My Turn


Finally divorced and free from a marriage that had failed quickly after we'd married. My husband thought of our marriage as a promotion avenue rather than a commitment to me, he told me that himself. He worked for a Born-again Christian owned company who had family values top of their beliefs. Being a playboy type wasn't very conducive to promotions, who could have affairs outside of your marriage as long as it wasn't public knowledge. I was a bit slow on the uptake as I thought he wanted a wife and family and so I'd married him at 20 and he was 26. It didn't take me very long to work out after our marriage I was just a prop rolled out for visual affect at company gatherings. Sex in our marriage minimal as I was too old fashion for his tastes, but perfect for the image he was projecting. Then he was caught up in a police raid and it all came crashing down. He was out of state with others from the company and were caught with drugs and women. All would lose their jobs because they were caught, not because of their lack of morals. I filed for divorce, and he didn't oppose the divorce and so it went thru quickly. At 24 I was single again and my ex got time in prison. I hadn't been to university or done well at high school as my Born-again Christian family thinks it's improper for women to get too much schooling and they don't believe in divorce also. So, I was free of my cheating husband and rejected by my family for getting divorced. He would be invited to Sunday dinner long before I would ever be again. I got a job in another state and had sold the family home I got in the divorce. I got a job working for a family company (not Born-again Christians) and I was fairly set to renew my life. My immediate boss was the youngest son 30 of the family and was termed slow by them. He was timid around people until he got to know them. I was his assistant to describe my actual job, I was the buffer between him and people to enable him to function inside their company. I was easy going and soon he relaxed with me very quickly and that the main reason I was made his assistant. I was almost 25 at the time and no relationship or plans to date at the time. So, I would accompany him to events as part of my job and we became very close. I felt sorry for him, seeing him as like me in my failed marriage. On finding out he hadn't ever had any relationships other than with his family. He was a virgin, and I decided to at least change that. I seduced him, it wasn't hard as he really trusted me, and I taught him what he needed to know about sex. Also, I started to use him for my sexual needs, I hadn't realized I had. Once I had fucked him, my sexual drive was reawakened, and I slept with him regularly. I thought our relationship was secret, but the change in his demeanor was noticed by his maternal grandmother 74 who kept an eye on him. She thought I was perfect for him as a wife, as I showed no interest in exploiting him. So, at event of his family I was there as his escort as was usual to balance the numbers is how it started. His grandmother got me alone and straight-out asked me was I willing to marry her grandson. I was shocked and reluctant, which only reenforced her belief I wasn't a gold digger. I asked why me as I wasn't of their social standing and hadn't ever thought I would or could marry him. After promising to think it over, she left me to think it thru a bit more. Almost a week later she came saw me and I said I couldn't as I wouldn't fit into their family. Nonsense was her reply you've already had, I hadn't noticed myself, but I had been accepted by the family. More or less because I made her grandson happy and him being happy made the family happy. But his father was a stern person, and I thought he wouldn't want me in his family. But after telling her this she said he already approved of our marriage and thought it perfect like she did. I finally said if the family had no objections, I will marry her grandson if he also wants me too. Good you will marry on June 9th, 2018, and that was April 28. My soon to be in-laws buzzed around me getting everything ready for the wedding. My soon to be husband was very happy with us marrying and so I stopped precautions in our sexual relationship. Mainly because his grandmother had mentioned she wanted to see his children before she passed away. I did get pregnant fairly quickly, but it hadn't been confirmed by the wedding day. Much to the delight of his grandmother. She is very happy with our 3 children we've had since marrying and I'm still his assistant as well.
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