Paddy's Holiday


Jenny phoned to say Mike would be dropping Paddy off in 30 minutes, so I went upstairs and pulled a baggy sweat shirt and a pair of shorts on. I normally walk around the house naked but I didn’t want Paddy or Mike for that matter sniffing round me. I had not yet showered but figured Paddy wouldn’t mind, won’t care if I wash or not.

They arrived and Paddy ran up to me and sniffed my crotch and Mike asked if he could too. We laughed. Right, Mike said here is a list of things he does and a box with things he needs. I thought, he’s a fucking dog not a baby. Mind you he is my baby for two whole weeks aren’t you Paddy. The mention of his name sent him over to me sniffing my ass crack. Collar and lead for walkies. Poo bags, doggy nappies for night time, so you don’t need to get up in the night. Bum wipes. Shampoo when you wash him, the hose in the garden will do. Food, two tins a day, plus biscuits and chews. Fine I replied. Right I better get going. We fly out later and Jenny likes to be at the airport hours before we depart. He’ll be fine I said, he loves being with his Auntie Gaynor don’t you baby and blew Paddy a kiss. He yelped and wagged his tail. I turned to Mike and said go enjoy yourselves, Paddy and me will be OK. I kissed Mike on the cheek but Mike has a thing about me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. I wish you were coming with us he said. Two sex bitches in bed for a whole two weeks. He slid his hands under my sweat shirt and tweaked my nipples. And who would look after Paddy I said. We kissed passionately, Paddy started to bark. We broke off and I said, wait until daddy goes baby then we can have some fun. Shit. I looked at Mike who was smiling and had one eye brow raised as if to say I bet you will. Piss of Mike or you’ll miss your flight. OK he said and kissed me on the cheek while squeezing my ass.

