Revenge- Gaz's Day


We had 5 weeks to complete the job. Mick and Co didn’t do much work in the summer which I thought was strange for a builder but Alice said he was a lazy bastard and just sat in the pub most days getting pissed. I have planned my order in which each guy would be punished, Gaz, Pete, Mick then poor Kenny. Alice said we couldn’t make exceptions even though I liked him. So my first task was to trap Gaz which wouldn’t be difficult. I asked him if he would like to go for a day out with me. A meal and then see what happens late. You mean sex bed and stuff he asked? Could be if you are nice to me I replied and kissed him on the cheek. He grabbed me and tried to stick his tongue down my throat. I pushed back and said Gary darling don’t be rough, you must earn my body. Be gentle like a real boyfriend and we can work up our goal. I kissed him of the nose and he released me. Sorry babe he said and gently cuddled me. MMMM better I said and put my hand on the front of his jeans. He grunted and asked when? Tomorrow morning, 10 am outside the post office. And no playing with yourself tonight, I want a full load or two tomorrow. I kissed him and went home. That will keep him bubbling away tonight I thought. I phone Alice and told her Gaz was on for tomorrow. Excellent she replied.
The next morning I was up early and had a hot shower. I made sure my pussy was shaved and also my arm pits. I put my hair in pigtails with pink ribbons. I dressed in a white cotton school shirt, white cotton panties that made my pussy bulge and my ass tight, a grey school skirt that was short but not too revealing, with knee length socks and flat school shoes. I took a little rucksack with all my ID’s in because I knew I would get asked. I put make up on like a school girl would, little pink lip stick and a little too much light blue eye shadow. I looked in the mirror and I did look 12 years old. I grabbed my car keys and drove to me Gaz. He was waiting dressed in a blue T shirt, blue shorts and blue trainers. Morning I shouted and Gaz opened the door and climbed in. Fuck me he said. You look like fucking jail bait; you look too young to be driving. He leaned over to kiss me. I pulled away saying you shouldn’t be seen kissing school girls in public. Where are you taking me Gaz asked? I thought a pub lunch and then up to The Edge to do some sunbathing and stuff. What stuff Gaz asked like an excited kid? It all depends I replied, placing my hand on his crotch. He wasn’t wearing underwear. I pulled my shirt up slightly so the crotch of my panties was peeping below my skirt and we set off. Most of the way the pub where we were to eat, Gaz stared at my bare thighs or my body. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and he had a stiffy on. I smiled and thought you haven’t got a fucking clue dick head. We arrived at the pub just after 12 noon and I parked up. You better do something with that I said pointing to the bulge in the front of his shorts. I’ll go to the toilets he said. No playing with it I replied.
We went in and found a table right in front of everybody. I went into school girl mode, sitting on the high stool with my legs open looking bored. Gaz came out of the toilet and I got off the stool run to him and hugged him. He put his hand on my ass and kissed me, totally forgetting what I looked like. Somebody coughed and Gaz pulled away from me. His lump had returned. Let’s sit over here he said and walked to a lower table. I ran and collected my bag and went over to Gaz. I sat on his knee and wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him. I let my leg open so everybody could see my bulging pussy in my panties. Gaz slid his hand up my thigh and pulled at the elastic on my panties. Ready to order Sir a woman’s voice said. I looked that her and blushed. I got off Gaz’s knee and sat down opposite him. I’ll have a cheese burger and chips Gaz said. I have a big sausage I said; I love big sausages and ice cream too please. Would you like chips or salad? Yuk I don’t like rabbit food I giggled, and a coke in a glass. I love the way the bubbles tickle my nose. I noticed three women had gone to the toilets so I ran after them. I sat in a cubicle and listened to them talking as they had a pee. Well it’s wrong, she can’t be more than 12 and he has got to be mid 20’s. Yes I know another one said. It’s disgusting how his fingers roam all over her private parts. I bet her parents don’t know either. I flushed the toilet and tuck part of the back of my skirt in my panties. I stood at the sinks making bubbles and blowing them off my hand. I heard the toilets flush and they came to wash their hands. Hello I’m Jenny and my new boyfriend is treating me to a meal and ice cream. Colin is lovely, he buys me things and he has a big thingy. All three stopped washing their hands and turned to look at me. Don’t tell anybody but last night he put it in me. It hurt a bit at first but when he move it was better. Don’t worry, he took it out and his sticky stuff went on my boobies to make them grow. They are only small, feel and I grabbed