Bank Holiday - Romance is not Dead


Sally my daughter 20 informed me that she was having friends over for the May Day bank holiday. How many I asked? Don’t know just some she said in her off handish way.
This was Saturday morning at 7:30 am. I know what you’re thinking 20 year old up before lunch but apparently she had been texting and phoning her friends all night to invite people. We I'm going away for a few days so you can manage you’re a grown woman now.
Yeah but what about the beer and food she said? When I plan a party I order it first and then invite people not the other ways round. What if nobody turns up and you have all that food and drink she said as if I did things the wrong way round? I love little sandwiches and crisps and cakes yummy. And I don't think beer, wines and spirits would have a chance to go off in this house do you? Any way I would take some food to the homeless.
Where are you going she asked? Anywhere there loads of cocks I replied. At your age you are such a fucking tramp Sally shouted. I am 38 and in the prime of my life, I had given birth to you at 17. I rest my case then, a fucking slag. Take that back of there will be not party and your allowance stops right now I said as clam as possible. Sorry about that is whore any better Sally said? Yes, at least it means I get paid for doing it I said and giggled. You’re not right in the head she said as she left the room.

Phoned two local supermarkets and ordered loads of food and wine. Then the off license and ordered £500 of drinks. I told them I would come and pay for it in an hour.
I when up stairs, showered and then dressed in baggy jeans and T shirt. I picked and black sleeveless dress and heels just in case I went for a meal. I put some lip gloss and basic make up in a bag along with my Opium perfume. I grabbed two packets of baby wipes just in case in didn't find a hotel or B and B.
I went into Sally's room. She was lying naked on the bed. I hope that's not you weekend outfit I said. Yes it is it matches yours she replied. I bet you have your best underwear on, invisible knickers and bra so you are ready to have sex. I'm not even answering that I said. And I have ordered food and drinks. The drinks will be here in a while; the food will be a few hours and there £100 for pizzas or curries. You do know how to order don't you I said? Funny Sally said and jumped off the bed and gave me a big kiss.
You’re the best mum in the whole wide world she said. Even with my invisible knickers I said?
Right I'm off to find some cock I said and Sally just groaned.

I got in my Range Rover and set off to who know where. I went into town and bought a tooth brush some mouth wash and several bottles of still water. Then I gave my inspiration, The Lakes. I set the sat nav to take me along A and B roads avoiding motorways. I thought I would head for Keswick then anywhere is within driving distance.
The sat nav said 5 hours so that was fine.
It was OK for a while but when I got near Preston traffic was heavy heading for the Fylde Coast and The Lakes. I decided to go into Preston and have a bite to eat.
I went to the new market hall and got a salad bowl and a bottle of iced tea. After I had eaten and visited the loo, I was ready to tackle the drive to Keswick. I had Goggle Maps on my tablet and sat nav too. 90 minutes later I had arrived in Sizergh on the A591. I stopped at the farm cafe for a rest. Traffic was heavy but moving so I ploughed on. The further I got into the Lake District the more it got congested. I followed the A6 to Penrith were I had anther break and a chance to look around the parish churn of St Andrews. It was now nearly 5 pm but at least I had avoided Windermere.
I gave the Rover a good drink of petrol, and drove to Keswick along the A66. At each stop I was trying to find somewhere to stay the night or maybe two. It was nearly 6:30 by the time I reached Keswick and the place was heaving with tourists.
Shit I thought so I looked on the map for some place to park up that wouldn't be busy, and then I remembered Bassenthwaite Lake. A nice area that was never busy and car parks dotted along the shoreline. Maybe a bit of skinny dipping I thought.
I got back on the A591 and travelled to Bassenthwaite, a small village with few shops and a pub. I needed the toilet so I pulled into the car pack and walked inside. It is a very old building low beam and things. I ordered slim line tonic water with just lemon and asked for the toilets. I returned to the bar and paid for my drink. I asked if there were any places to sleep in town. Sorry madam he said, you won't find anything at this time of the evening. Back of the car then I said, not like a bed but its good enough. He smiled and went to serve another customer.

