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My Compliant Mother I'm Robert 28 answer to Rob, son of Robert(deceased) and Trisha 47 and quite well off. My father died because of the corona virus in 2020 he was 64 at his passing and had lung problems due smoking heavily for many years. Trisha married him to help her family who were in financial trouble and he got them out of trouble. They only had me and Trisha became more of a servant than a wife. Doing whatever my father wanted without complaint, growing up I couldn't ask her for permission to anything I had...reading time 5 mingenre
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A white hot Secret Part OneI am a young male in a trainee role at work and over the last few weeks i have been flirting with a work colleague. She is older than me and married. I'll call her Rose. I noticed her long before she noticed me, her smile is like a beacon of light in the dark life I have surrounded myself with. Id get to work early hoping for a chance to catch her attention. After several months I was given a promotion and was now working in the same office as her. Sure I get paid double what I did just weeks be...reading time 2 mingenre
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Unable to pay my rent I (31 single) was working low paid jobs to get by finish at one place and start at another, I just getting by. Then one of my jobs finished the business closed I was now desperate to get another job quickly. But was unable to find something I could do, there were also too many hookers in the area already and so selling myself was an option either. My landlord 58 a widower no family was always nice to everyone, and I told him of my finance problems. He told me not to get concerned and we'll see ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Broke Tennant
MarryingI went overseas for work and met my wife while there, we hit it off straight away. Anyway, after 2 years and jumping thru all the hoops her family had put up, we married. We continued living nearby her family and then the pandemic came, her father caught the virus. It took him fairly quickly as he had lung problems from years of smoking, which made me the head of the family as the only male left. So, as her mother and sister lived in a rented house and the father passing away, they came to live ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Happy Husband
The trouble with living in a small TownThe trouble with living in a small town is that everyone knows everyone else and most of them are your relatives as well. That was my major problem as I grew up, all the girls who were close to my age were relatives. I thought I would never find a girlfriend in our town. I did go out to movies and dances, but I was with my cousins or sisters at every event. I started to get dejected by the lack of a possible girlfriend in my town. It was then that Aunt Elizabeth 52 asked me to visit her on her f...reading time 5 mingenre
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EntitledI'm a widower of 3 years my late died freak accident, a tree branch broke off during strong wind and hit her. At 59 I was again single and now living alone, decided to give my house to my son and his new wife and move to an apartment. It was closer to my business, and I wouldn't have to drive miles to and from work each day. Settling in quickly, not interested in dating at all I kept to myself. After a year I started getting horny and still not wanting the hassle of dating. Decided to Leveridge ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Entitled Boss
My doctor wife I had an accident and met my now wife in the ER and after I had recovered, I asked her out. I had started watching her and knew her routine and after several request for a date she agreed. I'm 5 years older than her and was doing very well in my chosen career, we hit it off and became lovers and married as she was pregnant and ready to start in private practice, not many vacancies for a pregnant doctor in the city. But by chance, I knew my hometown doctor was thinking of retiring, I had heard f...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Hubby
Finally Back HomeI'm Jeremy 27 and I was away for 5 years working overseas, I went away on a 3 year contract. But the start of the pandemic stopped my returning home as everything shutdown. But in March this I got back home, many things had changed in my time away, my father died in 2020. But it was an accident not the virus, he was already divorced (2016)from my mother Jennifer 45. Jennifer lived in the same town as before I left with my sister Evonne 24 and in their own home as they were paying off the bank, t...reading time 2 mingenre
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Jeremy no home
Caught by Lockdown UpdateI went to help my aunt Paula after uncle Keith's death and was caught by lockdown and started fucking my cousin Emma. Paula caught us and I also started to fuck her and I got both pregnant. My mother Karen wasn't all that happy I got her sister and niece pregnant and has joined us on the farm. My father departed years ago and where he went I don't know or care. Karen can work from anywhere with good internet connections and so she came to live on the farm. As the only child, I'm went a bit wild ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Kevin H
My SisterI'm divorced and have 3 grown children who have their own lives, my ex has remarried. Anyway, I have a good career and my own home on 6 acres. Also, I've 2 siblings an older brother and a younger sister. My sister is 4 years younger than I and partied more than she studied and ended up stuffing up her life. Never married and had no children of her own and with the start of the pandemic. Her carefree lifestyle started to fall apart, she started finding it harder and harder to get by. Finally, she...reading time 2 mingenre
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Loving Brother
My Little BrotherMy brother David is 6 years younger than me, he's my only sibling. He is 5'5" of a stocky build and is very fit. He was on the school wrestling team and played a blocker in the football team and was into martial arts. I had left home at 19 and married and my father left my mother 2 years after that. The home was sold and my mother Joyce moved into an apartment across town with David. David left school at 16 and got a job in Garage and trained as a mechanic. I had been married almost 10 years and...reading time 4 mingenre
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Making BabiesI'm lucky as I'm the youngest of 8 children, I didn't complete high school and just became a plumber. I have 4 brothers & 3 sisters all done well at school and university, so you could say I let the family down. But our ages range from 48 down to me 31, my oldest sibling (brother) married later than the others to a younger woman 11years his junior. Too busy making money I think, anyway she couldn't get pregnant. She got herself tested and there were no problems with her, so it must be him. Good ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Useful Brother
Having my family join me I done very well at university and got a very good after university, but it was overseas. We hadn't been a well-off family before I got my scholarship and the scholarship meant I had a great future. My parents were doing tough and raising my sister, I would send money to my mother to help them out, without my father knowing. He was a very proud man and wouldn't have liked me helping him if he knew. Anyway, the pandemic start I was overseas and doing fine, my family weren't doing that well, my f...reading time 2 mingenre
