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I Dated a Teenage Virgin.A long, detailed account of dating a repressed young girl. This Series: I Dated a Teenage Virgin A Drunken Encounter Rebound Relationship The Perfect Girlfriend? I met Silvi, a young Lebanese Christian girl while working at the plant. She had recently started and I had a chance to talk to her explaining part of her job. She was a cute but shy girl from a strict family. I found out later that the extent of her experience with sex was slow dancing in the school gym and kissing a boy on the danc... reading time 51 mingenreFirst timeswritten on
HenrySeldonLife's Pathways - Female CompanyNicky and I walked over the site and through a gate and into the meadow. She said she felt exposed in the things she was wearing. I have the same bits as you I said, yours are bigger. We sat down on the banks of the river and I asked if she had ever done it with a guy before? Not really Nicky said a bit of a feel at school but she hated boys. Why I asked? Because they only one thing and I what to love. Nice I said, I lost my virginity the other day. It was wonderful, but I did not tell he wh... reading time 17 mingenre
Lesbianwritten on
GaynorBlueHome Alone 17Home Alone 17 Teen boys are commonly known to be horny. Having once been a teenage boy I can confirm this was often the case for me as well as my peers. I will even go so far as to say that as I near middle age I have only just begun to find that my desires sexually have begun to slacken a bit. However, having also become a father to two teenage girls, and having been married to an attractive healthy woman for nearly two decades now I have learned much that I did not previously know about gir... reading time 25 mingenre
Incestwritten on
RdDogCompany Property (Part6)Clair spoke softly to Maria. "I've discovered the most terrible things in the last few days, Maria. There is a poor woman here who has sex with a dog, and her husband is a pony slave!" Maria looked at Clair, indicating she was fully aware of the situation, "I know her, Clair. She loves her new life and is getting more love now than she ever did with Kyle. The dogs are all modified for size and endurance. They keep those Puppygirls quite busy." "She likes being a dog wife? why didn't you tell ... reading time 27 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Emilio FalconKindra And The Black Client"Why am I here, why am I here?" I whined, fingering through files. "Oh, because the witch needs some this shit for the client," I groaned before a pause. "The client wants Pepsi instead of Coke; I have to get what they want. They want a certain band to be playing on the stereo; I have to make it happen because I'm the intern. What the fuck?" I let out before closing the filing cabinet. "Crap, I don't know what I did with that form. I've already copied it twice for him, but he needs a third copy?... reading time 49 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
kornslayer1Look! He Likes It! I just hung up the phone with Carol. I wondered why she asked me to wear something that had sex appeal. Strange I thought as our nights consist of deliveries and cash pick-ups. Carol and I use to work for a guy that seemed to have his pinky into anything that turned a profit. We would deliver (lets just say stuff) as well as picking up money from all whom owed on the scrap paper given to us. In the beginning it was exciting running around town with all that "stuff" . Carol and I were ... reading time 8 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
Rikky TikkyMy beautiful cousinAs I put the disk in the DVD player, I ran through my mind exactly what I was going to do... I was going to try to seduce my cousin Ashley while we watched Part 2 of Mockingjay, the last Part in The Hunger Games. The movie would be a poor substitute for the book, as movie adaptions almost always are. But it provided a good backdrop since Ashley had not seen the movie yet. We both knew what was going to happen, but we wanted to see what would be cut out from the book. A few minutes after the mov... reading time 20 mingenre
Incestwritten on
money8023Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 4The rape, accurately filmed in all his lewdness and artfully camouflaged as a lewd prostitution trick by Bob, went on again and again. When their cocks were limp, they got them hard again torturing her with huge rubber cocks and dildoes taken from Bob's stock in the shop; they put clips on her sore nipples, plunged bottles and a special ultra-wide dong in her asshole. After they had finally stuck in her cunt and asshole the biggest dildos that Bob had at the shop, they lost interest in her. Th... reading time 20 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
