Seduced mom and now she can't get enough


We are a super close family, my older sister, mom, dad and I are very close, some of my friends think we are weird since we wont eat dinner unless we are together at the dining table.

Anyways, When I was growing up, I used to be scared of the dark, no matter what and where. It got so bad that at the age of 13 I was used to sleeping with the overhead lights on, the one shining directly into my eyes. I found remedies to help me get over this and I was able to sleep in a dark room by the age of 15 with help from a phsyiciatrist.

Fast forward to my 18th birthday I was suffering through some medical problems, and had to go through a major surgery, I was bed rested for about 3 months. During this time i was on heavy pain medication and because of the pain was unable to sleep, knowing my previous condition the DR was hesitent in giving me any sleep aid. Finally after seeing my declining health due to lack of sleep they gave me Ambien to help me fall and stay asleep.

The thing that sucked so horribly was that the DR was right and it did have a bad impact on me as my fear of the dark was back and in full force. I could not even stay in my room at night time for more than 10 minutes without having a panic attack.

Lucky for me my family, especially my parents were very understanding and supportive, my sister would help out but with her college and job she had her hands full.

I was on disability from the state and was getting paid enough to help my parents with the bills but I was always home and it was not very fun.

Porn was my best friend. I had membership to 5 different premium sites at one time.

One day my mom was off from work so it was just us 2 in the house. I woke up and walked to the kitchen and saw my mom standing at the sink doing dishes. Until this point I had never sexualized my mother, not that she wasnt an attractive woman, i just would fantasize about porn stars and celebrities, since it was easier to find nudes, porn of them.

Anyways, when i got to the kitchen door i saw my mom doing dishes, her back was to me, she didnt know i was there yet. She was wearing a semi tight dress, the type you would lounge around the house in. The dress was loose enough to be comfortable but was astill able to outline my moms ass. Very firm but due to her movement was rocking side to side. I stood in the door for probably 6-7 minutes just mesmorized by the movement for her body, especially her ass. As she was getting closer to being done with the dishes, i realized that i had a huge hard on. I walked away quietly to try and calm my boner down so I can eat breakfast and take my medicine.
After about 2 minutes i was flaccid enough to be not so obviously horny.

I walked back in to the kitchen and said good morning, mom said good morning back and we had small talk. She was now wiping the dishes and putting them in the cabinet. I walked to the cabinet to grab a plate for my breakfast and with some confusion between me and her. I thought she would move to the right so I could grab a plate, but she thought opposite.
She had her back to me still and moved to the right and I also moved to the right to grab a plate from above her.
We bumped in to each other. My semi flaccid cock was pushing on to her butt as we both lost our balance. For me it wasnt easy to regain due to my surgery and for her she wanted to make sure I wouldnt fall and hurt myself.
With my right arm above her shoulder as I was reaching for the cabinet, my mom reacted quickly, grabbed a hold of it and pushed herself back to support my weight, I did the same, with my left i hugged her tight so that I wouldnt fall.
In doing so her butt was pushing against my cock, hard. and in panic when i hugged her i grabbed her boob.
With a couple of my rocking back and forth, we were both stable and in balance. I was panting from almost falling and didnt even realize i was holding her tits. Or that my cock was nestled between her ass crack.
Mom pealed off my hand from her boobs after a minute and asked if I was ok. i responded yes and stepped back.
My mom turned around to look at me and saw that I was panting pretty hard and walked me to the dinner table, as she was sitting me down I saw her eyes gaze at my buldge in my pants, after she sat me down i could feel that she continued looking at my cock. When i looked up at her she looked away. I was embaressed that she saw me rock hard.

The next morning I walked in to the kitchen and luckily she was doing the dishes again, but my dad was also at the table, i stopped at the door again to admire my moms ass again, until dad asked if i was ok.
Mom turned arround and saw me standing there and asked my dad's whats up. To which my dad told her that Ive been standing there for a minute and he wanted to make sure I was ok.
My mom looked at me and i knew she knew at that moment that I did that yesterday as well, and she probably remembered how hard i was too.

