Psylocke Ch 4: Scouts and The mysteries below


You know one of the things I hate the most was awkward silences, they always made me super uncomfortable, and as I sat in the middle of Graces open hand, I swear you could find no greater example of an awkward silence. So yeah I was pretty uncomfortable.

As Grace made her way into the college it became clear that we both had things that we wanted to say to one another, that was pretty obvious to the both of us, as we were both caught stealing glances at one another, only to look away in order not to be discovered. This process seemed to go on and on until finally I had grown tired of this little game, Both Grace and I were playing. I was not a child and Grace was my best friend. I with both of my hands felt the soft and warm skin I was sitting on and doubted that there would ever come a day that the hand that held me in its grasp would ever threaten my life. The belief I had in my friend was real so I figured I should make the first move.

" Tristan." Grace says in a low voice, breaking me from my train of thought. I guess Grace was going to be the one to speak first, thank God.

"Yeah?" I try my best to act casual as I look into Graces eyes that hovered right over me, eyes that shined with frustration. I only had time to say one small sentence.

"Oh crap."

" Tristan what were you thinking?" Grace stops walking and she asks this question filled with anger.

"Excuse me?" I asked a little taken back.

Grace without warning raises her hand higher, bringing me closer to her face, thank God I was sitting down because I would have fallen if I was standing up, not that Grace would ever let me fall to my death.

"What were you thinking?" Grace asks once again, this time with a more demanding tone than before.

I didn't need to play dumb,I knew what she was talking about. The security guard that stood at the front of the college entrance, what was I thinking trying to fight him even when he pulled out a highly dangerous weapon that could've easily killed me. Yeah I had to admit that wasn't my brightest idea, and yet, call it pride or even arrogance I wasn't mature enough to let Grace know I myself was thinking of my own stupidity like she was. There I said it!

" I could say the same to you, couldn't I?" I cross my arms in defiance as I to try to call Graces actions into question.

" Grace." I said.

"You could really have hurt that man."

Grace upon hearing my words opens her eyes in shock, Which even though I hate to say it kind of made me feel better. You see ever since the (UM) became the governing body of the whole entire world new laws were put in place, laws that were made to guarantee the safety of people of all shapes and sizes. One of those so-called law stated that it was illegal for a Gulliverian to pick up and hold a Lilliputian without their direct consent. This same law applied to the Brobdingnagians when it comes to the Gulliverians. To break such a law guaranteed severe punishment, punishment such as jail time, downsizing, Or worst-case death. It of course goes without saying that, that was not something I want Grace to have to experience. Thank God there was an exception to the law. The only exception was if it is a life-threatening situation, and seeing as to how my life was being threatened, let's just say I think Grace was safe from any punishment.

Graces visage was big enough to completely cast me in shadow as it loomed over me. I could see that both of graces cheeks began to turn red, she was either blushing or her anger was about to explode. My luck was so bad that I knew it was the latter.

"Y-you think I wanted to hurt that man?" Graces voice becomes steady as she asks a question filled with such intensity. I could tell she was doing the best she could to control her voice for my sake and all the other little people nearby.

" I did what I did to protect you from your own foolishness!" Grace finally giving into her ever increasing rage yells with such Ferocity that the sound waves clash against my body, causing me to grind my teeth in pain. Her humid breath sent my hair and clothes into a frenzy. I knew that the only reason my body was still intact from Graces loud voice was because of the nano bots implanted throughout my whole entire body, Such is a Gulliverians voice, a voice so powerful that it can break stone, create a monstrous wind, and completely shred a Lilliputian form.

Maybe it was because of the pain but in moments I felt something inside me snap, and all of my rage started to rise to the surface.

"Since when did I ever ask you to protect me!?" I yell at my giant friend, the ridiculousness not eluding me, an inch tall man yelling up at a monolithic size girl who could squish him between her fingers with ease, yeah this situation was ridiculous and a little bit funny but this time I wasn't laughing.

" I can take care of myself, I don't need you as my babysitter!"

The air grew still with silence as Grace and I stared into each others eyes. The anger started to leave my body and as my mind grew clear I started to realize the error my little outburst created.