DjianNext Generation BondingMy thighs were sore coming back from work at the local mall in Atlanta. I was exhausted. The heat and humidity of the Georgia summer made it worse. Thank God it was Friday and the weekend was at hand. After my routine drive to the quiet outskirts of the city where we live, I was finally back home in the peace and quiet of the air-conditioned efficiency apartment my daughter and I lived in. I didn’t see my daughter when I came in. She texted me earlier that she was going to be with girlfriends... reading time 27 mingenre
Incestwritten on
VAToday is the dayJason looked at his mother as she walked around the pool in her hot pink two-piece bikini. He could help it as he felt his dick start to harden as Angie moved along with her fat 36 double D tits gently bouncing up and down. But, when she turned and bent over showing him her nice plump 38" ass as her bikini bottoms slid right up into the crack of her Jason almost lost his load. "Today is the day," Jason mumbled to himself. Jason knew about Angie and the reason why her his dad split. Angie ... reading time 8 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Janice Joe A Deer SurpriseA Deer Surprise I was out walking the other day on my usual trail when I spotted a smaller one leading off this one. I decided to take it and see where it went. I walked for a little bit then entered a small opening in the trees. It wasn't very big but it was big enough to rest in. I sat down, took my back pack off, setting it behind me. I leaned back and rested with my head on the back pack. A few minutes later , I heard a rustling in the trees and looked around. A big buck appeared a... reading time 11 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Ron JohnsonSenior Sex continued IIIThis is my 4th post. Please read the first three to get the full story. My wife has been seeing John and Pam for over 2 1/2 years and Lindy has become their fuckbuddy. Lindy still sees John and Pam often to keep up her sex drive. She recently set down with me and told me the whole story of their time together and to thank me for allowing her to enjoy sex again. I’m happy for her just wish I could have sex with her. She explained what John and Pam mean to her and how much fun they were having. Sh... reading time 11 mingenre
Straightwritten on
WoodsterThe virgin and the sex dollMatt's over protective Tim father buys him a top of the range sex doll for his birthday in a bid to "keep him out of trouble" with girls. Up to this point Matt had been concentrating on his studies at school to the exclusion of everything else including girls and sex but things were about to change, all thanks to his father’s gift . . . . Oh my God!, Dad, No!, No!, No! . . . Matt gazed down stunned at the rubber doll laying in the large wooden box on the sitting room floor. Tim knew there woul... reading time 8 mingenre
First timeswritten on
Ian MasonNow That's Salty Popcorn!If you know anything about my sexual history you know one thing. I love to give blowjobs. I literally have no idea why that is. I know a lot of girls could take it or leave it. And some, for reasons known only to them, just won't do it. But I can't imagine going more than a couple of days without having someone's little-man wet-sneeze on my tonsils. I used to laugh when my obviously feminist guidance counselor asked me what I would do if I had a billion dollars and didn't have to work. I knew... reading time 8 mingenre
Funnywritten on
Zoey "princesstiddiez"Seduced mom and now she can't get enoughWe are a super close family, my older sister, mom, dad and I are very close, some of my friends think we are weird since we wont eat dinner unless we are together at the dining table. Anyways, When I was growing up, I used to be scared of the dark, no matter what and where. It got so bad that at the age of 13 I was used to sleeping with the overhead lights on, the one shining directly into my eyes. I found remedies to help me get over this and I was able to sleep in a dark room by the age of ... reading time 20 mingenre
Incestwritten on
PunkdragonThe Neighbors Wife Shu-chenTina had left for work I was up had my morning shower grabbed a robe sipping my coffee at the kitchen table. Now that school had started, I was going to miss fucking the neighbor’s daughter Annya every morning. I’ll just have to wait until the afternoon after she gets out of class. My little Taiwanese, pussy, or as she calls it sui gei. My cock was getting to a vibe just thinking. There was a knock I looked up and saw Shu-chen, Annya’s mom. She was standing at the patio door in her robe. I got ... reading time 8 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Beth RMy first time with a sheepWhen I was around the age of 18 to 19 I had my first experience with a sheep, to be more specific an ewe. Being raised in the countryside I had often seen the wildlife of my country up close and somewhat personal, cows, horses and sheep were pretty commonly seen, But I digress. One night in the month of July I happened to be exploring my little village, being between the ages of 18 and 19 and in a remote region life tended to be rather dull and somewhat tiresome at the best of times. As my frien... reading time 8 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
