Tree Top Cabin


So we were in the cabin. Fire lit food eaten. Lets go for a walk I said. The weather doesn't look to good babe lets stay in and.......MMMMMMMM. I will eat you up. No I said. I can here to get some fresh air. I'll go on my own if you can't be bothered. The cabin was just one room with a small shower/toilet outside. I started to strip off my travel clothes. You just sat there watch me.
Naked I went to the bags. As I bent over you came behind me and put your hand between my legs. Move it or I will break it I screamed. Oh, doesn't my slut want fucking. You touched me again. I stood up and slapped you across the face. I am going out. And walked to the door. You better put something on. It's cold out there and your big tits might fall off. I rolled my eyes upward and stormed over to the bags. I pulled out and yellow pair of skinny thermal leggings. I pulled them on and smoothed them over my tummy and butt. You sat there panting like a dog on heat. Come and sit on my face babe you said so I can chew your pussy through the fabric. Piss off perv these cost me £65. I put my hiking boots on and my super warm coat. No T shirt you slag you asked with a dark tone in your voice. No it will be easier for anyone to lick and suck my tits without a T shirt. Right I'm off for a walk. Wash up and unpack.
The wind had got up and there was rain in the air. I set off up the hill walking at a steady pace. I got over the top an started down the other side. It was raining now. And the light was fading. I had been walking for about an hour when the rain turned to sleet. I walked along a road. It was now snowing and it had started to stick. Shit it's only November. Why didn't twatty come out. Did he know. I was now walking fast. One to keep my body heat up and two so I could get back. I phoned you and you said smugly that you were as warm as toast. I said get the car and pick me up. Ha, you've got the keys babe. OK. I will be back soon. I hung up and started walking again. It was almost dark now. I could see a van coming along the road. I through I will stop it and ask for a lift. I wave and it stopped. It was a small camper van and two guys were in it. Hello the driver said. You lost. No I was just walking back to my cabin. The passenger said would you like a ride. Oh yes thank you. What I didn't know was they meant ride as in them. It was hot in the van. I wish I'd put a T shirt on. I was fanning my face. I unzipped my coat a little. The driver said take it off we will be quite a while before we get there. Fuck I could feel sweat running between my boobs. So I unzipped it more.
I will finish this later. I need to orgasm
The passenger remarked that my boobs where big and made to touch them. I pushed his had away saying get off. He laugh and lent over to me and grabbed my left boob. Fuck they are firm. Silicone hey babe. No they are not I shouted. Lets have a look to prove it and ripped the zipper down. I hit him in the face. The drive pulled over and stopped. He got out and came round to the door. He opened it and dragged me out. I was snowing hard now. The passenger removed my coat and started pawing my boobs. The driver said god she is fucking fit lets give a good seeing to. I was freezing. The passenger threw onto the snow cover ground and undid my boots. He took them off and pull my leggings off. I was totally naked. Lying on the snow. Look at that bald pussy the driver said. I want some of that. He dropped his jeans and his huge semi hard cock came into view.
He got on his knees near my face and come on love get me hard. He brushed it over my lips. The smell was horrible. His pre cum was smearing my lips. Open wide baby or I will be nasty and hurt you. I slowly opened my mouth and he rammed it in. Right down my throat. The taste and smell were making me sick. I started to vomit. Good girl make room for this big boy. His cock was covered with my puck and he just laughed. The passenger had three fingers in my pussy. He had sharp nails and he was hurting me. I though please god let me die to get it over with.
