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David My brother David is the tall silence type and runs the family farm as our parents retired and I wasn't interested in the farm. We were late children and my parents had me when they 41 and 39 and David is only 18months older than me. I'm now 34 and a lesbian and my wife 31 and pregnant to my brother David. I asked him to father a child for me and my wife and he agreed, and we had threesomes until the deed was done. Also, we've moved back onto the farm as it's cheaper than renting in town (free). ... reading time 1 mingenreStraightwritten on
Grateful SisterLiving with the ConsequencesMy cousin and I were mucking about, and we ended up fucking. Once not a big problem, we both had enjoyed the sex and fucked again a week later. It seems we had taken a liking to fucking each other. She was happy to sleep with me and I her, the problem came as usual if you don't take precautions. She got pregnant and we didn't know what we should do, she got all the tests, and the baby was perfect according to the tests. So, we talked our mutual grandmother, and she just told us we had made our b... reading time 1 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Happy TooMy SisterI 29 was living in another City when both my parents suddenly died in a car accident. My sister 24 has a disability not able to walk without a walking frame. As her only sibling I thought my duty to take her in to live with me. She is very smart and works from home via the internet and was soon doing all my computer work for my business as well as her own business online. I run a mobile mechanic business and am doing quite well, I'd a girlfriend at the time. But we weren't getting on well at the... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Horny BrotherImagined LifeI'm nothing special to look at, but I'm very financially well off and because of that I don't need to work. I've graduated from university and can speak 5 languages fluently and understand 3 others well enough to by. I studied electronics and chemistry but have no interest in working in those fields or any others as well. I studied martial arts and done security courses and firearm training. I've also done parachuting courses and scuba training, mainly for a bit of excitement. I regularly go ski... reading time 3 mingenre
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OO make believeI was askedIn 2022 at 32 single and not in any relationship, I've had my moments, but was busy career wise and had let it slide. More intent of getting to the top of my career quickly instead of having relationships. Seen as trustworthy and dependable by my employer 72, he was worried about his only heir. His granddaughter 25 was very introverted and rarely spoke to people mostly since the death of her parents several years before. With my employer having heart problems, he had decided he needed to see his... reading time 4 mingenre
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I acceptedThe JobI'm Arthur 26 high school drop out and I've been traveling around since I left school at 16. Working in low paid jobs and then moving on. I returned to my home state and seen my parents, to whom I'm a great disappointment. As luck would have it, aunt Lacy 38, my mother's sister in law was visiting at the same time and she told me if I'm ever in her area drop in and see her. Aunt Lacy lives on a farm in the next county with uncle Rick and children Rick junior and Kathy 22. I headed off after that... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
ArthurAunt PeggyI'm Dan now 23 and 5 years ago my Aunt Peggy was 34, divorced and a little overweight and 5'3". She is a lawyer by profession and had no children then, I had just turned 18. The family was altogether for Christmas and Peggy was staying at our house. We all were going to uncle Rob and aunt Juley's house for Christmas Dinner. They have 6 children all under 14 at the time. Uncle Rob is a very successful banker and he and Juley liked to show it off. Aunt Peggy was also successful, but had just moved... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
DanStood with my cousin Em for the weekend I’m 20 my cousin is 24 me and my cousin em has been close then all my other cousins she was apart of the family when my uncle married her mom we always treated her as family we grew up together she was like a big sister to me My uncle and aunt would leave to the river for the weekend which is 5 hours away we grew up she didn’t like going to the river she would stay back we would hangout my parents would let me go stay over I noticed her body was gorgeous we went to the gym together she was... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
RDMy FarmI'm John 42 widower 2 grown children who have moved to the city. My late wife Cheryl died 5 years ago in a car accident and we had married when both were 17 and Cheryl was pregnant. We never regretted how the decision to marry and had a great life together. I was devastated at her death and became a recluse for a year and rarely left my farm, my children were the only people I talked too during that year. Then 3 years ago I had a visit from Maureen my cousin, daughter of Caroline (deceased) sist... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
JohnMistakes Happen updateHarry again since last time, I've been fucking my cousin Jane every chance I get and got her pregnant. Martha Jane's mother isn't very happy and nor my parents and the rest of the family. But the family don't believe in abortions and Jane is to have my baby in February and it's a boy and all test show he's healthy. Martha isn't frilled that we committed incest, but likes the idea of being a grandmother. I'm living with Jane and Martha now sharing Jane's bed. You can't shut the gate after the hor... reading time 1 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Harry MFailure to SuccessMy love life was hookers and lucky for me I'm loaded, an only child born just before my mother turned 40. She had lot of trouble with my birth, so I was her first and last. My father was 12 years older than her and had stroke 2 years later and died, a lifetime of smoking, drinking and drugs was the cause. So, when my mother died at 62 (car accident) I was all that was left of my family no grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. None listed anyway, quite well off and felt awkward in personal rela... reading time 3 mingenre
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Former FailureNot so Virgin SisterMy sister the perfect bride married into a wealthy family last month. On getting engaged she had to prove she was a virgin and was examined by a doctor for the grooms family. Which she passed as she was at the time a vaginal virgin. Her vagina had never been fucked, but her ass I've been using regularly for over a year. Her vagina is the only hole I hadn't cum in and it wasn't because I couldn't have fucked there. But we didn't condoms or a reliable form of contraceptive. Not willing to risk mak... reading time 1 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Sister FuckerI went on a cruiseI (37) went on a cruise (2023) I had no current girlfriend and decided to try my luck on a cruise. I'd heard women outnumber the men and were all horny, but they were usually mature women as the younger ones were attached or looking for rich husbands. Either way old or young a fuck is a fuck. I'm nothing special in looks okay financially, not what I would call rich. I was a little let down as it didn't seem to be any sex craze women on board at first sight to me anyway. Ten-day cruise and finall... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Happy cruiserNeeded HelpI was a single mother and alone except for my son than 3, my parents were divorced before I was 5 and my father disappeared after it was final. My mother became a drunk and died 2 years ago in a drunken fall, I really missed her. But her financial support from her working allowed me to afford a better place to live than otherwise I could have. With her death I'd had not only her funeral to pay for and costs caused by her death but also find a place to live I could afford. Luckily, I got help a m... reading time 4 mingenre
