Mature Women
I'm Nathaniel 25 self employed, single average build and looks. I had a fling with my former landlady last year, she was lonely and her husband John was away working, it started with a few drinks and ended up with sex. It's over now and I quite enjoyed it, any I had the chance to buy my own apartment and so I did and moved last October. But having been with a mature woman I now also check them out, as before I wouldn't have gave them a second look. Not much in the way of prospects at my new address, old or young. I'm not in to overweight women, but I met Nancy 52 single at the local diner. She worked there and I liked the look of her. After getting to know I asked her out to dinner with me. At first she refused, but after several tries she agreed. I had a great time with her and I know she enjoyed it also. So I asked her out again and the third time we went out I made my move and only got a kiss and a quick feel. It was our sixth date that I got her into my bed and later on she moved in with me. Along with her sister and niece, her sister Alana 49 widowed and niece Zia 24 single couldn't have afforded the rent without Nancy. Also Nancy had told me that her and Alana were lovers and she wouldn't mind if I was to bed Alana. Which I did the second they were in my apartment. Zia was the quiet shy type and I was told that if I bedded her they would expect me to marry her. All I said was So I can bed her then. By the first weekend of all living together Nancy and Alana were in my bed every night and Zia had the other room to herself. Nancy told that Zia would be my perfect match and she would get upset with me fucking her mother and aunt. I took that as a greenlight to bed Zia. It was hard to get her alone and so I tried when Alana and Nancy were present as well. I got her out on a date alone with me and I was able to kiss her and this gave the confidence to continue. It was early March this that I was able to fuck her and take her virginity. Alana and Nancy joined us after and I'm having regular sex with all still. I asked Zia to marry me last week and she agreed, we sleep together in my room and that is the plan after the wedding as well. I get sex anytime I want and they walk about the apartment naked, to tell me which is willing. Zia isn't taking any precautions and I'm hoping to get her pregnant soon. My mother Angela 53 divorced has visited and is moving to the city next month, she knows I'm sleep with Nancy and Alana as well as Zia. You never know your luck, I might be able to bed her as well. As for my father he gone overseas and hasn't bothered to reply to emails.
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