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Nerdy Brother, Broke SisterI won't bore you with the history of my sexual relationship with my sister. But I was attending university and doing well in my studies and financial activities as well. I was involved in several money-making ideas me, and some friends were profiting from. My sister not so good with her studies and would rather party rather than do anything else. All well and good till our parents had to cut back on paying allowances. Not a problem for me and I told my parents before I didn't need an allowance w... reading time 3 mingenre
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Trained Brother
I caught my MotherFirst of all, my father 62 neglected my mother 50 sexually and she loves sex. So, I 24 had need of a computer as mine failed and was in getting repaired. My mother allowed me to use her laptop to complete my history project. In the course of finalizing the project I came across a dating app hidden away in a folder which was also hidden. Similar file names and as I only used part names a list appeared and that's how I found the app. My mother is a person of habit and so I sued the same password I... reading time 4 mingenre
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Horny Son Willing Mother
My brother the geekMy bother younger than me by 17 months and he always done very well at school, and I struggled and dropped out married it failed and I thought my life was a failure. Our parents died in pandemic, and I only had my brother who had a good paying job. With the divorce being finalized quickly due no children, I moved in with my geeky brother. At least I wasn't on the streets, and I done his housework for him including his laundry. He paid me so I had money in my purse, I've always thought of him as ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Willing very horny sister
Breeding my then auntMy aunt by marriage was in a tight spot, my uncle wanted a child, and she hadn't got pregnant yet. My uncle my late mother's older brother was wealthy and impatient he was 64 and wanted a child as soon as possible and had married a woman 30 to a child prenup in place. I was his only other heir, and I would get a fair share regardless of his success or failure. So, I had no worries whether he succeed or failed, his health wasn't good either and heavily drinking didn't help and 6 packs of cigarett... reading time 5 mingenre
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Horny Nephew/Husband
Perfect RelationshipI 33 returned from working overseas and already had a job lined up on my return. Starting my new job, I was slowly finding my place. Both at work and socially, while overseas I had a great deal of fun (sex). But it was different there to here and so I had to readjust to the new norm. But my superior 54 took an interest in me and I was made her assistant, which I was okay with. She was out and about more than in the office so I wouldn't caged in an office all day. Her interest in me was based on ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Happy Son-in-law/husband
Bedding my Mother My father died (cancer) 4 years ago and my mother was left very sad and started drinking and would pass out. I'm her youngest and only son and only one still living at home and would put her to bed after she passed out. I wasn't in any relationship and had no prospects on the horizon of one either. Reading erotic stories was my way of getting motivated to masturbate myself and get off. At 25 it sounds weird, but that was my life, and it was stay home and go to work and come home. My mother 54 f... reading time 3 mingenre
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Sneaky son
Asked by my GrandmaI'm 26 and doing well career wise and okay relationship wise, no steady girlfriend at the moment. Last month I was over my grandma's cottage doing some minor repairs. Anyway, I was asked the usual questions. You know got a girlfriend yet and if not why, but then there was another question. Would I do her a great big favor, without asking what I said I'll do anything for you. It's a strange request she said, but added I need someone to fuck my widowed 62 friend as she is getting dementia and I've... reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing Grandson
I Fucked My Drunk Sister I fucked my drunk sister. I decided to visit my sister who I hadn't seen for a few years. Arriving at her house we hugged it out and enjoyed quite an enjoyable evening together. We had a great time reminiscing and talking about our lives. She brought out the wine and the whiskey. After a few hours, we both ended up absolutely plastered, we got to the point where we didn't know what we were doing, I stood up and thats when we both collapsed back into the chairs. Then everything was a blank, th... reading time 7 mingenre
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Honey Windowcleaner
Black sheepShort History at the time this started I was 23 hadn't a good student and always getting to trouble and my father kicked me out at 16. I started travelling and doing whatever I could to get by, sometimes arrested. But never convicted and or sent to prison. But I finally wised up as they say and tried to improve my future prospects. But that didn't mean being a goody two shoes, I was always trying to make money not always quite legal. But knew enough to keep out of trouble most times. Then my luc... reading time 8 mingenre
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Black sheep reinvented
Taking AdvantageI'm divorced and got divorced for taking advantage of my assistant, caught by wife now ex-wife. The assistant is no longer working for me either, still quite well off after the divorce and have a new apartment as my ex has the house. But now ready for chasing women and the dating crap, I was on the lookout for quick sex more than a relationship. I was waiting for my takeout at the front of my apartment building. I saw a woman looking thru rubbish bins for whatever she could get, she was at least... reading time 4 mingenre
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Still taking advantage
Helped my depressed NeighborI live at home with my parents and work as a plumber and don't do well dating but have had some success. I live at home for 2 reasons, first home cooked meals, the other I wanted to stay in area and nothing to rent was available. Our neighbor hadn't been living there long about 3 years and were in their late thirties. Had no children then the husband died in an accident (car) and that was sad. But I soon noticed the wife was very sad and depressed and at thought it was due to losing her husband.... reading time 3 mingenre
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Helpful Plumber
After years awayMy parents divorced and I was taken away by my father back to his home country. My mother was left here as she had been caught fucking another man, hence the divorce. My father was well off and got custody of me and I never heard from or seen my till I returned 25 years later. My father was 37 when he married my mother then 23 and I was 3 almost 4 when I left for overseas with my father. Now almost 29 I had returned; my father had died in a skiing accident the year before. I return just to see m... reading time 5 mingenre
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Searcher Son