Mike drove off, leaving Paddy and me to unpack all his things. I went back inside the house and Paddy followed. OK babe lets put this stuff away. I bent over and kissed his nose and he licked my face. Paddy sat down watching me unpack the box. I waved a doggie nappy at his and he growled. You don’t like them then, OK but if you pee or shit in the house you will wear one. He yapped and lay flat on the floor. It is scary to think Paddy might understand me. I bent down to put he food in the cupboard, Paddy came behind me and licked my ass then flicked his tongue over the gusset of my thin shorts. Wonderful, I stayed like that to see what else he would do. He stuck his tongue up the leg of my shorts. I gasped with pleasure. Fuck, I am going to enjoy two weeks of Paddy. I stood up, Paddy was sat down again. I could see his cock starting to poke from its sheath, all pink and wet. A small pool of pre cum had dropped on the floor. Fuck, I was getting wet and needed some relief. Paddy was looking at me, his big grey eyes fixed on me, his long tongue sticking out to one side of his mouth. I thought back to Mike and Jenny’s house and what he had done with that huge tongue. I knelt down in front of him; he was as tall as me. He put a paw on my shoulder so I hugged him. Paddy started licking my face all over. His tongue was wet. He licked my ears then put his tongue on my lips. I closed my eyes and opened my lips slightly, like went kissing a lover. He wiggled his tongue in past my parted lips so I opened my mouth wider so he could explore my mouth with his long tongue. Paddy was groaning and I could feel my juices running down my thighs. His tongue reached the back of my mouth and started to go into my throat. Shit I thought, I am giving a dog tongue deep throat, it was orgasmic. I reached down to his cock. It was fully out now and squirting pre cum on the floor and my thighs. I touched Paddy’s cock and he took his tongue out of my mouth. He bent his head and started licking his cock. He had one leg stuck out so he could reach. I bent right down so my face was just off the floor. Paddy stopped and looked at me as if to say what are you going to do now. I slid forward and flicked my tongue over his huge cock. Paddy went stiff; every sinew in his body went ridged. I slowly lowered my mouth over his cock rubbing my tongue along the under side. Pre cum was squirting out almost like pee, there was so much. It tasted quite pungent but not unpleasant. I have blown lots of guys but never a dog I thought. He’s a man I thought just do it like that. I slid him in until he was at my throat. He pre cum was down shooting right down my throat. I started to squeeze his cock with my throat muscles and Paddy started to whimper. He was getting bigger; his knot was right next to my chin. It was massive; I couldn’t let him put that in my mouth so I started to play with his huge balls. Paddy started groaning and let his dog cum spew out into my mouth. There were loads, I could not swallow it fast enough and it was leaking out of my mouth. He must of cum for 5 minutes. I slowly pulled my mouth off Paddy’s cock and lay on the floor totally drained. Paddy bent down and licked my face then trotted off into the lounge. He left me lying in a pool of his come and my own juices on the floor.
After I had recovered I got up striped my damp clothes off made an iced tea and walked into the garden. I live in a huge detached house which is no over looked by any other property. I threw a beach towel on the grass and lay down. It was a swelteringly hot day, no breeze just still. I wanted to top up my tan because I love wearing as little as possible even when I am shopping. I am very proud of my body. I jog most days, just a couple miles each day. I try to go to the gym 3 times a week and go swimming when ever I can. I was lying on my back legs up and slightly apart, because I hate having any white bits just my eyes and teeth. I heard a clicking sound then the sun went in. I opened my eyes to see Paddy’s huge body blocking out the sun. Pad’s babe move so a girl can catch some rays. He grunted so I shoved him to one side. He moved back. Paddy come on let the sun shine on my beautiful body I said. He licked my left breast. No Paddy, not you spit the sun. He started to lick my face. I grabbed his ears and kissed him. He fell flat on top of me. He weighed a ton. I was finding hard to breathe. Come on Paddy please. He just lay there. OK you’ve asked for I and I started to tickle his sides. He wriggled about and fell off me. I rolled him over on his back and straddled him. Got you now mate haven’t I. He had his front paws up like a gerbil and his hind legs where stretched out. I tickled him under his chin and on his belly. He was whimpering like he was laughing. I slide down his body and suddenly his cock touched my pussy. I could feel his pre cum squirting on my pussy lips. Fuck, my heart was racing and my breathing was fast and shallow. What happens next? Do I slide down further and let him enter me or just let him rub on my pussy. Paddy was whimpering and thrashing his hind legs about. I slid back up his body and started licking his face. He flicked his tongue out and I let it slip into my mouth. I closed my lips over his wriggling tongue and lightly bit it. Pre cum was not shoot up onto my ass and his hind legs were going like he was running. I rolled off his and Paddy jumped up standing over me growling. I’m so sorry baby that would have been rape. I couldn’t do that to my big boy and reached out and touched his huge cock.
Paddy lay on the grass and rolled over. No I said and got up. I walked into the house and sat on the armchair. Paddy came in and stood looking at me as if he had done something wrong. It’s not you babe, it’s just I think it would be wrong for us to do anything like that. He started to wag his tail and his tongue fell out of his mouth. Come here babe and give Gaynor a big kiss. He jumped up and placed his paws on the back of the chair. He started licking my face and he started humping my leg. It won’t do any harm if I open my legs slightly I thought he will only be able to get to my thigh. I opened my legs and Paddy pushed between them thrusting his hips forward. I started to panic, he was too close to my pussy but he kept thrusting. I could feel his cock squirting pre cum on my pussy mound; it was reaching to my naval. He was drooling on my breasts and he was licking my throat. I slide down in the chair so my pussy was more accessible but I only wanted to feel his cock rubbing against my pussy. I didn’t want his to penetrate me. That would be so wrong. Paddy is a big heavy dog and weighs nearly 10st (140 lbs) (63.5 kg) so I was trapped under him. His cock kept touching my pussy but thank God he was shit at coupling with me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and started to thrust his hips faster. I was so turned on I needed some release. I slid my ass to the edge of the chair. My mind had gone now. My body was screaming for him to enter me. Right Gaynor think, let him put it in you once and pull out, that will be OK. It’s not full sex or anything. It won’t count as doing it for real. Yeah that will be fine. I reached down and grabbed his cock. Paddy babe you are beautiful but so dumb were sex is concerned. I guided him to my soaking wet pussy. I started to say Lord forgive because I have si……… Oh fuck. His cock slammed into my pussy so fast I could not do anything. I couldn’t have pulled him off even if I wanted to. I could feel pre cum squirting into me. He pushed hard and fast and then he entered my cervix. Not many guys had been in that far. His cock was swelling and he was still thrusting like no tomorrow. I could hardly catch my breath. This is wrong I thought but so fucking nice my body was saying. His paws had moved down so he was holding my hips as if he didn’t want me to escape. Fat chance of that. Suddenly he pushed and a huge ball entered my pussy. My pussy lips closed behind it basically joining us together by our genitals. This big ball thing was swelling up. It felt like a fuck grapefruit had been shoved up my cunt. Fuck it hurt so much. I was trying to breath but with Paddy’s weight and the pain I could only take little short intakes of air. I could feel his sperm filling my womb. There was so fucking much. It felt like it was going up my tubes to look for my eggs. He must have been shooting cum into me for at least 5 minutes. Then he tried to pull out. AHHHGGGGG NOOOOO………. Fuck stay there baby. I wrapped my legs around his back to stop him moving. I took his head in my hand and started kissing and licking his face. Sticking my tongue in his mouth as far as I could, licking his teeth and roof of his mouth. Paddy was whimpering slightly but did not try to move for me. My pussy was on fire but it felt so nice.

