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My Aunt made me a ManI'm Patrick now 80, born July 1938. I was a sickly child and was kept away from people till I was 11 and had grown out of the illnesses that had affected me when I was younger. I was shy around most people and kept to myself. When I was 20 and working in the family firm, my mother passed away. My father had died in the war, I had 2 older siblings. But I was taken in by my mothers younger sister Ruth 49 at the time. Ruth was also a widow, her husband had been thru World War 2 and went again to Ko...reading time 4 mingenre
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Patrick B G
My Ex Wife's AuntI'm Nathan 38 divorced 2 children who live with their mother Shirley, I moved to a nearby town after the divorce for a new job and onto to a 5 acre block only 20 minutes from my children. I got a dog and settled in, I wasn't interested in dating at the time. I went to work and came straight home and done shopping on Saturday mornings. I get the children every second weekend and half the holidays. My dog Duncan as the refuge called him is a very friendly dog and my children love him. Then last Se...reading time 4 mingenre
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Nathan & Duncan
Lonely Sister in LawI'm Patrick 39 married to Cheryl 37 and we have 2 children and both have great careers and decided to limit our family at 2 children. I've 3 siblings and Cheryl has just her sister Chelsea 34 single and great career also. At the last Christmas gathering of their family, I saw Chelsea looking depressed and not wanting to get into her personal problems asked Cheryl. She told me she tell me later and I left it at that, later on at our home and children in bed. Cheryl told that Chelsea was lonely an...reading time 4 mingenre
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Patrick family breeder
My niece and me part 3My niece is now aged 22. She was married at the age of 18.she has no children yet. Her husband is working in Gulf and ones on holidays for one evry year.So she was staying on her own house. Last month I had to visit TVM for about five days The main purpose was to meet somebody. That will take only one say. So the remaining four days, I was free and had decided for sight visit including padpanabha khetram. Knowing that, niece requested whether she can accompany me and I agreed. After visiting ...reading time 10 mingenre
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A Surprise EveningA Surprising Evening It was Friday afternoon. I had finished my work early for the day and was readying myself for a night out with my friend Marty. I quickly showered and dried my hair. Wrapped in a towel I applied makeup. Some light blusher, eyeliner and some hot pink lipstick. I wandered into the lounge and sat, still wrapped in my towel to think about what I would wear for the evening. Michelle was arriving in about an hour. So I couldn't spend too long deciding. I put on the TV for a bit ...reading time 3 mingenre
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I inherited my Aunt(In 2022) My late father's brother died and I being his closest living relative was tasked in his will to watch over his wife 50 and I was just 23 single and in no relationship either. My parents having died in 2020 pandemic, and I was their only child. My uncle was 59 and had his first heart attack and it was fatal. My aunt isn't the brightest according to my late uncle, especially with money. So, I was made her financial guardian, she was happy with that condition of the will. She could've cha...reading time 4 mingenre
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Nephew's perfect arrangement
Marriage FailedI'll call myself Jane 31 married at 26 and no children, my ex husband I'll Larry 32 couldn't commit to having a family and wanted to party instead. I moved back to my home state and stayed with my brother I'll call Mark 31, yes my only sibling is my twin. Anyway Mark and me are polar opposites, I always liked to enjoy myself, Mark didn't he preferred to study and so ended up with a great career. Feeling low and dejected, I was hanging around Mark's home all the time. Even those he wasn't a party...reading time 4 mingenre
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Failure to SuccessMy love life was hookers and lucky for me I'm loaded, an only child born just before my mother turned 40. She had lot of trouble with my birth, so I was her first and last. My father was 12 years older than her and had stroke 2 years later and died, a lifetime of smoking, drinking and drugs was the cause. So, when my mother died at 62 (car accident) I was all that was left of my family no grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. None listed anyway, quite well off and felt awkward in personal rela...reading time 3 mingenre
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Former Failure
So Be ItI'm an easy-going type of person, usually go with the flow as long as it suited me, I must add. I'm also the outdoors type and enjoy camping, hunting and fishing. At 22 life's pathway was bright lit for me, I have a large trust fund and qualified as a mechanic. Wasn't interested in go to university and so was able leave school as long as I had backup, was my father's only condition on me leaving school early. My 3 siblings are the smart ones compared to me; I just couldn't get interested enough ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing Nephew
Using my NeighborHaving recently broken up my girlfriend and had plans for the Labor Day long weekend, I wasn't interested in going out to find another woman. I just wanted a woman to fuck no hassles, hookers weren't an option either. I don't like paying for sex and wanted free sex with no conditions. Main reason my girlfriend decided we were thru; I couldn't make a commitment. I was sitting watching the neighborhood and bored, I notice my neighbor 55 getting home from her job earlier than usual and she didn't l...reading time 4 mingenre
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Mercenary Employer
Out of work and broke MomI'm Vincent 31 single doing great career wise, I was brought up by my father as my mother left us when I was 10. We carried on and when I was 26 and finished university my father died. I was left fairly well off and had a great job. I had the family home not the same one as we had when my mother Cynthia 49 left us and had to sell to pay her out. Overtime he got another house and that's the one I inherited. I do okay with women, don't get laid every week but usually 1 a month. Back in late 2020 I...reading time 4 mingenre
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Vincent 666
My Past I'm Harry 33 just married in march to Susan 31 and expecting our first child in September. We were to marry earlier but Susan mother Corine 51 had a car accident and took two months to recover and Susan and me postponed the wedding 4 months to allow her time to fully recovered. Also to allow other family members from both side to attend due to the postponement. But one was unable to attend the first date and even the second, being overseas and unable to return till last week. She was Susan's aun...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Aunt YvetteI always take advantage of any situation to suit my self and last year I lost my job due company closer. Left with no money and no place to live, I lived from paycheck to paycheck. I had no savings and so far away from my parents, I only had aunt Yvette 40 widowed and no children. She was the closest relative to me, so I made my way to her home. I was welcomed by her, she is quite well off after the death of Christian her late husband. He was 25 or so years older than her and had gotten the viru...reading time 4 mingenre