I was embaressed again and said that I stop at the door a lot to regain balance and energy.

My mom went back to drying the dishes, as I walked towards her she turned around and looked at me, glanced at my dad who was texting someone and then glanced at my crotch so see that i was hard again, then stepped aside to let me grab the plate.

It was very awkward but I couldnt say or do anything without admitting guilt so I just let it go. I couldnt masturbate anymore, i was too embaressed with the situation and couldnt enjoy masterbation.

After a week I was getting extremely horny in the morning, so i decided ill get some breakfast and then come back to my room and relieve myself.

I got to the kitchen door and saw my mom doing the dishes again, she had pants on so it wasnt as sexy as the first time, but still had me going. I stood there admiring her ass for a few minutes and didnt even pay attention to what she was doing anymore. When i came out of my daze i realized that my mom was looking back at me, she made eye contact then looked down at my crotch so see my hard on again then looked back at me.
This time knowing full well i that i enjoyed watching her and that it turned me on immensly. I had no cover up, i simply stated that I wasnt feeling too well and came for some breakfast.
My mom is super nice and disregard what she saw and knows and told me to sit down at the table and she will make me breakfast.

We did small talk and she asked me how I was feeling, i told her i have trouble standing up for too long so showering is uncomfortable and i dont feel clean. Which was true, im not supposed to bath until the wound was fully healed so showering was the only option but standing for more than a couple minutes was very painful as well.
My mom told me she will help me with the shower. I told her no, thats ok. I didnt want to be embaresed in there. She told me i could leave my underwear on tha way at least i can be clean.
She insisted so i agreed.

Mom was wearing a white Tshirt and some pants when she came to my room. I was in my underwear, actually looking forward to a nice warm shower, for once i wasnt thinking about this sexually, at least not yet.

At first i sat on the side of the bath tub as my mom washed by back and chest, i couldnt see her, she was behind me, i was simply enjoying the warm water and feeling somewhat clean.

When i got up and turned around i saw mom standing there with soap all over her hands and arms and her Tshirt was soaked. Her breasts were clinging to the material, it was a very erotic site, i couldnt help but stare as she was washing legs and feet. Once again i was so mesmorized by her sexuality I lost control and forgot that im almost naked, i had a full hard on again, but mom was washing the calves and feet so she hasnt seen it yet.
After quick thinking I turned arround so she wouldnt see it.

Once she was done with my feet she told me that i should wash the private parts as well, in panic i told her, thats ok ill do it some other time and then thanked her for helping me.
She said "non sense, might as well get you fully clean since we are here" and as she was saying that she pulled my underwear down.
Once down she started rubbing soap on my butt cheeks and then splashed water on them to rinse it off.
I once again said thank you mom, i got it from here.
She again said "stop being such a baby" and turned me around.

Now im not huge by any means, but I have an almost 8 inch dick and its pretty thick, right now it was in full boner, as she turned me arround it was pointed up and twtching.

my mom gasped as she saw my monsterous cock swinging around and uttered "oh my gawwww" before stopping herself.
It was too late to cover up or do anything to "fix" the situation and in panic i just stood there with my cock twitching every 2 seconds at my mom.

For what seemed like a super long time my mom didnt move or say anything, she just stared at my cock with her mouth slightly open and her biting her lip. Watching her reaction was turning me on more and more, she was stunned as if she seen the best cock ever.
I was able to look at her breast through her tshirt and enjoy her reaction to my cock. I was actually loving every second and even thought the pain was hitting me a little i decided to not make any movement to make this moment last as long as i can.

After what seemed like 15 minutes, was probably only like 30 seconds my mom got up, turned around and left the bathroom, she came back only a few seconds later with a towel and started drying my body being very careful of not going anywhere near my cock. She was flushedand i could tell something was up, but didnt want to say anything and get in trouble so again i let it go.

Now, call it luck or whatever but after that night the Ambien that i was on started having really fucked up effects on me and i was having intense nightmares and couldnt stay in my room anymore.

Dad told me to just sleep in their room with them until we get different medicine.

