Tree Top Cabin part 3


After my visit to the hospital, where I was given a complete examination and found to be bruised but nothing else. I was discharged. My poor boyfriend was being kept in overnight for observation I was free to leave. I phoned Stan and he said he would collect me in 30 minutes. I was sat in reception wearing a white vest a pair of jogging pants and walking boots. I didn’t have any money on me so a young guy bought me a cup of tea. I was freezing and my nipples were sticking out, that’s why he got me the hot drink I thought. I got up and started walking around to get warm and I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. My left eye was nearly closed and I had a gash on my chin. My pants were up into my pussy showing a big camel toe. I just wanted out of there. I walked to the main doors and stepped outside. It was freezing but I didn’t fancy sitting in that room with all those people starting at me. It never ceases to amaze me that people in hospital stand outside in the freezing cold smoking. Some had drips attached and one old woman had an oxygen mask on. Stan arrived in his old Land Rover. Thank goodness he had brought my coat. I climbed in for the ride back to his farm. We passed the Burgon’s farm and there was a lot of police activity. Stan said you have opened a can of worms now. Why I asked. Well they are going over that place with a fine toothed comb to collect evidence to put them sick bastards away for years. Gaynor, you’re a real hero around here. Doing what you did to them. I nearly killed them I exclaimed. Are yes but you didn’t. People have hated them perverts for years, messing with children and animals. Nobody was safe. Break-ins and all manner of things but they always got off with it.
We got to the farm and Alice was waiting. Come in my poor child she said with a warm friendly voice. You can stay here until your boyfriend is well enough to go home. Thank you I replied and kissed her on the cheek. I took my coat off and sat down. You look terrible Alice said I a funny voice. I feel worse than I look I said and smiled. Ouch don’t make me laugh it hurts. Stan asked if I would like to have a lie down and rest. Yes I said, so Alice took me upstairs. We went into the bedroom were I had slept the other night. I started to lift my vest off but I was going stiff. Here let me Alice said and pulled my vest off. I sat on the bed and she removed my boots. I stood up and she pulled my pants down. I could feel her breath on my pussy which made me start to go wet. I sat on the bed and she took my pants right off, my legs opened and she looked straight at my moist pussy crack. At least there in no damage to your bit is there love. I blushed. This old woman was talking about my pussy like it was a normal thing to do. She was still on her knees in front of me licking her lips. Yes pleas Alice I was thinking. Lick my pussy make me cum. I need it so bad. Come on into bed and rest. Plenty of time for that later. I nearly screamed but did as she said. I must have fallen asleep almost right away.
I woke up and it was dark outside. What time is it, I thought. I needed a pee so I tried to get out of bed. My whole body was stiff and my legs were like lead. I struggled into a sitting position and my head started to spin. Alice I shouted help me. I stood up, took one step and fell on the floor. Stan and Alice must have heard the bang and rushed upstairs. Stan said are you alright Gaynor. I need a pee I replied, like yesterday. Here let me help you up. He grabbed me under the arms and lifted me up. Come on lets go to the toilet. He helped me walk into the toilet and sat me down. I started a heavy stream of wee that was so loud I was blushing. Its fine Gaynor, I have seen and heard Alice take a piss loads of time. I farted and dropped my head into my hands. I could of died of embarrassment. Stan giggled and said I can wait just do what you need to do. I had a poo as well. The relief was wonderful. I had never had a man stand and watch me having a shit sat on the toilet since I was very small with my dad. I looked up at Stan and he was smiling. Is that better Gaynor, now lets get you up and wiped clean. He pulled a big wad of toilet tissue off the roll and helped me stand up. I felt like a three year old having her bottom wiped. He first wiped my pussy then got some more paper and started to wipe my ass hole. I bent over slightly so he could get right in my ass crack. As he touched my hole I started to squirt. It gets me every time. Alice was stood by the door watching. God please strike me dead I thought. This guy is cleaning my ass and I have just squirted all over his bathroom floor. He finished cleaning me but not after I had squirted three more times. Hey Alice, I wish you could do that. Save me some energy in bed. They both laughed. He flushed the toilet and helped me down stairs. I am so sorry about that I said. It’s OK. Good job you didn’t do it in bed. Alice brought me a cup of tea and some biscuits. We sat around chatting. Alice asked how I felt now. Much better I said. And a lot lighter Stan chipped in with a giggle. I see the bruise on your side is going, but you have a nice shiner he quipped. Thanks a lot, makes me look like Quasimodo the bells I chucked. At least there is no lasting damage. Do you fancy going for a drink Stan asked. What like this I said, pointing out I was naked. No, I have brought your bag from the cabin. I’m sure there is something in there you can wear. I will need a shower I said. Alice suggested that she and I showered together just in case I fell over. We slowly went back upstairs. Alice went into their bedroom and immerged a few moments later naked as me. She had saggy boobs and stretch marks. Thin grey pussy hair and very big nipples. She turned on the shower and we walked in. Alice started to soap my breasts and neck so I did the same to her. Her skin was soft and smooth. She soaped my stomach and my pussy so I opened my leg slightly. Her touch was so gentle, I was getting turned on. I soaped my hand and put it between her legs. She had huge pussy lips, all moist and her pussy hole was big. I slipped two fingers in and Alice shuddered. She pulled me towards her and kissed my right breast. I slipped more fingers in her and she whispered yes please, do it. So I I tucked my thumb onto my palm and pushed hand in her pussy. It went in easy up to my wrist. Alice was squirming on my hand, kissing and nibbling my breasts. She had a shuddering climax and kissed me hard on my lips. Thank you she whispered. We continued to soap each other and Alice asked me to turn around so she could do my back. She soaped my shoulders and spine. It was more of a massage than anything else. I was so relaxed. Alice got to the crack of my ass so I bent over slightly. I knew what she wanted to do so I said go ahead and touch it. She rubbed her thumb on my butt hole and I gushed out all over the place. She kept doing it and I just kept squirting. I was trembling and breathing fast. OMG, I wish I could do that Alice exclaimed. That is awesome, just to be able to squirt by touching your ass hole. I turned round and kissed her, sticking my tongue in her mouth for good measure. Stan knocked on the door. Have you two finished I have ordered a taxi. We got out of the shower and grabbed two towels. I opened the door and went into my bedroom. I could hear Alice and Stan whispering about something.
I dressed in skinny black jeans and a white sleeveless blouse. Black trainers completed my outfit. I putt on some red lip gloss and tied my hair back in a pony tail. I went down stairs. Alice was wearing a flowery dress and a cardigan, flat grey shoes. She had put make up on like older women do, slightly over the top but not too much. Stan had brown cords, and lumberjack shirt and a chunky cardigan. A car horn sounded and we filed out of the house, Stan stopping to put his flat cap on.
We arrived at the pub. Stan paid and we walked in. There were quite a few people in and when we walked inside they all stopped talking. They were all looking at me and I could feel their eyes penetrating my soul as walked to the bar. Did I look that bad, I thought. My face is a mess but surely it’s not that bad. I could feel panic rising in my stomach and my heart was racing. We went to the bar and I said I’ll get these to Stan. The barman replied, these are on the house young lady, and everybody burst out in applause and cheering. I went bright red. You’re a real heroine around here and drinks are on me. People came over and started shaking my hand. One or two kissed me on my good cheek. One guy said he would marry me and his wife said over my dead body. That can be arranged He replied. Everybody laughed.

To be continued……..

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