I decided I had to improve my Life.
I'm Jenny (Jennifer) 31 now married and expecting our first child in August. Back in 2020 during the lockdown I hadn't any income as my employer had shut down and hasn't reopened again yet. I was worried what I could do and gave myself the answer nothing. I'd left school at 16 and had no skills and separated from my family as my father was in prison thru the 3 strikes policy and no siblings and mother was dead 7 years from a car accident. No relatives that would help even if they were able too. So sitting in the one apartment watching TV. The old movie was about a poor girl marrying an rich older man and being set up for life with a couple of twists. But it gave me the idea marry someone well off, young or old it wouldn't matter. At first I thought find a rich young man who was awkward with women and get to know him and get him to marry me. After the lockdown I started looking when not working spot jobs, but no young awkward men were found by me. So I increase the age range and same thing no awkward lonely men, but then just by chance I found David 59 single well off, not that I knew that straight away. He seemed very cheerful and owned several businesses, one of which gave me regular work and paid better then any others I worked for. I heard tell the manager he likes to treat people like he would want to be treated and that was well. I saw him give another woman working there a lift home after she missed her bus, so that she wouldn't have to wait an hour for the next bus. Here was someone I thought might be right for me, then it struck me. He must be gay or something and therefore wouldn't want me. But he isn't gay and not any wacky in any way. Doesn't go to church, he doesn't believe there's a god. I heard him say if there was a god all the church people would go to hell as they are mostly the most horrible people you can find. I don't believe in god also and so it didn't bother me he didn't either. In the new year (2021) I slipped on the icy footpath and twisted my ankle. David saw it happen and offered to take to the hospital and I said I can't afford a hospital. So he took me to his doctor and paid for my visit and treatment, he didn't want me to pay him back either. After that I was able to speak to him anytime I saw him and realized I could done that before. He wasn't up himself (like my father use to say) and was always will to talk to anyone. Then I heard he was going to some fancy do and his cousin who would've went with was ill and so he was going to skip it that time. When asked why not asks someone else, he told the manager I'm nervous around women and don't know any. Especially outside the family or work, feeling bold I went up and thanked him for helping me before and said would pay him back some how. He told not to worry about it and the manager said your not nervous around her, so why don't you ask her to go with you. I knew he would say he couldn't so I answered saying I'll go if that what would help you out. He was shocked by my quick response and said it was a country club dinner and they are very snobbish people, I replied so I'll keep my mouth shut and they won't know I'm lower class. He smiled and to my surprise he would think on it, 2 days later he asked was I still willing and I said yes. So he had me go with him to visit his sick cousin Dianna 67 widow. She was laid up with a heart condition and so unable to go with David. She told that David had told her of my offer and so she asked to meet me and she liked me as she told he should take me to the country club dinner and she said we were about the same size and she would lend me a dress and teach me how to talk to the snobbish bores at the club. I had the next several days to get ready and stayed with Dianna who said she liked my company and she trained me. I had a great time at the club dinner and I think David also enjoyed himself. I thought I'll be back at my old job the next week. I was wrong, Dianna wanted me to stay with her as her companion and so I stayed. Dianna used every trick she knew to get David and me together and she got us sleeping together finally. If David showed any shyness she would get ill and he would come straight away. Dianna and David are the last of their family and are very close, Dianna had 2 children but they had passed away in accidents in the previous years. Dianna wanted David to marry and have children and saw me as her best chance to do that. She told me not to that any precautions at all and so when she got David to bed me and later marry me in August last year. She hoped David would get me pregnant, I finally got pregnant much to the joy of Dianna, who was well enough to join David and me at the country club dinner last month. I don't know who is the happiest that I'm pregnant Dianna or David.
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