Helping a friend

first times

Where do I start?
Maybe with myself, and the truth is, I am Mrs Jones, Tina Jones, I am 48 and married with two grown up sons.
Throughout my life I have never been highly sexed, just not important to me.
As a teen and throughout my 20s I hardly ever masturbated and was a late starter in the sex department. I had a very sheltered upbringing, I was an only sibling, went to Church every Sunday with my parents and that is where I met my husband at the age of 25.
I must admit that I no longer go to Church and have not been since my sons were born 20 odd years ago but I still have strong f****y values, and always willing to help out.
Which brings me to a long friend of mine Debbie; she is the same age as me and also had a son at about the same time as myself so we had a lot in common other than she no longer has a partner.
Her son Darren was pleasant enough with good manners, but just a little on the quiet side, a bit of a loner, over the years and with the amount of time he spent at our home and still never really made friends with my two sons.
About two years ago when he was just turning 18 my friend confided in me that she was having problems with him, he gotten into the wrong crowd she said and now, God knows what stuff he was on or using.
I understood her completely as I had done some voluntary work in the community, generally helping out at focus groups of people with addiction to all sorts of things but will not say in this story what he was using.
At the same as all this was going on my friend Debbie was having problems of her own, visits to the Doctor and a couple of times at the Hospital for check ups.
About 9 months ago Debbie was at my home for a chat, telling me all about Darren and that he was now getting help, mostly with some stuff you get from a Pharmacy so was off the real thing and onto a substitute.
She also informed me that she was going into Hospital soon for a couple of operations and that would I mind keeping an eye on Darren, saying she knows he is old enough to look after himself being soon 20 but she did not want him to go back to his old ways and start meeting up with them old friends while she was away and that I could either pop round to her home every day or even have him stay over here, my two sons had left for college so there was plenty of room.
I said I would prefer it if he stays here as I don’t drive and my husband being at work all day with our car; also it was a bit of a distance to walk but would have to ask my husband first. “Yes sure “she said.
My husband was dead against it, he has never like Darren, even less so after hearing what he has been up too, saying he is a dead beat and a waste of space, but I always try to do the right thing and persisted, my husband said “On you’re head, don’t come running to me when he smashes this place up”. He then called me a fool.
I did not like that one bit; in fact it upset me a little.
I agreed and that I wanted him to come and stay here for a few weeks while Debbie had her operation and recovered at home.
My friend told me the ups and downs her son had, generally giving me advice, like every couple of days Darren would go to the Pharmacy and get his medication and that I was best to leave him alone for a couple of hours after, till he had calmed down, advice I did not take fully.
Week 1: First day Sunday, Debbie dropped Darren of that afternoon as she had to up early Monday, my husband hardly spoke to Darren, in fact down right ignored him, he was his usual quiet self, did not want to bother us so we had a quiet night.
With having someone new in the house I always remembered to keep myself decent and covered up, no walking around in my night gown and so on.
Monday morning, husband left for work before 8am, 9am Darren was up and about and soon headed of to the Pharmacy to get his medication.
He was soon back as I heard him enter, I had had made a new key out for him so he would feel more at home and come and go as pleased.
He went straight to my son’s room where he was now staying and I let him be.
I never seen him again until my husband was home but did hear him moving around, putting the TV on and so on.
After having supper we all would just sit around the living room, Darren and I watching a bit of TV and my husband with his head in the newspaper.
I must admit I did notice Darren would look over at me now and again, usually as I moved to get up and go make a cuppa but thought nothing more about it.
Tuesday, nothing happened at all other than I did not even notice that Darren had popped out for an hour or so. He returned just before my husband and headed to his room. My husband asked where he was and then asked how my day went and if anything had happened, saying no, nothing he muttered “ Only a matter of time “
Tuesday evening nothing again happened and was even very quiet.
Wednesday, hubby off to work before 8, Darren left for the Pharmacy by 9.
Darren was back in by 20 past 9 and went straight to his room again, I went about my routine for about half an hour and then decided to see if Darren wanted or needed a drink, I tapped lightly on his door so as not to startle him, hearing nothing and as I had done all my life with my own son’s I entered, he was lying on the bed asl**p and breathing heavy, t-shirt up just above his belly button, no pants or underwear.
I was taken back, I did not know what to do, I stood in the doorway for a moment, all the time looking at his face and then his penis, sorry cock, I must remember to call it a cock, even just writing this now and saying the word “ Cock “ sends a shiver through my body. I could see he was in a deep sl**p so I backed away leaving the door a little open and walked away.