A male voice said you are the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes on. Excuse I said to the guy stood next to me. You are the most beautiful creature... Yes I got that bit but it makes out to be something that has crawled from the lake. I don't want to cause any trouble but I think woman would have been more appropriate. Sorry he said but I was taken aback by your looks. I lent over and whispered in his ear, if you are trying to get into my knickers, I don't wear them and sat down at a table.
He picked up his pint and followed me, I didn't want this. I just wanted peace and quiet. May I he asked pointing at a chair? I shrugged and replied what ever.
He sat down and introduced himself as James. Gaynor I said in a sharp voice. We seem to have got off to a bad start he said. We, what's this fucking we I thought? I overheard you saying that you needed a place to rest your beautiful red hair tonight and I have a spare room you can use. God that was straight to the fucking point is. I'll be fine, I will sleep in my car, and I have a sleeping bag and things. By-laws around this area forbid caravans and campers from parking up overnight he informed me. I have a Range Rover so it will be fine I retorted. I was getting a bit pissed off with him now. There is no sleeping allowed in any vehicle on the highway in the Lakes. Any way the bedroom door has a lock on it and I will not bother you. I am just offering a solution to a damsel in distress. I had to admire his persistence and the thought of a bed instead of the car was tempting.
How far away is this house I asked? Just there he said pointing through the window to a cottage that looked like it should be on a chocolate box.
It looks so sweet I replied and James said deal then? I smiled and said yes if you’re sure it's no bother. Would you like to take your suitcases over and then we can do some serious drinking? Good idea I replied, I don't want to be dragging 6 suitcases after several pints of lager.

We stood up and James told Arthur the barman we would be 5 minutes. We walked to my car and I opened the rear door and leaned in to get my things. I could feel James looking at my ass and it felt nice. I was waiting for some comment from him but he stood there in silence. I collected my bag of bits and my dress and locked up the car. Is that it he asked? Yes why, I like to travel light.
We went to his cottage; he unlocked the door and indicated for me to enter. I stepped inside and we were in the lounge. It was small but cosy.
Let me show you to your room madam James said in the voice of a TV butler. We climbed the narrow staircase and we entered and small but tidy bedroom. It was decorated in white with a hint of greys and black. It had a small wardrobe and a three quarter sized bed. The window looked out onto gardens and a small stream. Perfect my good fellow I said and he bowed. I was beginning to like James.

Enough of the frivolities James said we are waste valuable drinking time. I kissed him on the cheek and carefully made my way downstairs. We crossed to the pub and James asked what I wanted to drink. Lager I replied and sat down. He brought the drinks over and asked if I would like a half glass to pout it into? I'm a woman not a wimp I said and took a long drink of the cold lager. Shit James said, I have never seen a woman drink over half a pint in one go. Got a lot of catching up to do I said and giggled.
I finished my drink and stood up, another I asked? No not yet he said and offered me some money to get myself another drink. Don't insult me by giving me money James I said, I am a woman of independent means. I bought two pints and sat down.

Several pints later I was feeling hungry and asked James if there was anywhere I could get some food? I'll ask Arthur but I doubt it. He can do you some chips James said. I gave him the thumbs up sign and went to the loo.
I came back and asked him if they were Weight Watchers chips? I don't know he said, I'll ask. I giggled. Only joking, just I need to watch my weight. I lifted me T shirt up so just and underside of my boobs was showing and pulled my stomach in. See look at all that fat I said stroking it with my right hand. Go on feel the fat. James shaking hand touched my skin and I pushed my stomach out as hard as possible I just relaxed and I was back to normal. I let my T shirt fall down but James kept his hand on my stomach just above the waistline on my jeans. I looked down at him and smiled, it was as though he had forgotten his hand was still there.
Arthur brought the chips and James quickly removed his had. He said he needed the toilet and stood up. I saw a lump in the front of his jeans. Hurry back I said the chips with gets cold and as he walked to the toilets I said don't waste any. I got a few dirty looks off some people. I pulled my tongue out and said fuck 'em under my breath.
I went to the bar and ordered two pints, two whiskies and four shots.
James sat down and asked if I was trying to get into his knickers? We both laughed and ate chips and drank. We chatted about all kinds of things. He asked me what fantasies I had. I said that I had done most things I wanted to do but on I needed to try was making love in a field while naked and the dawn chorus playing. He said his was having sex in a swimming pool or a lake with a beautiful woman.
I stared into his blue/grey eyes; there was a lot of love and passion behind them. He was very good looking what my fiends and I call eye candy or easy on the eye. I was starting to feel slightly moist between my legs.