one woman’s hand and put it on my right boob. Yes quite she said and quickly pulled her hand away. Colin says that if I nice to him today he will put his thingy up my bum and let me feel his sticky stuff inside me. I can’t wail I said and clapped my hands together. All three looked pale and shocked. One of them pulled my skirt out my panties and you poor child. I’m not a child I replied I 12 have a boyfriend. They dried their hands and rushed out back to their table. It took me all my self control not to laugh as I walked passed them back to Gaz. My hotdog was there. The sausage was about 12” long and I had an idea. I took it out of the roll and started licking it like it was a cock. The women were watching me as was Gaz and the rest of the pub. I slid it in my mouth and pushed it until I gagged. I slid it out with all the mucus clinging to it. Sorry I said and took a deep breath. I slid it back in but didn’t gag so there was about ½” sticking out. I started sliding it in and out of my mouth giving a blow job. Gaz grabbed it and pulled it out and put it back on the plate. Stop doing that he said. But it’s okay when I do it to your thingy I shouted and picked the sausage up and threw it on the floor. Get my ice cream I shouted. Gaz picked up the sausage and took it to the counter. He brought back a big bowl of ice cream. It had Raspberry sauce and two chocolate sticks on it. I noticed one of the women was on her phone but I didn’t think anything of it. I stirred the ice cream and ate it getting it all over my mouth and chin. Gaz leaned over and started licking it off my face. I grabbed his head and did a real tongue in mouth kiss. Excuse me a male voice said. We broke off and there were two policemen and a policewoman stood there. One grabbed Gaz and said that he was arresting him for having sex with a minor. What the fuck Gaz said as he was dragged to his feet and handcuffed. No you’ve got it all wrong I said. I’m 23 and Gary is my boyfriend. Look I have the ID to prove it. I delved into my Peppa Pig bag and pulled out my driving license, drink ID, school ID and my union card. The woman police officer took them off me and looked closely at them. I am dressed like this because I am in a competition at my local nightclub. I can win £1000 for the best school girl so I thought I would try it out. That’s why I have my ID cards just in case. You only look about 12 one male officer said. Thank you so much I replied and stood up and gave them a twirl. My skirt flew up showing my white panties. Kids today the other male office said. They released Gaz and the woman handed me back my ID’s. She said that my Peppa Pig bag was a nice touch and when she first saw me she feared the worst. If I were you she said to Gaz, get this young lady cleaned up, ice cream is hard to get off when it dries and you don’t want tears and tantrums do you? No officer Gaz replied. I hope you win, you get my vote. Thank you I said as they walked out. I turned and everybody looked down at their tables very embarrassed. I walked over to the women and thanked them for their concern for my welfare and could I buy them a drink? I bought them three white wines and we left. Gaz started licking my face so I pushed him away. You heard what the police officer said about dry ice cream. Soap and water will do. Let’s get to The Edge so I can get some sun among other things. I kissed him and off we drove up to the edge.

We parked up and walked the last half mile up to the top. It is a remote part of the coast and not many people venture up here. It’s a sheer cliff face over 40m high, with loose rocks and boulders down below. The little cove is inaccessible by sea because of all the hidden rocks, and far to dangerous to climb up or down. I removed my shirt and skirt and lay on the grass in just my panties, socks and shoes. Gaz removed his T shirt and lay down beside me. He rolled over and half climbed onto my body. He started kissing me and fondling my boobs. His hand moved down to my panties but I slapped it away saying only if he was a good boy and that he had been so far. I rolled to my side and push him off. Gaz rolled onto his back and put his hands behind his head. I half rolled on to him and started licking and biting his nipples. Gaz moaned and stretched so I licked my way down to his belly button. Gaz let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes. I flicked my tongue around his belly button for a while then moved my head so my mouth was just at the end of his hard cock. There was a dark patch of pre cum marking where it was so I licked it over his shorts. Gaz was in heaven as I flicked the end of his cock with my tongue even though it saw still in his shorts. I got up and knelt between his legs and reached for the button on his shorts. I unfastened it and slow drew the zip down exposing his huge cock with pre cum covered head. I flicked the head with my tongue making it jump and started to pull his shorts off. Gaz lifted is butt to make it easier for me to take them off. I threw them on my pile of cloths and all Gaz had on, were his trainers.