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Help TakenDrunken Night of FunA large family reunion, with parents, siblings, cousins, aunt and uncles we had a blast as they say. I came alone as I was between relationships at the time and awoke next motel in my motel room and I wasn't alone. I was naked in bed with my aunt 46 the youngest of my father's siblings. At 28 and doing well work wise, I was somewhat shocked at first for bedding my aunt, who was recently widowed. But it wasn't a big deal, as she was unable to get pregnant. Had her tubes tied after her second chil... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Happy Horny NephewEscaped Hi. I'm Jonn. I'm a 20 year old man who p lives with his mother. I recently moved back with my mother because of COVID and this has caused me a large amount stress. I was layed off my dream job just two days ago, and haven't found work since. I have always been into zoo sex since I could remember and always fucked my mom's dog when she wasn't home. I've slept with dogs, sheep's, pigs, and goats: but never mares. Yesterday I was lucky. I went out to visit a friend farm, only to find out she w... reading time 3 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Connecting OBGYN = baby daddy?I'm Vanessa, 25 years old and currently 7 months pregnant, i'll be marrying my s/o soon and couldnt be happier. Now you might be wondering what the big deal is weeeeell let me tell you how it all started. Last year i moved to a new city, i wanted and needed a new start. The guy i was with before dumped me the moment i told him i was pregnant. So here i was 4 months pregnant in a new city, all by myself. I found a new OBGYN online with amazing reviews and made an appointment, the staff was nic... reading time 7 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
KinkyxxcatWindfallI've always had a comfortable lifestyle and just by chance it improved a great deal. I bought a lottery ticket and won; it was the smallest prize that year. But I'm not complaining, I continued on as before. I was at a family wedding and met Leesa war widow, 1 child 5 she is my brother's wife older sister and same age as me. She was at her brother's wedding; I live in the same town and a friend of the groom and so I was there as well. Being unattached I was partnered with Leesa, we got on very w... reading time 2 mingenre
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Lucky manHow I got Married I first saw my now wife and thought she was the one the instant I saw her. She was 23 at the time and didn't date or party at all. I was 26 and had become obsessed with my now wife and she lived with mother 41 who was the complete opposite to her daughter. I always been financially well off due to my family being very well off. Self-assured I decided to best way to the daughter was thru her mother and so I bought the business the mother worked at. Then I got close to the mother, meaning bedding... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Husband/Son-in-lawBreakupI broke up with girlfriend and was a little upset at first. Actually, it was my girlfriend who broke up with me and that turned out to be great for me. At 31 and now single, I took a transfer to get over the breakup. New place and a clean start and I quickly met another girl and hit it off. We were soon hot and heavily involved and her family decided it was time she got married. I was her boyfriend and was pressed into marriage and it suited me as I liked her a great deal. But hadn't thought of ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Mended HeartLucky MeI'm John 32 married to Cherry 30 and we have 2 children, I'm not the choice of son in law Cherry's mother Carolyn 47 would have picked. But she didn't the chance to stop us marrying and so she had to lump it. Carolyn is for a better word a snob, she thinks she is perfect and never wrong. No wonder Patrick my father in law is always travelling for business and rarely home for long. Away the perfect Carolyn finally made a mistake and it was a beauty, she took Patrick's pride and joy out for a driv... reading time 4 mingenre
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John LuckyMy sister's keeper I'm a 23 y/0 male, my younger sister is a 18 y/o and my other sister is 19 years old. I have always adored and dotted on them since I am the only male child. I had gone to bed on this faithful night without a care in the world. I was abruptly awoken by a moan near my ear. I was startled by my 19 year old sister, let's call her Sam masterbating in my room. I asked her what she was doing and,she told me she was horny and always wanted to have sex with me. I was taking aback but I got rock hard f... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
IntDrainedI joined a country folk group, not expecting I was joining a sex club. I was 46 recently divorced and just wanted a social group to distract from my divorce. Most of the group were women ranging in age from 35 to 70 and the few men were around 60 married to women in the group. None of the group nor me were what you could call stunningly attractive, average is term I use, and it is overstating it a bit. After my meeting with the group, I found myself surrounded by unattached women ranging from 35... reading time 2 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
Totally Drained RegularlyThe PromiseAlmost 2 years ago my only brother Keith passed away from cancer, his wife Maria 28 wanted a children. So she had collected sperm from my brother before he started treatment for the cancer and it was frozen for later use. Just over a year after it had been frozen Keith passed away, this left Maria devastated. I promised to do what ever she needed to help her. Maria thanked me and we went our separate ways, Maris waited several months before she thought about using Keith's stored sperm to get pre... reading time 4 mingenre
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David AMy Quiet SisterI'm the oldest of three at 31, I've a sister 28 married two children and the youngest 24, she is so quiet you forget she is around. My quiet sister got a job working close to me in my new hometown. Rents are high and I bought a house instead of renting, putting all my spare cash into paying it off. With my sister living with me didn't impact my lifestyle all that much at first. Our parents live close to our other sister, so we're off their daily radar you could say. My sister's job gives replace... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Quite Willing Brother