He broke the spell when he asked if I was ready to go. Yes of course I replied. We drank up and said goodnight to Arthur and the people who were still there. The cool air hit us both and I felt slightly tipsy.
We linked arms and walked to James's cottage. He let me in first and I just stood in the lounge not knowing what was next.
James locked up and stood right in front of me. Thank you for a wonderful evening Gaynor, James said. No thank you kind sir I said and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips. He gulped and blushed. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a real kiss; his hands fell on my bottom so I moved close to him.
We kissed for several minutes then James said he had to be up early for church. OK I said. My jeans were getting damp now and I needed relief.
We broke off and I started up the stairs. James was right behind me, squeezing my bum cheeks and saying what a beautiful creature over and over.
I went into my bedroom but turned and asked for a goodnight kiss. James moved close to me so I grabbed his hands and placed on my breasts under my T shirt. Bedtime Gaynor very full day tomorrow. I will take you to see my partner Gavin. We run a bookshop in Windermere.
That wasn't fucking expected I though. He's fucking gay. What a fucking waste of a male body. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of gay friends and go to the Gay Village all the time.
I said sorry and went into the bedroom and closed the door. I stripped off and got into bed. I cried for ages before I fell asleep.

I was woken by James knocking on the door, I am going to church in 20 minutes, are you coming he asked? Yes just give me a moment I replied and jumped out of bed and pulled my jeans and T shirt on. God I feel like shit I said. You look like it James replied the creature from the black lagoon. Thank ever so much. You can use one of my shirts if you like he said and handed me a light blue one with white collar and cuffs. Think I'll get these in pointing to my breasts? Just button it to here he said, putting a finger just below my cleavage, that will give the old dears something to talk about.
Any deodorant I can use please? Lynx on the shelf and toothpaste he said
I went in the bathroom and did my toilet, then had a quick wash, brushed my teeth and sprayed lots of deodorant on myself and the crotch of my jeans. I pulled my jeans up and put the shirt on. It buttoned up to my cleavage but there was a lot of boob on display.
I came out and James said such a perfect creature. They will be a few heart attacks in church today James said with all that flesh on show.
Honestly I said and let my hair down so I fell over my boobs. Is that better I asked? No James said you look like a real sexpot now it’s a good job there is no strained glass windows in church. I didn't get that but my boobs were almost hidden now.
We went outside and there was a damp feel in the air. My car I said to him or will be soaked by the time we get there? It's only ten minutes walk James said. Yes ten minutes we don't have I reminded him.
We crossed and got into my car. Jesus James said this is huge, more like a bus or truck, I bet this cost a pretty penny? So I said as I started it up.
We cruised down to the church in minutes and I parked across the road because the car was too wide to fit through the gate.
It had started spitting now so we ran into the church. I was handed a hymn book and a book of Psalms. We found a pew halfway down the small church and I found the first hymn in my book from the numbers displayed on the board next to the chancel.

There were about 15 people in the congregation, mostly old women. The vicar was a lady and she did a great service and even mentioned a new member to the flock. I blushed.
The service ended and everybody chatted. I got a few complements off the few men there; the women were polite if a bit snooty that a semi naked hussy was in their church. I asked why the pipe organ was not in use. No body to play it since Sid died. May I, I asked? Of course Alice the vicar said, but it's not been tuned for ages.
I sat on the organ stool, it was dusty. I lifted the console cover up and pressed the blower switch, lots of hissing from wind leaks but no notes playing when the shouldn't Ciphers we call them.. I selected a couple of flute stops and started playing.
Everybody stopped talking and stood listening to the organ. There were two manual keyboards and a pedalboard, 12 speaking stops and three couplers. I lost track of time and played all kinds of things from Back to Joplin. After nearly an hour James came up and whispered that we had to go. Sorry I said and switched the blower off and closed the console lid.
I climbed off the stool to see everybody sat down listening to my impromptu concert. Sorry to have kept you but once I get going I lose all sense of time. You were wonderful Alice said and they all applauded.
Alice asked about the state of the organ and I said it OK, just a few minor faults. I said I would be willing at a later date to give it a full inspection at no cost to the church.
As I walked to the door a lady grabbed my hand and said my Sid played here for 40 years and he wasn't that good. I'm sure he was very good to play for 40 years I replied. You make such wonderful music for such a pretty thing she said. Thank you I said and kissed her cheek.

