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909 stories found

My Boss's Wife, Gianna"Hello, Vanessa," she greeted us, opening the door. "Thank you for coming," she added, as we strolled into her house. "And who is this?" "Well, you've met her before, but this is my girlfriend, Savannah, Mona," I corrected her. "We've met three times actually, Mona, but it's nice to see you again," Savannah added, before letting her hand out. "I'm sorry, I'm usually good with faces; you'll have to forgive me, Savannah," Mona added, shaking hands. "Okay, don't worry about it," she said, befor...reading time 39 mingenre
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Wild need to cumThe first few months of college were a blur of new experiences, friends, and concerns. Here I was just an 18 year old virgin intent on keeping my purity until the right person came along. But as months passed I not only saw more sexual sights and things done at parties and in dorm rooms but on the lawns of the campus and at pledging events. I became more and more distracted and increasingly curious about my sexual thoughts that just wouldn't go away. In fact that's about all I could think about....reading time 39 mingenre
First times
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New months
The Other Couple 1/2"You see, Brian," I pointed out, bringing my head forward. "We're not the only couple that holds hands. They look like they've been married for over twenty years and they're holding hands too." "We're at year twenty-six," the man informed me as they stopped. "You're newlyweds I'm guessing?" "Yes," I answered before I smooched Brian's cheek. "I'm Cadence, and this is Brian. We're on our honeymoon now," I replied before a pause grinning. "Wow, twenty-six years? Damn, you two look happy." "We ca...reading time 37 mingenre
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The Kelly Brown Tales: Sue #2The Summer vacation had started, no school!... yay! I lay on my towel, sunbathing, trying to ignore the sounds as Kelly giggled, out of sight on the other side of the car, Sean was probably groping her, again! I was mulling over what had been going on for the last few weeks. Mr Cooper wasn't working out the way I had hoped... not yet anyway! Since that night, I'd been wearing the skimpiest clothing that I'd dared too, around him. When he and I were alone, I'd wriggle my bum and boobs around...reading time 31 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
A feminized basket ball playerI've always been a pretty good basketball player. Granted I'm small, only five foot six inches tall, and I'm pretty frail, but I've used that as a motivational tool. As a child I was often picked on and bullied, so I ended up playing by myself an awful lot. Since I could never hope to dunk or fly through the air in a act of magnificent athleticism, I concentrated on my shot and my dribble. Over the years, I developed quite a deadly outside shot, and my range is fairly prolific. I like to think t...reading time 30 mingenre
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Surprised he's black gayHe was gay and I was newly reborn as a bi-sexual man. He was black and I am white – very white – although I do tan fairly well when I get a chance to expose my flesh to the sun. I was in my forties when I met him. We connected on line in a forum that no longer exists. I think it was called "Pink Pages" or something like that. It was a regional hook-up website in the early days of such things. I had, as I said, just re-discovered my interest in sex with men. I'd had several experiences as a tee...reading time 30 mingenre
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Ella Cucks Her Patient Ch. 07I knocked on the door and used the waiting time to catch my breath as I jolted to Ella's place right after work. I waited for a minute and let myself in after I realised the door was open. I looked around but couldn't find anybody. Just when I was wondering what was going on Ella was behind me and said "Ah, you're here, good. I had a realisation yesterday and that's why I summoned you on short notice. Let's talk in the living room." Ella was wearing her work clothes. Basic office attire and had...reading time 29 mingenre
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The Oddest Part Of The Deal"So, cheers then, Greg," Mike said, clinking their glasses. "We have a deal, and what better way to celebrate with our wives here?" "I don't know, so I guess you and I will be spending a lot of time together writing. I hope they get jealous." "No, I'm sure Kali and I can hang out too. I mean, you two can have a gay affair, and we can have a lesbian affair. The only bummer will be that no one will be able to see the good stuff the others are doing. You know what I mean, Kali?" she asked, walkin...reading time 39 mingenre
