Life's Pathways - Bonnie meets Clyde


As Jenny walked back to the house she called into the farm office. In the back office she found Jack looking at charts and schedules for the next few month.
She knocked on the door and went in. Hi Jack she said and Jack stood up and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. How’s my favourite girl he asked? Getting there Jenny replied. He raised his eye brows at her reply but didn’t continue the questioning.
Ah he sat down again she lent over the desk and said he look very busy. Yes he replied and looked up at her.
First thing he noticed was the tops her breasts were visible because her dress was partly unzipped. He pause for a moment to take in that wonderful sight of her firm young breasts unfettered by a bra. He lifted his eyes away and looked into her eyes. She smiled knowing full well she the affect she was having on him.
Jack cleared his throat and continued, after Jules’ accident I have to rewrite the whole program again. Jules is Jenny’s mum Julie.
Dad said I must help out and said you would show how to do a milking. Do you know what a milking is Jenny, Jack asked? Yes she replied I have seen mum do it loads of times. It’s a bit rude though isn’t it she continued? We are helping to breed race horses and it a lot quicker and cheaper than flying horses half way around the world and they couldn’t get their rocks off for months because of quarantine laws. Jack went bright red and said he was sorry for the way he had spoken. Jenny giggled and said good name for sex. I must remember that and ask some guys at school if they would like to get their rocks off. They both laughed and said rocks off.
Jenny sat down on the comfy chair; her dress rode up exposing her left leg all the way up to the top of her thigh. Jack took a sharp intake of breathe, Jenny has changed he thought. How is Julie, Jack asked? She has looked better came her reply.
Jenny leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs. Jack was convinced he saw a glimpse of her bare pussy. Jenny continued, her left arm is stuck out held in a harness and she has a tent over her lower body to stop anything touching her legs. She is totally naked because they can’t get panties over the casts on her legs and her boobs are totally exposed because she can’t wear a top. I have told dad we will take a bandeau top so at least her boobs aren’t on show for all to see.
Jack was getting hard at the thought of Julie’s naked body. He and Julie had been naked in the stables a few times and they had fucked on the floor. She was one randy woman and did it all even oral and anal. He shook his head to clear his mind of the thoughts.
Mum asked me to look after dad while she was in the hospital. We went for a meal on the way home and I hid his car keys in my jeans because he was drunk. She told him about how she had made his remove his shirt and that she was prepared to the see to all his needs that her mum would do. Jack’s cock was fit to burst, so he changed subject and asked if she wanted a lift back to the main house?
As they stood up, Jenny couldn’t help but notice the huge bulge in the front of Jack’s jeans. I’ll be fine Jenny said but it’s you that looks like you could do with some help. Jack blushed again, his mind was racing. This butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth 16 year old has just said she would help me relieve the biggest fucking hard on I have had for months he thought. How do you figure I need help then he said?
Jenny walk around the desk and stood in front of him. Well, you could do it solo or I would be willing to assist, your choice she said as she traced her finger over his throbbing cock? Let’s say it’s my first lesson on how to do a milking. We would need something to catch it in Jack said trying to delay the inevitable. Has a lady I carry three such receptacles around with me at all times. Jack knew he had lost the argument when Jenny locked the door and pulled the blind down.
She unzipped her dress and turned around to face him. He took one look at her body and sat down resigned to his fate. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer asking god to forgive him.
Jenny let her dress fall from her shoulders and knelt between his legs. Which one Jack she said as she unfastened his jeans and released his huge cock? You choose Jack gasped. The choice is your baby, animals don’t get to choose but you are a real man so you can say which one she said as she licked the length of his cock from his balls to the skin covered head. Your mouth please he said. Jack you are sure a gentleman who never forgets his manners.
She removed his rigger boots and shirt then pulled his jeans off. He had white hair on his chest and pubic area and his balls were massive. Good choice Jack she said, not only do I get to see the sample and smell it; I get to taste it too.
She rolled back his foreskin. The smell was quite strong and she could she little specks of white floating in his pre cum. All part of the fun she thought as she lowered her mouth over the huge head.
Jack gasped as she licked his cock clean, her perfect teeth gently rubbing on his cock.
She was determined not to gag or vomit like she had done with Paul earlier so she took a deep breath and slowly inched him into her mouth keeping relaxed all the time.
Jack fought off his impending orgasm because he wanted to see how far this bitch could take him down her throat.
After several attempts Jenny got his cock all the way in so her chin rested on his balls. Fuck, even her mother can’t get me in that far he thought as his orgasm overtook him.
Jenny slid Jack from her throat and let him spray on her face and body. There was a huge amount that he discharged and she got to taste plenty.
As Jack sat there panting, Jenny stood up and scrapped the come from her body with her finger and swallowed it. He smiled as he watched her drip big dollops of his come into her mouth. She had a wonderful body and would never want to choose between Jenny and Julie.
She straddled his thighs and asked how her first lesson had gone and marks of ten?
Well he replied, not bad for a first go but there was far too much waste. Why Jenny asked? If that was real horse semen you would have wasted an awful lot and don’t forget this it costs $1000 per fluid ounce. An expensive snack Jenny replied. But I give you ten out of ten for technique. Nobody has ever taken my cock that far down their throat, not even; he stopped just before he said a name. Who Jack, which woman can nearly do it? Err… there’s a hooker in town who can do deep throat but she never gets mine all the way in to my balls like you just did. How much do you pay for this woman to fail you? It costs £50 each time. From now on babe if you feel the need for some throat action just ask me, I won’t charge you because I love you.
They kissed and Jack could feel her hot pussy burning into his balls. We need to go Jack said. I’m still on the clock and you need to have a shower. OK Jenny said and stood up.
As she bent over to pick up her dress, Jack noticed that her pussy was swollen and it looked like her ass hole had been stretched. No, just my mind playing games he thought.
She zipped up her dress and they kissed again. She smelled of semen and he hoped she had a shower before Ben got home.

