Psylocke Chapter 8: The Right To Rule (Jenna)


Jenna arm was sore and by the minute was becoming numb. It pissed her off knowing that this pain came from small Insignificant Lilliputian.

"To think I was starting to feel sorry for these little bastards." Jenna thought to herself grasping her arm and stomping her foot in anger unaware of the damage her little stomp had caused.

Never taking her eyes off of the little solders standing before her Jenna without wasting time rushes forward, ready to make her move.

Jenna witnessing the soldiers raise their weapons, raises both of her arms in defense. Jenna could feel the small bullets bounce off of her body. To her it felt like she was being assaulted by millions of bees, and yet she still had the strength to push forward, in fact all of the bullets seemed to do was make her even more angry.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jenna yells at the top of her lungs, her voice completely destroying windows, cracking asphalt, and rendering people deaf for a few moments.

It only took a few moments for Jenna to reach the solders who where attack her, and without a second thought, Jenna dives on to the ground, engulfing the solders and anyone and anything that happened to be under her at the time in her mass.

For a brief moment gravity seemed to disappear as anything not rooted to the ground was sent skywards and without mercy slammed to the ground. Many people where severely injured to the point that they had lost limbs and where paralyzed from the waist and even to the neck down others had broken bones and serious compound fractures, the lucky ones had small cuts and bruises. Jenna didn't realize the damage that she had caused, but even if she did she would no longer care.

Smoke and dust had filled the air clouding her vision as she laid on the cold hard Shattered ground. Jenna wore a smile on her face, finally the pain had stopped.

Jenna rising up, sees something move in the corner of her right eye. Turning her head she see one the soldiers that had managed to escape her assault. Taking a closer look Jenna could tell that it was a man that looked to be around her age, he had light brown hair and seemed to be pretty fit. Jenna had to admit to herself that if this little man was a Gulliverian like herself, he would be her type.

Jenna gently reaches over and picks up the little Lilliputian that seemed to shake with fear. Jenna stands up to her fool height and raises the little man in her hand to her eye level.

"And what do we have here?" Jenna asks with a devious smile on her face.

The man said nothing as he seemed totally gripped in fear.

"Is it a man or a mouse?" Jenna asks looking at the man being held in her grasp.

The little soldier in her grasp said nothing as he struggled and to Jennas surprise, was able to free his left hand from her powerful grip.

Jenna looking closer at the Lilliputian she held in her hands sees a small gun pointed right at her face, and couldn't help but be concerned.

"T-take this you giant Bitch!" The Lilliputian man yells pain enveloping his voice.

The Lilliputian soldier pulls the trigger, and Jenna still keeping her grip, turns her face away in fear, hoping the pain wouldn't be to bad.

Jenna with her eyes closed feels tiny little taps on her cheek that to her surprise didn't hurt even a little.

Opening her eyes she looks at the man in her hand and sees that the gun the little man was holding was different, much different from what he had wielded before. It was smaller a much much weaker.

Jenna after realizing that she had nothing to fear showed a devilish smile, and yet even that was just for show, deep down she was embarrassed that she was made to cower from an insect.

"Well I guess we have ourselves a man after all." Jenna declares bringing the man ever closer to her face.

"You are very brave little soldier, let me reward you for your bravery." Jenna says with not no pure intentions.

It happened in an instant, before the tiny soldier could even get out a scream. Jenna with no guilt squeezes her hand with unbridled Gulliverian strength, all that was left was a red bloody stain, not even Close to resembling a man.

Jenna without a second thought wiped her blooded hand on a passing building and continues to walk through the city to continue her mission.
Daniel, Robert, and Felicity filled with aching pain witness to their dismay how the Gulliverian woman that stood before them had very little injuries from their attacks.

"What the hell I thought that these weapons where suppose to be able to kill these monsters." Robert says panicking as he watched the giant before him glare at him and his comrades from afar.

Daniel looking at Robert understood why his friend was so upset, but the truth was he already knew that their weapons would have no effect, all they could do was by time. Level 2 weapon can hurt Gulliverians, they could even slow them down for a time, but stop them was out of the equation.

"You guys we have a problem." Felicity says in alarm as she points towards the enemy.

Daniel could feel the vibrations in the ground, vibrations that only seemed to get stronger, eyes widened in fear Daniel along with his fellow soldiers look to see something they wished they hadn't. The Gulliverian woman was sprinting towards them, she had already covered a large amount of distance and was almost on top of them.

To Daniel and the rest of the Lilliputians in the area, it was like seeing a living skyscraper move at unimaginable speeds. With every footstep the ground was uplifted and the air became vicious, any Lilliputian that came to close was either stepped on or sent flying.

"Get out of the way!" Daniel yells running as fast as he could.

The Gulliverian to everyone's dismay jumps into the air, time seemed to stop for many as their lives flashed though their minds.


The giants body makes contact with the ground and like a bomb every thing in the area was blown away, the force of the impact alone seemed to shred people apart and topple near by buildings.

Daniel who managed to survive rubs his head, and whips the blood away from his face.

"Robert, Felicity, are you guys alright?" Daniel asks his vision blurred.

Daniel not hearing the voices of his friends quickly rubs his eyes in order to restore his vision.

It only took a moment for Daniel to get his vision back and what he saw made him wish that he was blind. The city that he swore to protect was in ruins, and his friend where no where to be found.

"They didn't make it." Daniel say tears in his eyes.

Daniel not having time to mourn his friends, witness the gulliverian women rise up with little to no injuries, and to his fear lay eyes on his diminutive form.

"And what do we have here?" The giant asks with a booking voice as she reaches for him with her monstrous hand.

Daniel could hardly breath as fingers bigger than his entire body wrapped around him, swiftly raising him off the ground.

Soon he found himself face level with the giant that had killed his friends, her face totally eclipsing him in its shadow. He couldn't stop shaking.

"Is it a man or a mouse?" The giantess asked with a smug look that completely pissed Daniel off.

Daniel knew he was going to die, but deep down he knew he needed to do something.
Swallowing his fear Daniel with great effort manages to free his left hand which held a small pistol.

Daniel not wanting to wast time, points his weapon at the giant face of the Gulliverian that held him captive and shoots all the bullets he had, and even though he felt a brief happiness see the giantess look away in fear, he knew that the weapon he was using wouldn't be affective.

The pistol he held was level 1 and could never work against a Gulliverian.

The giantess looks at Daniel and even though she was smiling Daniel could see the anger in her eyes.

"Well I guess we have ourselves a man after all." The Gulliverian declare bringing Daniel so close to her mouth that he could smell her breath.

"You are very brave little soldier, let me reward you for your bravery." The giantess says. Daniel knew better to get his hopes up.

Daniel never felt a single thing, it all happened to fast for his nerves to register the pain. The giant fingers wrapped around his body came together and soon he was no more."

Jenna after killing so many Lilliputians, was finally beginning to understand how Gulliverians where so above them. They truly did have the right to rule , and today that fact would be proven.

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