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Robert father to be
Living with my aunt I've never had sex or anything close with my aunt, but her horny friend well that's a totally different story. My aunt was 49 when she took me in, and I was 16. Her best friend was still married then and lived next door. I came to my aunt after the death of my father her brother, as my closest living relative. My mother having passed away a few years before my father. I wasn't a great student or sportsman either and kept to myself mostly. Leaving school to learn a trade and so I learnt plumbing...reading time 4 mingenre
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Horny Plumber
Louisiana Lessons Part OneIt had been a long bus ride but I was now in Louisiana. The Greyhound bus was slowing at it approached my destination bus station. Looking out of the window I could see Cousin Lee Anne waiting for. My word she had grown since I had last seen her. She was a girl then and now a well endowed young teen girl with tits that were just bursting to escape the confines of her low cut blouse. She had long black hair that hung loose to her almighty breasts. As I stepped down from the bus she ran to hug me...reading time 8 mingenre
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Born outside of WedlockI'm Richard 64 married with 3 grown children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I was born in 1944 to Shellyanne who was 18 at the time and father was Richard 26 at the time. Richard came from a very well to do family and his life was all laid out ahead of him. Marrying my mother wasn't part of the plan, he married in his own social circle and had 2 more children, both boys 2 and 4 years after I was born. Richard did take care of us, he bought my mother a house and found employment for ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Richard K
The WeddingI freely admit I'm a arrogant person and I think that's okay. Last April I had to attend the wedding of a cousin Laura, I really didn't want to go. But my mother said If I didn't go, that her and dad would have me transferred to the remotest place in the family company. So I attended, I went alone and was seat next to aunt Jane 43 divorced nice looking for her age who also was alone at the wedding. I was planning a quick exit from the wedding as soon as I could. But my mother was watching me lik...reading time 4 mingenre
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Black Cock Slut      We never ever wrote a story about my wife and her boss, but I will tell you how it happened. She used to go away for work most of the times with her co-worker and they would share the same room being 2 women.  This time her co-worker couldn't make the trip so her boss, Joe, decided to go to see how things work because she always got what her office needed to continue their mission and he wanted to know just how it was done.      I dropped her off at the airport early one morning as ...reading time 27 mingenre
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Tom W
The Boat TripMy brother David built a 30 foot boat 1978, when he was 23 then. After he launched it and done some testing and he decided to take a long trip. I was 20 at the time, so he asked if I would like to join him on the trip. He planned a trip of about a year in duration, we were well off financially. Due to a family trust fund, our parents weren't too concern as David and me had been boating since we could walk. When we left in early 1979 and headed southwest towards the islands in the central Pacific...reading time 3 mingenre
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My first blow job I was 18 and really not going anywhere in life. Went downtown to play pinball , and bought a couple of joints so the pinball would be a bit more interesting. Finished the first between games, but still didn't feel the energy I usually did. Left the pinpall parlor, and starting walking home. street was pretty quiet, then a small black car beeped at me and stopped a few yards down. He rolled down his window and asked... "So what's happening guy? Wanna go for a ride and see if we ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Life storyLife story By Dina Petro Authors Note: Dear fans and readers, this is a fictional life story of some anonymous woman, it represents no actual person’s life at all, just an entertaining story to read and enjoy. ********* My Name is Lena, I am 28 Now, I was in my late teens, early twenties when the events of this story had started. My mother Julia got married, got pregnant and started having kids while she was so young, she had three kids, my brother Emil, myself, and my sister Brenda who is two y...reading time 14 mingenre
Group sex
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Dina Petro
Farm BoyI consider myself a farm boy, but that is stretching quite a bit. The farm is family owned and one of quite a few the family owns. I'm the manager of the farms a title gotten because I'm a relative and one who didn't go passed high school. I was put on a farm to be out of sight mainly but have learned a bit on the running of a farm. When the previous manager retired, I was put in his place as everything was more or less computerized there wasn't a need for another manager. But it gave them a pla...reading time 4 mingenre
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Lucky Farm Boy
My StepmotherI'm Glen 31 single, I stayed with my late mother Caroline after her divorce from my father Douglas 72 a so called self made man. That's a total lie as he inherited everything and hasn't added as much as a penny since his father passed. If not for the strict conditions on his inheritance he would've gone broke years ago. His life isn't anything to be proud of either, went overseas to study to avoid possible military service. After he returned said he really wanted to join the military, but had to...reading time 4 mingenre
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Glen J
Raji my neighbor Just adjacent to our house one small family is staying.One old couple and their son and wife.One day I was alone at home since wife had gone to 2 days' stay at her house in another district. My neighbor was Raji.She was not fair complexioned but semi dark. But she was a bit fat with big boobs and heavy buttocks. Seeing her I always wanted to press her boobs and buttocks. But it remained in my dreams only. That day when I was all alone in my house Raji came and told her husband and his par...reading time 3 mingenre
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It started with a BlowjobI've a great career and a lousy love life and I'm not the most attractive man about. Still single at 32 and rarely going out at night. My life was going to work and doing whatever shopping I needed too on my way home and staying home on weekends. On my way home on a Friday evening, it was blowy and cold I need groceries, and, in the carpark, a woman approached me asking for a handout. I was reluctant as was my usual behavior, but she offered to give me a blowjob for $20. She must be really despe...reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy and married
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