Money can bring you happiest
I've always been an awkward person I suppose, not good with girls or sports. I did well in my studies. I'm Gerald after finishing university and still a virgin, I started my career research, nothing flash. I had a one-bedroom apartment and it was basic. I couldn't approach women and so kept myself. But when I got asked if I would the night shift (dogwatch)at my work, I jumped at it. It was unsupervised and just monitoring the ongoing projects. I was also able to use the computer mainframe at the research facility, my predecessor play cards and other such things on it. It was allowed and helped pass the time, I wasn't into computer games and decided to try something else. I programed a predictive program into the computer and started trying to pick the lottery numbers. No success at first, then I got a second prize and smaller prizes started coming almost every draw. Then I finally cracked the big one, I was rich overnight and not a clue what I wanted to do with my windfall. It wasn't the biggest prize that year or the lowest. But it would be life-changing for me after I started receiving my prize. I start thinking about what I could do, I decided to buy my own place. I got a 3 bedroom apartment in a new building, I still work dogwatch and still played the lottery. Then I went home for a holiday and I hadn't told anyone about my win and surprised my parents by paying off their mortgage and their car loan. Say I was earning great money in my job, as the youngest of 3 and the only one to go to university. I added I got paid more for working all the nightshifts supervising research works in progress. It made it sound more important than it was. After returning to work I received a call from my mother Angela asking if my cousin Janice
23 could stay with me until she found a job and her own place. Janice is the daughter of Phillip (deceased) mother only sibling and the youngest of 4. She and her siblings and mine had always made fun of me as I was growing up. At first, I wasn't keen but I agreed because Angela had asked me. I expected her to stay a few weeks at most, Janice got a job almost straight away and found it hard to get her own place. She could have got a place easy enough, but those places the rats don't like in either. So worked during the day and I worked nights, we would go shopping together on the weekend and some of the people who worked at the same place as I thought she was my girlfriend. I didn't deny it or confirm it either. After about 6 or 7 weeks living together, Janice met Rhonda who works at the same research facility as me. Janice picked up straight away that Rhonda wanted to know about our relationship and mainly just nodded and not telling Rhonda anything at all. Janice asked me did I know I was being talked about at work and that everyone thought that she was my girlfriend. I just answered are they how weird, I'll tell them tomorrow you're my cousin. No, don't do that Janice replied, let's play along for a while. If that's what you want I said. The next weekend while grocery shopping, Janice asked to tell if anyone worked with me and she played up to like she was my girlfriend. That was how it went for about 3 months then I got the usual work Christmas party notice and wasn't intending to go as usual for me, Janice said I should go and she would come along with me, I said I don't like parties, I feel awkward and out of place. Janice said she would beside me all the time and I agreed to go. I could say Janice is the most beautiful there is, but she is average height, looks, and weight. I'm skinny 5'6", and wear glasses. The week before the party Janice got me clothes to wear to the party. Janice knew I was the only one who worked the dogwatch most the time and knew I wasn't the most gifted employee at the facility. But she wanted to enjoy herself at the party and we went, I wanted to stay in a corner. But Janice led me around meeting and talking to just about everyone there. All the time she was drinking and I had a few as well to steady my nerves. We finally headed home around 11 pm, much to my relief. On arriving home I made coffee and Janice went to the bathroom and then joined for a coffee. While talking about the fun she had at the party and my scared look most of the time there. She asked me straight out had I ever had sex with a woman, I replied no. Then shocking me asking with a man. No, I've never sex with anyone I replied, use your hand a lot was her reply. I nodded and hung my head down, then she said well it's time that changed and grabbing hand led me to my bed. I was in shock and she just stripped off all her clothes and then started undressing me. She took the lead and we had sex twice and again the morning, with her taking the lead. We started fucking regularly after that and when Janice lost her job due to the company going broke. She would sleep with all the time, Janice also decided to have a baby as another woman in our building had just had a baby. Janice became motherly I suppose and she stopped taking precautions and got pregnant. My baby girl Angela after my mother was born last month and Janice has changed her surname to mine. As far as anyone at the research facility knows we're married and our family are supportive.
23 could stay with me until she found a job and her own place. Janice is the daughter of Phillip (deceased) mother only sibling and the youngest of 4. She and her siblings and mine had always made fun of me as I was growing up. At first, I wasn't keen but I agreed because Angela had asked me. I expected her to stay a few weeks at most, Janice got a job almost straight away and found it hard to get her own place. She could have got a place easy enough, but those places the rats don't like in either. So worked during the day and I worked nights, we would go shopping together on the weekend and some of the people who worked at the same place as I thought she was my girlfriend. I didn't deny it or confirm it either. After about 6 or 7 weeks living together, Janice met Rhonda who works at the same research facility as me. Janice picked up straight away that Rhonda wanted to know about our relationship and mainly just nodded and not telling Rhonda anything at all. Janice asked me did I know I was being talked about at work and that everyone thought that she was my girlfriend. I just answered are they how weird, I'll tell them tomorrow you're my cousin. No, don't do that Janice replied, let's play along for a while. If that's what you want I said. The next weekend while grocery shopping, Janice asked to tell if anyone worked with me and she played up to like she was my girlfriend. That was how it went for about 3 months then I got the usual work Christmas party notice and wasn't intending to go as usual for me, Janice said I should go and she would come along with me, I said I don't like parties, I feel awkward and out of place. Janice said she would beside me all the time and I agreed to go. I could say Janice is the most beautiful there is, but she is average height, looks, and weight. I'm skinny 5'6", and wear glasses. The week before the party Janice got me clothes to wear to the party. Janice knew I was the only one who worked the dogwatch most the time and knew I wasn't the most gifted employee at the facility. But she wanted to enjoy herself at the party and we went, I wanted to stay in a corner. But Janice led me around meeting and talking to just about everyone there. All the time she was drinking and I had a few as well to steady my nerves. We finally headed home around 11 pm, much to my relief. On arriving home I made coffee and Janice went to the bathroom and then joined for a coffee. While talking about the fun she had at the party and my scared look most of the time there. She asked me straight out had I ever had sex with a woman, I replied no. Then shocking me asking with a man. No, I've never sex with anyone I replied, use your hand a lot was her reply. I nodded and hung my head down, then she said well it's time that changed and grabbing hand led me to my bed. I was in shock and she just stripped off all her clothes and then started undressing me. She took the lead and we had sex twice and again the morning, with her taking the lead. We started fucking regularly after that and when Janice lost her job due to the company going broke. She would sleep with all the time, Janice also decided to have a baby as another woman in our building had just had a baby. Janice became motherly I suppose and she stopped taking precautions and got pregnant. My baby girl Angela after my mother was born last month and Janice has changed her surname to mine. As far as anyone at the research facility knows we're married and our family are supportive.
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