Black sheep
Black sheep reinvented
Short History at the time this started I was 23 hadn't a good student and always getting to trouble and my father kicked me out at 16. I started travelling and doing whatever I could to get by, sometimes arrested. But never convicted and or sent to prison. But I finally wised up as they say and tried to improve my future prospects. But that didn't mean being a goody two shoes, I was always trying to make money not always quite legal. But knew enough to keep out of trouble most times. Then my luck changed, I was in my home state no plans to visit family and get told off or to fuck off. I stayed away from their usual stamping grounds and kept a low profile, still using my real name but with different spelling. Which made it easier to pass unnoticed by family and their friends. K's can replace C's and vice versa and that's how I came across my mother's mother I'll call Edith 63 widow very strait-laced woman and my biggest critic before my exile. A church going conservative who would lynch Jesus if he returned as being a socialist liberal. But I found her in the seedy part of the city somewhere a so-called Christian shouldn't be in her book. She was after cock and young cock at that, she was a very horny old gal and if only her friends could see her getting fucked. I'd changed a great deal gone was the skinny with lily white skin know it all kid to a well-tanned solid man with sun faded hair and a bent nose. I knew her straight away and she didn't recognize me, even my voice is different to the whiney one I had when I kicked out. She was on the prowl for a young cock, I wasn't at first of no interest to her as passed me by looking for a younger man. But none were there, I was the youngest by far and so became her interest. Promise of cash and a warm bed for the night and I was willing to fuck my grandmother. She kept an apartment for special meetings her term for fucking the lowlife, meaning anyone of less social status than her. For an old gal she was a great fuck, and I made the most of it while it lasted. She would tire of me soon enough I thought anyway. But there was a drought of young men at the time it seemed, and I became her go to guy for sex. But after several months she wanted another younger stud and I moved on and met my cousin (father's family side) I'll call Jessica 27 single and a budding artist helped by a trust fund. I had one too, but I couldn't access it because I froze out of the family, and it may have closed I don't know or care. Anyway, Jessica lived in a small town outside the city most of the family lived in. Preferring to paint landscape and a portrait every now and then. I was one of the chosen few to get a portrait painted by Jessica. Not because I was handsome, but because I looked rugged and had more experience in life. Her words and she kept to herself most of the time rarely visiting the extended family or they her. I had no idea she lived in the town and was on my way thru when I bumped into her. I was eating at diner, planning to hitch hike away after. She came and saw me I recognized her straight away; she hadn't changed much at all. She thought I had an interesting face and asked me to pose. I said I had no time as I had to catch a lift, she offered me a place to sleep and meals while I posed. I decided to pose, and she took me to her home just outside the town nothing flash. But it was comfortable. she had a self-contained room I could use while there. It had a single bed and a toilet and shower with just the room door to keep others out. Better than most places I've slept, anyway she was all work as it said. But after a while stopped and started making our dinner. I was wondered if she was like my mother's mother, but it soon became apparent she wasn't. While she was painting me, I decided to see if I could bed her. It took time but I did get to kiss her and then bed her and was shocked to find I was her first lover. I'd assumed she had relationships, and she hadn't. Anyway, I headed off after 7 days with and having bedded her and had no plans to return at that time (2018). Anyway, as things worked out, I was in her neck of the woods again 2020 and with the pandemic being talked about and a lockdown on the cards. I decided to see if Jessica still lived there. She did and was fairly happy to see me and also introduced me to my daughter 7months old. The result of me fucking her, she didn't hate me for getting her pregnant as she said it made her life better. I was allowed to stay with, which was great help as the lockdown was announced. We had been lovers before, but we didn't just restart being lovers. But we did restart after a couple of weeks, I really enjoyed being with Jessica and our daughter. I couldn't just tell her I was her younger cousin; I needed a good story to cover up my deception. I told her had been in several fights hence the bent nose and one was so bad I had head injuries and had memory loss but remembered my name and not much more. As I had no ID and I got new ID once on I was recovered. But I added I'm not really that sure it is my name. Now with a lie in place I had to have something to help my memory return and break the news I was her cousin. But it was her who found out we were cousins; I had only posed for her fully dressed. sex was in a dark room, and we didn't shower together. She decided to paint me totally naked or like a Roman emperor with ring of leaves on my head and a sheet around my body. I was agreeable and it was while posing she saw my birthmark on the lower left side of my back, and it was quite distinctive. She had seen it for years while we grew up at and in the family swimming pool. But she said at first as she wanted to double check, ringing my mother and asking for a certain photo of the family when I was 13. I had my back to camera and the birthmark was clearly visible. My mother sent by email, and only then did she first show me the photo and I quickly realized she knew I was. But I was smart enough to play dumb, pretending I didn't know anything. But over time I started to believe her more as that was now the plan to protect my story. Anyway, she wasn't concerned we were lovers, or we had a baby together she was very happy she had found her missing cousin. My lie of a story also gave me protection, as I could say I didn't remember anything. It helped a great deal with Edith as she remembered me as her young lover. I've a face not easy to forget, but as I didn't remember, and she didn't know who I was. She asked me not to tell the family and I agreed, I had a very good reason. I was back in the family and the slate wiped clean, also I still had the trust fund sitting there. Any thing I did before were wiped away and my getting my cousin pregnant was just brushed off as unknown. The fact I was still sleeping with her also let pass as we were in love before, and it was found we were cousins, and our daughter is very healthy. Our greatest supporter being Edith, mainly I believe because I had dirt on her. Another child since and also healthy and I live with Jessica and our children.
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