Then I saw a picture of you in my head. We were making love so gentle. You taking care of my needs. Tears started to flow down my face. The driver lay on his back and pulled me onto him. He rammed his cock into my scratched and very sore pussy. The pain was terrible. Hey look she is loving it as he saw the tear streaming down my face.My pussy was so dry. I wouldn't get moist. I hear the passenger drop his jeans. Oh fuck no. Please fuck me after him. I don't want sloppy seconds bitch and rammed is big cock in my ass. It knock all my breath out of my lungs. they rammed me together in out in out. Faster and faster. The driver started licking my mouth trying to put his tongue in. I clenched my teeth but he grabbed my nose. I had to open my mouth to breathe. His tongue was in and his breath was worse than his cock. Fuck he must never brush his teeth I thought. My stomach was churning. I was going to be sick.. They both spewed their cum in my holes. I was going to be sick. Fuck it and a I puked in the drivers mouth. I think all the contents of my gut went in his mouth. The fucking sick bastard swallowed it. What the fuck were these animals. The passenger got off me and the driver pushed me off onto the snow. The passenger was rubbing his head along his cock which was cover in my shit and started to lick it. The driver knelt up and put the shit covered cock in his smelly mouth. Whet it was clean he stood up and the passenger and driver passed my shit between their mouths. They pulled their jeans up but left their cock out. I was trying not to breath I hoped they had forgotten me. How wrong was I. They walk over and started to piss on me. Open wide bitch the driver said. I shock my head. He kicked me in my ribs and and my mouth opened. Piss was streaming into my mouth so I swallowed. I shuddered. Yuk but just kept swallowing their nasty piss. They finished and shock they cocks on me. See you around babe such a great fuck. they got in the van and drove off.
I lay there for a few moments waiting for them to get far away. I was snowing hard again but I could not feel the cold. I sat up and looked around for my clothes. My boots were on the other side of the road along with my coat. I could not see my leggings. Fuck where are they I thought. My pussy will get frost bite. I slowly stood. I could still taste my puke and his dirty cock on my lips. I walked the wall to see if my leggings were over there. No. I was sore all over and I started to feel the cold and damp going through my bones. I thought to myself, Gaynor get a grip. you don't want to be found dead in the snow naked like a fucking slag do you. I pinched my nipples. Ouch you bitch I said out loud. That hurt. I crossed the road. It hurt my feet and and I stood on a stone. I may have been small but I nearly feel over.I pulled my coat on. It was wet inside but my body will soon dry it out I said to myself. I pulled the hood over my head and zipped it up to my chin. I felt warmer already. I put my boots on but did not fasten them. I needed my leggings. How had can it be to find them. They are bright yellow for fuck sake. My coat came down well past my knees so I was not going to flash my pussy to anybody. OMG then I hit me. I am all alone in the middle of nowhere. It's snowing. I have no money. Gaynor girl you are in deep shit babe I thought.

I started to walk the same way as the assholes had gone. If I met them again they would do the same to me again. OK I can live with that. I was enjoying my chat with... ME. God it must be the cold. Then again they could kill me. Shut up knob head don't say things like that. OK. Sorry. I could see a light just down the road so I stopped. It wasn't moving. Must be a house babe with people. What if it's them. Will you fucking shut up. Always thinking bad things. I stopped thinking and quickened my place. After 10 minutes or so I reach a farmhouse. There was a light in the porch and a bright one in a room to the side. I opened the gate and slowly went down the path. What you doing. Your going to get us both killed. I am not listening to you. La La La La. I went to were the light was shining and looked through window. I could see an old man and woman sat in arm chairs watching TV. It looked so warm in there. The woman looked over so I ducked and nearly fell over. What you doing you silly cow I don't want to die. Makes two of use then doesn't it bitch. Next minuye the front door opens. and the guy is stood there.....with a shot gun. Were fucked now I said to myself. In my head I started to say the 23 Psalm The Lord is my shepherd...... I stood up and farted. I hope he didn't her my fear. Can I help you he said in a firm but gentle voice. I am sorry to disturb you but I am lost I pleaded. I was out walking and it started to..... Come here let me get you in out of the cold and wet.

