The Kelly Brown Tales: Sue #2


The Summer vacation had started, no school!... yay!

I lay on my towel, sunbathing, trying to ignore the sounds as Kelly giggled, out of sight on the other side of the car, Sean was probably groping her, again!

I was mulling over what had been going on for the last few weeks.

Mr Cooper wasn't working out the way I had hoped... not yet anyway!
Since that night, I'd been wearing the skimpiest clothing that I'd dared too, around him. When he and I were alone, I'd wriggle my bum and boobs around, trying to get his attention... wanting him to try and get into my panties... it was so frustrating! The guy was completely clueless!... he didn't do anything! Guy's are dumb... we know this! but Mr Cooper was a complete moron!... right off the end of the scale when it came to dumbness!

He must have seen me! Nobody is that stupid!
What was his problem?. I mean... he'd already done it to me once! Why not do it again?
We'd done it "Doggy style". In the dark, he'd stuck his cock in me, slipped it in, nice and deep and... literally... fucked me like a dog. He'd certainly enjoyed me at the time... feeling his excited breaths panting out over my shoulders and his closed-mouth grunts as he took me. It had been good for me too! That had been a pleasant surprise! I wanted that sexual satisfaction again... and only Mr Cooper had been able to give it to me... it shouldn't surprise him that I wanted to do it again!
But Mr Cooper refused to acknowledge me... when I offered myself to him. I'd come away from his house, aching inside... still was!
I was getting desperate, again!
Fuck it!

Sean ran, buck naked, cock and balls bouncing erratically, towards the river. I had a couple of seconds in which to admire his body... wish he was mine, not Kelly's, before he took a running jump off the small bluff, yelling as he bombed down towards the river below. Kelly was naked too, she sauntered to the edge and looked down where Sean had leaped off. I heard Sean yelling up to her, but it was just muffled noise to me... not words. Kelly stepped back and took a running jump also... leaving me alone...

Sean's cock had looked so nice! Longer than it had any right to be, given that he had been soft.
Did his Dad's cock look like that?
Fuck it!, I was so horny!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!, fuck!!, FUCK!!!

How long would they be gone for?, I wondered... long enough?... possibly!
Keeping an eye on the track down to the river, I slid my fingers over myself... rubbing and squeezing my breast, teasing my nipples into hardness. Imagining his hands on me! Touching me this time, his big hands warm as he held me to him.
"Oh!, Mr Cooper!"
Down my front.... squeezing, teasing... lower! Down towards where I wanted to be touched most of all.
I spread my legs as my fingers came nearer, seeing myself part slightly as my fingers approached and stroked lightly across me. I held my breath until my finger dipped inside, noticing the wet heat and feeling the small rush of excitement that I got when that happened. Probing deeper, I exhaled a combination of pleasure and satisfaction at how good it felt. I brought my other hand into play... stroking my clitorus, in time with the one that was inside me. I rolled over so the ground pressed against me... pictured myself on top of him... having my way with him. I rubbed myself over the towel and pressed my face softly into it... my hands took ond the shape of a phallus...
I closed my eyes and started to hump it slowly, exhaling as I imagined Mr Cooper inside my body again... it was beginning to feel good!... that's nice, Mr Cooper!. More! I opened my eyes and continued to scan the area for my friends returning as I warmed to my task.

I was nervous, after the holiday ended, I'd be going to a new school and starting the process of being the new kid, all over again.

I had sought out this place, to take my thoughts off the crap that I was likely to be given when I started at the new school.

Different place, same habits...
I'd set myself up in a likely place and waited... and now my patience was going to be rewarded... I'd been waiting for this moment for several hours!... watching her... she was completely oblivious to my presence, to my intentions... perfect!.

From my hiding place, in the tree, I dropped my fly and showed it to her...
This was the best part!
The anticipation while I waited for her to notice!

I breathed out shallowly, willing myself into stillness.