I took hold of his cock in my right hand and started to massage the pre cum all over the head while I was bent over licking and nibbling his balls. Gaz was now groaning and whispering yes fuck over and over. Soon I licked my way up his cock until I reached the head. I stuck my tongue in the slit and licked it. Gaz was just staring at me with wide eyes. I slipped my mouth over the head and sucked some pre cum from him. I took my mouth off him and he looked so disappointed. I smiled and slowly crawled up his body to his face. I forced my tongue between his lips and let some pre cum dribble into his mouth. His cock was pressing against my panties covered pussy so I press down on it. I could felt my pussy getting wet and Gaz’s pre cum soaking my panties. Amy I am genuinely sorry for what happened. You are such a sexy woman and this is a lot better that when I was bad to you. Please babe you don’t have to be sorry, at least it gave me some new things to try. Like what Gaz asked as I ground my pussy harder against his cock? Well when you and Mick peed on me I didn’t know people do that but I watched some films and it’s quite popular I said. I have even tasted my own and I like it. Really, so would you pee on me? Yes if you wanted me to but I need to know you first. Gaz slid his hand down the back of my panties and started to squeeze my ass cheeks. No I said when I’m ready. Fuck when will you be ready Gaz replied as he removed his hands? So babe I said just a little longer.
I looked up and saw Alice in the bushes about 50 ft away. I could feel the warm sun on my naked butt cheeks but made no attempt to pull my panties back up.
I snuggled up to his face and said, Gary, you know when you poo’d in my mouth did you like it? No and I should never have done it. I felt so bad afterwards. Only that it turned me on so much I had an orgasm. What the fuck Gaz said. I wish we could do it again some time. I didn’t know what was going to happen and when the first bit fell in my mouth is was hot but it wasn’t bad. As my mouth got filled I panicked because I didn’t know what to do with it so I started chewing and swallowing it. It was a bit sticky until you peed in my mouth to thin it out a bit, then it was much easier to get down. I whispered to him, do you need a poo now babe? Not really he said. Not even a little one for me? I don’t know he said looking confused. Not even if I do this? And stood up and removed my panties then straddled his cock sliding up and down it with my wet pussy rubbing along it. Poo for me baby and then I will let you slide it deep inside me. Okay he said. I squealed and kissed him all over then stood up. I held his cock as he got up and kissed him again. I dropped to my knees and slowly pulled him round so his back was to the cliff. I don’t want anybody seeing what we are doing I said and slide his cock right into my throat. I reached round and gently rubbed his ass hole making his shake. He started to cum so I slipped his cock from my mouth and let his cum spray on my little tits. As he finished I sucked and licked what I could from the end of his massive orgasm. He was still coming down from his orgasm when I asked him to turn around. I got him to about a foot from the edge and got behind him. I spread his cheeks and started licking along his crack. Is my big boy ready to feed Amy yet? Yes Gaz replied still trying to catch he breathe. Now stand with your legs apart and bend forward for me. I reached between his legs and slow pulled his long semi hard cock through and licked it. That’s good, I can drink your golden juice after you have poo’d. He farted a couple of time and I said good your getting close to giving me what I want babe. I licked both his ass cheeks and told him to bend over and pull his ass as wide as possible. I stuck my tongue in his ass and yes baby I can feel you poo just inside. Push for me babe and his hole started to move. That’s right baby just a little bit harder. I could see the started of a turd slowly appearing. I licked around his ass hole and then the turd. It was horrible. Harder baby Amy wants your poo poo. He pushed harder and the turd started to come out. I was quite solid and dark brown. Placed my hands on his and moved my face right up to his ass cheeks. Yes babe just a little more then I can eat the first one. He pushed more about 5” slid out so I let it slide into my mouth. It was getting soft and it was now moving faster. I closed my lips around the turd and gave Gaz’s ass a gentle shove. He fell forward over the edge so I lay down on my stomach and watch his body smash into the jagged rocks on the way down. He landed right on the edge of the sea minus an arm and a leg and it looked like he had lost most of his brains. Suddenly there was a rock fall and several tons of rock and boulders fell on top of him. I slowly stood up and walked to my clothes, chewing the only thing left of Gaz his shit.

