glass of water because my mouth was dry and I needed the help of whiskey to say what I was going to tell him. He got up and he said it must be something very perverted because I needed a whiskey to tell him he kinda waited for me to give him an answer and I said yes I think I was put in a very perverted perverted situation and he said he can’t wait to hear about it. He gave me the water and I drank the whole glass so I could drink the whiskey and I swallowed it all in two gulps I told him I am ready and he sat back and gave me his full attention. I told him I would be feeling very euphoric about telling him he said he loved me and loves when I get euphoric. So I started with when one of the old men told her that she could make a lot more money if she had me do a show and she could charge more for admission to see the show. He asked what kind of show was he talking about. I swallowed really hard and looked at him and mustered up the courage and told him I heard him telling her to make me a submissive kennel queen and be used as a bitch for the dogs to get my holes used in front of an audience and she asked how many dogs did he think I could do and how much time would be needed for them to use me. He asked how many dogs were in the kennel she told him 6 beagles and 3 pointers could be used for my show. He told her he thinks it’s going to take about an hour or so for each dog. She said that’s a whole day and she said she’s going have to get her grandpa out of the house for a whole day to get it to happen and he told her she should have them go on a cruise or some kind of a vacation for a few days. I told my husband the man said he would help her set it up if he didn’t have to pay for his admission to see the show and she told him okay but first she asked if the barn was big enough for the show and to seat all the people and how many people did he think would be there. He said he didn’t think the barn was big enough for the show and the audience but he said the location of the barn was very private and secluded from anybody and he told her he thinks she could do an outside show behind the barn inside the dog walk area where the dogs are fenced in and she can tie me to a low bench and the dogs can fuck me senseless. Vicky asked him if he has a bench for her to use. He told her he could make it for her but he would need me for measurements.
I told my husband I am very euphoric and I said he should watch the video. So he turned it on and he saw all of the audience in the back of the kennel waiting for the show to begin. The man Vicky was talking to helping her set up my show is in front of an audience of about 25 people both men and women and the first thing he said was that they were not to tell anyone anything about what they were about to see because it’s a very illegal activity and he was going to put more shows on so he didn’t want to get in any trouble for this. He then introduced them to the dogs that he said would be dumping their loads in my hot wet holes and Vicky was pushing the bench out of the barn and in the fenced area and he asked her to put up close to the audience so they had a great view of the dogs using me. My husband asked me how euphoric i was when the video was made. I told him they could’ve had me do anything they wanted to see me do. He watched the whole video and he told me to open the envelope and read it to him.
I opened it and it started with hello to my husband and it hopes he enjoyed the video and it went on to say something about a propersition for him that will make him a very wealthy man if he accepted the proposition. My husband asked me to get to the offer. I looked ahead and when I saw what the letter said I didn’t want to tell my husband what they wanted. He told me to tell him. Ok I said but being so euphoric from the video and I felt a river running down my legs. I went on reading and it said from the video that was shown to an old friend of his who loved it and wanted to make an offer to me and the first thing it said was the offer was in the mid 6 figures. My husband eyes are wide open and he grabbed the letter and he said what did they want me to do for mid 6 figures I said I didn’t know. He was reading the letter and when he saw what they wanted me to do. He asked me if I could do something like what he saw on the video but a little more extreme and I told him I might be able to if I was more euphoric and I asked him what they wanted me to do. He turned the letter over and said that they would like to see me being put in with a few of his chimps and his chimps would be fucking me to the point where I have to be carried out. I would be there for a weekend and an audience will be there to see me do it. I read that I had to give my answer and I needed to be there next weekend and I would be paid half before the show and the balance after I’m done. I asked my husband what he thought about it and he asked me if I can handle that and do I want to do anything like that. I asked him if the video got him excited and would he like to see me getting used by a group of chimps he said it might be interesting to see me getting used like that and he said that’s a lot of money for us. So I told him I wanted to ask them a few questions before it happened and I saw a contact number for giving my answer and I saw that it was a local number and called it. A mans voice