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Forbidden LovePart 1 – The Visit It was fall at the time I decided to travel and visit my aunt. I had been saving up leave for a vacation all year and I saved up enough to take off a week from work. I decided that the first part of my vacation would be to visit my aunt. I had not visited her in a while and I know that was because work was full time and I was also trying to work on finishing my thesis for my Masters. I still felt guilty, even knowing I had legitimate reasons for the lack of visiting, because...reading time 34 mingenre
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Jayne part 3Jayne opened her eyes; she had not had a great sleep. Her mind kept wandering to the sight of her parents and what they were doing. Her pillows were damp with sweat and there was a large damp patch on the sheets under her pussy. She touched her pussy, it was sticky. She lifted her finger to her nose and sniffed, it definitely wasn't pee. She knelt up and then lowered her nose to the damp patch on the bed, that wasn't pee either. God, it's my pussy juices, I must have done it while dreaming abou...reading time 31 mingenre
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The Night I Saw My Step Mom MasturbatingNervous as hell and three hours late, my sandals slid off my feet at the front door in the dark with only the moonlight from the window on the top half of the storm door for me to see anything. My hands made the big door slam slightly. "Shit, that loud mouth bimbo better not wake up," I whispered, hitting my hip. I began walking and heard moaning reaching my ears from an undisclosed location. "What the fuck?" I whispered, glancing down the hall and discovering the living room still lit ...reading time 34 mingenre
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A Delicious Jessie SandwichNo girl has impacted me like my friend Jessie, and no sexual experience has affected my life more than the one I shared with her on December 26, 2013. Yes, we did slip up earlier that year when I took her in during a snow storm. It wasn't our intention, but we ended up having sex that night, the result of nearly 10 years of unresolved sexual tension. By then, Jessie had been married for a little while, so we both knew it was wrong and swore to never let it happen again. We meant it too, so I fig...reading time 31 mingenre
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Wanting Something So Bad, Yet So Good I went to my window. "Good, Gary, you brought your girlfriend," I muttered, peeking out there. "Oh, Veronica, you're as hot as lava, but I wouldn't mind having you all over me," I muttered, letting my hand into my panties. "Here you come with my brother, but damn, I almost wish you two would break up. Of course, I wouldn't want to help another lady cheat, but shit, Gary, you know how to pick them. Oh, you're kissing now; if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had something big to tell," I let ...reading time 41 mingenre
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Company Property (Part6)Clair spoke softly to Maria. "I've discovered the most terrible things in the last few days, Maria. There is a poor woman here who has sex with a dog, and her husband is a pony slave!" Maria looked at Clair, indicating she was fully aware of the situation, "I know her, Clair. She loves her new life and is getting more love now than she ever did with Kyle. The dogs are all modified for size and endurance. They keep those Puppygirls quite busy." "She likes being a dog wife? why didn't you tell ...reading time 27 mingenre
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Emilio Falcon
Ella Cucks Her Patient Ch. 05 I highly recommend you read the previous chapters for the full erotic experience. *********************************************** My 4th week of chastity was complete as I arrived at Ella's apartment eager for release. As I was about to knock on the door Ella opened it and threw herself on me. She gave me a big hug saying "I've missed you so freaking much, come in get comfortable, make yourself right at home." As I entered the apartment she asked if I wanted anything to drink to witch a poli...reading time 87 mingenre
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Walmart EncounterIt was a normal day, I had 2-3 hours before I had to go in for work an needed some groceries and other items for the house, I figured since I had extra time ill head in to the super Walmart and get extra juices, drinks and snacks for the kids while I'm there and there is nothing else to do until I head in to work. I was really taking my time, going up and down each grocery Isle just to see if there is something new or different that I want, wasn't looking for anything in particular, was literal...reading time 45 mingenre
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Susan... Part 7Tim had just ejaculated all over me. I had helped, But to be fair I hadn’t done all that much. In a way I was confused and maybe even a little disappointed, though this wouldn’t occur to me until later, as I had hoped that this experience might teach me some new skills. Instead all I had really done is barely touch my big brothers cock, maybe stroke it a few times and bam, orgasm! OK, taking into account that he is my older brother, he was at the time 16.5, though he loved to say “Almost 17”...reading time 35 mingenre