I would sleep on the side, my dad in the middle and then mom on the other side. This went on for 2 nights before my dad accidentaly put pressure on my wound and caused me excruitiating pain, i cryed that night, almost all night.
The next night my dad stated he would sleep on the side and my mom in the middle so when he gets up to pee he doesnt hurt me.

since i was spending so much time in their room i had no way of relieving myself so my horniness took over me. So while i was pretending to be asleep i would move my hand around randmoly to feel my moms body, sometime i would get her leg, sometime her back, until i finally got my hand on her ass. She was awake and after a few seconds she shifted to have my hand move away just a bit. For several days i kept touching her butt in my sleep, to the point where she stopped trying to move away.

My dad left for a business trip for 2 days which was my lucky weekend. My dad was sleeping on the left side of the bed since its closer to the bathroom, so when he wasnt there i slept on that side. At night when i reached for my moms butt she moved in to it rather than away. I thought she was sleeping, so i "woke" up and checked and she was asleep.
I took advantage of the situation and hugged her, pretty much spooning with my mom at this point. It was an amazing feeling, she was soft and warm and i could feel her body against mine and i could feel her butt pushing against my cock. I started getting super hard because of this and I guess that must have woke her up, she turned to me as i pretending to be asleep still. She moved away from me and moved my arm from her body.

I was super horny, i waited for her to go back to sleep and spooned her again, she wasnt sleeping, instead reached over and turned on the night lamp. She said my name a few times and then shook me to "wake" me up. to which i acted surprised and asked her whats wrong. She told me i kept moving in my sleep. I apologized and closed my eyes again and turned to the other side.
She still had the light on, i could see it, she leaned over me said my name another time, i didnt respond and continued pretending i was asleep, she then did soemthing i was not expecting, she raised my blanket from my legs all the way up to my stomach and looked directly at my crotch, luckily my cock when it gets hard points up and usually goes under the elastic of the my underwear so she couldnt have been able to see that im fully erect. She looked at it for a few seconds, then muttured something under her breath, turned the lamp off and laid back down.

Once i knew she was asleep i went back to being closer to her and eventually went back to spooning her, i could not sleep since i was so horny, I wanted to cotinue feeling my moms ass on my cock, in fact i wanted more but this was fuel to my fire for now. She woke up again, pushed me to my side, said my name a few times and then went back to sleep.
and once again i inched my way closer to her and spooned her yet again, this time i heard an "ugh" right away and she turned around to face me. i kept me eyes closed, she stayed that way for a few minutes before saying "i cant do that..." i had no idea what she was talking about. I pretended to continue being asleep, not knowing if she is watching me to try and catch me or what was going on, so to not risk getting caught i just laid still and pretended to be asleep.

A minuter or 2 later i heard her take a deep breath and then move a bit, i didnt know what happened so i stayed still.
I felt the blanket move from my legs again, i was scared she was going to see my boner and get mad, but instead she felt around my crotch, a few pats, then a few seconds later i felt her brush her hand against my cock. Involuntary reflex took over and my cock twitched i heard her gasp and say "oh my gaw, even in sleep....."
Since i didnt move myself, she thought i was still sleeping, so she touched my cock through my pants some more. Gotta tell you it felt amazing to have her touch it, even though it was through my pants and underwear it still felt great. Then something amazing happened. She laid down next to me and pushed her butt right against my cock. I was in disbelief but stunned and didnt move. Ift felt great as she was gently pushing her ass against my cock. She stayed like that for a few minutes and then started grinding a bit. I couldnt take it anymore my harmones were sky high and the pleasure was intense. Pretending im still asleep, i reached over and hugged her again, spooning once more. She embraced my hug and cupped my hand to make it tighter. I coudlnt believe it, my mom was gringng against my cock and having me hold her by her stomach.
After a few moments like this i needed more, i wanted to reach up and grab her tits but then she would know i was awake. But she did it for me, she moved my hand to her breast, it felt amazing, i was upset that i couldnt squeeze it but enjoyed it anyways. She had me very close to my orgasm and I knew if i came i would lose control and grab her tits and pull her super close and she would know im awake.
So i pretended to start waking up and she stopped grinding almost immediately. I kept holding her and nuzzled in a bit closer. She said my name and asked if i was awake. I said yeah, whatsup?
She told me that i kept getting close to her and holding her like this.
I said i was sorry but didnt stop holding her.
She said , you are holding me right now too.
I knew she was enjoying it too and in that moment i had to push this further
i said "well its not like you are pushing me away, so you must like it too"
mom "well, i dont mind it but......"
Me *cutting her off* " well then lets just enjoy"
mom "ok.........."
I started gently kneeding her tits
mom "jason........"
me "yes mom"
mom "are you always hard?"
me "what do you mean?" in disbelief
mom "you have had a boner all night"
me " really? how do you know?
mom ".....well since you have been holding me, i can feel it"
me "no, but something happened a few days ago and i havent been able to get rid of it" refering to grabing her in the ktchen.
mom "When i showered you?"
Me" no, but that didnt help either"
mom "well?"
me " when were were in the kitchen and i fell on you, i felt your ass, had me turned on instantly"
mom "jason!!!!"
me " what, you asked so i told you"