answered and I gave my name and asked who he was and he told me his name and I asked if he was the man who helped Vicky with my show and he told me to come to the address he gave me and I said I’m coming with my husband he said he didn’t care if he wanted to be there and I said I’ll be there in an hour. I told my husband that I’v never been as wet as I am and he better get a towel for me to sit on in the car because I didn’t want to ruin the seat with my pussy juice and he asked me if the chimps were turning me on i told him I think I I’m going to have my brains fucked out of me like never before and when I think of him watching them doing me like they are running a train on me makes me feel very euphoric and I told him that he knows how to make me euphoric i asked him if he could do everything he can to get me as euphoric as he could so that I’ll do anything I’m told. He said he will and he will really enjoy seeing me and all the chimps. He looked at me and said he’s glad I asked him for the towel because it looked like i pissed myself and he told me to drink some water because he didn’t want me to get dehydrated because after he hears my conversation he’s going to fuck me as soon as we leave the place where we talked with him. I looked at the huge bulge in his pants and he said that it is painful and he has a huge load for me. My husband has a very big penis he is about 10 to 12 inches depending on the situation I put him in and the situation i have him in right now is the hardest he’s ever been in and I asked him if he wanted me to be as perverted nasty degrading myself for his entertainment he asked me if he said yes would it upset me because he never saw me be as perverted as I was on the video and what I’m going to do is the most perverted nasty degrading thing he ever thought he would see me do. So we arrived at the address and it was in an industrial park and it looked like a big warehouse type building with a sign telling us parking was in the rear of the building my husband laughed at the parking in the rear and said what else was in the rear. I saw that we were 15 minutes early and I told my husband i would suck him off to make him more comfortable he had his cock out and was pushing my head down on the head of his penis and he told me to put just the head in my mouth and suck while he jerked off in my mouth so the load of ball juice was in my mouth so he can see how big it was and he loves it when he sees me swallowing it. And before I did it I asked him if he wanted me to suck the guy we are meeting with i said if he wanted me to suck him off all he had to do is tell me to do it because it’ll let the guy know I’ll do anything my husband told me and my husband asked me what if there’s more men there. I said I’ll suck them all off if you want me to show them how big of a slut I am. He told me to put my mouth on his penis and a few strokes and he was blowing his load in my mouth and he said he wanted to see it but I couldn’t open my mouth to show him because his load was so big it almost spilled out and he told me to swallow everything and I needed to swallow half at a time because it was so big but I got it all down my throat and he told me I’m amazing and we walked to the door and knocked it.
The door opened and he told us to come in and he asked if he could show us around. He asked me if I remembered him and I said I did it was from the first time at the kennel and a few more times after that. I introduced him to my husband and he asked him what he thought about the video he sent to my house my husband told him he did see it and he enjoyed it very much. Then he asked me what I thought about his offer and if I had done anything like that. I told him what he seen me do is all I’ve done. But I told him I’m very excited about what he wanted me for. I asked him what this place is used for because when he showed me around there was 3 big cages and around the cages were bleachers type seating. He said that they were for the animals when they were doing work at the different places that were like a zoo and the animals had to be held in a safe place so the work could be done . So this weekend work on the chimps pen needs to be done and the chimps would be moved to here for safety and he wanted me to be there on Friday afternoon if I agreed to do it. He told me he’s got a video of the chimps and it shows what they do when they have a female chimp to use. The female chimp had to be put in a different place so the males didn’t have access to her during the day when people were at the park because all they would see is a chimp gangbang all day and it’s not good for the kids to see. So I asked what happened to the female chimp he told me she got to old to be used like that and he said he thinks the female chimp was fucked to death but he wasn’t sure he told me if I spend the weekend with the chimps he thinks not only will be fucked senseless but I won’t be able to walk or sit down because all my holes are going to really be used as a cum dump and he wanted me to see the video he had and he said he will answer any questions and he will be truthful with his answers and he turned the video on and he said that chimp name is Johnny and he called him Johnny wad because of the amount of his load and he told me to just watch the video I’m not going to believe my eyes. As I watched it I saw the chimp