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My Quiet BrotherEver since I can remember my youngest brother Andrew has been very quiet, never making a noise like other children. Kept to himself and studied a lot, he passed top of all his classes at school. He went on to university and done very well, after graduation he got a very good job and got his own place. I was married with 2 children and had never been to university, my husband Ross was in the army and was going to make it his career. But he got killed and I was left to bring up the children alone....reading time 5 mingenre
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Learning to FuckI'm Allan now 36 married with 3 children and doing great career wise. Back when I was 21 and still a virgin living at home and attending the local university. My aunt Rachel came to visit and stayed 8 weeks, Rachel was then 47 and just widowed a month before and had 2 children both grown up and out on their own. Rachel was moving closer to her family and was to stay with us till her new home was renovated. My father Thomas 50 (at the time) was her only brother, she also had a sister Thelma 53 bu...reading time 4 mingenre
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Allan Aunties trainee lover
Job on the sideI (39) work as a private investigator but need to work another job to get by. As being a PI doesn't pay enough regularly enough to get by on. There are some weeks I really busy and others it really dead. My other job allows me to do online searches and so doesn't impede my PI work. Most of my work is just checking people are who they say they are, rarely I get jobs checking on a wife or a husband being unfaithful. But in 2018 I got a job checking on the wife of a premiant local businessperson 57...reading time 2 mingenre
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PI perfect
I got good training from my old NeighborI'm David 31 and married to Rebecca and we have 2 children 4 & 2, I've away and have just returned to my parent's house. We purchased it from them as they downsized and moving back into the house brought back a lot of memories. When I was 18 almost 19 I was still a virgin and quite shy around girls. My parent's house is on a corner block and so we had only one neighbor Martha 64, widow and I had known her most of my life. She kept to herself a lot and I would see her gardening most days. My pare...reading time 4 mingenre
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My Sister MarilynMarilyn then 23 was very shy and kept to herself, raised by our great aunt Caroline as our mother died in child birth. Our father Robert could handle raising her and me, I'm Andrew 26 at the time of our reunion. I grew up doing just about anything I wanted to do, I wasn't good at school and left at 13 and started work as a plumbers assistant. I did well at plumbing and was making good money. Robert was twelve years older than our mother Clair and he died when I was 19. I knew of Marilyn and had ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Making the best of EverythingI'm Darryl 34 divorced 2 children and unable to see them due the coronavirus mainly and my ex not wanting me to visit as well. I'm doing quite well and the virus had put a stop on my dating women. But it soon gave me a replacement, I employ women mainly married and the two that aren't married only one was good looking enough to interest me sexually. The other being overweight and a lesbian. But Maria 48 divorced living alone was slender and fairly good looking for her age and a stunner when dre...reading time 4 mingenre
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Aunt KateKatherine was my father's only sister and never married. She is a quiet timid woman, who was expected to look after their mother Mary. Mary had an accident and was left in a wheelchair and when Hubert her husband died. Katherine than 15 known as Kate was her sole care provider. My Father Hubert junior 21 was at university and would marry at 22 and I was born a year later. I'm John after my mother Alison's father and my 4 siblings followed over the following years. We always lived close to grandm...reading time 4 mingenre
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John ZZ
InheritanceWith the title you'll would think I got rich, well I didn't. I inherited 53 acres of land nothing special about it in anyway. Not good as cropping land or even grazing either, it was uneven or had gullies running every way. But it had one thing a road (dirt) and the neighbor on either side (same family) viewed it as advantageous to their family business and had tried to buy it several times. I was working as a mechanic and was dating their daughter, but they disapproved of me being not good enou...reading time 2 mingenre
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New Husband
Roped In, lucky for me.After years away I returned home and there was a family wedding in our long-term neighbor's family. They have been close friends of our ever since I can remember and are seen as aunt and uncle. Anyway, their youngest 10 years my junior wasn't in the bridal party and didn't have an escort. She okay on the eye and quite timid/shy, but as we had been neighbors all her life, she wasn't shy around me. Shortly after my return, it was like I never had left. Seeing her interacting with me gave the paren...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very happy husband
Lady living RoughI'm Noel 36 married 2 children, the marry was arranged by our parents because they became partners in business and saw it as away of making the business union stronger. I didn't resist in anyway as I always done as my family wanted. Same for Karen 34 my wife, divorce isn't an option as it's not in our beliefs. Once married you stay married. I work long hours in the business and didn't go to parties much or anywhere by myself. Its not love marriage, but it's not a hate filled marriage either. We ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Big Problems, lucky for the pandemicAt the time I was 25 and worked for a know all asshole, he was into anything to make a buck. I was his mule his description of my job, I would pick up or deliver whatever he wanted. He was shady and bent the law, never broke it as he claimed it was too costly paying lawyers. He was 56 and his wife was 40 and daughter 18 and he had gotten so busy as he was neglecting his wife. I had taken up the duty of satisfying his wife and started fucking the daughter as well. A couple of mistakes on my part ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Help
Wonderful ReturnI'm Burt 30 and soon to marry Leslie 26, I was abroad for several years after leaving university. My parents died when I was 9 and I was looked after by my uncle Vernon and aunt Harriet my late father's sister and only sibling. While was at university I was taught how to please a woman by Harriet as Vernon wasn't doing much in the way of sexual relations with her then. Vernon was 21 years old than Harriet when they married, Vernon passed away late last year from the corona virus and that left Ha...reading time 2 mingenre
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Burt G
I seduced my Sister for my HusbandI'm Kerry 29 married to Patrick 30 and I'm now in my last month of my pregnancy. Earlier this year I had trouble had to stop intercourse with Patrick as a result. We had a very regular sex life and I didn't want Patrick to miss out on regular sex. I've one sibling Rachel 32 single rather shy and timid and she doesn't date. I decided she would be a good replacement for me while I was pregnant. I got Rachel to stay with us due to my health concerns, I'd overegged them a bit to get her to move in w...reading time 2 mingenre
