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Mother-in-lawMy mother-in-law (mil) 54 moved in with me after the death my wife and her husband in the same accident. A truck's load slipped of the tray of truck and crushed my father-in-law's car, killing both instantly. We were all in shock for some time and as I'd 2 young children (5 & 7) my mil came to live with us. Two years later (2023) and my children were away with my parents, it was just me and my mil. We'd nothing planned and I was working from home most of the time since the pandemic 3 years earli... reading time 2 mingenreStraightwritten on
Satisfied Son-in-lawFamilyI'm 52 and my sisters are 48 and 54 and all our children have grown up and now have their own lives. My wife died in 2020 due to Covid she had Asthma and she caught Covid before vaccine. My older sister husband fucked off with another woman 10 years ago and went overseas. My younger sister husband died on active service 6 years ago and we came back together as a family. I own a large block outside a small town and have a 4bedroom 3bathroom house on it. My wife and I bought it twenty years to get... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Delighted BrotherWith help After the birth of our second child, I turned into a slut for my husband. Well, kinda. The truth is I couldn't get enough sex. I spent more time on my back after the birth of our second child than I had ever before. If the kids were napping. I was fucking my husband Dale. I'd wake him in the middle of the night blowing him. I even figured out how we could watch the kids and I could bend over and take my husband's dick. I also set up a babysitter for every other Saturday night. Some nights... reading time 6 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
Janice Joe Feeling RandyI'm Gordon 26 single and I work in building security for large national firm, I mainly work in the local company offices and rarely do security jobs outside these offices. I was asked to replace another worker at a large building we provided security for 3 nights. As they were going away for a family funeral, I had done some time there before and knew the routine and I agreed. There was another officer rostered on with me, Marilyn 54 divorced no children she monitored the cameras in the security... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
GordonWannabe Witch updateI tricked my sister Glenda into having sex with me, by adding the words Fratrem Sexus to an old occult book I found in an old book shop. It was called Liberfamias in Maleficiis Suis or something very similar. I was asked by Glenda to join her in a ritual at the family cabin on the night the full moon and we had sex. Glenda got pregnant and is having a baby girl soon we are going to call Sabina and I told Glenda of my deception. To my surprise she knew all along I had added the words Fratrem Sexu... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
AndrewMy younger sister and me part 5ANext night before starting mynareation part 2, I told my sister " you know my eldest sister will never reveal her sexual desires and actions. When I was 14 and she 20, our dad had gone for one month to chennai for taking rest as per his doctor's advice. You and other two sisters and younger brother continued to sleep in the first floor. Our eldest sister and me slept on the floor of verandah in the ground floor. It was our eldest sister's idea. One midnight zi woke up. She was sleeping keepin... reading time 3 mingenre
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Kunjumohamed TroubleMy first knowledge of problems with my parent's marriage was being told they were divorcing. Later I found my mother caught my father having sex with a client of his and that was it, divorce proceeding was started. But it wasn't the first time he had been caught it was the last straw as far as my mother was concerned. To save a large court fight my father gave my mother the house and alimony she asked for. I wasn't listed as I had my own job as an electrician but stilled at home at 21. Mother 38... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Son/Father/BrotherMy busty cousinThis is a story about how i got to fuck my hot busty cousin.I am dave.25yrs old.i was always so in love or should i say in lust with Mary.even when i was a kid i used to sneek peeks at her.i even spy in her room and even in the bathroom.she even change ckothes infront of me when i was around 9 or 10.she was 10yrs older than me that makes her 35yrs old now.but even teen girls would be jealous of her young looks.she has a very sexy face and she even wears glasses that makes her more sexy.she has a... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
IyaaaMy return I've been overseas for 6 years and while away got plenty of sex from the staff at the hotel I was staying at. Their wages are low so and usually they will let you fuck them for money. But I was told not to fuck the younger ones unless you want to marry or pay financial support of them and their child as they try to get pregnant by you. So I only fucked maids to old to get pregnant, I also enjoyed fucking them as they seemed to try harder to please me. On my return to the family home, I wasn't lo... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Arthur the maid fuckerSister makes a dealI'm Damien 26 finished university and started a great job, stilling at home and no good with girls. My own sister Renee 23 calls me a nerd, she is going to the same university as I had gone too and still lives at home. My parents Patrick and Trisha own their business and do quite well from, my father won a crystal vase from the local chamber of commerce. Which he is very proud of and while our parents were away last month, Renee went out and partied on getting home very late. She didn't turn on ... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Damian Renee's toyMy Grandma discovered my secret updateArnold again things have changed in my life since I started fucking Norma my grandma Norma. Regular sex for one, no more hookers and Norma kept an eye out for possible girlfriends for me. Then when she was at the library she met Camille 28, who had just started there and so Norma made friends with Camille. The more she found out about Camille the more certain she was, Camille would be perfect for me. Thru a bit of scheming, she finally got us together and we hit it off. But things were going slo... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Arnold FSisterI'm John now 29 and living my sister Emma 25 and our first child Jane. Our Parents died 15 years ago in car accident and we went to live with aunt Samantha 56 at the time the only relative we had. Our parents were in their late thirties when they had Emma and our mother as far as we know had no other relatives except her parents and they had both passed away by the time I was 7. My fathers parents passed away in the same accident as our parents. So Samantha was our only relative, she had no chil... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