walking towards the camera and I saw his penis swinging back and forth and it looked really hard and about 5 to 6 inches long and fat and was dripping wet and I said he has a nice looking penis and I saw a huge set of balls hanging very low and looked very full of monkey cream and I licked my lips and he saw me and he asked me if I swallowed loads like I did with the dogs and I told him I love getting as much as possible and I told him that I swallowed about 3 or 4 times the amount that he saw me swallow in the past. He said that’s good because chimps are like humans and they like to get sucked off and they don’t care if the one doing the sucking is male or female as long as they suck and this one loves it when his loads are swallowed by the look on his face. I asked him if he knew the size of the load he blew. He said about it half a pint give or take and he can get hard again in 15 minutes and go back in one of my holes but he said not to worry because while he’s resting in between one of the other chimps is going to use me and when the wad is ready he will be back on me and when he’s done another chimp has his turn on me and they will alternate after the alpha all day and night until they have enough of me and they rest for a few hours and then they’re back to my holes and they do it all over again. So I asked him what I have to do to earn that amount of money and he said that it’s going to be a 3 time thing I would have to do and it will be done in 3 weekends and my holes are really going to be very loose when I’m done and he said he hopes my husband knows that I’m going to be gaping for a while. I told him my husband has a very big dick and he didn’t care about the size of my holes and he told me that. He asked me if he liked to see me being used as entertainment and he asked me if I wanted to suck him off and I told him that he’s got to ask my husband and if he says yes I’ll suck him and his 3 friends that are there. Then I heard a horn at the door and he said he had a surprise for me and got up and opened the big door and a truck backed in and up to one of the cages and then I saw a chimp jump out and into the cage and then the truck pulled out and the man who drove the truck came back and closed the door. He asked the driver what he told them about taking the chimp here he said they needed him to make sure that he’s comfortable being there and he will get him back with the other chimps and he asked if I was the one that he talked about and he said I was. He said he didn’t need any pheromone spray with this chimp because he doesn’t need any help with being ready for a hot wet hole and he said just look at him and i saw him and his penis is hard and he was ready to use it and he asked me if I wanted to get my hole used by a chimp to see if it’s something that I’m interested in. Up to now my husband hasn’t said a word and I asked him if he wanted me to be put in with the chimp and he said that maybe I should try him before I make a commitment to them. So my husband told the two of them to take my clothes off and put me in with the chimp and see what he does with me. I asked him what was I going to be doing when I’m going to have an audience because I should be used the same way he was using me for their entertainment he said he’s going to put me on a bench and maybe have me tied down on the bench either on my back or my belly but my legs are going to be tied so I’m spread as far open as possible so we can see his cock fucking me to the big chimp slut and begging for more chimp cock. My husband said is a very good idea. They stripped me very close to the cage so the chimp could see them do it and he told me that chimps don’t have big tits like mine and they saw how wet I was and he said it looked like I was in a pool because I was so wet and he told me to put my fingers in my hole to get it wet and put my fingers in front of the chimp and give him a good smell of my hole and see how it effected him. I put a couple in my hole and I put my fingers in his face and he took a smell and stuck his tongue out and gave my fingers a lick and when I felt his tongue I asked if he ever licked pussy because his tongue is long and felt a little rough and if he licked my hole he was going to make me crazy and I will let him do everything he wants to make me feel like a total slut for chimps. My husband told them to put me on my back and he said they should show the chimp how to use me and he said one of them should get sucked off and the other one would use my hole and my husband said the old saying monkey see monkey do the two men were more than happy to help with me being a submissive perverted toy for a chimp and one of them said the chimp hasn’t blown his load for several days and he’s going to blow my head off and he can’t wait to see the size of the load and hopefully I’m sucking him off when he blew it and I’m swallowing every drop of ball cream. As I’m being used by the two men the chimp is playing with my tits and pinching my nipples as if he has a new toy to play with he has a hand on each of them he was squeezing them and pulling on my nipples and they were getting bigger with each squeeze and then I heard them say something about him playing with my huge clitoris. He told the guy who was fucking me to push the bench so the chimp can get his hand on my clitoris and see what he does with