Jenny arrived at the house and went upstairs to her parent’s room to get some things to take to hospital for her mum. As she looked through the cupboards and drawers for a bandeau top she spotted some sex toys and several DVDs.
She looked through the toys and took a butt plug and a few different sized dildos. Then she notice a harness with several strap on cocks in a bag. Kinky Jenny thought.
She grabbed the toys and all the DVD’s and rushed to her room. Jenny hid the toys under her pillows and the DVD’s under her bed.
She picked a white floral dress and heels. No underwear so her dad could get to her body quickly.
She came out of her bedroom and went down the corridor towards the bathroom. As she passed her parents room she thought she would collect the Bandeau for her mum and put it on the hallway table. She went in to fine her father wearing hold up stockings and a pair of her mum’s silk panties. He was masturbating, his cock was huge and his balls were full.
He stopped and blushed. Sorry Jenny, it’s just that your mum and I have fantasies that we play out sometimes and I don’t know when we will next be able to do them.
Jenny took hold of his cock and said don’t worry Ben, I told mum that I was see to all your needs not just washing and cooking. And now that you have made me a woman I think that I will be able to do anything mum can. Let have a shower and go and see mum then we will all night for you to share your fantasies with me.
We showered together soaping each other and kissed quite often. We dressed and as we were leaving the house dad got a phone call saying Clyde had arrived and what arrangement were in place for him. Be right there dad said and we drove up to the stables.

Jack and one of the female stable hands were there watching as Clyde walk around the pen. Hi Jenny Jack said, meet Nicky she started yesterday and is already making a name for herself. Jenny I said as I shuck her hand. I bet she is making a right name for herself I thought, Tall, long black hair, Grey eyes, firm butt and a huge pair of tits.
Clyde here Nicky said has won all 42 of his races. But he has had to retire due to a heart problem. His owners have put him out to stud hoping they can get a new Clyde.
Clyde walked over to us and I patted his head. Hi baby I said. He took a good sniff of me and his cock started to slide out of its sheath. MMMM he likes you Nicky said, maybe you can do his milkings.
Dad told Jack what the plan was then we went to see mum.