Who is it Stan a woman's voice said. A young lady who is lost and very cold. He can still kill us. What if they live here to. Shut the fuck up I said to myself. Talking to yourself is great at times. It soon gets boring. Come this way and meet my wife. Can I take your coat. No I'm fine I replied. I walked into the room and the heat hit me. My fingers nose and legs were tingling. Lumps of frozen blood I thought. The woman said take off your coat so we can get it dry. I'd rather not. I am nude under it. It is a very warm coat so when I walk I tend to sweat a lot. What about your bottoms she asked. Get out of that smart ass. Err.. I got caught up and the waist band snapped. My fingers were so cold I couldn't hold them up. Alice go and get the girl something to put on Stan said. At lease sit and take your boots off. I sat on a dinning chair but because my coat is so big I couldn't reach my feet. Stan knelt down and started to undo my boots. He lifted my leg and pulled it to one side slightly. Fuck he might die if he see's my pussy. I struggled to keep my legs close but he was strong. I let my legs loose and he removed my boot. Never once did he try to look up my coat. Alice came back with a long old fashioned night gown and a robe. Alice said follow me. So we went into the kitchen. Where was a big old fashioned range for cooking plus an Arga oven. The whole room smelled of baking and food. I took my coat of and Alice asked what the scratches and the bruise on my side were. I said nothing. I fell getting over a fence and landed on some rocks. And what happened to you lip she asked quite firmly. I pulled the nightgown on and pulled the robe on too. OK. I was attacked. By who Alice asked. I don't know. Two guys. Driving an old camper van. Stanley here now she shouted. Stan came into the kitchen.
Looks like the Burgon boys have been at it again. My head dropped. Young lady, Can you describe what happened Stan asked in a calm soothing manner. Lets go into the living room.
Stan offered me a drink. I had a very large Irish Whisky. I sat there and told them my name. Then thought. Shit I hadn't phoned you. Sorry. I kneed to phone my boyfriend to tell him I'm OK. Sure Stan said. I phone you and explained I have got lost and I was staying with two nice people who found me and they would bring me back in the morning. I told them everything. Alice said that I had a nasty bruise on my side. Can I take a look her asked. No I'll be fine. Alice said it looks nasty all black and deep red. My that does sound bad he said with some concern. Alice said it fine Stan is a qualified vet. He checks all the animals over. Stan said I you have broken your ribs then it could turn bad. Fuck I thought survived being raped to die of broken ribs. OK. I stood up and removed the robe. I started to lift the nightie over my head. I was going to show a stranger my naked body. I am shameless. I stood there with my hands on my boobs. Not that they covered much. Stan stood up and came over. bent down and looked that the bruise. May I he asked. Sure I said. His hands were all hard and calloused. But his touch was wonderful. He pressed and little. I winced. Sorry he said. He pressed in a few irredentist places. I was getting wet. I wanted him to look at my ruined pussy but I didn't say anything because Alice was sat there. Fine he said. Nothing broken just bruised. Nasty cut on your lip but I'm sure that will heal too. You look like a health woman. I went bright red. He sat down. I did too. I totally forgot about being naked. We chat about me and them for ages. Two more whiskys later. I was feeling sleepy. I think Gaynor needs her bed. Come Gaynor Stan said follow me. I drained the glass and followed him upstairs. Alice followed. My head was spinning. Sex with two old people MMMMM. Here we are Stan said and kissed me on my cheek. Sleep well. Alice kissed me on the lips. Good night Gaynor . See you in the morning. I got into the big bed with cotton sheet that smelled of the world. I was out like a light.