James and I got back in the car. Well that blew me away, is there no end to your surprises? You are such a mystery Gaynor and it makes me curious.
Bacon sandwiches for breakfast he asked? I'd love that and a nice strong cup of tea to go with it. What ever maestro want she can have James said. Really I replied in a mischievous tone. He looked at me and shook his head.

Have a shower if you want, I'll make breakfast. Leave your jeans and things outside the shower room door and I will wash them for you. OK I said and started to go upstairs. Gaynor, James shouted, the shower is out the back because it wouldn't fit in the bathroom. I knew that, I was just testing you I said and pulled my tongue out as I passed him. He get me a light slap on my butt and said the towel were in the cupboard just outside the room.
I went through the door and took a large bath towel and a smaller on for my hair.
It was a small wet room with a small sink and a mirror. I stripped of and placed the clothes outside, then got the shower going.
It was a wonderful power shower. I stood there letting the pin sharp spray fondle my body of some time, then I turned at let it tantalize my breasts and nipples. It was getting me aroused so much I need to release my sexual frustrations of last night.
I set the shower head to the thinnest setting and removed it from its cradle. I set the flow onto the most powerful setting and sprayed it on my neck and breasts. God it was so nice, it hurt a little but that was the point, sex must contain some pain. I slowly trained it down my body and onto my pussy mound. Yes I said fantastic as I slowly circled it over my lower body. I needed more.
I lent against the tiled wall and spread my legs. I let the spray play over my pussy crack, yes that's more like it I thought. I spread my pussy lips with my other hand and aimed the water right into my pussy. I could feel it squirting up into my vagina such was the power of the jet.
I was getting close to release so I started rubbing my pussy with the shower head. Fuck yes I shouted, I didn't care who heard me. If I could have the shower head would have gone inside me. I rubbed my clit with the little rubber nipples on the head until I climaxed. Fuck me I shouted as the wave of pleasure waved over me.
Far from satisfying me I wanted more. I turned the shower to cold and sprayed my body all over. It took my breathe away and Goosebumps covered my body but I had to masturbate with the head again. ,
The freezing cold water smashing against my pussy was very painful but also refreshing. I couldn't feel my pussy after a few minutes of this torture but I know I have a massive orgasm.
I switched the water off and stood shivering as the warm blood flowed back into the frozen parts of my body.
I put the head back in the cradle and stepped out of the shower. In the mirror my body had a pink glow and my pussy lips were very puffed and swollen.
I towel my hair dry and wrapped it like a turban. I patted my body dry so I didn't lose the tingle and wrapped the towel around me and left the shower room.

The smell of bacon and coffee hit my nose. James was sat at the table. Better now he asked? Much better thank you I said and sat at the table. He handed me a Plate of bacon sandwiches, crusty bread and local butter. The bacon was to die for, cooked to perfection. He pointed to the tea pot. Help yourself he said.
Gaynor when I picked up your clothes I couldn't find any panties? I shrugged and looked down. Girl Scout was we he said? Be prepared he said. Maybe I have hidden them so dirty old men can't sniff them I said in a sharp voice? I told you yesterday I didn't wear them or a bra for that matter, and no I wasn't in the girl scouts I just hate them.
After we had finished breakfast I said that I would get dressed so that he could introduce me to his partner.
I walked to the door between the kitchen and lounge and with my back to him; I let the towel fall from my body. I looked over my right should and pouted my lips, wiggled my ass and went upstairs.
After dabbing various parts of my body with perfume, I slipped into my Dior dress and applied red lip gloss. I grabbed my heels and went downstairs.
My hair was piled high on the back of my head. I asked James if he would zip me up.
He kissed me between my shoulder blades and ran a finger down my spine to the zipped at the top of my ass crack.
I turned and thanked him and gave him a peck on his cheek. We went to my car for the journey to Windermere.

