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Mistakes were madeRenea's big mistake was a simple one. One day she was reading a story on Fetlife. Aroused by the power of his prose, Renea sent some feedback to the Author. The story was called "You Will Submit". It is about a young woman being attacked in her flat, then reluctantly being fucked. The man wore no protection. The chances were high that he made her pregnant. The author received the feedback and replied. He asked her about her fantasies and soon they were chatting online. At thirty two years old, ...reading time 17 mingenre
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Real Deal - Part 1Hi all, my husband and I have read a lot of supposedly true stories. They always start out the same way. Hot husband is writing about his hot wife and so on. Well, this is different. This is part 1 of true story. It really doesn’t matter what I or my husband look like. I guess slim, 30-40 something average couple works as good as anything. We have been together for almost 9 years now; Rick has been great at keeping things fun. You know porn, toys and talking, lots of talking. Like most ...reading time 54 mingenre
Group sex
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Kindra And The Black Client"Why am I here, why am I here?" I whined, fingering through files. "Oh, because the witch needs some this shit for the client," I groaned before a pause. "The client wants Pepsi instead of Coke; I have to get what they want. They want a certain band to be playing on the stereo; I have to make it happen because I'm the intern. What the fuck?" I let out before closing the filing cabinet. "Crap, I don't know what I did with that form. I've already copied it twice for him, but he needs a third copy?...reading time 49 mingenre
Group sex
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Spying On My Naked Teen Daughter“Where have you been?” Kate asked me. She then rolled over in our bed, looking right at me and scaring me half to death in the process. Jesus, Kate sometimes had such an uncanny timing, it was surreal. Paired now with the way her eyes were gleaming in the dim moonlight, it could make one wonder if the supernatural truly existed or not. Luckily, I had it on good authority that my wife was just a flawed human woman. “I was thirsty,” I lied and made my way to her. “I went to grab a glass of cold or...reading time 17 mingenre
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Hazel Grace
The very evil hunterst was early September, in the south of France, on a day when the weather was still very nice, we were by the pool, Alfred was sipping a cold drink, Maxime was basking on a deckchair, Gérald was leafing through the newspaper. Naked, I wore rouge on my toenails. - Ho la la said Gerald, the hunt is barely open and there is already a death! This is further proof that these people are not very normal! Trixie, do you remember the adventure that happened to us with two of these freaks? - Alfred, liste...reading time 18 mingenre
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Tina and John John followed his sister into the room, watching her smooth, naked hips swaying provocatively before him. Her large, firm tits hardly even jiggled as she moved sensuously over to the bed and turned to face him. She oozed sex, and from the look of burning lust in his sister's eyes, John could tell that he was in for one hell of a good time. "Kiss me, Johnny!", she husked, pressing her tits against his hairless chest. With one hand still firmly grasping her brother's hard cock, T...reading time 16 mingenre
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Kaylee Amy Panee
Wedding Night – Olive and Liam*Olive’s story… Olive was a sweet little femboy standing in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready. His makeup was completed and his large beautiful dark eyes shone brightly as he examined himself. His true love waited on the other side of the door. The man was taking Olive on a special trip tomorrow to get married. But the wedding night was tonight… in just a few minutes in fact. He was so excited he could hardly breathe. He was wearing the special outfit that Liam bought him. Olive felt ...reading time 18 mingenre
First times
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A special Trip to BangkokA special Trip to Bangkok By Dina Petro George was truly fed up with his life at hometown, he lived in a male dominant society, he did not believe in that, neither did he act it, he could not go too far as he would look different or his friends and relatives would look down on him. George wasn’t so sure of his sex preferences, he went out with many girls fucked most if not all of them, but he did not feel it is the way it should be one way or another, meaning he himself did not know what to do ...reading time 22 mingenre
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Dina Petro
Wifes niece sent to us for "That Talk"I could scarcely believe my ears. My wife Cheryl's sister has asked her if her daughter Danielle could come and stay with us for 3 weeks. And since she had just turned eighteen would Cheryl mind talking to her about what being a woman entailed, which was her way of saying "The birds and the bees". The reason I was so amazed was that Cheryl was the last person I would expect to educate a young lady on how to conduct herself. For years we had been living a lifestyle that mostly involved Cheryl bei...reading time 22 mingenre
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Best night of our livesI feel like I need to write about the greatest sexual experience of our life which happened only 2 days ago and share it because to me it would be a crime not to… I have written the following from memory of the last couple days as best I can in the best detail I can give with my girlfriends help. Names may have been changed for privacy. Some back story, I met my girlfriend Chelsey in college and we have been together for the last 4 years we are both 24 now. I have had sex with 14 different wom...reading time 39 mingenre
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New teacher is taught a lesson where the Student becomes the teacherI had just graduated college with a teaching degree in English and I was burdened with debt that would be with me for decades. I decided to accept a position at a title one inner city high school in hopes of making a difference in my soon to be students’ lives, plus the bonus was a nice incentive too. I prepared my classroom for the coming school year and looked forward, not without some anxiety and hesitation, to meeting my new students. I was in for a really rude awakening that first day when ...reading time 17 mingenre
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Dwight The Realtor "So, what do you think, Jim?" I asked as we walked down the hall. "It's okay," he answered, looking around. "What's wrong with it? Dwight, how many square feet is this place?" I pondered, peeking at him. "Roughly 18,000 square feet, with three bedrooms, and two full bathrooms too, among other things. It has been on the market for more than a little while; I guess it does need a little fixing up. I don't think it would cost more than five grand to get everything, but that has discouraged a lot...reading time 25 mingenre