"You don't want me to babysit you?" It seemed that Grace didn't have any anger in her voice as she asked this question but deep down I knew she was pissed.

"I see... well then you are on your own." Grace did not raise her voice as she continued to speak, which in my opinion only made her scarier, as she bent down and placed me on the ground. Finally standing at ground level I realized that Grace and I were the center of attention once again as our argument drew the attention of many Lilliputians and a few Gulliverians in the area. Grace unlike me didn't seem to mind as she stood up to her full height once again towering over me with her huge body.

Grace seemed to look down on me with cold eyes, The same cold eyes that alerted me of the trouble I was in. I would have to do a lot of apologizing before I could get back on her good side. Too bad I didn't get the chance because after Grace was done glaring at me for a few seconds she began to walk away, her footsteps creating small trimmers that vibrated the ground under my feet.

I didn't even try to run after her, there was no way that a Lilliputian such as myself could keep up with a Gulliverian like Grace, Heck a single foot step from Grace would be the equivalent of me taking a few dozen. While watching Grace walk away I thought about yelling out that I had caught another look at her panties which was technically true when she towered over me, I really wanted her to come back so that I could apologize but as I thought about it, I realized that, that was probably not a good idea. I didn't want to get stepped on again.

Mildendo College was separated into two main areas. One area belong to the Gulliverians, The other belonged to the Lilliputians. In the name of safety Gulliverians and Lilliputians were advised to stay in their own designated areas. Mildendo College Was founded on the belief of coexistence, so it didn't make sense to fully separate the Lilliputians and Gulliverians. It also helped that every Lilliputian had nano bots implanted in their bodies, so their safety was even more secured. The Gulliverians and the Lilliputians interacted the most during class, which were shared between both races.

I saw that Grace was headed back towards the Gulliverian area of the school, Probably to begin the job both her and I shared. The job of a Scout.

The (UM) is a big organization that basically runs the world, that of course is a well-known fact. This organization consists of 10 departments, each department is in charge of a specific job. Department number 1 belongs to the Scouts, and it is this department I find myself working for. It is the job of the scouts to find new recruits to join the (UM), scouts are located in every city and pretty much every country trying to hire new recruits for the organization, and if you hadn't guessed yet scouts are highly look down upon by almost everybody. Our department sees no action barely any of us carries a weapon therefore we are regarded as the weakest. People have also given us our own nickname, The dogs of the military, probably because we sniff out promising talent to join the ranks of the (UM). I honestly hate that nickname but when it came to the job of a Scout I had no complaints. It was this job I found myself doing as the day goes longer and longer.

I on normal circumstances always hated doing work. I have experienced no greater joy than I would laying on my bed, watching TV, or better yet sleeping the day away, And yet as I walked around the college campus handing out fliers to students, I found that the work that occupied my time was a welcome distraction. I was mostly dealing with other Lilliputians who were constantly walking around the campus but occasionally the ground would start to rumble and I would be witness to a moving skyscraper, A.K.A a Gulliverian, who with little effort covered miles and miles of distance. My eyes weren't the only ones glued to this scene, many other Lilliputians couldn't help but look at the Giants that roamed our world, honestly I couldn't blame them.

Looking at the Gulliverians didn't last long as an icy chill ran up my spine, breaking me from my concentration. My body began to shake uncontrollably and sweat ran down my forehead. I didn't know what was happening to me but I felt like my instincts were telling me to run and whatever was giving me this feeling was coming right behind me. I quickly turn around and, am a little shocked/disappointed in what I see.

Standing right behind me was a young man who look to be in his early 20's. The man's hair was black and seemed to be in a mess as if he just got out of bed. The man's clothes were not much better. The man wore a wrinkly white shirt and long black pants that had holes in them, honestly the only thing that looked a little decent was the mans red and black backpack that rested on his right shoulder. The young man didn't look to be a threat, and yet I still feel uncomfortable looking at him.

"Hello." I say trying to be nice, poorly hiding my discomfort.

The strange man looks at me acknowledging my existence.

"Uh... hi." The man says shyly.

" My name is Tristan Alderman, may I ask yours?"

The man looks at me with skepticism, I feared that I may have, come on a little too strong.