The journey was uneventful apart for James constantly staring at my bare legs. How long are your legs he asked as we were stopped at traffic lights? They start at my ankles and go all the way up to my pussy and ass I replied. He went crimson and looked the other way. I don't know? Maybe you and your partner could measure them, one leg each.

We arrived and I parked in the car park across the street. I followed James into a bookshop where I guy about the same age as James stood behind the counter serving some Japanese tourists.
So this was Gavin, James's boyfriend. He looked pleasant enough, slightly more chunky than James but he was still eye candy. Pity I couldn't get between the sheets with both of them I thought.
Once the tourists left, Gavin came from behind the counter and he and James hugged and then kissed passionately. My heart sunk so low I thought it would fall out of my ass hole. They broke apart and James said Gavin this is Gaynor, Gaynor this is Gavin. Pleased to meet you Gavin said and took my hand and kissed it. Has anybody told you what a beautiful creature you are Gaynor he said as he kissed all the way up my arm to my neck? No I don't thinks so I replied as I looked over at James who had a big smirk on his face. Gavin kissed me on the liked and said I smelled divine.
Suddenly a woman's voice said will your fecking leave the female customers alone for Christ’s sake in a strong Irish accent.
Gaynor, this is my beautiful wife Orla, she is a bit on edge at the moment with our first imminent. I looked at the door and there was a very pretty woman stood in the doorway with a huge baby bump that looked like it would fall any second. She waddled over to me and I bent slightly to kiss her. Here feel it she said, placing my hand on her tummy. I could feel the baby kicking. Would yah calm down would yah she said shouting at her bump. It stopped kicking. That's fecking better she said. I love the way Irish people speak and the way they swear, I was finding it hard not to laugh.
Would you be wanting a cup a tea Orla asked? Yes please I said and we went into the back of the shop. Just brewed Orla said and pour two mugs out. Put your fecking as to anchor she said so I sat down. Sorry about the view but since I have got so big I can't any fecking knickers to go over my fecking ass. She was wearing a short maternity smock and all her pussy was on show.
We chatted and she told me how she had travelled from The Wicklow Mountains to find work here. She was 20 and it was 10 years ago. She said how she had met Gavin and how they moved in together. I said she must be uncomfortable and how long did she have left. A fecking month the quacks said but I'll fecking burst before then. We laughed and then Gavin came in. What the feck do you want Orla said? Nothing love he said. Well feck off then she shouted, we girls are chatting.
James walked in. For feck sake leave us a fecking lone Orla shouted. She is getting tired and very irritable aren't you love Gavin said. Go feck yourselves, not you Gaynor she added.
We need to make tracks James said. Gaynor is not a fecking snail she has legs if you hadn't noticed Orla screamed. I knelt down and held her hands and said Orla I think Gavin is right you need to have a lie down. Don't forget you are doing everything for two people eating, peeing and pooing so it takes it out of you. Have a sleep and you will be fine again and go and see the doctor about your sore boobs. You just need to lose some milk.
I moved close and whispered let Gavin have a go that sucking your nipples. I'm sure he would like to. No fecking chance, he got me in this fecking mess in the first place. OK I whispered but it worked for me. I kissed her and stood up.
Here my phone number, I will chat with any time day or night OK? Yes thank you Gaynor, you are an angel. She started to get up. No stay there, I will call back tomorrow on my way home. I kissed the top of her head and walked away.