Alice came running up as I stood there chewing and swallowing. My mouth and throat were getting pretty dry and I was finding it hard to swallow any more. That was pretty final Alice said when she reached me. I indicated that I need a drink. Alice threw her hands up to say she didn’t have one. I pointed to my pussy then hers and did the drink sign again. Why, you haven’t, no fucking way. I opened my lips slightly so she could see my mouth full of shit. She heaved went pale. I pleaded with her and dropped to my knees. Alice did a quick look round pulled her panties off and let go with a welcome stream of golden piss into my open mouth. I washed most of the shit down my throat so I could speak again. When she had finished I licked her pussy and stood up. That wasn’t supposed to happen Alice said in disgust. Well I had to make it real or how could I have done it. I put my shirt and skirt on and put my panties in my bag. I picked Gaz’s T shirt and shorts up and said he won’t need them again. We both laughed and Alice grabbed my head and kissed me only to realize I had been eat shit. I grabbed the back of her head and thrust my tongue in her mouth. We broke off and Alice called me a dirty fucker. So I said and bent down and picked panties up and sniffed them. Give them here she shouted but I turned away. Alice why are your panties all wet babe I asked? It’s got fuck all to do with you she shouted. Was it the site of me sucking Gaz’s cock or eating his shit that turned you on babe? Both she said in a very quiet voice. I didn’t hear you I shouted. Both she shouted okay. We started to walk back to the car park. Where are you parked I asked? I’m not; I came on the train and then got a taxi. So you want a lift back then? Yes if you don’t mind but lets stay the night and go out. I’ll need some clean panties and a new shirt I said. Fine lets shop Alice replied. I bought a new white school shirt and a pair of white panties. Alice bought the same things I was wearing including skirt, socks and flat shoes. Alice spotted two little white thongs and bought them too. We found a hotel and showered. Then it was two hours of love making before we got dressed to go out. We both agreed thongs. After several hours of ID’s snogging being touch up and many drinks we went to bed. I woke up next morning with Alice’s nose stuck in my ass crack, fast asleep. I needed a pee desperately and couldn’t move her so I farted. That moved her alright and I went to the loo. When I came back, Alice is laying on her back with all brown stuff on her mouth and chin. I stiffed it and then tasted a bit. It was shit. Whose ass as she be licking I wondered? I put a finger to my own ass and found it was covered in shit too. I put some on my finger, stuffed it and tasted it, the same. Oh fuck, I have shit in her mouth and now she will kill me. I had a quick shower to get rid of the evidence and sat on the chair to wait for her to wake up. I turned on the TV and there was just news on. I had the sound off and subtitles on. Suddenly a story came on about a body found on the beach. My heart started thumping and I felt sick. I read the subtitles and said thank fuck for that when it was a woman’s body had been found 250 miles from where we are. It still shit me up though. I woke Alice and kissed her on the cheek. Lips baby, you kiss my lips. Alice darling your mouth is covered with shit, explain please. Oh yes, we were walking back from the club and you said you needed a shit. The by-laws around her are that if any one caught shitting on the floor or sands it’s a £1000 fine and maybe jail. You squatted on the seafront in front of two police officers and told them you needed a crap. I begged you to come with me but you said it was on it’s way. One officer said please do something or she will be jailed. So I got under you and let you shit in my mouth. Good job it was quite soft or I would never have got it all in, when you pissed in my mouth that did help. You stood up and said right arrest me then you cunts. No need madam, your friend has saved your bacon. They even helped me back on my feet. I put my skirt, socks and shoes on. Then I tied my shirt in a knot so the front was almost open. After Alice had showered he did the same. We checked out and headed home. We never spoke about Gaz because we were planning our next part of the revenge.
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