"Gabriel... Gabriel Alonzo." The man says slowly.

" Well Mr. Alonzo, I truly hope you can give me a little bit of your time." I speak as politely as I can as my instincts are still telling me to run.

"Um... i'm sorry but I have somewhere that I have to be." Mr. Alonzo says as he begins to back away with an apologetic look on his face.

" Please sir. This will only take a moment." I hated to do it but I soon found myself begging this guy.

Mr. Alonzo looks into my eyes for a few moments I could tell he was trying to find the strength to refuse my request.

"O-ok,I think can speak a few minutes." Mr. Alonzo says.

"Well Mr. Alonzo."

" You can just call me Gabriel." Mr. Alonzo says rubbing his head.

" Very well then Gabriel, as you already know my name is Tristan Alderman and I am a Scout working for the united military." I say with confidence.

" As a scout it is my job to find promising talent that will one day join and work for the (UM)." I could tell that the direction of the conversation was becoming clear to Gabriel as his eyes shined with a newfound understanding, an understanding that led me to believe that I had found another potential candidate.

"If you are interested please take one of these fliers."  I took one of the many papers held in my hands and attempted to give it to Gabriel.

"Stop." Gabriel says as he holds up his right hand, refusing to take the flier form my hand.

"Mr. Alderman." Gabriel says quietly.

" I have no intentions on joining the (UM) . EVER!" Gabriel yells with fury and without explaining begins to walk away.

I stared at Gabriel's back dumbfounded. I was left asking myself where did I go wrong.

I watched as Gabriel walked past the crowds of Lilliputians, I watched as Gabriel braved his way through the towering foot falls of Gulliverians, deep down I wanted to leave him be and go about the rest of my day but without thinking I began to follow him, if you were to ask me why I was following him, I couldn't tell you because I didn't know myself.

I after following Gabriel for a few minutes found myself at the very back of the school which was an open spot devoid of people and security. I hide behind a small corner and watched as Gabriel headed towards the door that  resting right behind one of the school buildings. On the door was a sign that read " security and staff only." I expected such a door would be locked but as Gabriel walked towards the door he dug deep into his left pocket and brought out the silver key. My heart beat started to race as I expected that the key Gabriel was holding was the key needed to open the door.

" what the hell is he doing?" I whispered to myself.

Gabriel without effort opens the door and disappears as the door closes behind him. I not wanting to lose sight of him quickly jog up to the door and stand in front of it hoping that it wasn't locked. I put my hand on the handle and realize that my hopes were not in vain, for the door slowly opens. Gabriel had forgotten to lock it and the door doesn't lock as it closed, I was lucky.

The door was open and I did not see Gabriel, no instead I saw stairs, stairs that seem to be going deep below the school. The stairs went so deep below the school that I couldn't really see the bottom, for it was too dark, it was that darkness that obscured my view, and yet down in the dark depths I could hear talking. The voices of two people echoed through the halls, One voice belongs to Gabriel the other was a mystery to me.

I walked on the stairs slowly, not wanting to be discovered, the further down I went to clear the voices became. I soon come to the conclusion that Gabriel was arguing with a man much older than himself. The man's voice sounded too mature to belong to a kid.

I without delay soon reached the bottom of the stairs and immediately I am introduced to an open space field with different shelves holding different materials such as sprays, rags, and small brushes the rested on the shelves. On the ground stood buckets, mops,  and brooms. Honestly at first glance there looked to be nothing too special about this place but at the very center of this open space rested a small table with two people arguing in front of it. The first I recognized as Gabriel, who seemed to be in a great panic. The second was a man I didn't recognize, he was an older gentleman with gray hair and he wore a Janitors uniform. The Man seem to shine with nothing but resolve, but for what?

I had many questions to ask as I watched the two argue, like why was Gabriel in a restricted space that only staff and security were supposed to have access to, why is the school janitor acting like Gabriel being here is normal, why are these two arguing in the first place, and for gods sake what is that ticking? I looked around to try to discover the source of the ever encompassing ticking noise. My eyes finally rested on a device that laid on the table standing in front of Gabriel and the janitor. My eyes open wide as a sense of realization was  thrust upon me.

"Is that a bomb?!"
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