As we drove back towards Bassenthwaite I told James that I thought he was gay. He chuckled and said most women say that to me. I'm not of course it's just that I don't know how to approach women, they scare me.
I chuckled now, what a big guy like you are frightened of a little weakling like me? You're not exactly little Gaynor, you must be 6 foot tall and I wouldn't say you're breasts were underdeveloped. And you have such fantastic nipples too he mumbled. Excuse me I said, I didn't hear that I said? I said you have very nice nipples James returned thinking how he could get out of this situation alive.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face him. Enlighten me James with your knowledge of my body, please I said in a calm and soothing voice.
I got up during the night and had a pee. I came to your room to see if you were OK. The sheets had slipped off your breasts and one leg and hip were exposed. It was clear that you weren't wearing underwear. And I said a little shocked at what he was saying. I stood watching you hoping that the sheet would slide off your body completely, you were very restless. You turned over and your beautiful backside was on show. Two perfect orbs but your legs were closed so I didn't see anything anyway.
I sat there for a moment and replied, you're a lying fucker James, and I never slept with my legs closed so you saw my pussy. I couldn't see very much, the only light was from the hallway. And I said? I bent over to get a better view, it was moist and I could smell your womanhood. Continue I said? Sorry but I ran my fingers over your pussy lips and then sniffed them. It was the best perfume I had ever smelt, so I did it again and this time I sucked my fingers. I rushed back to my room and masturbated, twice.
My pussy was so wet listening to James digging himself into a deep hole. I was trying to think of a response that wouldn't scare him off me.
James I thank you for your honesty in telling me. Most guys would have been quite. You acted like a gentleman apart from the pussy touching and I forgive you for that, I would have done the same thing.
As a punishment, I curse you and every time you go to sleep you will have nightmares about me waking up and forcing you to have sex with me until you drop dead.

I fastened my seatbelt and we carried on back to James's house. I occasionally glanced at him, he was pale but he had beads of sweat on his forehead. I would have loved to know what was going through his mind.
We arrived home and James let me in. Just nipping to the pub, back in a tick he said.
I went to the bathroom then into my bedroom to freshen up. Baby wipes are fantastic for that. I removed my dress and wiped all the places I might smell then I applied more Opium to the strategic areas of my body. I heard James enter so it was back on with the dress and back down stairs.

James had a bottle of champagne and two glasses. What's the celebration I asked? We don't need a reason to drink champagne do we he replied. I suppose not and sat on the sofa. He popped the cork and poured two glasses and he handed me one.
We have one hour to kill he said, I have booked a table for 7 pm so what shall we do. Strip Poker is out of the question I said. Why James asked? Well I only have three items of clothing on unless I can count my left eye, teeth and my right leg it seems a bit unfair.
James looked at me in horror. Only joking babe I said.
James did you like what you saw last night? Yes, I dreamt about you all night. I scare you don't l? Not now, its when I go to sleep tonight and I wake up dead, now that scares the hell out of me. I giggled and kissed him.
What were you dreaming about, you were very restless. I cried myself to sleep because you ignored me last night. I was dreaming about making love at dawn and listening to the dawn chorus, dewy grass and everything.
Who was you making love to James asked? Arthur in the pub, who do think silly. Oh right, got you. We both giggled and drank more champagne.
I found out that James and Gavin were raised in a foster home and that they were practically brothers. When they left they lived in the same flat and worked at the same jobs.