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Camping tripI went camping regularly and as I was well off and worked from home or anywhere, I had good internet connection. With a portable satellite connection, I could go camping wherever and still do my work. Not a great dater but had my moments those they weren't anything that led to a lasting relationship. So, at 34 single and I sometimes worked in the offices of the family businesses. I'd to do just that when my cousin took ill, and I was his replacement. I was told about a week it turned out to be t...reading time 4 mingenre
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Camping mad
Special FriendI'm Morris 32 married 2 children and manage a supermarket for a large chain. I worked long hours to get where I'm now. My wife cares for the children and we're happy, last year my wife's mother got very ill and so she went to care for her mother in the next state. I was left alone and was a bit lonely as my wife was my only real friend outside of work. We do everything together and with her away I was alone, so I would stay back at work longer than I really needed too. Then on a really rainy day...reading time 2 mingenre
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Finally my Luck was inI'd never been great in relationships, until I got a job as the maintenance man at health retreat. Women only health retreat, for overweight or women trying to beat an addiction. Alcohol, drugs and even chocolate, you would think hearing they were overweight. They would be fat, there were some you could call fat. But most were a few pounds overweight and they use the retreat to chill out more than anything, get away from their husbands and relax. I'm "Gordon" 27 single and I kept the place runni...reading time 2 mingenre
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My Brother the local RomeoMy brother is the strong silence type you hear about and seldom meet. He's built as they say and 6'2" doesn't work out at gyms, his work keeps him very fit. He a year and 10 months younger than me and seemed to not to date at all, but I wasn't keeping a real close eye on his social life. But earlier this year I found out he had gotten a woman 21 pregnant; he was happy with the news, and I expected him to marry her. But it was more complicated than I first knew, yes, he had gotten her pregnant. P...reading time 2 mingenre
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Shelly shocked sister
The normal StoryIt a time worn excuse, we were bored or drunk and had sex, the condom broke, and she got pregnant. It could be casual meeting at party, your girlfriend, or a family member. Like in my case I was bored and horny and had only my sister with me at the time. My sister is my best friend we always look out for each other, especially after losing our parents in pandemic. Not short of cash and have the family home as well. I was 33 at the time and she 30 almost 31. I'm the greatest looking man since eve...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Brother and father soon
Fun in the FamilyI'm married to a beautiful woman; we have 3 children. But in July 2021 she asked me would I do great big favor for her sister. Of course, I said I would without even asking what it was. Her only sibling is a lesbian, the favor was to get her pregnant. She wasn't in any relationship the time and is 2 years older than her sister and had worried her childbearing chances were running out. I was shocked at first and asked the stupid question why me, which was answered with your family and it's better...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Husband/Uncle
Night of PassionI'm married and was having trouble getting pregnant my husband drank and smoked too much and also used drugs. He is 9 years older than me, and I started to think I wouldn't ever get pregnant. After a wasted night with my husband, who passed out instead of fucking me and the next morning he went to play golf in the next state. He even thought we had sex the night before because he said he was still a stud. I just nodded and left at that, after he left, I was sitting drinking and our young neighbo...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Bitch
Full ControlBrief history, I'm Gavin 36 only child of Henry and Martha both deceased and Henry thought I was gay as I didn't seemed interest in girls. Martha passed away from cancer Henry made a new will which left everything to me. But he put in a clause that I was to father a child before I was 35 or everything went to charity. First of all I'm not gay and was a little scared of girls for awhile so I kept away from them. Boys I had no interest in them and sports in general, I preferred studying and using ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Gavin the stud
Home ill and my parents had an argument. I stayed home not well and missed a day at university, my parents had an argument which was all too common these days. Anyway, as I was in my room, I heard their argument and my father storming off as per usual for him. My mother was quiet for some time, and I fell asleep and on waking up I felt a great deal better the fever was gone and the headache as well. As I laid there my mother came in to see how I was, she was a bit drunk. Happy to hear I was feeling a better, then she asked me would I ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Caring Son
My Time Finally CameI've been mostly successful in my career and life except for my love life. Which did exist but didn't progress to marriage. Always the groomsman never the groom seemed to be my fate. I'm the person who catches your eye, except when I'm the only one there to see. I met a very nice woman and was getting on well with her, but she fell for a friend of mine. Which was fairly normal in my experience, I must admit they looked great together. Then they got engaged and it looked like I was to be best ma...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happily Married
The widow next doorThe widow 49 next door lived alone and never dated as far as I saw. I'm 53 (single) never married, was engaged once, but drunk hit her on a crossing the Wednesday before our wedding was due to be. I'm a lawyer and have a total hatred of drunks, especially drunk drivers and won't represent any of them in court at all. It took me years to get over the loss of my fiancée. I wasn't in the market a girlfriend or a wife, but from at first hearing her and then seeing her masturbating herself got me aro...reading time 2 mingenre
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Helping Horny Neighbor
Arrangement with sistersI met my now wife when I was 27 and she was 24 and we hit it off and married year later, Now I'm 34 and my wife is almost 31 and we've 3 children, quite happy living in a large house along with my sister-in-law 36 and her 2 children, I'm also the father of my sister-in-law's children. My wife was pregnant, and her sister came to stay with us after she had a nasty breakup with her partner. Depressed and feeling unwanted, my wife wanted to cheer her sister up and asked me if I would fuck her. I wa...reading time 2 mingenre
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Delighted Husband
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