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Perfect Reunion
Pay BackI was caught up in a relationship with a married man Alan, I was in a motel room with him and his wife and her lawyer turned up. With cameras and other people for witnesses and I happy to get away without getting caught. But was only in my bra and panties, as I was in the bathroom when the wife Elaine and her lawyer burst into the room. I got thru the window carrying my dress and it was torn as I hid in the bushes, luckily I had my cellphone and rang my son John 23. I'm Ingrid 46 divorced and wo...reading time 2 mingenre
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Career and Family My luck was in and at university I met my now wife 26, I 26 was a scholarship, and she came from money as they say. Anyway, straight to family after we married and finished university, I started work for her family company. They had trouble in the past with husbands and wives playing around. It was the only thing that concerned my wife, as I got higher in the company I would have to start travelling. Her being pregnant made her concerned. But thru what I thought was a coincidence I got promoted...reading time 2 mingenre
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Loving Husband/ MIL fucker
My Skinny NephewMy late husband's sister also deceased had a son and his father never stayed around once he knew she was pregnant. So my know all husband got corona virus and now he is my late know all husband. His sister had gotten cancer and passed away in 2019 and her son came to live with us he was 17 at the time. He became a electrician and was still living with us and stayed with me after the passing of my husband in early 2021. I've no children of my own only married at 43 in 2018 and husband was 57 and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Satisfied Aunt
Catching my BrotherI'm Cheryl 28 the eldest of 5 children, single and a nurse. I live in an appartment 3 blocks from my work. I have 3 sisters all married and the youngest is my only brother David 20 single shy and works in a bank. Recently David was transferred to a bank opposite my work and had to move to the city. He moved in with me, a week later I was on an afternoon shift and came home just after 8pm. I caught him sitting on the lounge watching porn and masturbating. He was shocked at getting caught and I ju...reading time 2 mingenre
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I wanted to bed my sisterI've always wanted to bed my sister Melanie 30 since I was about 13 or so. I don't why I fixated on her, but she was my dream girl. Now many years later I'm Angus 34 single and doing quite well. I have my own home and home business, Melanie had married Donald at 22 and hadn't had any children by the time of her divorce from Donald. They hadn't done well and with the divorce she didn't get much at all. Donald left for work interstate and Melanie worked a low paid job and was barely getting by. I ...reading time 5 mingenre
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My FamilyMy family consists of my mother Joyce 47, my sister Chloe 27 and me Mark 29, my father departed for parts unknown many years before. He didn't keep in touch and we don't miss him at all. Both Chloe and I were classed as nerds going thru university and didn't play sports or get invited to parties at all. We studied and done well, which was mainly due to Joyce pushing us to succeed. Joyce worked 2 jobs to pay off the house and get us thru university, she had been dating our father and got pregnant...reading time 2 mingenre
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Mark L B
Family MattersI'm Glen 34 married to Lauren 32, we have 3 children all under 9. I also have 2 children with Casey 29 both under 6. Casey is Lauren's sister and only sibling, their mother died 17 years ago of cancer and their father died 7 years ago car accident. Casey was always a quiet shy child and it increased after the death of her mother. With the death of her father she came to live with us. Casey didn't date or go anywhere much at all, except with late father and now us. Lauren has her own career and h...reading time 2 mingenre
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Glen 2 wives
My sister Jane took my car without asking. UpdateJane took my car and had a minor accident in it. She ended up up sleeping with me to make up for her actions. She continues to sleep me and met up with a old school friend Emma 23 and started seeing her a lot. Emma single one child a girl Alice 2, the father of Alice cleared out as soon as he heard Emma was pregnant and hasn't tried to contact Emma since. Jane and Emma became as they say thick as thieves and Jane asked could Emma move in with us. As I'm like putty in Jane's hands and do whatever...reading time 2 mingenre
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Frank T
Started my FamilyAt 39 I returned from working overseas, I had bought a business and intended to run and continue as was usual for me. Never a great ladies' man, I wasn't looking for a wife and was content to go along as was normal for me. But I had 5 women working for me that would change that. I pay basic wages and no job is permanent. So, I wasn't concern about my employee's lives. After some months and not much action in my private life, the 5 women wanted to keep their jobs. Not that was going to fire them,...reading time 2 mingenre
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Soon to be Father
HomecomingNine years ago I left my hometown, my mother had died and with no other relatives locally I left. I had finished university and had returned to be with my mother who was ill and she got worse and died several months later Lung Cancer. She was a heavy smoker and I couldn't ever remember seeing her without a cigarette either in her hand or mouth. First thing she done was light a cigarette even before getting out of bed and smoking another before going to sleep. Three packs a day she told her docto...reading time 5 mingenre
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Ralph B
Having FunAs children my sister Kerrie and me only had ourselves to play with, home schooled and living well away from other children. By the time I was 18 the only females I had ever seen were Kerrie, my mother and grandmother. My father was 12 years older than my mother and he passed away when I was 17 and grandmother had died when I was 14. My mother wasn't all that well either and when I had just turned 20 she passed away. Just leaving me and Kerrie then 18. About 5 months later the government brought...reading time 2 mingenre
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Hamish G
JaniceThere she was sitting at the bar, she looked familiar, but i couldnt work out where i knew her from. i was still young, and she looked about 10 years older than me, but i was keen to give it a go. i went up to her, and asked if i could buy her a drink. she took one look at me and said yes. we sat down in the quietest part of the bar, and started talking her name was janice, and she was just passing through, visiting friends. we started flirting back and forth, and just as i was about to ask if ...reading time 5 mingenre
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