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15 stories found
(GTS) Psylocke Ch 12: Monolithic Vision I didn't know if I was losing my mind, had the stress finally gone to my head? I was seeing things in my head, and I was pretty sure that was not a good sign, and what I was seeing was enough to drive any rational mind insane. I had never seen a Brobdingnagian before. I mean I saw them on TV, in Documentaries, heck I even study them in school but never before had I truly seen one, and let me tell you this the big screen and Text Book did not give them justice. What I saw was to big to be a h... reading time 4 mingenreFetishwritten on
DarkMAtter1234(GTS) Psylocke Ch 11: Mystery And Power. I could do nothing while tied up, all I could do was listen to a story that pretty much drove me to tears. Mr. Baggett held a gun up to my face and I could tell that he wasn't going to hesitate when it came to pulling the trigger, he also had a bomb in his possession a bomb powerful enough to destroy the whole entire school all at once and yet even though any rational person would have seen this man as insane, honestly I couldn't blame him. I had heard stories of the Night of Ordchester, I ... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DaRkmatter1234 (GTS) Psylocke Ch 2: Never make a giant Friend Angry!"Hey how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" I say as I sit on the shoulder of my friend, who is severely pissed off at me. Who knew that seeing a giants girls panties could piss her off so much. Grace did not respond to my question nor did she even look at me. Not looking at me I could understand, we where in a Lilliputian area and Grace being the worried wart that she was, always looked where she was stepping, never deviating from her watch, but the silent treatment really? "Come on Gr... reading time 5 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DarkMatter1234(GTS) Psylocke Ch 15: Path To OpportunityI stare at both of my superiors who in turn stared at me. I was angry, and I did not want to speak with people who were willing to let good people die, and yet I had no choice. "What do you mean my future in the (UM)?" I ask confused. Mr. Bullock smirks at me as if I had asked a stupid question. "It is exactly as I have said young man, you have a talent solder, a talent that could be useful to the organization." I could tell that these people knew about my abilities, but the question was, ... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DarkMAtter1234Psylocke Chapter 7: Night of Ordchester (Jenna) Jenna with booming earth shattering footsteps walks through the narrow streets of Ordchester, her shoulders brushing past the copious amounts of buildings that to her discomfort restricted her movements. "Damn it!" Jenna shouts her voice forcing the many Lilliputians by her black high heel boots to cover their ears and stirring up the wind blowing a few of them off their feet. "Why is everything in this place so small?" Jenna asks irritated looking at the little people scurrying around by her... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
darkmatter1234(GTS) Psylocke Ch 13: Mysterious of Lillisprings Lillisprings was said to be one of the most beautiful Lilliputian cities in the whole Lilliputian world, it was a place filled with exquisite lakes and stunning green fields that stretched as far as the eye could see. This place filled with such wonder and beauty, one day without warning was wiped from the face of the earth leaving nothing but a massive foot print crater where the city once stood. The only one who could have made such a massive impression on the ground was a Brobdingnagian, but ... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DaRKmatter1234 (GTS) Psylocke Ch 10: A Clean Rescue. (Breonia)Breonia from above saw them amongst the rubble of destroyed buildings, concrete and glass. Two Lilliputians standing by her toes. Looking up at her in fear. "What do we have here." Breonia booms from above stepping ever closer to the little people, noticing that one was a man and the other a woman. Breonia watched as her foot falls made the little Lilliputians tumble and fall and let's out a little laugh at how pathetic they where. Breonia bends down and with a huge thud plants her butt o... reading time 7 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DARKmatter1234 (GTS) Psylocke Ch 14: Kings of Gold! Ten hours had passed since the hectic evident that had endangered the whole entire campus of Mildendo Collage and finally the (UM) Police Force and the Medical Department had finally arrived. Gabriel and Mr. Baggett's body were taken away to a Lilliputian hospital and the bomb itself was taken away by the (UM) authorities, I on the other hand wasn't treated like a hero that bravely put his life in danger to save the school, nor was I treated like a victim caught within a horrible accident no ins... reading time 7 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DarkMATter1234 Psylocke Ch 5: Truth Of The Past Pt 1I didn't always think things thru. I was one of those guys that acted on the spur of the moment and frankly it didn't always work out for the best. This! This was one of those moments! "We know you are their!" The school janitor yells as he clutch's a small Glock 42, a semi-auto pistol and points it towards my direction. "Come out, or else!" The janitor forewarns as a small and silent click reverberates through my ears, making it quite evident that the gun was off safety and was ready to f... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Darkmatter1234 Psylocke Ch 1: The world as we know it.(Tristan's perspective) You know, I can't help but think the same thing as I wake up and prepare for work every morning. The world that we are living in, is it really a world worth saving. My name is Tristan Reece Alderman and it may seem like I'm some kind of deep thinker, but in all truth and honesty, I couldn't give a damn if this world is worth saving or not, all I cared about is my simple and quite life. As I looked in my bedroom mirror that rested on my sliding closet door, I couldn't h... reading time 8 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Darkmatter1234 (GTS) Psylocke Ch 9: Delicacies! (Breonia)Breonia was excited beyond belief at the opportunity presented to her. She actually was in Lilliput, and had already done so much damage. Looking down at the Lilliputians, she couldn't help but laugh as they ran away from her feet. "You little bastards better run faster, because I'm not going to watch my step!" Breonia laughs, walking forward stepping on those unlucky enough not to get out of the shadow her giant foot created. Breonia showing no mercy loved the feeling of the tiny bodies bre... reading time 7 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DARKmatter1234 Psylocke Chapter 8: The Right To Rule (Jenna)Jenna arm was sore and by the minute was becoming numb. It pissed her off knowing that this pain came from small Insignificant Lilliputian. "To think I was starting to feel sorry for these little bastards." Jenna thought to herself grasping her arm and stomping her foot in anger unaware of the damage her little stomp had caused. Never taking her eyes off of the little solders standing before her Jenna without wasting time rushes forward, ready to make her move. Jenna witnessing the soldiers... reading time 8 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DarKmatter1234 Psylocke Ch 3: The smile of a killer.You know their are times that I look at this world and see just how unfair it really is. Brobdingnagians and Gulliverians being as powerful as they are and Lilliputians being so weak, but then as these negative feelings over take me, they are over run with feelings of wonder and amazement. It was these emotions that I was feeling at this very moment as I stood beside a pure white wall that had no trouble dwarfing me in size. It was the walls of Mildendo Collage, walls bigger than any Lilliputi... reading time 9 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
DarkMatter1234Psylocke Ch 6: Truth Of The Past Pt 2FLASHBACK 40 YEARS CITY OF ORDCHESTER- (3rd person). 30 year old Nolan Baggett holds his trembling wife tightly as the city emergency sirens ring loud and true through his ears. Nolan didn't want to believe it but it was was quite evident from all the Lilliputian panic, and black smoke that permeated the air from afar, that the city of Ordchester was in danger. Nolan was pissed that all of this chaos had to happen on his anniversary, but in the end he knew that it couldn't be helped. Nolan's... reading time 11 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
darkMatter1234Psylocke Ch 4: Scouts and The mysteries belowYou know one of the things I hate the most was awkward silences, they always made me super uncomfortable, and as I sat in the middle of Graces open hand, I swear you could find no greater example of an awkward silence. So yeah I was pretty uncomfortable. As Grace made her way into the college it became clear that we both had things that we wanted to say to one another, that was pretty obvious to the both of us, as we were both caught stealing glances at one another, only to look away in order n... reading time 15 mingenre
Fetishwritten on