I thought my brother was gayMy older brother and only sibling is very smart and done very well at university and then got a started in a great career. But he didn't seem to date, and I couldn't remember seeing him with girls. Convinced my brother was gay, I decided to save him from himself. I've a friend who is sex mad and would fuck anything for a frill. I suggested to her she couldn't seduce my brother as he was out of her league. She said she could and so she started to stalk my brother, stalk might seem a little bit mu... reading time 1 mingenre
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Wrong Sister
House Keeper with BenefitsMrs Bull, my housekeeper and I had enjoyed several encounters during her twice weekly visits to my home. It seems Mr Bull was not looking after her physical needs. She was in her late fifties, rather plump and enjoyed gossiping to me about others in the village. One day, in the kitchen, she was telling me how when she was taking the family dog for his evening walk and she had come upon her neighbour’s car parked in a woodland clearing. As she got closer, she was able to see he was in there with ... reading time 7 mingenre
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Max Turner
Widowed Sister-in-lawIt started with a simple request by my wife, find her widowed sister a boyfriend/lover. I'm 43 and my wife the younger of two is 41. Her sister 45 and has two children 12 and 10 both boys and so doesn't date at all. Luckily, she lives next to us, and my wife watches her nephew while their mother is working. Finding a boyfriend for my sister-in-law, I didn't know where to start all the males I know are either married, gay or assholes. I told my wife that and she simply said if you can't find anyo... reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Lucky Husband
InheritanceShort history my mother's family were wealthy and only had 2 children my mother the oldest and her sister 12 years junior to her. Likewise, my mother only had me and never lived to have another child. My father and her died in a car accident 2 years before my mother's parents died in pandemic, father's parents are unknown as he was in state care since he was 3 years old, believed to have died as no records exist due to fire years ago. On the death of my grandparents, I 21 was in the will with my... reading time 3 mingenre
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Not lonely AnymoreI wasn't ever great at meeting or dating women and thought I would never marry. At the age of 28 I gave trying to meet and date women. Being average is the best way to describe me, early onset pattern baldness adding to my look. I started a small business and focused on it, and I succeed I was doing very well and at 32, I was now employing 12 people, and everything looked good business wise. In no relationship and using hookers to get some sex, I wasn't looking as they say. In 2021 before the Ch... reading time 5 mingenre
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Familyman at last
Giving my Aunt a baby update 2Natasha decided she did want another baby and we started trying again late last year and succeed quicker than the first time to my dismay. But as I had again help her and she knew I was enjoying having sex with her, she kept sleeping with me until late in her pregnancy. But none since the baby arrived, but I'm hopeful she might let me fuck her again sometime. But my mother Wendy aware of us regularly fucking and her not getting much from my father. Got a little drunk while my father was away, an... reading time 2 mingenre
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Andrew J
Life going Badly.At 32 single and facing unemployment as the company I worked for was closing down. No reason skills to get me another job none I could do available locally. Even becoming a hooker wasn't an option, already too many. But as I sat wondering about my lack of a future, I was sitting watching TV and it was some old movie I wasn't taking very much notice off. But then I saw a younger woman marrying a lot older man, which caught my attention. As I hadn't been paying attention, I didn't know the story b... reading time 6 mingenre
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Very Lucky Woman
My mother NancyMy mother Nancy is a busty 5'9" brunette with green eyes. she is a bisexual slut. My mother has a sexual appetite like no other. She also has no inhibition and no shame when it comes to sex. At eighteen I married the love of my life. At twenty I was divorced and living at home again. My mother was glad to have me back. For more than one reason. I knew my mother was bisexual. After my father beat her up, my mother divorced him. Instead of finding another man. My other started ... reading time 7 mingenre
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Janice joe
Why NotDog's Name Changed. I was 33 and still a virgin and not on anyone's dating radar, I'm overweight and plain looking at best. Big tits were about all I had going for me, so I read erotic story to get off. Usually, the first times and straight stories, but on a rainy day and bored I decided to read a Zoophilia story for a change. I found my myself ultra aroused afterwards and so I decided I should try it out personally. First problem no dog and a thought get a rescue dog, but they fix up the dogs t... reading time 3 mingenre
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Number 1 Bitch
Very Willing and no takers I'm overweight and single and ready and willing to fuck but had no takers. I got my stomach banded to help reduce my weight and lost half my excess weight, still no interest from any man. But my luck changed I caught my old gardener 59 watching the young the young neighbor's daughters 18 & 20 in their bikinis around their pool. He had his cock in his hand and was masturbating, I'm 34 and decided on seeing him masturbating to give him the choice fuck me, or I tell the father of the girls he was w... reading time 1 mingenre
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Ever Horny and willing
The Minster's wifeOur local minister (57) is a real conservative type and a hail and brimstone preacher. Says he is strong and fit and ready to fight the devil's horde. But he isn't up to fucking his wife, if he's fucking anyone it's not his wife 49. How do I know because I'm fucking her, and I don't go to church at all. I (51) run a small shop near the church, my wife died of cancer in 2019 and my children are grown and have started their own families. Being close to the church and having adjoining gardens makes... reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Shopkeeper
SusieHi my name is Art. The year i turned 15, i walked over to my uncles house one day in the hot summer. i went to the back yard and found him in the shed with Susie his great Dane. he never saw me, his back was turned. But i knew he was fucking her pussy. just then i heard him say. oh Susie girl take my seed and have my puppies. i watched as his hips bucked forward and his ass clenched as he pumped his load into her, then i snuck away. before he saw me. I waited a few days to go back. i found him... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lonely Working as a handyman can sometimes be a lot of fun, however those sexual encounters you hear about can be few and far between not that the job goes hand in hand with the encounters it’s just a reality of the job it does happen. Now I’m going to tell you about one of those occasions, I’ve been married to a wonderful woman for a long time and right from the start we both knew that we had been with same sex partners and we have a lot of fun exploring those avenues together every chance we get. I ... reading time 7 mingenre
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