TheWelshDragon95Home at LastThey had been planning the relocation for a while now. The urgency to be together was apparent, but there was so much to do before it could be actualized. They had agreed to move in together. She would move her work to his town. She, however, felt like the library she had started so painstakingly, needed to keep running. She would not wind it up, she would find someone to keep doing what she was doing and start something similar on the other side. What delayed their being together was finding so... reading time 8 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Jiana BrownJerk that thingI don't really remember when I started having erections,just seemed like something I hoped everybody else dealt with too.I heard in the circle of friends,how you were supposed to "jerk them off".I wasn't even sure what that meant.A couple of buddies had remarked how my "bulge"in my pants looked huge.They said if I didn't want to walk around like that all the time,I needed to jerk it off and it would go down.I just figured the almost painful hardness lasted for hours at a time. It was difficult t... reading time 11 mingenre
Incestwritten on
handjobaddict/mike g smoothA short trip during covid 19 crisesA short trip during covid 19 crises By Dina Petro My boss needed me to go on a two-day mission to a neighboring country for some company requirements, the covid 19 crises making it so hard to travel, but it was something urgent that had to be done. My boss said: “Vickie, I know it is very hard and risky, especially the area you are going to is a countryside area, more of a village, than a big city, you may not find close by fancy hotels in there, besides, staying at huge hotels during the Pande... reading time 16 mingenre
First timeswritten on
Dina PetroThe Aussie fighter title - Chat fightPeter: I am not sure how much longer I can put up with the shit from the sunstruck state, for those from overseas, that is Queensland, the part of Australia given over to guys who wear flip flops cause they can't tie shoe laces, and they drink beer called XXXX cause they can't spell beer, Peter: Everyone knows I am the king of the ring in Australia, but this guy Dave has been dissing me right, left and centre, telling me that I am too old, over the hill, have no balls, and so on, so finally wi... reading time 17 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Peter LiepinsMy love with a stray bitchI lived in a rented accommodation as a bachelor in a small town in India where there is a stray yet beautiful bitch used to live in my street. Recently she delivered a lot of puppies and started to get weaker while feeding them as I have a soft corner for animals I started to feed her and in this sequence I don't know how I started to feel attracted towards her I know it's quite weird but that was the truth now I suddenly wanted her to remain close to me as a result I started to feed her a littl... reading time 10 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
XYZ The Ultimate MILF "Well, let's see if Troy will go go-karting with us, and if not, we can just leave straight from here, Sean," I said, coming up to the door with him. "Fine, Adam, but he threw that fit over not being invited to the basketball game a few weeks ago, and now we can't do anything without checking in with him?" "I guess, but on the other hand, have you met his mom?" I asked as we made it to the door. "No, why?" "Dude, she's hot as hell; I mean, forget any hot mom you've ever met before. If I coul... reading time 39 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
kornslayer1Jean the ArtisteJean the Artiste (La Plan Diabolique!) By Roger with a nod to Nin and Mel ‘20 Chapter the First…A P L A Studio in Calais In the northeast section of the city of Calais and very near the channel waters was a small colony where there lived many painters, writers and sculptors, including a particular artiste, our young, innocent Jean. The colony near Calais was known by the residents as La Petite Artiste or simply as LPA. It was a gay part of CalaIs whereat music and laughter were often heard... reading time 20 mingenre
First timeswritten on
RogermelSleepover incest"Mom!" Hollered Seth as I was laying in the bathtub, soaking up the fresh salts I had just bought earlier. "Can Jesse spend the night?" He crept into the bathroom with a big grin on his face and sat at the edge of the tub. "Pleeeeeeeeeeze?" He begged and held his hands up as if he were praying to the Heavens to make it happen. "We want to watch this scary movie that's on Showtime and it's supposed to be awesome. "I thought you were hanging out at work after he got off." I bellowed and sat up ju... reading time 9 mingenre
Incestwritten on