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School Days... TuesdayI spent yesterday evening thinking about the day I had. Some parts were really erotic, a few were almost terrifying. I really don’t like the idea of so many people now having power over me and I worry that I’m gonna get caught doing something that will get me in major trouble at school. Worse it will hurt my mom if she gets a call and I get will never live it down. I have no idea how to make this all go away though and as much as I want to I can’t just skip school! So with a groan I am up and...reading time 34 mingenre
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Stars -Screen Test Part-1 CHAPTER 1 "First, take off your top," I suggested, playing with one of her long blonde pigtails. Chrissy nodded and reached for the bottom of her tube. She slid it upward. Slowly, her prepubescent chest came into view. Girls are maturing faster these days, but little Chrissy was still plenty ripe, at nine, for the PT market. Unless she had a sudden growth spurt, she was at least a couple of years shy of training bra time. The areolae were large and pink, vivid on her creamy skin, the little p...reading time 92 mingenre
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Kiara Youngest
My Niece’s Vacation Her face fell when I told her the news. A pregnant pause followed before she spoke. “That’s great!” She said, but her dark brown eyes told a different story. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked it …” I stood there flabbergasted, holding the two plane tickets. “Nothing! Nothing. It’s very thoughtful of you.” My niece got on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek. “We can do something else. I just … I thought you loved Disney World.” “I did … I do. I might be too old for it though …” She let...reading time 31 mingenre
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Kaylee A Daddy
She nodded and smiled For over a decade some friends of our's would ask us to watch in random combinations to watch the girls if the parents were going somewhere by themselves. If to Hawaii the girls would go and we would watch the dog and cat and stay at they're home. The oldest daughter had recently had a baby and had moved out into her own place with her fiance. The youngest daughter still living at home had just finished high-school and would stay at home throughout college. This would be her last summer of v...reading time 30 mingenre
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Lukewood Space
What an after Party 2 There they were again, on top of a viewing tower looking over the park, Jesse and his mom Brenda were sanding real close tot he railing, her hands gripped it tightly while Jes plowed his cock into her pussy from behind. “My god Jes, what if we get caught fucking up here” Brenda said as she pushed back against his large cock, “Who care's mom, I want to fuck you and I want to do it right here. Let them see that I love this woman with ALL...MY...HEART” he said making the last three words go with ...reading time 38 mingenre
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Incestlover 59
Happy Birthday, Mom Happy Birthday, Love Mom “So tomorrow is the big day, are you excited?” said my mom. She sounded way more excited than I felt. “It’s just a birthday, mom. It’s not like we’re going to Hawaii or something,” I smirked, “unless you’re planning on surprising me with a trip somewhere.” She scrunched up her nose, squinted her green eyes and said, “You never said that you wanted to travel anywhere for your birthday. All you said that you wanted was gift cards for your phone.” “That’s all I asked ...reading time 34 mingenre
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Holidays... voodoo style! One evening after dinner Alfred told me. - I am more than delighted with your services, and your kindness. You are really perfect with me, and even more than that! Also, I decided now that the beautiful days are here, to offer you a vacation in the sun in a villa in the Caribbean. We take Victor with us. Maxime told me that with his friend Gérald, they would come and join us in a week, I'll pay them for the trip, I've rented a superb house. Indeed, the residence was truly luxurious. Nothing ...reading time 29 mingenre
Group sex
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Mother's Addiction I've done it!!! My God, I think I've finally done it!!! I've been working on it for so many years I didn't know if I could really get the formula right, but I think I've finally gotten right! Hold on, I guess I should clue you in on what I am going on about. Hello, my name is William, everyone just calls me Will. I hold Master degrees in several studies, but I've focused for the most part on Bio-Chemistry. Ever since I was 16, I've been working on a formula that would make a man's sperm...reading time 42 mingenre
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Ty Maximus
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