Teenage Girls Testimonials: Ball cream


Teenage Girls Testimonials: Ball cream

Part 1 - Tamara Teasdale on Ballcream (With Cousin Becky)

My name is Tamara Teasdale and I'm an honors student in high school.
I am 18 years old and I chose to do this report on ballcream. My cousin
Becky and in the same school and she assisted me with preparing this report.

Ballcream is an essential part of every teenage girl's life and yet its
importance is often overlooked by both parents and guardians, and
especially by teachers. As a famous first lady once noted, "It takes a
village." Nowhere is this more true than with ballcream.

Despite how critical ballcream is to young girl's proper physical and
mental development, only now is this basic medical fact becoming widely
recognized and accepted in the mainstream media. Years of neglect spawned by Victorian-era thinking has damaged even the sacred father-daughter relationship, not to mention other adult-child relationships, and this damage has taken a sorry toll on America's growing little girls. Only now are gains being made in reversing the malnutrition, neglect and downright abandonment than many little girls feel, not getting a healthy supply of ball cream on a regular basis.
But first a little background on ballcream. Even though teenage girls need
plenty of ballcream to develop healthy bodies, they are unable to make
their own ballcream, and certainly unable to purchase it in a store.

Instead, ballcream must be made inside a man's body and delivered to the
girls, usually with the assistance and help of the another girl, in
order to produce the best results.

Ballcream is an all-natural substance, often called sperm or semen, that
is created inside a man's body, specifically down in his balls. Ballcream
is created continuously by a healthy man's balls, once he reaches certain age
Keep this fact in mind, because many of you have an older brother who can assist your Daddy with supplying you with daily fresh loads of ballcream. Even though ballcream is created in the man's balls, it still needs to be removed before it can be used by the teenage girl, and the various ways of extracting ballcream are the main focus of my report.
Usually ballcream is removed from a man's balls by rubbing on the long
funny-looking thing you see here in this photo. These photographs are
closeups of my Daddy without his clothing on, specifically the area down between his legs.

This long skinny part here is called the penis. As you can see, it is
quite different from what little girls have down between their legs
because a penis sticks out and isn't all smooth and tucked between a man's
legs. As you can see here, a man does not have a slit between his legs
either, another difference from girls.

This first picture shows Daddy's penis all short and small and soft, just
sitting on top of the little skin bag where his balls are kept, which is
also called a ballsac.

This next picture shows my Daddy's penis as it is just beginning to grow
longer and lift up from his ballsac. To make Daddy's penis start growing,
Becky and I just pulled our panties down a few inches and showed him our
juicy pink pussies and let him examine them. You can do the same thing with
your Daddy, because all Daddy's penises are specially designed to get long
and hard if they see sexy girls pussies, especially their own
daughter’s pussy. Here is a closeup of Becky and I standing side by side
letting Daddy examine our pussies. My pussy is the one with a few little
hairs starting to grow on it. Daddy calls my pussy hairs "wispies" and he
really loves kissing them with his lips because they are so soft and

This picture here shows my Daddy's penis sticking up all long and hard and
ready to give ballcream. Notice how much longer my Daddy's penis is now
and how red it is, especially on the end, just because he was looking at
our pussies.

In this picture here on the end, you can see Becky's hand wrapped around
Daddy's stiff penis. She is squeezing the penis really hard, but it is
rock hard inside, just like a candy cane. Becky and I play together a lot
and she always helps me with ballcream. Because I love her very much, we
always take turns and share Daddy's ballcream together when Becky visits.
When I visit Becky, her Daddy (Uncle Kurt) shares his ballcream with the
two of us all the time. You can see how Becky's hands are compared
with Daddy's penis, and you can also see how much redder the end of
Daddy's penis gets when Becky holds on it. My Daddy often makes funny
noises when Becky's hand first wraps around penis, and even more funny
noises later, but I'll get to that part soon!

In this photograph you can see Becky's other finger pointing at my Daddy's
balls inside his ballsac. You can't actually see ballcream when it is
inside a man's body, but when a man's balls are making ballcream, you can
feel them pulse by putting your fingers against the side of the balls.
This photo shows how Becky is using her free hand to pat the side of my
Daddy's ballsac and feel the ballcream being made. Becky knows to always
keep her other hand wrapped firmly around Daddy's penis, which helps to
stimulate Daddy's balls and helps his penis get ready to make ballcream
come out for us.