For the next 5 or 10 minutes all I could think about was his cock, only the second adult cock I had ever seen in my life, the vision would not go away, I don’t know why I did what I did next but I walked back to his room, peeping in I could see that he had not moved and was still in a deep sl**p, I walked in and stood still, all the time staring at his cock, I moved forward until I was stood right above him and could see his cock up close, it was not limp neither was it erect, sort of in-between, but what made it stand out was that it was not wrinkly like my husband and ever more so, there was no pubic hair, no hair on his belly, no hair around his cock, no hair on his balls.
It looked so clean and beautiful, I was transfixed by it.
I saw one of his hands move, I quickly made my exit.
It played on my mind all through the day, every now and again I would touch myself through my clothing, something I don’t recall ever doing during my daily routine of chores.
My husband came home and we settled into our routine, tea and settle down to TV.
Every so often I would look over at Darren as he was playing with his phone and visualize his cock.
Thursday nothing happened other than having thoughts about seeing his cock again.
Friday, Husband left before 8, Darren left to go to get his medication by 9 and was back soon after and headed to his room, this time I could hear him moving around in his room so I got on with some chores.
I was cleaning the dishes when I heard him coming into the kitchen, I turned and saw that he was only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts, but that is not what caught my eye, his cock was sticking out of the hole in the front of his boxers, I quickly looked away and thought, should I say something or just make out I did not notice?
As I was stood at the sink, hands deep in water he brushed past me, being little room in our kitchen, I felt his cock brush against my bottom as he walked over to a cupboard, mumbling to himself, I could not make out what he was saying, he opened a cupboard, mumbled and then shut it and headed back towards me, again he started to brush against me, he then placed his hands on my hips as if to help himself move past, for some reason he stopped, he then started humping me, through my clothes.
I shouted “Darren, what are you doing?,Darren,Darren”
All the time I could just make out his words,” Fuck yeh,fuck yeh”
I still had my hands deep in the water but I wriggled about, his hands quickly moved up to my breasts and squeezed them both really hard, I felt a warmth followed quickly by a cold wetness on the side of my bottom and new he must have cum.
He let go and walked away mumbling to himself.
I was frozen to the spot, I reached down to the wet spot on my nice summer dress as if I did not know what it was or just to confirm what I new it to be.
I lifted my fingers up and looked, sperm, his sperm on my fingers, I quickly wiped my fingers on my chest and headed to the bathroom, picking up a clean dress on the way.
Once in the bathroom I lifted the dress over my head, feeling the wet patch touch my face, my cheek as I did so, cleaned myself up and dressed.
I went and sat down, a few minutes later Darren came into the room almost in tears, coming over to me saying that he was so sorry and that he cant help himself and that he is a bad person and now he was going to be more trouble because of what he had just done.
I stood up and reached out to him giving him a hug, I tried to reassure him, saying that it was okay and that I understand he is going through a bad stage in his life, and to reassure him more I said I would not say anything to anyone.
Weeping into my shoulder, his face looking down my cleavage he wept a thank you.
It was then that I noticed that he was cooping my breast; I decided that was enough and pulled away telling him that it was okay and that he should go and have a lie down.
Nothing more was said between us as we headed into the weekend and again nothing happened over them days other than I masturbated on Sunday morning after my husband had gotten up, something I had not done in many a year.
Week 2: I woke Monday morning with only one thing on my mind, what will happen today with Darren?
Consciously or subconsciously I choose I nice summer dress again but with more of a cleavage showing.
9.20 Darren came in through the back door and past me, not even making eye contact or a word spoken to each other.
I was in the kitchen when in walked Darren with just a t-shirt on and nothing else.
“ Sorry Mrs Jones “ he said, before I could reply he again took hold of me and started humping me. I never spoke, did not protest as he humped away again grabbing for my breasts from behind, I was bent over a little as he started to get a little rougher, faster.
I could sense he was getting close to orgasm as I lost my balance and ended up on my knees, I turned just as he started to masturbate his own cock, and he came, shooting copious amounts of sperm across my neck and chest, covering the top of my nice dress and bra.
I just knelt there as he walked away without a word.
I walked to the bathroom to clean myself up, I was not angry, was not shocked, the only thing that upset me was that my bra was dirty and I had too change it, I don’t have many bra’s, I have rather large breasts, they are expensive and have to travel out of town to get them from a reliable store.
I unhooked my bra and felt his sperm trickling down between my breasts; I scooped it up with my fingers so as to stop it travelling any further down my body, lifted my fingers to my nose, smelling my fingers I had a quick thought, to have a quick taste, see what sperm actually tasted like, never having done so all through my life and never even had any cock in my mouth, not even my husbands in 22 years of marriage, but quickly changed my mind and washed my hands.
Nothing was said between us until later in the evening, my husband sat in his chair I said I was going to make us all a drink and headed for the kitchen.
Darren soon followed and started to speak, almost in a whisper he apologized, saying thank you for understanding and not saying anything.
