Story search pregnant

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Lonely ChildI'm Daniel 26 live on my farm, never went to past high school and inherited the farm on the death of my father also Daniel in a tractor rollover. My departed mother Marjorie, didn't die just departed when I was 7, only contacted once my father to get a divorce when I was 12. My father had a sister Pamela who died of cancer in 2019 and she had a daughter Kylie 22 who's father Robert died on active service. Kylie came to stay with me on the farm during the pandemic and we became lovers and have a ... reading time 1 mingenre
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Making a family connectionI'm Vincent 29 adopted at the age of 3 and never knew my mother or father. But luck was on my side, as the couple that adopted me were very well off and took real good care of me. Joanna was 44 and Richard was 49 at the time, Richard died in early 2021 had a fall down the stairs and sadly died. Joanna was already ill with a heart condition in hospital and Richard's accident was the final straw on hearing of Richard's death she had a fatal heart attack. It was kept from as long as possible that R... reading time 6 mingenre
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Vincent family man
Caretaker part 2All good things come to an end and my caretaking job ended last November as the family had finally decided to sell the old factory site. I and my family returned to the family estate into a new house built for us by my parents. Glenda and Jenny aren't required to work and are usually with my mother Grace. My baby girl arrived in August and is named Grace and is idolized by my mother her first granddaughter. My father has me managing the family warehouse and I have an assistant; he does most of t... reading time 1 mingenre
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David K B
A bit of funBored and nothing to do and only my sister home that weekend. Our parents were away at interstate lodge meeting of my father's lodge. I decided to go swimming in the pond outback of the barn. But wasn't up to walking back to the house to get my towel or swimsuit. Deciding to go in naked. My sister saw me swimming and came over and asked how the water was. I said great, she could see I wasn't wearing anything and decided to join me in the pond and also came in naked. We played around in the water... reading time 1 mingenre
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Lustful Brother.....
My AccidentI'm Russ 21 last year I had a car accident and was left bed ridden for 2 months after leaving hospital. My health insurance paid for a nurse to me twice a week and any trips back to the hospital. I mainly only had both legs and arms broken and in plaster casks, thus being bed bound. I lived with divorced mother Annette 38 and widowed grandmother Carol 59 in a 4 bed 1 bath house. Carol worked from home and would watch over while Annette was at work. Nothing happened for the first month and the nu... reading time 4 mingenre
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I decided I had to improve my Life.I'm Jenny (Jennifer) 31 now married and expecting our first child in August. Back in 2020 during the lockdown I hadn't any income as my employer had shut down and hasn't reopened again yet. I was worried what I could do and gave myself the answer nothing. I'd left school at 16 and had no skills and separated from my family as my father was in prison thru the 3 strikes policy and no siblings and mother was dead 7 years from a car accident. No relatives that would help even if they were able too. ... reading time 5 mingenre
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Old Ladies like sex too.I'm Jacob 32 married to Jean 27 and she 6months pregnant with our first child. So she isn't really interested in sex at the moment. But luckily I've found a replacement for the time being. Esther 56 divorced works with the same firm as I do and was having a hard time with her car needing new tires and a servicing. Short of cash she was worried she might have to catch a bus to get to work. I'm in charge of overtime and promotions as head of HR in the firm, which is owned by my family. Anyway Esth... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jacob of HR
Dragged along on a camping tripAs the younger brother (27) and not really into the outdoors and in no relationship either my older brother insisted I join him and his family on their camping trip. Besides him was his wife and 2 children 4 & 2 and sister-in-law 24 a loner like me. I shouldn't have seen it coming as they were match making. Trying to get me and the sister-in-law to hook up, they had the help of our parents. So, I said I'll go along and at every opportunity we were seated together. I'm a loner but not as much as ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Reluctant Camper
Dating SistersMy neighbors in my apartment building are sisters and I (28) asked one (27) out on a date and she accepted. Several more dates later and she said she wasn't wanting a relationship at the time, but we'd started having sex. I took the hint and asked her sister (24) out with the full knowledge of the other sister. We clicked as they say and got serious, then in August on her birthday, we partied hard and ended up in bed with the other sister joining us. Now both are pregnant to me as a result, luck... reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Lucky Guy
Seducing my SisterI'm a greedy person and want everything I thing I can get, so when my father died it was between me and my sister who would get to control of his company. Our mother passed away 15 years ago. Judith my sister is the bookish type, looks great wears glasses and prefer working to enjoy herself. I on the other hand like to enjoy myself all the time. You might think it would easy to decide who would take over, but our father didn't leave his preference in his will. I should have stated before we are ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Andrew I G
Became LoversI'm Gregory 28 and live with my sister Ruth 25 and we are lovers, our parents divorced 15 years ago. I went with our father George and Ruth stayed with our mother Clare, 8 years later George won the lottery and we were setup for life. Having lost track of Clare and Ruth over the previous years. As when they divorced there were no ongoing payments and as the divorce was a bitter one. George wasn't interested in Clare's whereabouts and so I lost contact with Ruth. My father got himself a fast car ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Why Not 2A slight change has happened since last posting. I started fucking Elizabeth and her husband isn't interested in her at all. Preferring gold to fucking Elizabeth, mainly because he can't get it up anymore, I think. But he is 25 years older than her, they have one child Kathy (Katherine) a shy quiet girl who luckily takes after her mother in looks. She doesn't dress to impress and that concerned Elizabeth, so Elizabeth got me to seduce Kathy and she helped me with the seduction. Which succeeded i... reading time 1 mingenre
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Patrick J B