Time to eat Gaynor James said and went to The Sun pub. We ate and I told James that I would pay. He said no but I said Arthur all ready has my card so hard luck. A few drinks later and we back in the house.
James had dropped a little bit of chocolate pudding on his shirt. Messy monster I said and started to unbutton his shite. He didn't try to stop me.
He had a well toned body with no chest hair. I cuddled and kissed him, smelling his man aroma. Wonderful I thought.
I turned my back and asked him to unzip my dress. He did and slowly stroked his fingers down my spine. I shivered and felt my pussy waking up.
I turned back and kissed him and let my dress fall to the floor.
Naked now I pressed my breasts against his warm body. He took me in his arms and we kissed like lovers.
I stepped back and pushed him gentle onto the sofa. I removed his shoes and socks kissing and licking each foot as I did so. I looked up at James, he looked mortified.
I took hold of his hands and pulled him up so he was standing up again.
After kissing his lips, I slowly kissed my way down his body paying attention to his beautiful nipple and bully button.
I unbuckled his bet and opened the buttons on his trousers no zip for this guy and let them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and I crouched down and slid his bulging boxers down.
I squealed with delight at the sight of his 10"+ uncut cock. May I asked him? James gulped and nodded approval.
I rolled his foreskin back and took in the head aroma of day’s worth of use, stale pee and pre cum and just a hint of sweat. I looked into his eyes as I flicked my tongue over the glands, his face was pure pleasure.
I grabbed his hips and slowly drew that wonderful cock into my mouth, taking all the way in until his were touching my chin.
Fucking hell James said and started to cum down my throat. It took me by surprise at how quickly James had exploded. It must be my all time record for making anybody cum I thought. He finished and started crying and saying he was sorry.
I stood up and hugged him. Don't worry babe I loved it and your cock perfect. No he said I wanted to last for ever to pleasure you all night. It will came more than you cumming once to satisfy me James. We will call that the prelude OK? Yes he replied. I wiped away his tears and took his hand and led him upstairs. We went into his bedroom and lay on the bed. I wanted James to touch me and make me feel nice, so I lay on my back and opened my legs slightly.
He just kept kissing my face so I pushed his head towards my breasts, I don't bite I said.
He gently licked and sucked my nipples; it was as if he didn't done it before.
James, have you ever made love to a woman before I asked? He stopped sucking and looked at me, slightly embarrassed. Sort of he said. Fine I replied and I take it you didn't have a great time. No, I erm... I erm... James you can tell me, I might be able to help I said, stroking his head.
I was 17 and a woman asked me if I wanted sex. I climaxed before I was in her vagina.
So you have never done it since. No it was the worst day of my life, I prefer to masturbated instead. If I climax too soon, I don't want to let anyone else down.
Would you like to try again with me, I want you to make love to me and I don't care what happens I said.
James get between my legs and put your cock near my pussy, just feel how hot it is.
He climbed between my legs and I could feel his cock rising again.
Once he was hard, James reach into the night stand and took a condom out. Here let me I said as he sat on his heels. I rubbed his cock then threw the condom on the floor. He looked at me and I just smiled and nodded. I want you not some bag between us and put his cock right at the entrance to my desperately aching pussy.
He bent forward and slowly entered me. Yes I thought, at last just what I need. He was big enough to hit my baby box and a shuddered. Yes I whispered into his ear, your so good babe just do what you want.
He lifted my legs up almost bending me double and started pounding me. Fuck yes I gasped has his cock smashed my pussy to pieces. I was juicing everywhere.
I going to cum James shouted. Fucking do it you bastard give me a baby I screamed. And with that James let loose a torrent of swear words as he pumped his life give seed deep into my womb.
We lay there in each others arms trying to catch our breath. You were out of this world babe I said. So much in control.
After 5 minutes or so, James rolled off me and thanked me for being so understanding. Shut up I replied or you will make me cry and that will spoil it.
The next morning we made love again and showered together. We had breakfast and dressed me in my clean jeans and T shirt, James in jeans and a shirt.
We drove to the shop in Windermere and chatted to Gavin and Orla.
She grabbed me and took me to one side. You're a fecking angel she said. Gavin sucked on my tits last night and the pain has gone. Not only that I had an orgasm and so did he without touching. I fecking love you she said and kissed me.
We had some tea; Orla provided the milk and some cakes.
Soon it was time for me to leave I was going to drive along the coast to avoid the traffic. I hugged and kissed Gavin and Orla and stepped outside the shop. This is going to be very difficult I thought.
James came out carrying a book and a little box. The book was all about the Lake District Churches and Chapels. Open the box later he said.
I threw my arms around his neck and burst out crying.
Stop that or I will start and what will the customers think James said? Sorry I said and tried to laugh.
Go he said and phone me when you get home he said. Will do boss I replied making a silly salute.
I got in my car waved and drove off, fighting back even more tears.

I took a leisurely 6 hours to get home. It had been a wonderful bank holiday and I had met some new friends.
I made a stop at a cafe along the way and opened the box. In it was a red porcelain heart with I LOVE YOU written on it. I burst into tears again.

I had three presents the book, the heart and one I didn't know about for a few months.

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