No... she hadn't seen it!
My movements, so carefully kept to a minimum, had been too subtle to catch her eye.
I had been too cautious in my presentation.
I flexed the shaft in my hand... just a twitch, but it was big enough to catch her eye.
I saw the moment her attention suddenly switched, now completely focussed, looking intently in my direction...
waiting for her eyes to register...


My head and eyes flicked away from her, towards the sound.
A body hurtled down to smash concussively into the pool, the shockwaves instantly traumatising my big bueatiful trout. She sped way, disappearing from my sight.
Anger filled me... who had just ruined my day?... Fuck it... all that time! Wasted!

"COME ON YOU CHICKEN SHIT!", a male voice yelled... from further out in the pool.
Had I said something out loud?
Now my big mouth had really got me into trouble!
Now I was for it!
I started to make my way off the tree branch, dodging the leafy foliage on the smaller branches... it had been the best place to set myself up to hook the fish, low enough not to get the line tangled, strong enough to take my weight. It had offered the best view of the river beneath me and an easier way to get the fly to the right spot to hook the fish.
I had to move slowly though, using my spare hand to hold myself to keep myself steady. The water underneath me was way over my head...

Geez!, he was really sounding impatient!
I was going to get my ears boxed in!... again!
Would I ever learn! I just didn't know how keep my mouth shut!
I offered a prayer to God: "If you let me off the hook this time... I promise I will not say anything to cause trouble again... ever!, I promise!"

Was he blind, or just insulting me?? I wasn't a girl!... But I was small for my age... Dad had told me that he had grown later than most too. I was only really starting to shoot up, now I was 17... I'd only ever be of average height, though.

I looked nervously towards the voice, and so the second plummeting body, accompanied with a banshee's wail, was in sight as it fell through my vision, entering the water with a subdued splash...
I'd gotten as far as thinking it was a cleaner entry than the guy had made, when the realisation that it didn't have a cock attached... hair only, with tapered legs, ... real breasts... and long hair trailing down... a naked female!, came to me.

A nude girl! and she had looked good!. Up until now, I'd never seen one for real... in the flesh... so to speak.
A low chuckle came from behind the screen of twigs and leaves... further out in the river... not far away, just out of sight...
"What kept you?" he asked...
"Waiting for you to get horny!" even her voice sounded sexy!
"It's working!" the guy said...
Yeah it was, my pecker was working it's way into the bottom of my short's... pressed against the V between the legs... that hurt!
I tossed my fishing rod into the long grass, trusting that it wouldn't be damaged with it's cushioned landing. I put my hand down my shorts, turned my cock from where it was pressing painfully into my shorts bottom... I thought about playing with it... but I let it be, I needed both hands to steady myself as I made my way along the branch.
"I can see that!... do you want to do it here??"
I tried to get off the branch quickly, but the water undeneath me suddenly had small waves pushing through it and the two of them moved into sight, through the screen of leaves... I was so fucked!... if they looked up!. I stopped moving.

Now I could really see her! and I avidly set about perving at my first real naked woman, as they both approached. Neither would have been much older than I was.
She was doing a sort of breast stroke, her bum undulating in and out of the water as she moved. She was stacked! Big boob's bobbing in and out as well. Nipples entering, exiting the water as she came closer. They were jutting out with the coolness of the water.... or because of what the guy was doing to her as he followed along behind her. Her legs were opening and closing as the guy followed her closely... he was reaching out, touching between her legs... stroking her, fingering, poking... inside her... she moaned and he laughed at her response.
"Like it, do you?" he asked
"You know I do!"
"Well stop, and I'll give you some more!" He sped up the movement of his hand and her swimming became slower, erratic. She stopped underneath me, she and the guy doing an awkward hug and kiss, while trying not to sink. She looked up, saw a low small dead branch and reaching up, gave a small lunge and grabbed it. Her weight caused it to sag but it held her head and shoulders above the water. The guy, Sean... assessed her, swimming around to her back and used one hand hold himself up too, the other one wrapped around her waist, pulling himself against her... rubbing himself against her bum.