I woke and the sun was coming through the curtains. I climbed out of bed, the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. I opened the curtains to see a snow covered landscape. There was a smell filling the room. Such a wonderful smell. Baking, cooking. I felt hungry. I need a pee now. I went to the bathroom. The door was locked. Shit I thought. I am going to pee myself. I quickly went down stairs and into the kitchen. Morning Alice said. Morning I replied. I need a pee and the bathroom is occupied. That will be Stan he’ll be in there ages. And I wouldn't go in after him. I put my hand on my pussy. I was in agony. Alice have you got a bowl I can’t hold it any longer. Alice reached into the cupboard and passed me a very large bowl. I’ll go outside I said. No do it here. You’ll freeze to death out there in your birthday suit. I placed the bowl on the floor and squatted down and released a loud stream of hot pee. Alice stood watching me. She had a silk night gown on. Short, just below here buttocks. Her boobs sagged and she had large nipples. Her tummy was a bit large but not too fat and she had a big ass. I finished and stood up. I let the last droplet fall into the bowl. God that was a lot. Is that better Alice said with a grin. Sorry I needed to go. Gaynor it’s fine we all need to piss. I had never heard Alice say a word like that before. She looked at me and asked was I shocked because she said piss. Yes I replied. Alice commented on my body which made me blush. I said that I thought she had a nice body too. No mine is old and falling apart. Look it’s a falling to the ground and slipped her gown off. Her nipples were huge. She had a stomach will wrinkles and stretch marks on it. She had a small thinning patch of grey hair over her pussy and slightly flabby legs. I said a bet all the guy are after you. Maybe a long time ago she replied. I would eat you all up. Your beautiful. I stepped forward and kissed her putting my hands on her breasts. Alice moaned and put her hands on my butt cheeks and pulled me close to her. I could feel the warmth of her body and the smell of fresh baked bread. Alice I want you I whispered. We can’t Stan is up stairs she said. He can join in. I bet he would love to get between us in bed. Alice pulled back and said, Gaynor last night Stan and I had sex for the first time in 30 years. It was wonderful. Tool us a bit longer than it use to. It is all because of you. I stood even further back. I haven’t touched Stan honest. I wouldn't I was joking. No, but I would love to be in bed with you both. Alice came over and placed a finger over my mouth and said shhhhh. Last night he kept calling me Gaynor as he fucked me. I am so sorry I didn't mean to cause…. Shut the fuck up Alice said. It was fantastic. You turned us both on. When Stan asked to see you bruise the way you removed the night dress and let him touch you. Then you just sat there naked drinking whisky and chatting. All my knickers were wet. Stan kept blowing me kisses.
We heard Stan coming down the stairs. Alice quickly put her gown back on. My heart was thumping. I stood there in the kitchen with a bowl of warm pee. Stan came in. Morning Gaynor hope you slept well. Yes I did thank you. Hi babe how’s my sex machine this morning he said grabbing Alice and putting he hands under her short night grown showing all he ass. They kissed deeply. Gaynor thanks to you we had sex last night first time in years. And I had anal sex with Alice for the first time in 53 years. Such a wonderful virgin ass. Alice went bright red and I nearly dropped the bowl. Sorry to much information Stan said with a laugh. Stan looked over and said is that maidens water in there. Fuck I wanted to die. Sorry but I needed the toilet and Alice gave me this bowl. He walked over. Oh my, such a lot. I bet that took you ages. He stuck his middle finger in it and then tasted it. MMMM that’s nice he said. Alice have a taste. Alice did the same. Yes nice Alice replied. Stan asked if I had ever tasted my own or anybodies else’s piss. Yes I muttered as quietly as I could. I was feeling uncomfortable telling strangers that I drank pee. Do you do it a lot Stan asked. I looked at him. I felt like a young child being told off. I drink my first one every morning and I wash in it. Do you want some now he asked. No, it’s OK. Are you sure he said. I nodded. Mind if we do then. No I don’t mind. Alice got two large glasses and Stan filled them. I watched as these two nice people I thought drank my piss. Alice said they would save the rest of later. And I thought I was a perv. Sorry I need to phone my boyfriend. Sure go into the lounge. I dialled and you quickly answered. Hi babe. You OK. Yes you said just worried that’s all. I'm fine. Stan the old guy is going to drive me back after breakfast. You OK. Yes you said just lonely. There was a knock on the cabin door. Somebody is he babe chat later. I love you and then hung up.

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