that. I’m so incredibly euphoric and told them I wanted the chimp to play with me and they said they didn’t know if the chimp ever seen a huge clitoris like mine and maybe his curiosity will make him play with it and make me a crazy woman and I’ll want to have all of the chimps in the cage with me and they can all use my holes anyway they want and maybe I won’t want to be taken out of the cage and just let them use me for a few weeks. When I was in reaching distance for the chimp he immediately had a hand on my clitoris and was pinching it and pulling on it and after a minute or two I heard him saying it is getting bigger and fatter and he suggested that I should be pumped up for the weekend and my husband said yes to them and it’s a very good idea to get my clitoris as big as possible. I was going out of my mind hearing the nasty things they were going to do to me and I had my first and my strongest orgasm ever and I felt him blowing his load in my hole and then I felt the first rope in my mouth and I pushed his penis in my throat and I felt it hitting my belly and he said he hopes the chimp was watching him and understood what he saw him doing when he blew his load down my throat because he wanted to see me suck and swallow every drop of chimp cream and when he took his dick out of my mouth I told him that I’m going to show him how to get him in my throat and he said to look at the chimp and he said he was ready for me his penis is hard and throbbing so they open the cage and rolled the bench I’m on into the cage and he said to the chimp I’m all his to use as he wished. As soon as the cage was closed I felt him feeling me all over and when he got to my clitoris he was using both hands to squeeze and pull on it making me go crazy. Then I heard my husband talking to me as nasty as he could saying that the chimp has 3 fingers in my hole and I was wiggling my butt for the chimp and I have a very big puddle of pussy juice on the bench and it about to drip off the bench and then he was telling me he really loved watching me being a submissive perverted cum dump and my husband is going to tell them they can have me and use me for whatever they want for their entertainment. Then I heard my husband say to take a look at the chimp he’s got 3 fingers in my hole when he said that I felt my eyes roll back in my head and I felt him put in another finger in and my body started to shake on the bench I felt like I was being picked up by his fingers and my head is a rocket and I felt like I was floating in space and I felt another mind blowing orgasm coming on and everything went black I think I passed out for a few minutes and when I came to and opened my eyes I was being fucked by the chimp and he was pulling on my clitoris as he pounded my hole and I heard my husband asking me if I liked chimp dick and I almost couldn’t get a word out of my mouth but he saw me and knew what frame of mind I was in and he told me if the chimp kept pulling on my clitoris I’m going to look like I have a penis and I won’t need them to pump it up. When I could get a few words out I said that I never been fucked like this before and I asked if they could have a couple more chimps for me today and then I told them they can have me from today if they want and they wanted me to tell them if I was interested in different animals and I had another orgasm. Then the chimp slowed down humping and the man I had sucked off is standing close to the cage trying to show him to put his penis in my mouth and then I saw my husband and he had a banana in his hand and holding it like it was a penis and the man got on his knees and made it look like he was sucking on it and it took a couple of minutes and the chimp got the idea of what they were doing and then the chimp pulled out of my hole and he was at my face and guiding it to my mouth and i opened up for his cock and i wanted it in my throat. He just pushed it down my throat with one big thrust and his huge balls were hitting my nose and I’m smelling the other chimps he had his penis in and his odor was making me feel like a sex crazed whore and then i felt him swelling in my throat and he was blowing his load straight down my throat and he was filling my belly up with the biggest and thickest load I ever felt going down my throat fuck it had to be a good pint of spunk and when he was done he just stood there in my mouth and was pulling my clitoris as he was enjoying the feeling his cock in my mouth so I sucked him clean and he went to his bed to take a break and the men were standing next to me and they wanted to know if I had a good time. My husband said it was amazing to see him finger my hole and he was hoping to see him try to get his fist in me and maybe he would fist fuck my hole and I asked if that was possible for the chimp to do to me they said anything is possible. I was asked if I was serious about staying with them from today because they have been thinking about some things they wanted to try with me and my husband asked if they were going to pay me for my time and he said they would give me a thousand dollars a day to see if I could do it and my husband told him that I was theirs and I would tell them if they can or can’t do it.
I’m sorry about the length of my story and I hope you enjoyed it and I will make part two soon.
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