Sean moved his spare hand to her breast, stroking and squeezing them alternatively, his movement lifted them out from her body displaying them blatantly to me.
He was rubbing his cock against her, after a minute, I could see the head of his cock coming up, between her butt cheeks as he hardened up... he abandoned her tit's and as he pressed in harder, sliding his hand down and rubbed between her legs. I licked my lips, they were suddenly dry as I imagined it was me... my hands, my cock... touching her
"I know you want me, Kelly..." he crooned to her... she tilted her neck and he kissed her neck, took her ear into his mouth and nibbled on it...
"You gonna just talk about it or what?", Kelly asked him breathlessly, unable to do anything other than bob up and down...

Sean let go of the branch and used Kelly to support himself as he lowered himself... until his cock moved betwen her legs, stabbing it forward until Kelly gave a small jiggle, obviously working the head of his dick inside herself. Sean then started to fuck her, slowly increasing the depth and speed, their bodies creating rings of ripples that spread out from the disturbance in the water that they were creating. Kelly kept lifting her head up and moaning... I was afraid she might see me but she kept her eyes closed and just moaned, egging Sean on, describing how good he was... he responded and I was subjected to both the sight and sound of them having sex, a lurid description of how he felt and suggestions of what he could do to make it better. The only thing that would have made it better for me was if I was the one fucking her...

Louder parts, quieter ones... I couldn't ignore the stimulation... my cock was swollen up, pressing out... so fucking hard, it hurt! I couldn't touch myself to ease my need... I just had to grit my teeth and endure it.
I wished it was me, inside Kelly, imagined what it might feel like!... she was so obviously enjoying him... telling him what she liked, coaching him into performing better... it was insightful.
I was learning more about sex and pleasing a girl, in the time that they spent doing it, than I had ever learnt before... I filed it all away... excited by the oppurtunity to watch and see it. Sean orgasmed into her, holding her tight as he came... Kelly happily taking it all... I thought she was coming too.

When he was finished, he let her go, his cock washing clean as it came out... his spoof drifted away in the light current. They swam to the beach and hugged properly..., "We need to get back to Sue, she'll be wondering where we are!", Kelly said..
"Yep!" Sean replied and went back into the water... he looked back at Kelly, who hadn't moved...
"I need to pee!" she told him...
"OK!" Sean swam off, across the river, Kelly watching his butt as he disappered from view, smiling to herself...

I closed my eyes... not wanting to demean her by watching her squatting on the ground...
"You can come down now!" Kelly said...
I opened my eyes in shock! She was looking right at me!
I swallowed, finished climbing out of the tree...
"I'm sorry!" I said when I was on the ground, "I was fishing... and then you guy's showed up!"
"It's OK... I didn't mind you watching... I kind of like having someone watch us." she squeezed my penis, through my shorts!, "I could see you liked watching us too... didn't you?!" She rubbed my knob as I hardened up again, then laughed.
"I wanted to thank you!, you made it better for me!. You deserve a reward!"
I thought I knew what she meant... started to touch her, tentatively exploring her... hands on her bum, I wrapped them around her... feeling how firm they were... softer as they curved under... and under here... somewhere ... there would be...
"No!", she gently deflected my hands as I reached to touch her pussy, "Not yet!"
I licked my lips... wanting to jump on her so badly... now my cock really went into top gear... not YET she had said! She was going to give it to me!

"Will you stay here... for a while... and then I will give you your reward, I think you will like it!!" Kelly asked.
A chance to have sex... for the first time?
I nodded my agreement emphatically. I'd have waited all day and all night for the chance to fuck her...
Kelly waded into the water and swam away...
I waited...

Chapter Two

... growing impatient.
... surely she could have come back by now... if she really planned to?
Had they both left?
Was she laughing at me, thinking of how she had duped me into waiting for something that would never come?
She was just like the other girls, liar's! Professing their love, offering to meet me somewhere... they didn't of course, they had laughed too! Kelly had seemed genuine... and I had got more from her than she knew... still she had promised me something that I desperately wanted to sample... and I felt the lost oppurtunity deeply! I wasn't going to cry over it but... I'd really been looking forward to it!
Fuck it, enough waiting... she'd lied to me!... bitch!... I'm outta here!