She looked much better but her breasts were still bare so I asked the doctor if I could put the Bandeau top on her to spare her blushes because I said people from work will be coming to see her. Fine he said. I will get a nurse to help you. A young Thai girl came in and we got the bandeau under mum’s body. I loosely tied it at the front and pulled it over her ample breasts. As I did to let my finger brush her nipples. She gave a low moan. I see those are still working I said. You cheeky little get she said and tried to laugh but her ribs hurt too much. Is everything else OK I asked? Mum flicked her head and eyes indicating she wanted to tell me something private that not even dad should hear. She whispered that her period had started about two hours ago but was too embarrassed to tell any one. And that she had stuffed a handful of tissues between her legs. This is a hospital mum and they are use to people bleeding I whispered. Shall I tell the nurse I asked? Don’t you fucking dare she replied. Sorry for swearing she said. Don’t worry I do it all the fucking time I said. Don’t make me fucking laugh she said and giggled making her moan with pain.
Dad asked mum if she was OK. Fine love it’s just my ribs when somebody tries to make me laugh.
I’ll go and get you some lady things then mum. Do you want tampons or towels I asked? I don’t know she replied. Great a grown woman can’t decide what sanitary products she uses. How long have you been having periods mum I said like here mum. Leave it to me, I’ll get both and some wipes.
Back in a few minutes I said and rushed to the hospital shop.
I bought two boxes of super tampons, three packs of towels and two large packs of baby wipes. I also paid 5p for a plastic carrier bag. It cost a lot more the on the high street but mum needed them.
On my way back I asked the nurse for some disposable paper bags explaining about mum but I asked her not to say anything to her because she gets embarrassed and I will end up in intensive care. She laugh and said here we are young lady and handed me a box of paper bags. Just tell your mum to drop them on the floor, we will collect them.
I rushed back and ordered dad to leave the room. Why he protested? Because it’s personal female issue, go and buy mum some chocolates. I told which way to go; it was the long way round.
I took the sheet off mum; thankfully the frame had been removed. I reached between her legs and removed the dirty tissues. I started to gently wile her pussy, making sure I touched her clitoris at every opportunity. I went right down and cleaned her bum hole to which she let out a load groan. You like that do you I said and rubbed it with my bare finger. Mum grabbed my arm with her one good hand and held it close to her. I took that as yes and slowly wormed my middle finger into her bum hole. She shuddered and I felt a trickle of her pussy juice on my arm. I smiled and mum blushed.
I went back to cleaning her pussy then inserted a tampon in her juice pussy. Then I started playing with her clit to make her have an orgasm.
Jenny why are you doing this? You told me to take care of dad. I have done but nobody is taking care of you. And exactly how have you taken care of your father she asked? Well I said rubbing and pinching her clit harder, I let him masturbate on my bare boobs because you are not there and he is all man after all. And did you see your fathers erect penis? No I kept my fucking eyes closed what do you think? He sprayed his seed on my breasts and neck. Some went on my lips too. And yes I tasted it. Mum screamed and started squirting. I bent down and caught as much as I could in my mouth swallowing to make more room. When she stopped squirting I wiped her pussy and then covered her lower half with the sheet.
When I get out of here we need to sit down and have a serious talk young lady. Fine, whatever, I might not listen though I said.
Dad came back in so I said right I will leave you two love birds alone. I bent over and kissed mum, slipping my tongue in her mouth so she come taste her own juices. I picked the used paper bags up and put them in the bin and waited outside for dad.
We got pizzas and three bottles of wine and went home.
Your mum looks and sounds better today babe he said. Yes I replied and I cleaned her up as well. What do you mean babe cleaned her up? She was embarrassed because she had started her period but wouldn’t tell anybody, you know what she’s like. That’s why I went out and the kicked you out some I could clean her bits down there and make her comfortable. You are such a wonderful daughter he replied and kissed me.
If it’s fine with you Ben, I would rather miss the fantasy play for tonight. I am tired and Jack is going to turn me into a milk maid tomorrow. That’s fine he re [lied, I am bushed myself and an early night is begging. I hugged and kissed him telling him to leave the stuff there and I would clear it in the morning. You will make somebody a great wife he said and gently patted my ass.