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The only male in the family Pt 3Mum said we only had a short time to get ready for our trip so I went into my room and got some boxers and T-shirts and socks. Mum how many pairs of jeans should I take I shouted? Take two and a couple of sweatshirts. I don't know how long we will be at Di's. I picked up my stuff and went into mum's room. She was naked and was laying out some underwear I had never seen before. She had 5 sets in nice bright colours. All see-through lace. Billy we will need to shower together because we haven't g...reading time 25 mingenre
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Jack's OffshoreThe blue and white Bell Jet Ranger helicopter was closing on the oil rig, eighty miles into the green choppy sea off Port Fourcon, Louisiana. Jack told himself he wasn't going back offshore again! Ever! Yet, here he finds himself, accepting another hitch -- not on the platform he's flying to, but on the one-hundred-forty foot supply boat tied up to it. Twenty-eight days of – fourteen days off. Along with Jack and the pilot, were two rig-operators and a roustabout. None spoke during the entire t...reading time 36 mingenre
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Lawrence Trybe
The postman's needStory girls, adult Fetish Postman's desperate encounter. Janis was due to meet her mate later that summers day. She had not seen her for 6 weeks and was eager to find out about Sally's new friend Tom. She said very little about him, every time she phoned Sally was busy or out. Awaiting Sally to arrive for a girls night. It was warm and she was coming to her house for wine and to stay the night. At 5 pm on the dot she arrived to tell her the adventures of the last 3 weeks. They sat down to...reading time 42 mingenre
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Reconcileation reconciliation no one under the age of 18 had sex of any tipe in this story. Can anyone really explain how it feels, when the wheels touch the earth beneath you near your home after being away for three and a half years. There is an extra euphoria with me because I am home and single for the first time in 8 years. I all but run to the baggage claim to get my duffle and head to the long-term parking. I knew the pickup truck was going to be a disaster, but I paid a service to have it clea...reading time 73 mingenre
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Business anal tripI had been running around like a headless chicken, trying to ensure I had all the bits I needed for the convention at the spa resort where I hoped to get a promotion at work from the information I would glean at the convention. Adele my wife was coming along for the trip and I was getting stressed out as I tried to ensure we arrived on time. Somehow, god knows how but we arrived early and we settled into our room, well more like a suite with two double beds, lounge, en-suite and a Jacuzzi. I de...reading time 20 mingenre
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Pussy Please
Maria Pays Off the Family DebtsMy wife, Maria, and I were in trouble. We had both gotten into serious gambling debt, and in an effort to get even, we borrowed serious money from a street gang connected loan shark and bet it all on a sure thing...and we lost. Now he wanted his money. We were waiting for the guy, Moustafa, at a sports bar to see about working things out. Maria had been a stripper before we were married, and quit after I put her through school. She was now working as an elementary school teacher, and was willing...reading time 17 mingenre
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Winter Falcon
A New Family Dave lived with his grandmother for almost his entire life. His grandmother, Sheila, was rich but lived in the middle of nowhere, isolated from the rest of the world, with only a single road connecting the house to the rest of society. Sheila was younger than most grandmothers, she had a child, Dave’s mom, when she was 15 and Dave’s own mother followed a similar course, having Dave when she was 16, much to Sheila’s disappointment. Dave’s mom could not care less to raise Dave preferring to live a...reading time 19 mingenre
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The JobThe ad read, Wanted a young healthy male to assist with donations at a fertility clinic. Work one week be on call 24-7 and live in facility with meals and necessities provided. Minimum pay will be $3000.00 for the week but can make much more depending on productivity. Please call Ms Cleo at 919 222 1212 for interview. As a college student I was always needing money. This sounded way too good to be true but with loans, rent past due and just wanting to have a life I felt why not call and see wha...reading time 24 mingenre
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Craig Moose
The Community, Part IAuthor's Note: Originally published as My Wife; His Toy Part I, it was pulled and retitled as the story line has changed. Gina and I had been married for four years when we moved from San Diego to a rather isolated desert town for my first job with the federal government. We really loved living in San Diego, and when we drove into town it was a bit of a culture shock. In San Diego we had the beach, nice restaurants, theaters, parks, Sea World, and a world famous zoo. Our new city had a populat...reading time 20 mingenre
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Castaway Cuckold Castaway cuckold. Staring Roy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, Joseph We where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I might find selling irrigation systems. I didn’t expect to be flying a small 8 passenger commuter plane from Puerto Rico to Venezuela, from there we were supposed to fly to Monteria. There where only 4 oth...reading time 23 mingenre
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Terror in the sand part 2Fatima and Yosef left the room. The door was locked and I was alone. She is one nasty bitch I thought, she is depraved. I bet she has sex with animals to. That thought made me go cold. I pulled the blanket over me. It now had my blood on it along with Yosef’s sperm. He is a strange sort of guy, ruins my virgin pussy then kisses me gently on my lips and cheek. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I kept dreaming about Yosef’s massive cock and wondering what it would be like to have that in ...reading time 24 mingenre
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New life for Ruth part three Ruth sat in the back seat of the car behind the young driver, she new she had more than an hours journey before her. She had almost run to the car so high was her sexual excitement plus the fact how would she explain to the neighbours the long raincoat on a hot August day. Underneath that long coat she wore the outfit delivered by Jacob Rees to her office the previous day, a tiny black pleated skirt, a sheer white blouse, blue and white school tie, white school socks and hold-up fishnet stockin...reading time 35 mingenre
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The Yearbook Part 1It was late in the afternoon when Betsy drove into the Colony Estates complex. She took another quick glance at the invitation, then started scanning the house numbers on Granada Avenue for the party address. LaTryce, one of her co-workers, had invited her to her new niece’s christening party. It was mainly a family gathering but certain family friends were invited. Betsy had no trouble finding the location as the house and yard were decorated with white and yellow crepe paper and balloons. She...reading time 18 mingenre
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