(GTS) Psylocke Ch 14: Kings of Gold!


Ten hours had passed since the hectic evident that had endangered the whole entire campus of Mildendo Collage and finally the (UM) Police Force and the Medical Department had finally arrived. Gabriel and Mr. Baggett's body were taken away to a Lilliputian hospital and the bomb itself was taken away by the (UM) authorities, I on the other hand wasn't treated like a hero that bravely put his life in danger to save the school, nor was I treated like a victim caught within a horrible accident no instead I was lead outside of the boundaries of the collage and taken to a interrogation room as if I was some kind of suspect.

I while sitting down behind a small metal table bang my fist against its surface. "This day really is horrible!"

I wanted this day to end, it was almost overwhelming that I had almost lost my life today and not only that, I had also experienced visions of massive giants destroying whole entire cities and taking countless lives. Yea without a doubt I would need a life time of therapy and even that wouldn't be enough.

I lift my right hand towards my face and look at my palm.

"Did I really read Gabriel's mind, did I really make Mr. Baggett kill himself?" I thought to myself with apprehension. Without a doubt Mr. Baggett deserved to die especially after shooting and killing Gabriel but the very idea that I was behind his death was taking a tole on my mind.

I rub my head and let out a long sigh."Grace was right I really am foolish."

Two hours had passed as I continued to sit and wait in a ice cold room, I was beginning to think that they had forgotten about me, it was then that the door that was once closed slammed open with force as two men walked into the room. One wearing a solders uniform and the other wearing a white lab coat.

I quickly stood up from my chair and solute in respect at the elderly man in a solder uniform, how could I not when I was staring face to face at a king class Soldier of the (UM). I wasn't sure who the guy in the lab coat was but the very fact that he was standing side by side with a king class meant that he had to be important.

King class was a class that very few solder had ever received. When it came to cities belonging to the (UM) especially Lilliputian cities, each city had three or more separate districts containing a myriad of towns and people of different sizes. It was the kings that where in charge of such districts. Their job was to keep order and give commands to the different departments under their watch. Departments like the scouts, and the one that I was looking at was the king of my district. King Class Solder: Colton Bullock.

"Level 1 Bronze Class Solder, Tristan Alderman sir!" 

Mr. Bullock with a small smile salutes back at me. "At ease solder, at ease and take a seat."

I sit down with unease as Mr.Bullock and the man in the white lab coat do the same on the other side of the metal table. Their eyes total locked on me without wavering even once, eyes filled with vigor and experience.

"Do you know who I am son?" Mr. Bullock asks.

"Yes sir! You are King Class Rank 6 Colton Bullock sir."

"Very good, how about this young man sitting besides me?" Mr Bullock points to the man in the white coat, who intern smiled at me with expectation.

I looked at the stranger completely lost when it came to his identity, I mean I knew he had to be important, but no matter how hard I searched my mind I still couldn't find an answer.

"I'm sorry sir but I do not recognize this man."

Mr. Bullock and the man upon hearing my answer begins to laugh.

The man in the lab coat begins to rub his head in embarrassment. "Well I guess I can't blame you for not knowing who I am, I'm not famous after all."

The man in the lab coat stands up and salutes with a smile. "Gold Class Rank 5 Jonathan Byrne at your service."

I was speechless the man who looked to be in his late twenties who barely had any muscle on his body was actually a Gold Class, this day truly was hectic.

Gold class was the level just below the king class, people who had achieved this rank where people who had made large contributions to the organization. The man in front of me was a gold class (UM) solder which meant that he was closer than ever to being king class himself.

I sweat with shock. "It's an honor sir?"

"Oh the honor is all mine." Mr. Byrne says sitting back down in his chair.

Mr. Bullock clears his throat. "Now that we have the introductions out of the way we can get down to business."

"Yes sir." I look at Mr. Bullock with worry, what was this man going to ask.

Mr. Bullock interlocks his finger as he begins to speak with upmost seriousness. "We have brought you here Mr. Alderman because we want your statement on what happened at the collage earlier today."

I felt confuse as I heard Mr. Bullocks words. I had already spoken to the police force when it came to what happened, I of course left out the strange abilities I had shown to myself, but other than that I had told the police everything.

"We of course have already read the written report you gave to the police force, but we wanted to hear the true story from you." Mr. Byrne states with a cocky smile.

"The true story? I don't understand sir."

I felt a sense of unease, did these two know what happened down below the school, did they know about my abilities.

"Sir I..."

Mr. Bullock puts up his hand stopping me from talking. "Let me just stop you right their son, before you give me some kind of lie that in the end will end in a poor excuse, we know about what happened."


"It's as he said, we know that Mr. Baggett was planning on blowing up the school, we also know that Gabriel was his accomplice, and more importantly we know that without cause or reason Mr. Baggett had taken his own life." Mr. Byrne says in deep thought.

"And we know that this strange phenomena was because of you." Mr. Byrne continued with certainty.

Oh shit I thought as I knew for certain that these men knew about me more than I wanted.

"How did you..."

"How did we know about what happened." Mr. Byrne continues.

"We have been keeping a close eye on Mr. Baggett for some time. We knew about his plan we've known for weeks.

Rage flowed through my body. "What!"

I stand up from my chair. These people knew about my Mr. Baggett and yet they did nothing, Gabriel is dead and what pissed me off was that it all could have been avoided.

"Why! Why didn't you do something sooner?!"

Mr. Bullock looks at with great severity. "We couldn't act without cause, we had to be sure."

"Sure of what?" I ask.

"Sure if wether or not Mr. Baggett was truly working alone, or was he receiving help from a terrorist organization." Mr. Bullock explains.

"Now sit down because we have a more to discuss with you Mr. Alderman." Mr. Bullock words I could tell where not a request and even though I wanted to yell even more I needed to control myself especially in front of such high ranking solders.

I sat down my fist clenched in anger. "What more do we have to discuss sir."

"Your future son, your future in the (UM)."

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