I rushed upstairs and striped off before I had even reached my room.
I put my cordless headphones on and put a DVD in the player. The toys came from under the pillows and I lay on the bed watching porn.
The first one showed bimbo’s getting fucked in their pussies by muscle bound guys. Not a hair out of place. It was shit, not real sex. The next one was a mixture of lesbian and gays guys. I like both of those things even though I have yet to try a real lesbian session. OK I played with mum but that was just looking after her, wasn’t it? The guys never wore condoms so came in each others asses and mouths. That did turn me on, a lot. The third one started with a horse stood in a large pen in a brightly lit shed just like ours. They all look the same so I thought boring. The camera kept zooming to the horse’s flanks showing his cock that was slowly poking out of its sheath.
I was just about to turn it off when the naked lower half of a man a woman came in shot. Her bum was nice and firm and he hard a huge uncut cock that was rock hard.
She caressed the horse making his cock slide all the way out. It was fucking huge with a big up side down mushroom shaped head. The woman grabbed it and started to bend over. As she did the camera zoomed out.

I screamed. It was Ben and Jules, my parents. I had the remote in my hand and I knew I should turn it off but I was frozen.
Mum was licking the cock head while dad rubbed his cock between mum’s swollen pussy lips. There was not sound but I could tell they were turned on.
Another camera angle zoomed in as mum wrapped her beautiful red painted lips around the horse cock and let it slide in. I squealed and started to play with my bare pussy. Yet another camera focused on dad’s cock. He slid it up away from mum’s pussy and held it at her little brown butt hole. Suddenly he pushed forward and entered mum’s ass hole, no lube just pussy juice and pre cum, all the way in until his balls were touching mum’s pussy.
I knelt up and grabbed the 10” dildo, licked it and pushed it into my own ass hole. It felt fucking wonderful.
The camera changed again and now showed dad slowly fucking mum’s ass as mum stroked the horse’s cock. Each time dad pushed forward the horse’s cock slid further into mum’s mouth. Dad was pulling on her nipples making the sex even more intense. I wished I was mum I thought.
Mum reached with her other hand and started playing with the horse’s huge balls. That did it, the horse started stamping a hoof on the floor and I knew he was near to climaxing.
I never expected what happened next. The horse did a slight dance dad pulled out of mum’s ass and went to her face just as the horse’s cum erupted from his cock. Mum pulled her mouth off it and her and dad started swallowing the horse cum. dad’s own cum was spraying all over mum’s stomach and breasts as they did. Dad even put the horse cock into his own mouth.
As the horse stopped cumming they went under him and licked his huge balls.
They stood up and rubbed their bodies together coating each other in horse and human cum. They kissed then looked up at the camera. It zooming and they licked their lips and smiled then moved out of shot.

I was so turned on I knew I would never sleep. A seed of an idea started to grow in my mind. I got off the bed and removed the dildo from my ass. I sucked and licked it. So what, it is mine so if they don’t like it tuff.
I slipped my short silk robe on and crept out of the house.
I swiftly made my way to the stables, my heart pounding faster the nearer I got. My plan was forming in my head and I kept revising it as I got closer.