There are many different ways to get ballcream out. One way is to use your
hand and slide it up and down on Daddy's penis, just like you can see
Becky doing in this picture. This method often works fairly well and is
easy to do anywhere, but doesn't always produce as much ballcream as other

This picture shows Becky's little pussy up next to Daddy's penis. See how
small her pussy is? My pussy is bigger and I am starting to grow pussy
hairs too, but Becky's pussy is really small and has no hair at all, just
a little round peachy bump with a slit in it. Becky is standing close to
Daddy so that she can point his big penis down and rub the bulby red part
against her juicy girl pussy. Rubbing a Daddy's penis against a little
girl's bare pussy is one of the best ways to make lots of extra ballcream.
Becky knows that this works really good on my Daddy, plus Becky likes the
feeling of how warm the end of Daddy's penis feels against her pussy. In
this picture Becky has pushed her hips forward so Daddy's penis is
touching just the very top part of Becky's pussy, right up near the crack.

In this next photo Becky has pushed her hips even more and you can see
Daddy's big penis is poking right into Becky's pussy crack. Becky likes
how this feels and if she uses her hand and wiggles Daddy's penis up and
down while it is inside her pussy slit, this really makes Daddy's balls
create a lot of fresh ballcream. When Becky does this, Daddy always asks
her if she likes the feeling of his giant penis inside her baby girl pussy
slit, and of course Becky loves it. Daddy reminds Becky that what she is
doing is really helping him make lots of fresh ballcream, and they do it
together for a long time.

Another way little girls can get ballcream out of their Daddy's penis is
by using their sweet juicy mouth. This picture shows Becky holding her mouth open,
putting it right up next to the bulby end of my Daddy's penis. Becky has
lost both of her front teeth and my Daddy says that it her gummy-gap feels
really neat on the head of his penis, so that's what Becky always does
nowadays. In this picture you can see Becky is rubbing her tooth-gap right
on the end of Daddy's penis and looking up at Daddy. Notice that Becky is
keeping both of her hands on Daddy's penis now: when a teenage girl puts
her mouth anywhere near a man's penis, it is very important to hold onto
it with both hands, because penises can get very jumpy and twitchy when a
teenage girl puts her mouth close to them. That's just the way most Daddy
penises are for some reason.

Daddies also make most of their funny noises when a beautiful girl's mouth is
next to or touching their big penises. In this picture you can see that
Becky is licking the end of Daddy's penis with her tongue, resting her
upper lip right on the bulby part while she licks the lower part. Here you
can see the little string of water that is dribbling from Daddy's penis to
Becky's tongue. Some of this is spit from Becky's mouth, but it is also
partly some of Daddy's clear ballcream, which isn't really ballcream, but
tastes a little bit like ballcream and comes out just before the real
ballcream comes out.

Inside a man's penis there are special glands to make this clear ballcream
and it makes it so that when the real ballcream comes shooting out, more
of it can shoot out properly, and it can shoot out really strong that way.
This clear ballcream helps make sure that none of the real ballcream gets
left behind inside the penis shaft, where it would be wasted.

In this photo you can see that Becky has closed her lips and mouth around
the end of Daddy's penis and she is sucking on it now, sort of like
sucking on a lollipop. See how much redder my Daddy's penis looks all of
a sudden? When a girl puts her mouth on a penis, it makes lots of
blood pump into the penis and makes it feel really good inside for the
Daddy, as well as helps prepare him to make ballcream come out.

Now you can see Becky is holding more of Daddy's penis right inside her
mouth. In these two pictures you can see how small Becky's mouth is and
how much she has to stretch her lips to fit around Daddy's giant penis.
Even though Becky is older and Daddy's penis
is so long that he can only fit the forward part into Becky's mouth, the
round helmet part and a little bit of the shaft part. See where the shaft
part is all shiny? That is Becky's spit and it shows you how far she can
put my Daddy's penis into her mouth. If he pushes it any further Becky
doesn't like it and she gets mad sometimes when Daddy does it just for
fun, to tease Becky.

Because Daddy and I practice all the time, and because I am older, I can
fit a lot more of Daddy's penis into my mouth. This picture here, which is
sort of confusing because it's all turned around, shows my Daddy's penis
is almost completely gone inside my mouth. I laid on my back and Daddy
knelt over me and pushed his great big penis down into my mouth, pushing
with his hips and jamming it into my mouth. When he does that, I open both
my mouth and my throat and I can feel the big bulby part of his penis
sliding all the way back into my throat, which is the only way I can fit
all of Daddy's penis in my mouth. My Daddy says he's really proud of me
for being able to do that, and Becky got jealous, but Daddy told her that
one day she'd be a big enough girl to fit all of his penis in her mouth
too, and that he would help her practice anytime she wanted.

Once a Daddy's penis is slippery and wet, either with spit or soap or even
with baby oil, there are many other ways to get the ballcream out, limited
only by how clever and creative this girl is. In this picture Becky
is pouring olive oil on Daddy's penis, because olive oil tastes kind of
nice and because it is very warm and slippery and makes Daddy's penis feel
really nice when she rubs it. Becky and I often put olive oil on our
pussies when we're playing alone, and then we rub our pussies together,
and that feels really good because the oil is so nice and warm on our
little pussies.

