The Family


In early 2019 I was looking for work and saw an ad in a local paper for reliable worker required on remote farm our transport essential. I had my old pickup and rang the number and got the job. I followed the directions to the farm and the ad was correct in was remote, not as the crow flies but by road. The only road going there was all dirt and turned to mud quickly during rain, farm was between a National Park and a Military training area. The Military area was strictly off limits and the park side were steep cliff and so you had to be a mountain climber to go that way. I met Sarah 44 mother and 2 daughters Naomi 22 and Kylie 22 twins, her husband Norman 57 was laid up in bed and wasn't very well at all. I was told it was his lungs from too much smoking. The farm was 469 acres and had some horses, cattle, chickens and a few pigs and grew a mix of crops. There was a basic bunkhouse you could call it with some imagination, four walls one with window and door and a roof. A potbelly stove and a iron frame bed a chair and a small table and had a power point and a light. An old coconut fibre filled mattress, I had my own pillow and a sleeping bag. Meals were in the house, the first couple of weeks were a learning experience and I enjoyed the place and the work. Norman had to go into hospital and wouldn't come out again, this left me as the only man on the farm and for at least 20 miles in any direction. I was doing as told and after Norman's death, he was buried on the farm in a family plot dating back to the start of the farm. It was almost the end of summer and I thought I would be let go after everything was done for the year. But I was wrong, Sarah, Naomi and Kylie are slender women none over 5'4" and even moving a bale of hay took two of them. They had decided I should stay, but paying wages were going to stretch their finances. So it was decided to bring me into the family, to that end one than the other daughter would be around me and trying to pick who I preferred. I on the other hand didn't want to cause trouble as Sarah kept a loaded shotgun near the door, for vermin going after her poultry. Also me I thought if I overstepped the line, only Sarah was I relaxed around and it was noticed and Sarah came to the bunkhouse and joined me in bed. I was quite agreeable to have sex with her and I did, after which she asked why I hadn't made a move on her daughters and I said I didn't want to cause trouble in the family. So she asked which one I liked the best, a loaded question whoever I said the other would be upset. So I said I like them both and her as well, she left at that. But next day I was in the barn and all 3 came in with proposal, I could have them all if I married one of them. I was shocked and very interested as well, but who to chose and it was made known only the daughters were to marry. I said I can't make up my mind as they are both so great. A cop out I know, but Sarah was ready. She both daughters names on strips of paper and had me draw one out of a bucket sight unseen and It was Naomi I drew out. Seeing Kylie was a little disappointed I said pity I can't marry them both. Anyway we headed back to the house together, on entering the house together Sarah turned to me and said maybe you can. I was unsure she was on about, but she explained her idea. Both the daughters could slightly change their names officially and as Naomi was the one drawn out. They just add Kylie as her second name and add Naomi as the first name to Kylie. First step was to go and change Naomi to Naomi Kylie and then to the next county and change Kylie to Naomi Kylie. Wait 2 weeks and see if any problems were flagged by the name changes. None came up and so Naomi and I married and then straight to the next county I married Kylie. It was a smart idea as if there was a any clash on the computer system, the registrar would same date and same names and think its a double entry or a glitch in the system unless they took notice of the times on each. So far nothing had come to their attention so it seems, too late now anyway. Both Naomi and Kylie have one child each (Girls) for me and are both pregnant again, Kylie's is more advanced. Sarah still sleeps with me and also got pregnant to me from our first fuck and had a boy she named Norman. I'm not on wages anymore of course and the pandemic lockdown boosted our family numbers from 4 to 6 little Norman was born just after the first lockdown ended. I'm really happy with my new family and it will keep increasing as neither Naomi or Kylie take precautions and nor do I. I always have Sarah to drain my balls when the others are too pregnant to do it. I'm Cameron 27 and only have a father, who I don't get on with and haven't seen in 8 years since the death of my mother.
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