I opened the side door to the stable and went in. I stubbed my toe. Fuck I knew I should have put my trainers on I thought.
Half the lights were on because dad didn’t want Clyde to be uneasy on his first night here. He must have heard me enter because he let out a nervous sigh and stamped a hoof on the ground.
I walked up to his pen. It was the largest we had so he could walk around as he wished. He spotted me and moved his head up and down as if to say yes I know her. His cock had started to come into view.
I slipped through the gate, breaking the first H and S rule which states that two people mush be present if a person enters a pen. I untied the belt on my robe so it feel open showing Clyde my naked body. He stood still not even a muscle twitch.
I held his head and kissed his nose. Hello my baby I said. His tail flicked in excitement and he licked my face. WOW it was rough even more that a cat’s.
Ding another idea.
I let my robe slip to the ground and Clyde nodded with excitement. I whispered in his ear that I wanted him and he stamped the ground.
He lowered his head and stiffed my breasts before going further down to my stomach. I could feel his lips touching my skin as his head went even lower. He was now filling his nostrils with my woman scent and he was stamping quite a lot. Yes baby it is all your to do what you want with I said as I played with his ears. I could feel his breath flowing between my thighs and over my wet pussy lips. I closed my eyes.
He never licked my pussy which was disappointing but he slowly moved his head up, licking my mons and then my belly button and up my body to my aching nipples. I let out a little scream and he moved up and licked my face.
I opened my eyes because I knew what I wanted. I walked away from Clyde; he just stood there, and climbed up and sat on the top rail of the pen with a wall behind me so I could lean on it for support.
I had my legs wide open so he could see my very swollen pussy lips. Her baby I said and Clyde slowly walked over to me, his cock now fully out and swinging between his legs.
He put his head between my thighs and sniffed me. Then it happened, his rough tongue travelled the full length of my pussy. FUCK ME, YES I screamed over and over again, the feeling, the pain and pleasure all at the same time. Fuck his tongue was rough but it was the best rough. He tortured my rosebud until I started to squirt and then he started to push his tongue inside me. OH MY FUCKING GOD I screamed out. Lulu was good but this was up by 200 levels.
I mush have passed out because the next thing I remember was lying on the dirt in the pen with Clyde gently licking my face and nudging me with his big nose. I looked up and he looked sad. I smiled and kissed him. He nodded his head and did a gently stamp on the ground.

I sat up and noticed his cock was still out so I kissed him again and said your turn now baby.
I crouched down under his belly and took hold of his massive cock. I kissed and licked it a few times. Clyde was motionless. It wasn’t as big as a stallions but it was still impressive. I liked it all the way up to his underbelly and even kissed that, and then I licked the underside back down to the tip.
This is it Jen I thought as I slowly fed the tip into my mouth. I stroked the length of it keeping it wet by rubbed my pussy juice on it. Clyde stamped once so I fed more of him into my mouth. I could feel the head touching the back of my throat and wondered if I should go further. What was the worst that could happen? I choke to death. I can see the headlines, 16 year old girl chokes to death on huge horse cock. That least they couldn’t blame Clyde. Fuck it I thought and took a deep breath and pushed more of Clyde into my mouth passing into my gullet. In it slid until I couldn’t open my mouth any wider to get him in. Pity I thought I still had about half his cock outside my mouth.
Clyde was stamping quite a lot now so I rubbed his faster and played with his huge balls.
He did a kind of hop and let go of a waterfall of cum down my throat. It quickly filled me up and cum started to run from my nose. Shit I knew I had to get off him before I drowned. As quickly as I cause I pulled my mouth off Clyde’s cock. He was tamping like mad and as his came out of my mouth I started choking such was the force of his orgasm.
I sprayed it all over my body, my face and breasts. Fuck there was gallons of the thick gooey stuff.
He stopped so like mum and dad I kissed and licked his balls. Clyde stamped and moved away from me.
I stood up and scooped some cum from my face and breasts and rubbed it in my pussy. You can have this next time babe I said. He ignored me, typical bloke I thought. I picked up my robe and went outside. It was starting to get light so I rushed to the house, my feet getting cut walking on the gravel road.
I silently got into the house and went to my room.
I was covered in horse cum but couldn’t have a shower in case I woke dad so I just got into bed all sticky. My stomach felt very full.

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