I recovered my fly rod and had turned to pick up the rest of my gear when another impact, out in the pool, announced someone had arrived. I dropped my stuff and turned, waiting for Kelly... who would surely let me fuck her as my reward... I waited, filled with lust and elation! She'd come back, just like she said she would!

But... it wasn't her!
Not naked, for one thing! No... this girl was a Blonde, smaller chest... I'd never seen her before... had Kelly left after all?
She swam over and waded up onto the shore... just as I was appraising her, she was appraising me.
She walked in close, tilted her head and then pulled me in close and whispered... "Kelly sent me... I'm your reward!, if you are interested?"

He licked his lips and tentatively put his hands on me, drawing me in closer... ah huh! he wanted me, all right! His little cock already starting to jut out.
I was wet... and getting wetter, but I didn't mind! It was really going to happen!...
The boy was getting wet too... but just from the river water.
Kelly had told me he was here... OK!... any fuck would do!!
Feeling him embrace me, cock nudging me... the pressure against me noticably increasing... it made me realise how much I needed this... him.

Kelly had seen it... not realising how far down that track I had already gone... even Sean had been tempting me!... I was at the point of begging for it... I'd been resisting asking him... I knew he was off limits... he was Kelly's boyfriend and our friendship did not give me the right to use him for sex... but he had a nice looking cock!

I needed this... boy!
How old was he anyway?... not that it really mattered to me, his hands were doing all the right things!
Hmmm, older than what my first impression's had given me! Bum fluff on his jaw... same height as me!
He might even be the same age as I was... but I'd never seen him before!

I needed sex... was craving it... from Mr Cooper, from Sean... from anyone, even from a complete stranger!... from this guy! Both of us were urging the other on with our hands, body's pressing in, lust taking over... wanting what the other had.
I pulled his shirt off and then tugged his shorts over the top of his erection, so fast that it bounced up and down enticingly... not as small as I had thought... in fact he was bigger than his frame size suggested he would be. The anticipation of getting him in me drove me forward. I would have taken the time to suck on him, but the urgency that I felt wouldn't allow me to waste any time with that sort of thing... he stepped out of the shorts and I flung them to one side.

I took my hands from him and slipped the straps off my shoulder's and started peeling the swim suit down my body... eager to get...

her bikini off! I helped her, grabbing the bikini and stripping it off her even faster, like a 2 sided banana skin, right down to her ankles in one quick continuous movement. I wound up on my knees as she stepped out of them. I looked at her wet pubic hair, the contours between her legs, in front of my face, glanced up at her boobs jutting out, over my head... nice! Then she was pushing me over, onto the grass and climbing on top of me.

I grabbed his cock and rubbed it around me, gathering up all the wetness I could, making him spread me... I nudged myself back onto him and opened my mouth, as I felt that first... sensual... splippery, sliding sensation of a cock touching me. You know!... the feeling that you've been anticipating for so long... and when it happens the whole world stops while you enjoy the moment... he felt so good!.
I bounced against him... felt myself open slightly for him... another!... harder!... now his head was inside! I needed it!...him... to stretch my pussy.
My need took over... I threw caution to the wind and tried to take all of him into me, hard and fast, bounced down on him as hard as I dared, as hard as Mr Cooper had. His cock was dry, it bent over, not penetrating and the male squarked in pain... I snarled in frustration... spat onto my hand and applied it to his cock... again.... more spit! Used my hand to ensure he was coated evenly... then tried him again! Straddled him, rammed myself onto him, smiling as it slid in deep this time!
Oh yeah! What a wonderful feeling!... his broad head bulging me out... stretching me in every direction as I pumped it into me.
His hands were on my hip's urging me downwards! Thrusting up inside me. I was demanding it fast, uncaring if it... he... was rough! I liked it rough, Mr Cooper had shown me that rough could be good! !
I made it fill me quickly... from entrance to deep inside! Filling me from labia to cervix and then more as I pumped him deeper still. Big! hard and so, so satisfying when I did it fast!
I felt the rest of his body coming into contact... smiled... I had taken all of him inside and he felt so fucking good!...