In this picture, Becky has hopped up into Daddy's lap and she is holding
Daddy's penis up against her juicy pink pussy, which is spread open wide with
her legs lying on top of Daddy's legs. See how oily Daddy's penis is and
how the light shines off of it, right where Becky is holding it with her

This here is a closeup picture of Becky's lap and now she has closed her
legs together around Daddy's penis and only the little purple tip of
Daddy's penis is sticking up. See the little hole in the end and how
glistening wet it looks? That hole is where all the ballcream will come
shooting out.

And here is Becky pouring a little bit extra olive oil right into her lap,
right onto her legs, right next to her pussy and on the tip of Daddy's
penis, to make sure Daddy's penis is nice and lubricated and he can push
it up and down easily, like in these pictures. Because Daddy's penis is so
long, it sticks up pretty far from Becky's lap when he pushes up, and yet
it almost disappears when he pulls it back down between her legs.

Sliding up and down between a girl's legs, especially a little girl like Becky who has no hair on her pussy crack yet, is
one of the best ways to get ballcream out of a penis, and most Daddies say
it is their favorite way, but some other men prefer making ballcream in
other ways.

Since there are many different uses for ballcream, depending on what the
little girl needs at the time, she can choose from any of these different
ways of getting it out. For instance, if the little girl just wants to
drink the ballcream directly, then sucking and licking on the end of the
penis while rubbing your hands along the long part is the best way to do
it, so you don't waste any of it.

Because my Daddy has taught me to hold so much of his long penis in my
mouth, this is Daddy's favorite way to make ballcream when he and I are
doing it. When Daddy squirts his ballcream, it shoots right into my mouth
and I can taste it before I swallow it.

But with Becky, since her thighs are fatter than mine (see how she still
has lots of babyfat right beside her pussy mound?), Daddy prefers shoving
his penis up and down between her legs and making all his ballcream squirt
out all over her puffy pussy mound, where she rubs it in. But sometimes
Daddy lets Becky drink right from his penis too, but usually only when
both Becky and I are there with him.

This next picture shows Becky still sitting in my Daddy's lap, and shows
my Daddy's penis right before the ballcream comes out. He has pushed his
penis up one final time and told Becky to put her hands right above the
end of his penis so that the ballcream doesn't squirt everywhere and get
lost. When Daddy pushes his penis up and down between Becky's legs, his
ballcream always shoots super-far. The first time we did it this way,
Daddy wasted half of his ballcream by spraying it straight up onto the
ceiling! We laughed and laughed and we had to clean the ceiling up
afterwards, but now we know better and Becky holds her hand over the end
of Daddy's penis when Daddy tells her the ballcream is almost ready to
come out.

This picture shows the first spurt of ballcream shooting out. See how it
comes out of the little slit on the end of Daddy's penis? You can see how
oily Daddy's penis is, and you can see how fast the ballcream comes out,
because it bounces right off Becky's hands and squirts onto her little
tummy, where it dribbles down to her lap.

These next photos are all from right as my Daddy's fresh ballcream came
shooting out. Becky is laughing but Daddy's face is all red and his eyes
are closed. Becky is catching some of Daddy's ballcream in her hands but
a lot of it is splashing onto her tummy and running down onto her pink
pussy, drooling down into the slit part. This time Becky decided to put my
Daddy's ballcream all over her pussy, since Becky really wants to grow a
lot of hair on her pussy when she grows up, just like my pussy has started
already growing hairs. Smearing fresh ballcream on a little baby pussy is
one of the best ways to help make it grow lots of pussy hair.

These final pictures show Daddy's penis still jammed up between Becky's
oily legs, and Becky has started smearing the ballcream all over her
pussy. You can see this load of ballcream is super-lumpy, because Becky
couldn't reach under to wiggle Daddy's balls, which helps stir the
ballcream up and make it not quite so lumpy, kind of like stirring soup to
make it smooth.

And here there is one big glob of it right at the very top of Becky's
pussy slit. In this picture Becky has rubbed the glob into her pussy
crack, and as you can tell by her fingers, she is fiddilng with her pussy
bump up near the top. Becky really likes putting Daddy's fresh ballcream
on her pussy bump because it feels so slippery and warm.

This concludes my first report on ballcream. In my next report on
ballcream I will cover additional ways of getting ballcream out and also
discuss the different ways of helping my Daddy make really healthy
ballcream. Beckys Daddy (Uncle Kurt) will also help us out in this part.
Thank you!
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