After what seemed for ever is knot as I found out later was small enough for him to pull out of me. Fuck it still hurt but not as bad as if he would have done it while he was huge. Paddy stood there looking at me, his cock dangling down dripping with his dog cum. His cock was fucking huge, at least 8” long and thick. I could see his knot, as big as an orange. His come was flooding out of my pussy all down between my legs and running cross my ass hole. I tried to sit up but I didn’t have the strength in my arms to push up. My lips were dry and my mouth felt like I eaten a pile of sand. Paddy rolled onto the floor and started licking his cock and balls. I slid on the floor. He stopped licking and looked at me. I looked at him and said fuck off you have had enough from me and giggled. I slid over to the sofa and tried to pull myself up. Paddy came over and started licking my face. Go away you nasty person I said, shoving him away from me. I just lay on the floor with dog cum still running out of my ruined pussy. I must have fallen asleep because I dreamed of me being pregnant and giving birth to 10 puppies, 5 dogs and 5 bitches. Paddy was there to help me carrying each one in his mouth to me so I could clean them. He put them on my belly so they could suckle on my multiple nipples. I was covered in hair. I was a dog. It was so nice. Paddy stayed by me licking my face and yelping.
I woke up; Paddy was licking my face and barking. What the….. Shit what time is it I thought. I looked at his and smiled. Hi my big beautiful boy mummy will feed you now. I slowly stood up but my legs wouldn’t work properly and my pussy was so sore. I shuffle into the kitchen with Paddy right behind me. I bent over to get a can of food out of the cupboard, Paddy licked my pussy. OMG, it felt like I was being brushed with razor blades. He did it a few more times. My pussy was on fire. He licked my ass hole and I started to squirt but god it hurt my pussy. I filled Paddy’s bowl and shuffled back into the lounge. Near the chair was a big sticky pool of dog cum. It was a lot like somebody had spilt a drink. I tried to sit on the chair but my whole crotch area was hurting. Maybe a shower would help I thought. Paddy baby come with Gaynor I shouted. He came flying into the room and nearly bumped into me. I slowly climbed up the stairs. Paddy was there before me looking down wagging his tail. I stood in the walk-in shower with Paddy and started to pee. It burned but I need to do it. Paddy started licking my pee off the floor. No, dirty boy I said but he carried on licking the floor. He walked over to the side of the shower and cocked his leg and started to pee. It smelt strong not like a humans. It was a huge pee, a long golden stream that seemed to last for ever. Jesus I thought, gallons of piss and buckets of cum, how does he carry it around with him. Good boy I said patting his head. I pressed the buttons and the shower started spraying us. A gentle warm soothing spray, with all the jets working. I put shower gel on my hands and gently soap my body. I pull the hose out of its holder and aim it at my pussy. It stings but I continue. Paddy lies down in front of me so I spray him. He growls but in a nice way. Stand up you big lump I say to him. He slowly rises and I squirt loads of shower gel on him. I work it into a lather rubbing it into his fur. I wipe some on his head and face. He tries to lick it off but I slap him gently. I reach down and soap his belly and cock. He starts to whine and hump my hand. You are no randy bastard I say to him. I let go and go to his ass. I lift his tail and rub a little amount of gel on his ass hole. He stands rigid as I slowly finger his butt. Just like a man I thought. I stand up and turn the power spray on. Paddy starts to yelp like a little girl. Don’t be soft I tell him. Come on let’s go out into the sun and dry off. We went down stairs; I made an iced tea for me and got Paddy a large bowl of water. I spread another beach towel on the grass and we lay down in the warm sun.

To be continued……..
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