I was fucking a girl!... or, rather, she was fucking me... to be more accurate.
I didn't care who was fucking who... it felt so good! Her hand had been so much better than my hand and then she had put me inside her! All my fears of not doing it right, of hurting her as I went in had been negated as she had done it herself...
All of me was inside her now, she was so warm! My arse was bouncing off the grass as she ground me downwards... lost in her need to satisfy herself. My chest was being thumped by her tits but then she lay down on me and continued to slam herself up and down... she had a huge smile on her face!... I must have been pleasing her at least as much as she was pleasing me!
I pulled and thrust so that my dick extended further inside, watching her eyes light up when she got an extra inch or so inside her... went to do it again, but she beat me to it, flexing her body so that it was her fucking me... she really needed to be in control!... I didn't mind. It wasn't as if I knew what to do... I was making small sounds as the sensation of her rubbing and stabbing the head of my cock around, deep inside her... feeling her lift her butt off my thighs, letting me see my pecker emerging from her pussy, wet from inside her and then reliving that first thrust, when I had gladly lost my virginity, as the girl thumped herself back down onto it, stretching me, stretching herself... again... again! and again...
She moved to lie down on me, now her hard nipples were running up and down my chest... I put my hands on her bum, feeling her muscles tighten, loosen, tighten as she drove herself along me. Her legs were on either side of mine, I stroked my fingers around the curve of her butt... touched her.. my fingertips touching my cock too.
It was almost painful, the way she was fucking me... the skin on my cock was being stretched tight... her need to have it deep inside was beyond what I could give her easily... I used one of my hands on her back, pressing her downwards as she started telling me... telling herself? how good it was... how good it felt. It was great! But even so... I was being driven from inside to go faster!

As good as it was for me, I was getting breathless with the effort it was taking to excite myself...
"Faster!, Do it faster!" the guy said... indicating the speed he wanted with his hands. I would have... if I could... but I was getting tired...
He wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over... now he was on top, his weight settled on me and he took control... speeding up until we were going at it faster than I had been. He was fucking me like a little jack hammer... or maybe a jack rabbit!... his balls pressing against me, head and shaft rapidly slipping forwards and backwards, stroking my clitorus, rubbing past it, glans tapping at the end... faster! faster still... my head was rubbing the grass, I gave a quiet drawn-out moan at how he made me feel... surely this was the best fuck ever? Starting to pull him against me, arms wrapped tightly around him... soon! It was coming! I hooked my ankles behind his arse and hauled him closer still. Breathing short gasps, I closed my eyes... focussed my senses on his meat inside me and what it was doing to me... the thickest part of his glans stretching me wide, the tip was bouncing off the end of me and the rest of his cock was slithering around, pressing ... everywhere else... he was so fucking good!.

I closed my mouth... wanting to keep everything inside me... least I let the approaching orgasm escape my body somehow...
On and on and on!!
Now I groaned out of clenched teeth as the tension grew to much to bear silently.
"Fuck me harder!"
He did... and sped up as much as he could...

I couldn't keep it up for much longer without slowing down! Not if I didn't want to come early.
I couldn't stop the feeling inside me, I would come for sure if I didn't slow down! It had better be soon for her, or it would be to late!...
"Fuck me harder!"
Harder than I was already doing it?
I sped up for her... you're gonna be bruised, girl! I was absolutely pummelling her body now... but she wanted me too! I had never imagined being asked to be so forceful with a girl! But she wanted it like this!
"I'm nearly there!" begging for it!
... I felt, I knew, that my own orgasm couldn't be deferred now... even if I stopped... it was going to happen. Much better for me if I did it inside the girl underneath me!
I gave her everything that I could, while I could... hoping it would be enough... and embraced my impending orgasm... while trying to give her one too... my orgasm zeroed in on the head of my dick, rushed into the shaft and my ball's as I started to come. It was like her pussy was sucking my come out of me, like my balls and all that was inside them, was being drawn into her as I thrust and flexed inside.
My brain felt like it was getting a blowjob too and that it was being drawn out of my skull and injected into her... it was so fucking GOOD!
I was aware that my movement had changed, become erratic... I tried to return to what the girl wanted, but my orgasm had control of me...