Mom started grinding her ass a little bit again.
mom "So this boner IS for me?"
Me "of course"

I was loving the new tone in her voice it was turning me on even more. I slowly moved my hand down from her breast, slid across her belly and down to her pubic area, she never stopped me, instead gasped.
I started rubbing her pussy area but with all the clothes, i couldnt feel anything. I pulled her shorts down along with her under wear.
Mom " Ohh jason....."

I reach in and felt how wet she was, my finger was drenched as soon as i made contact, it felt awesome. I only rubbed her pussy for a few moments when she had her orgasm, her whole body quivvering and she panted and moaned.
Once her orgasm subsided, i turned her to face me and kissed her on the lips, she stared kissing me back and her hands went every where.
I took off all of her clothes, it was dark so wasnt able to see much but enjoyed the feeling of her naked body. I undressed myself after and held her tight.

we kept kissing until she finally broke off the kiss and immediately went to my cock and started sucking it hard. I couldnt believe it, it felt great, my own mom sucking my cock like a hungry cum slut. I heard all kinds of slurping and gasping and it was all amazing to hear and feel.

After a few minutes, i pulled her up and laid her down, i spread her legs and she says "jason, we can not have intercourse....sorry baby"
me" we will see about that..."

As i said that, i went down on her and started sucking on her pussy, she tasted amazing and there was a lot of juice down there, she was squirming like crazy, and then i went back up and quickly penetrated her pussy with my cock, she gasped and said we cant do that.
me" and yet i have my cock in your tight pussy"
mom "jason, omg it feels great but im not on the pill honey.."
me "no worries, ill pull out way before"
mom "that doesnt always work honey.... your sister was the result of that"
me "we can get the plan b tomorrow just in case"
mom "omg jason, fuck me"

her legs locked behind me, im about to cum and i start to move out, and she goes " jason, just fill me up, we will get the pill tommorw, so lets just enjoy tonight"
me" and tomorrow night"
mom "omg jason, im cumming"

I timed my orgasm with her and we both came.
I laid on top of her until we were both done cumming.

We kissed a lot more while stil locked.
I told her i want the light on to see her finally.
lights on, she is gorgeous, perfect body, stretch marks and a rouch pussy patch. her pussy was drizzling with both of our cum and dripping down to her asshole and butt.
I was still very horny and my cock started to get hard again just watching her.
mom "if there is another round in that, i want in, but this time, with the lights on so i can see in my sons eyes as he fucks my tight pussy and fill my belly up with his cum, come fuck me jason, fuck me like your whore, fuck your slut of a mother and fill her pussy wiht your jizz again"
Me"omg you are amazing, i cant wait to fill your pussy more"

We made love 3 times that night before finally we both fell asleep.

When we woke up, mom's butt, stomach and her inner thighs were covered in sticky jizz. She kissed me passionately and said "glad im off today" then winked at me before heading to the shower.

To be continued....
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