JohnLast ResortSkip the history, I needed a place to live at very short notice. So. I moved in with my ex-boyfriend's younger brother as a last resort. He was 28 at the time and I was 29, I hardly knew him. But I needed a place before the lockdown started and my previous place had been badly burnt in a fire. As I had recently move to the area and only really knew one person. So, I asked in desperation for a room to stay, he was according to his brother a nerd and also probably gay. Yes, they didn't get on very... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Greatly SatisfiedPsylocke Ch 5: Truth Of The Past Pt 1I didn't always think things thru. I was one of those guys that acted on the spur of the moment and frankly it didn't always work out for the best. This! This was one of those moments! "We know you are their!" The school janitor yells as he clutch's a small Glock 42, a semi-auto pistol and points it towards my direction. "Come out, or else!" The janitor forewarns as a small and silent click reverberates through my ears, making it quite evident that the gun was off safety and was ready to f... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Darkmatter1234 ElizabethI'm Andrew 23 university student and live at home, I'm good academically. Lousy in relationships, I've always been shy and awkward around most people. I'm lucky that my family is very well off and I don't need to find a job to get by. My father Richard has written me off as useless and not worth his time. Katherine my mother didn't make much of an effort also and my 2 siblings are their pride and joy. So I'm left to do what I want and they never expect me to get anywhere or even into trouble. I'... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
AndrewRound two at the cabinMy mom had a big fight with my dad and told him to fuck off for a few days to his family up north. I never seen her so livid. Not from the time I first got arrested as a young offender when I ran away. Even then she wasn't that angry but compassionate. My dad, not my real dad of course. They only adopted me nearly a decade ago. So after he packed his bags and high tailed it, my mom asked me if she and I could go to the cottage alone. I asked if the others will come. She kind of snapped at me..."... reading time 6 mingenre
Incestwritten on
G.FAbusing momAfter two years i've been fucking my mom Jenny in both her holes i was the first one in her asshole ,till now she never accept our relation but she just let me abuse her night and day when father and my little brother wasn't around .She just delivered our baby girl, dad is happy he thought it was his .When we were alone mom will give me the baby then give me shit she say"look what you did how long you will use me ,if you think you will keep fucking me like a whore night and day find a place we c... reading time 8 mingenre
Incestwritten on
MarcIsolated at home due to the virusI'm Harry 34 single and I live in a small apartment. I have several neighbors I never knew until we had to isolate at home. I worked from home mostly and being isolated isn't a much of a change for me. I like to keep to myself mostly. Since isolating I met and have talked with my neighbors for the first time. All except one are married or in some relationship, Rhonda 53 divorced and worked in women's fashion before having to stay isolated. Our apartment are right next to each other. So she start... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
HarryThe Awkward OneGrowing up I was referred to as the awkward one, in my present and mostly when not. So, I got a high sense of self-esteem because of this, NOT. Always belittled and degraded not just being called awkward there was dumbass and idiot and a few others as well. But this dumbass was the only one of my family ever to university on a scholarship and pass out second in my year 2018. Getting a highly paid job straight from university and able to buy my own home and the only one in the family do that as w... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Awkward OneHoliday with my Extended FamilyLast year I went on holiday with my extended family, the families get together every five years and it takes a lot of planning. In all there 62 of us, uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents. It all started after world war 2 and the different parts of our family got together to give thanks to those who came back and to remember those who didn't return. After that first time, it was decided to do again and then again. It takes five years to arrange for the next one, It has become a tradition in ... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
AlanFishing TripRecently I went along on fishing trip with wifes family, its an yearly tradition for them. I'm not really into fishing, but to make my wife Jane happy I agreed to go. She on the other hand wasn't going, as she is a lawyer and was involved in a large case at the time and didn't think the judge would delay the case so she go fishing for a week. So I went along with her father and mother and her 2 brothers and their famlies and her father's sister Amanda 53. We all camped in tents and each family t... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
DonaldMy mother is a cougarMy mother is a cougar. She is not bashful about letting other women know that I have a big dick and I'm giving it to her. After my dad died. My mother and I became lovers. Not right away. It was about a year later. We were sitting on the couch one evening watching tv. My mother decided to lay her head in my lap. Well, I got a hard-on. It was very uncomfortable and I was scared. I thought maybe Mom would say something or at least move. Nope. Instead, she rubbed my dick throug... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Jake1On the roadI was thinking about the time we went to the movies together. It was a wet, misty night in October .. Our partners had got together. They've been working on a book.. Together. We took the opportunity. We knew we fancied each other. We went to the cinema. I can't remember what we saw. I just remember the mist around the car. And the dark. When we parked outside the pub. Initially your response was a surprise to me. With hindsight, it shouldn't have been. I kiss you gently. I kissed you gently. An... reading time 2 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Michael RexHelping a colleagueThis all started in 2009. I (27) got a promotion and transfer that came with it, well offer due to inheritance and trust fund. It was my first time living away from family, in another state. I duly bought a house 3lge bedrooms 1bathroom with separate garage. Like in my former hometown I used hookers for sex, I'd no interest the dating ritual, I just wanted a fuck. Then one day at working a colleague (51) was upset her rent was doubled almost, it was a way of getting the tenants to vacate quickly... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Horny smartassCat, Babies and ISo I am a 35 inbreed discord mode, I am living off of government funds because, why not? Yeah I know it is lame as all hell but I love the life right now. So last week I stumbled across bestiality porn, the Lara croft and horse one to be exact. I got turned on but how the horse owned the bitch and I decided to get my own animal to raw down, when I noticed on the side of the road a limping cat. she was really pretty and I knew what had to be done. I took her home cleaned her up and took care of h... reading time 2 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on