I said “That’s okay” not believing my own words.
He then went on to say that he will soon be out of our lives and back home, sounding as if he was a burden to us being here.
I reassured him again he was no trouble, but I was then sure he took that as if he could carry on and do what he had already done, masturbate and cum over me whenever he liked, and I suppose he was right in a way.
Tuesday, nothing happened again, just over a week in and we had already settled into a routine knowing the next episode would happen on Wednesday.
Wednesday and sure enough, husband left before 8am, Darren left to go to the Pharmacy at 9am.
I was still in my robe as I normally did when just husband and myself were home alone, it was the first time while Darren had been there that I stayed in my robe.
I had a bra on underneath, and then I started to have thoughts of what might soon happen. I looked down at my bra and with thoughts of not wanting him to spoil another bra I decided to take it of, just in case.
Darren came in and went off to his room.
I was in the living room this time when Darren entered and again without saying a word he grabbed me, spinning me round so he was behind me, the humping began and again he reached round to grab at my breasts, having on just a robe the tie soon became loose and it quickly opened up, my breasts hanging free to his grasp.
Exposing my belly is the only thing that scared me, I have always been a big lady and also my breasts being big now sagged and drooped.
Again I ended up on my knees as he came round to my front, he tried to push his cock into my mouth but I was having none of it, so he rubbed his cock all over my face, pushing really hard until he came, he lifted his cock up to the hair on top of my head and came, covering my forehead and top of my hair in his warm sperm.
He left and I was soon in the bathroom to clean myself up.
I looked in the mirror, sperm trickling slowly down my forehead, it was an unbelievable sight, I felt so aroused, like never before, me, 48 year old Mrs Jones with a 19 year olds sperm running down her face.
I did something I have never done in my life, I started to masturbate while standing up, staring at myself in the mirror, watching the now cold sperm run down between my eyes and down the side of my nose.
I opened my mouth and let my tongue slip out, watching the sperm get closer and closer to my tongue, past my nose then onto my lips and finally my tongue, I started to come, the most powerful orgasm I have had in my life and was sure it was all down to having cum in my mouth, so much so that I started to brush what sperm I could into my mouth. The taste was no where near as how bad I thought it would be, in fact it was an extremely arousing taste.
The rest of the day I felt tired, exhausted and did not get much done.
That evening Darren went out for a while, my husband asked how it has been so far with Darren. He has been no problem at all I said, and started to feel a little aroused and that is strange for me, it usually takes a whole month or more before I even get a little feeling of arousal in my body and here I was getting aroused just a few hours after having an orgasm.
I new it was down to my husband talking to my, while looking into my face with my thoughts, Darren’s sperm was running down this face just a few hours ago.
Thursday and knowing nothing would happen today I would just have to wait until Friday. Wrong.
I was at the kitchen sink again with wet hands when Darren just walked up behind me and grabbed my breasts, holding and squeezing them he rested his head on the back of my shoulder. “Are you done?” I asked. “Yes, sure, I’m done” he said, and walked off.
That was the only episode of that day.
Friday and probably the last day as Debbie was due to come and collect Darren on Saturday or Sunday, I again stayed in my robe with no bra or knickers.
Soon after Darren came back, and whilst I was in the living room he came to me, again with no words he grabbed me from behind, thinking he was going to hump me for a while, he reached round and pulled the tie and opened up my robe and pulled it off, now totally naked he pushed me to the floor and I again thought he was going to masturbate over my head, no, he pushed his cock hard against my lips and new I was going to allow his cock into my mouth, I did, at first it felt uncomfortable, my mouth being full of his cock but he soon pulled out a little and got into a rhythm and I felt a bit better, at first, while holding my head he was fucking my mouth then slowed down and then stopped, looking like he had no energy or out of breath so I took over, moving my lips my mouth up and down his cock and a nice slow rhythm, I must admit that I really didn’t have any feelings of arousal while doing this act, not until he got close to coming, he grabbed my head hard and started to buck coming soon after, filling my whole mouth with his sperm, it was hot not warm as I had thought, he held my head until he had finished, I was out of breath myself before he let go so I swallowed, I felt it clearly going down my throat. I was soon left by myself and my thoughts turned to what had just happened.
I thought about what was the most arousing thing of what we had just done, what I had just done and it was the lack of words between us, the spontaneous act of how it seemed to happen, the way he held my head tight, being used like that.
That was the last episode between us as Debbie picked him up early on Saturday morning.
I know some of you like that I put in a password as I do because maybe looking at who I am, what I look like might help the story along.
So here goes.
Album: helping: Password is: tinajones110
(in that album there is one picture of a cock, just a cock picture I found that is as close to what his cock looked like in this story. The rest is
written on
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