All Thanks to the CoronavirusI'm Neil 34 single and youngest of 3 and haven't had much success with women. All the sex I had I had to pay for. I'm short 5'3" skinny and have male pattern baldness and wear glasses, I do have my own home and due to the coronavirus my sister Kimberly 39 single and eldest of my siblings came to stay with me. Arthur 37 my brother lives and works interstate close to our parents with his family. Kimberly was stood down because of the coronavirus causing the company to close as to the lockdown bein... reading time 4 mingenre
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Sex ObjectI'm Alvin 24 single lived with my mother and 2 sisters back in the 1970's, we lived on a small chicken farm. Twenty miles from town, our farm was 25 acres in a hollow between 2 hills. The hills and most of the land around is state forest or national park. We were the only people living in that area for 15 miles. My father died 6 years before of a heart attack, So it was just me, my mother Mary 48 sister Jean 26 single and sister Susan 21. We keep to ourselves, except when relations visit, which ... reading time 4 mingenre
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SistersI've never married and have 7 children and they all live with me on my 26-acre property along with their mothers. Their mothers are sisters I met 13 years ago and started dating and bedding. I wasn't interested in getting married and was and still am financially well off. It worked out great having 2 sisters as lovers and as both got pregnant around the same time, it was decided to just live together instead of marrying one of them. We get on very well and have no problems. But there is always s... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Lover
Divorced and hornyAt 35 I was divorced and had 2 young children to raise, my ex-husband paid alimony and left to chase other women. The reason for our divorce. I got the family home and alimony, and he was able chase as he did before the divorce. I wasn't short of money my husband is quite well off still and with the alimony I'm not sort of money. But being divorced, I thought there would be men trying to start a relationship with me. But I was wrong, my 2 children kept away, as they weren't interested a woman wi... reading time 4 mingenre
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Satisfied ex divorcee
Return to RestartI went overseas after university and started my career and done very well on major projects, the main reason I went overseas. Nothing on the scale I worked on was being done back home. I returned for just one reason; my mother was very ill, and she would pass away 13 months later. She had a fulltime nursemaid 25, looking after her in her final year. We're not short on money and at 33 I inherited everything as the only heir. I'd gotten quite friendly with the nursemaid and would've asked her out ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy careerman
Squeaky BedI was taken in my by my uncle at the age of 10 my mother had passed away and my father had departed years before. My uncle was my mother's only sibling and younger by 5 years and when I was 14, he finally married, and I could hear their love making every time because the bed squeaked. They had a daughter when I was 17 and she was their only child, after I turned 20 my uncle got ill and passed away a year later. Leaving me and my aunt and cousin, I was working and supporting us. Overtime as I was... reading time 2 mingenre
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Riding the old grey horseI'm Vic (Victor) 29 soon to marry, last year during the lockdown I started riding my old grey horse to breakup the boredom. I live on my family farm alone as my parents moved closer to the city, due my father's health concerns. I as the youngest of 3 and only boy took over running the farm. So while out riding I met Melissa 25 who was also out riding, I knew Melissa but only casually as she worked at the bank in town. With the lockdown the was closed and so she started riding to also breakup her... reading time 1 mingenre
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My BrotherI'm Clara 32 1 child, I was to marry but my intended died. He (Brian)like skydiving and then on his last skydive his chute didn't open. I was then had to find another place to live as I couldn't afford the rent without him. So I went to live with my brother David 35 father of my child, he lived alone in his 4 bedroom house. He worked from home mostly and lived like a hermit, hardly meeting anybody. Done all his shopping online and got it delivered, always a tidy person and keeps his home spotles... reading time 4 mingenre
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CaretakerI'm David 25 dropped out of school as I was lousy at school work and failing, luckily my family isn't poor. So I worked in family owned warehouses and started making deliveries after I got my license and after a few years. Wanted a change so my uncle said I could caretake an old factory and keep the idiots out. The factory wasn't ever going to reopen, the family had plans for it in the future. I like working with hands and the factory gave me space and the freedom to do what I wanted. So I took ... reading time 5 mingenre
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David K B
Raining NightOn my way home on a rainy night, I came across my neighbor's car parked at the side the road Haszard lights flashing. So, I stop to help, and my neighbor Marilyn 34 had run out of fuel. Luckily, I was in my work truck and had a can of gas for my generator in the back. With her holding the umbrella over the top I emptied the can into her car. She started her car and she drove home in front of me. I'm Gavin 36 divorced no children, Marilyn asked did I have my dinner yet and I said No. So, she invi... reading time 2 mingenre
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Lucky Gavin
Making the best of the Covid lockdownI'm Gerard 21 unemployed due to the lockdown. I live with my mother Joyce 40 and gran Heather 60. My father cleared out years ago and haven't heard from him since. After several days of the lockdown, I was starting to climb the walls and hearing moaning coming from my mother's room. I went to see if she was okay and walked in on her masturbating herself. I got an instant hardon and I was only wearing boxer shorts and my hard cock poked out of the fly. Joyce saw me and was at first shocked, but o... reading time 2 mingenre
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Gerard Bu
Last in LineI was never great school or sports, so left to become a mechanic. Only real interest I'd was cars and once qualified was fairly well set. My family weren't poor nor could be called wealthy either. But starting in 2020 the family wealth started concentrate more and more, never a very large family, by 2023 there were only 7 of the family left. An uncle and couple of aunts, my parents, a cousin then 46 and of course me 28. My parents when first car accident January 2024, I got their house and a lit... reading time 4 mingenre
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Starting the Family again.
My story I had been given a chance to go to a natural resort, where it was in the middle of a forest. Which was great because it was my first semester in college and I got to bond with people who are my age. I was only 18 as of 2 weeks ago and it made me feel like I was on top of the world. It says stress when I'd decided to make the decision that changed my life. I had gone down to the river to swim for a few, when I kept hearing animal sounds. I want sure what it was. But I felt terrified to move becau... reading time 4 mingenre
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