He did it! He fucked me harder still!
Pleasure!... pain!, as all of him was pumped up inside me... perfectly blending inside me...
He was coming! Bigger, longer thrusts... harder than before... and with completely random timing...
It didn't matter!
I started coming too!
Convulsing as the waves of PLEASURE! rolled through and through me...
I couldn't think beyond seeking the pleasure out...
Pumping him for more!... demanding it!... GIVE IT TO ME!
"Yes! do it to me!"
"Oh... fuck me hard!"
"... Yeah... like that!"
Slowly, we both eased to a stop, both of us breathing hard.... I opened my eyes... sighed out my satisfaction and wrapped my arms around him... liking the closeness of his body. He'd been so good! The best so far!. Doing what I had asked... I'd loved it, that time!
He was getting soft now... still in me... I felt him shrinking back towards the entrance... my ankles were still locked around his bum... my legs were aching now. I unhooked them and they fell to the ground, raised my knee's slightly ... keeping him in place...
"That was so good!... thank you!", I told him... "Thank you too" he replied. He seemed content to just lie on me... relaxing now...

I felt absolutely fucked!
I didn't want to move, I was so tired!!
She was nice and soft now... her arms holding me, one rubbing my back... the other wrapped around my bum... caressing me gently, her hands were soothing me. My chest cushioned by her breasts... they were so warm!... she had been so hot!... I closed my eyes... remembering it all...

I'd never had a guy to hold afterwards... the other times I'd done it, the guy... the male... had just jizzed inside me and then left immeadiately afterwards.... No "Thank you" or anything... this was nice! being able to hold him... his head was resting on my shoulder... eyes closed... small smile on his lips, on his face... he looked happy with himself... with me. That pleased me.
I'd never felt this warm, tender feeling for anyone other than my parents, my family...
I explored how I felt... about him... a little bit different to how my family made me feel... it was weird! but nice!
I looked at his face, next to mine.... kissed him, my body wanting more than just a kiss... not yet! I told it... but the thought of doing him again stayed with me. So soon? I thought it would allow me a respite... but no! I wanted to do him again... I hoped he would want me too. My thoughts went beyond mere sex, beyond satisfying my sexual urges... more than just scratching my itch. Would he... could he, be my boyfriend?

I was still waiting for him to respond to my kiss....
Hello!, I'm kissing you!
Was he asleep?
His eyes were closed... he was asleep!
I rubbed his head... nothing!
I kissed him again... nothing!
I was kissing him and he was asleep!
What a waste of time!... he was getting heavy too!
I gave his bum a shake...

I jolted back to conciousness.
"You want to get off me now?"
"Oh! ah... sure, sorry!!"
I disentangled myself, cock slipping out of her and stood.
"Hey, Sue, time to go! Are you down there still?"... Sean's voice came down to us...
"Yeah! I'm here!... just a minute!"
I filed her name away as she scrambled over to her swimsuit and put them on... watching her cover herself...
Just as quickly she ran to the rivers edge... and dove in... I didn't have time to ask any more questions!
She was gone!

I took a running dive, into the river and swam over to the track leading up the small bluff that I had jumped off... Kelly had a big smirk on her face as I got back to the car!
"What?" I asked her.

Kelly rode back to the Cooper's place, in the back of the car with me... asking all about him... it... us.
"You didn't even ask what his name was!?"
"I didn't think about it... and when Sean called... I was in such a rush to get back to the car... I forgot! To late now!"
Dumb, dumb, DUMB!, Sue!
He was the best guy ever and you didn't ask for his name!
You really are a dumb blonde, Sue!
I left him behind!...
I felt a pang at the loss...
Oh well...
There's always Mr Cooper!

Back to school!
Being the new guy was a mixture of good and bad... lot's of new girls to check out... talk to...
Having had sex, for the first time, during the break had boosted my confidence. I could talk with them now.., not blush and stammer ... all thanks to Sue!.
I was sure that at least some of the girls were interested in me too... and not lining me up, to be ridiculed, either!.
I thought some of them might have been scoping me out, the same way I was looking at them. Hot!, Ok, Brunette!, Blonde! nice tits!, udder beast!, nice bum!, sexy laugh... suck me!... But several of the guy's had been giving me hard looks... boyfriends, I guessed.

I knew it was only a matter of time before I was called out.
So, when a guy called out "Hey!, new boy!", from just behind me, I was only surprised that it had taken until lunch time for the local tough guy to accost me...
Fuck it! here we go, again!, Pete
Ignore him, maybe he will let you go!...
Yeah, sure he will!
A body hit me side on and I was propelled into a locker, I turned myself to face my new enemy, readying myself to defend myself...
"Oh!, it's you!" I said...

Kelly had nudged me and pointed out the guy walking in front of us.
It was him!
"That's the guy!", she told Sean, "Sue's bit, from the river!!"
Good one, Kelly!
I could always trust her to be subtle!

"Hey!, new boy!" Sean had called out to get his attention... he'd kept on walking!
Sensing a fight brewing, all the other students had turned to look at the contenders, but I got in there first, using my body to nudge him to a stop, against the row of lockers. I'd felt him tense and he turned, fist cocked to thump me.
"Oh!, it's you!" he said... dropping his fist, "Hi, Sue!"
He'd remembered my name!
He took me into his arms and kissed me!
I couldn't help myself... I was all over him, like a rash!

Now some of the others were lauging and whooping in surprise, egging us on...
"Sue!" I heard Kelly call warningly...
"Ahem", a dry male sound... the two of us disengaged our hands and removed them from each other... Oh fuck!... it was Mr Cooper!
He looked us both over as we quickly tucked our clothes back in.
I still couldn't tell what he was thinking.... he had a good poker face!
I bit my lip... waiting for the axe to fall on us.
"Mr Cooper!...", I stammered, but he raised a finger to silence me.
"Miss Grantham!"... He was in his "Board of trustee's" persona... I was screwed! ... "Please explain what I am seeing?"
"Um!... I just found that my... good... friend was coming to our school now... and I was... letting him know I was... really... pleased to see him!?"
"And his name?"
"Umm!" I snapped my fingers, twice, under the guy's nose...
"Pete!, he supplied, helpfully.
"Hmmm!" Mr Cooper said, clearly not believing either of us...
"Begone!, the two of you!" he waved his hands at both of us.

We'd gone out to Sean's car, they were in the front seat, Pete and I were in the back... how many times had I been alone there?
It was different now...
Pete's fingers made all the difference...
well.. and his cock, too!.

With Pete, happily sexing Sue up every moment they could spare, things at the Cooper residence had settled down... the constant pressure of Sue wanting sex went away.

I was happy about that... it had been hard to ignore the flirting, even harder, the sexual offers, incessantly repeated.
She was such a sexy looking girl!... hard not to have your head turned, I guess. I was lucky no permanent damage had come from it. I'd wanted to let her know how she made me feel... tell her to back off. But it would have made it more of a challenge to her...
No!, I decided, it was better this way... keep my cool, hope it would pass.

I could watch the security camera, out by the Spa pool, watch Pete doing Sue, thinking that it was me... be aroused by them having sex and then take those feelings and use them in my own lovemaking... I looked at the menu, but ate at home.
One last look... oh yeah! that turns me on!
I turned off the PC...
Went into Lounge, wanting to make love to the one that really mattered to me... ran my hands over their body, I saw the response, the willingness, the eyes widening in surprise and then the lust... oh yeah!, it was all on now!

"Come to bed!" I whispered, "Come to bed... Mr Cooper!"

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